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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label A.Abu Khawla. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label A.Abu Khawla. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 26 september 2017

VS centraal commando werkt in Syrië samen met IS en verklaarde Rusland de oorlog.........

Afgelopen zondag werden 3 hoge Russische officieren in het oosten van Syrië vermoord bij 'een aanval van IS......' Deze officieren werden ofwel vermoord door speciale troepen van de VS, dan wel middels een door de VS gecontroleerde terreurgroep....... Deze moord kan gezien worden als een oorlogsverklaring van het centrale commando van de VS in Syrië.......

De VS wil de olievelden in oostelijk Syrië onder beheer brengen bij de Koerden, door een Koerdische ministaat in te richten, een 'staat' die uiteraard gecontroleerd zal worden door de VS...... Echter Syrië heeft alle belang bij deze olievelden, dit om de enorme schade te herstellen die is aangericht in de door de VS opgezette illegale oorlog tegen de democratische gekozen regering Assad..... Ter verduidelijking: de VS was al vanaf 2006 met de voorbereidingen bezig >> eerst een opstand organiseren die moest uitmonden in een staatsgreep tegen de regering Assad...... Echter hier liep het anders dan in Oekraïne, waar de VS dezelfde 'tactiek' volgde en daar wel succes mee had.....

Vorige week veroordeelde Rusland de VS voor het samenwerken met Al Qaida in de provincie Idlib*, afgelopen zondag beschuldigde Rusland de VS zelfs van het samenwerken met IS en gaf daar de bewijzen voor......

Voor de zoveelste keer is dus bewezen dat de VS enorme terreur uitoefent en niet alleen terreurgroepen bewapent en traint, maar nu zelfs met hen meevecht...... Niet alleen dat, maar de VS werkt nu zelfs samen met  de door haar bewapende psychopathische terroristen........

Hoe lang kunnen de reguliere westerse (massa-) media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici de VS, ofwel de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, blijven steunen door het fabriceren van doorzichtige leugens, of door het herhalen van leugens van de CIA en het Pentagon..??!!! (terwijl men de vuilbek vol heeft met beschuldigingen over nepnieuws, of 'fake news', gebracht door de alternatieve media.......)

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Moon of Alabama, zoals dit werd geplaatst op Information Clearing House:

Syria - U.S. CentCom Declares War On Russia

By Moon Of Alabama

September 25, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  Yesterday three high ranking Russian officers were killed in an "ISIS attack" in eastern-Syrian. It is likely that they were killed by U.S. special forces or insurgents under U.S. special forces control. The incident will be understood as a declaration of war.

The U.S. Central Command in the Middle East wants the oil fields in east-Syria under control of its proxy forces to set up and control a U.S. aligned Kurdish mini-state in the area. The Syrian government, allied with Russia, needs the revenues of the oil fields to rebuild the country.


Last week the Russians issued sharply worded statements against U.S. coordination with al-Qaeda terrorists in Idleb province and warned of further escalation.

Yesterday the Russian Ministry of Defense accused the U.S. military in east-Syria of direct collaboration with the Islamic State:
US Army special units provide free passage for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the battle formations of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, the ministry said in a statement.
Facing no resistance of the ISIS militants, the SDF units are advancing along the left shore of the Euphrates towards Deir ez-Zor,” the statement reads.
The newly released images “clearly show that US special ops are stationed at the outposts previously set up by ISIS militants.”
Despite that the US strongholds being located in the ISIS areas, no screening patrol has been organized at them,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said.
This map marks the currently relevant conflict area - (U.S. proxies - yellow, SAA - red, ISIS - black):

Map by Weekend Warrior - bigger

The accusations are plausible. Large parts of ISIS in Deir Ezzor consist of local tribal forces from eastern-Syria. U.S. special envoy Brett McGurk recently met tribal leaders who had earlier pledged allegiance to ISIS. Deals were made. As we wrote:
The U.S. diplomat tasked with the job, Brett McGurk**recently met with local tribal dignitaries of the area. Pictures of the meeting were published. Several people pointed out that the very same dignitaries were earlier pictured swearing allegiance to the Islamic State.

Just like during the "Anbar Awaking" in its war on Iraq the U.S. is bribing the local radicals to temporarily change over to its side. This will help the U.S. to claim that it defeated ISIS. But as soon as the payments stop the very same forces will revert back to their old game.
The local criminal Ahmad Abu Khawla, who had earlier fought for ISIS, was suddenly installed as commander of a newly invented "Deir Ezzor Military Council", set up under U.S. special force control.

Last night a Russian three-star general and two colonels were killed in a mortar attack while they visited a Syrian army headquarter in Deir Ezzor:
Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov, of the Russian armed forces, has been killed after coming under shelling from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants near Deir ez-Zor, the Russian Defense Ministry has announced.
In its statement, the ministry said that Asapov was at a command outpost manned by Syrian troops, assisting commanders in the liberation of the city of Deir ez-Zor.
Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov is the highest-ranking Russian officer to be killed in the Syrian campaign. He was a commander of the 5th Army in Russia’s Eastern Military District, one of the four strategic commands in the Russian Armed Forces. The army is based in Russia’s Far East, in the city of Ussuriysk, some 98 km (61 miles) from Vladivostok.
For three years ISIS had besieged Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor city and its airport. It had not once managed to successfully attack the Syrian headquarter or to kill high ranking officers. Now, as U.S. proxy forces "advised" by U.S. special forces, have taken position north of Deir Ezzor, "ISIS" suddenly has the intelligence data and precision mortar capabilities to kill a bunch of visiting Russian officers?

That is not plausible. No one in Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran or Moscow will believe that.

The Russian military, as usual, reacts calmly and officially attributes the attack to ISIS. Doing so avoids pressure to immediately react to the attack. (The U.S. will falsely interpret this as a face-saving Russian retreat.) 

But no one in Moscow will believe that the incident is independent of other recent maneuvers by the U.S. forces and independent of the earlier accusations the Russian military made against the U.S. forces.

Nominally the U.S. and Russia are both in Syria to fight the Islamic State. The Russian troops are legitimately there, having been invited by the Syrian government. The U.S. forces have no legal justification for their presence. So far open hostilities between the two sides had been avoided. But as the U.S. now obviously sets out to split Syria apart, openly cooperates with terrorists and does not even refrain from killing Russian officers, the gloves will have to come off.

U.S. Central Command has declared war on the Russian contingent in Syria. A high ranking Russian general was killed. This inevitably requires a reaction. The response does not necessarily have to come from Russian forces.  Moscow has many capable allies in the area. The response does not necessarily have to come in Syria.

"Accidents" and "incidents", like an "ISIS mortar attacks", or unintentional bombing of troop concentration of the other side, can happen on both sides of the front. Cars can blow up, bridges can collapse. Any U.S. officer or civilian official in the larger Middle East should be aware that they too are now targets.

This article was first published by Moon Of Alabama –

See also -
Death of Russian general in Syria is result of US hypocrisy – Moscow : Moscow is concerned that while Washington claims it is interested in fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS\ISIL) terrorists, it demonstrates quite the opposite.


*  Eerder haalde de VS 'Al Qaida Syrië' van de zwarte terreurlijst.......

** Dezelfde schoft Brett McGurk die eerder Rusland durfde te beschuldigen van samenwerking met IS.... Zie: 'Westerse bemoeienis met Syrië en de anti-Russische propaganda leugens (in de media).........'

Zie ook: 'CIA erkent dat Israël samen met Saoedi-Arabië 'vecht tegen terreur', die ze NB zelf hebben georganiseerd........'

        en: 'Al Qaida de bondgenoot van de VS in de strijd tegen...... terrorisme! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!' (intussen heeft de VS 'Al Qaida Syrië' van de zwarte lijst met terreurorganisaties gehaald!!)

       en: 'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

      en: 'Van Baalen (VVD EU topgraaier) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

      en: 'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'