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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label McGurk. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label McGurk. Alle posts tonen

maandag 8 maart 2021

Tulsi Gabbard (2de Congreslid voor Hawaï) stelt dat de VS een smerige oorlog voert in Syrië

Al in 2017 werd het aantal gedode en gewonde militairen van het Syrische leger op 100.000 geschat, in de 4 voorafgaande jaren vermoord door terreurgroepen ('rebellen'), die in het geheim werden bewapend en getraind door de CIA....... De CIA kreeg daarvoor een budget van 'maar liefst' 1 miljard dollar....

In Latakia probeerden door de VS gesteunde terreurgroepen een genocide uit te voeren op de alawieten (ook alavieten genoemd)

In 2014 beschuldigde de huidige VS president Joe Biden de geallieerden (dus de vrienden van de VS ofwel NAVO-partners) voor het met enorme bedragen aan geld en wapens steunen van terreurgroepen ('gematigde rebellen') , dat deden die landen met de voorwaarde dat ze tegen Assad moesten vechten (ofwel een verandering van regime bewerkstelligen)...... Biden bood later zijn excuses aan voor zijn woorden, niet omdat de door hem genoemde feiten niet waar zouden zijn (ook Nederland onder Rutte 2 gaf geld aan [ronduit] terreurgroepen....), maar omdat hij geallieerden te schande had gemaakt..... Dit alles terwijl Hillary Clinton al in 2012 als minister van BuZa onder Obama (en Biden als vicepresident) openlijk stelde dat Al Qaida in Syrië een partner was van de VS (de VS haalde Al Qaida Syrië zelfs van de terreurlijst die het hanteert...)..... Met al die westerse steun (plus die van Saoedi-Arabië en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten [VAE]), vochten deze zogenaamde gematigde terreurgroepen niet alleen tegen het reguliere Syrische leger, maar ook tegen de Syrische bevolking, wat resulteerde in een waar terreurbewind......

Tulsi Gabbard

Echter daar bleef het niet bij: de VS vond het prima dat ISIS (in de video in het hieronder opgenomen artikel aangeduid als Daesh) Assad bevocht en dat het succes leek te hebben om Damascus in te nemen, één van de redenen waarom Rusland ingreep en met groot positief gevolg ISIS wist terug te dringen!! Niet in de video het feit dat de VS ISIS zelfs van wapens en ander oorlogstuig heeft voorzien (o.a. te vinden in Wikileaks en in de links na het hieronder opgenomen artikel)......

Hoge ambtenaren van Obama en nu Biden geven toe dat de VS Syrië moedwillig heeft vernield, alleen om een verandering van regime te bewerkstelligen......

Intussen houdt de VS nog steeds één derde van Syrië bezet, een gebied waar niet alleen de belangrijkste olievelden zijn te vinden, maar waar zich ook belangrijke landbouwgebieden bevinden, belangrijk voor het voeden van het Syrische volk...... De olie wordt zelfs verkocht door de VS, een ernstige oorlogsmisdaad, die openlijk door Trump werd ingezet en niet teruggedraaid door Biden...... Des te ernstiger daar Syrië geen geld meer heeft en de illegale sancties van de VS en de rest van het westen (illegaal: niet door de VN ingestelde sancties) dood en verderf zaaien in Syrië (en dus weer mensen op de vlucht jagen....)...... Het zal je waarschijnlijk niet verwonderen dat het Coronavirus flink huishoudt onder de verzwakte bevolking.....

De sancties en het bezetten van dit economisch belangrijke Syrische gebied door de VS zijn erop gericht dat Syrië niet aan de wederopbouw kan beginnen, dit doel werd zelfs toegegeven door een belangrijke beambte van Biden, tevens vicevoorzitter van de Syria Study Groep: Dana Stroul....... Ofwel in feite gaf deze Stroul toe dat de VS enorme terreur uitoefent in Syrië!!!

Tulsi Gabbard die zich met grote inzet heeft verzet tegen het moorddadige beleid van de VS in Syrië werd en wordt vooral door oorlogsmisdadiger Kamala Harris gedemoniseerd in de Democratische Partij als agent van het Assad bewind...... (hoorde vannacht nog op Radio1 dat de enorme sufferd Prem een groot aanhanger is van deze ploert en haar ziet als 'rolmodel' voor vrouwen; e.e.a. ook vanwege Internationale Vrouwendag, welnu wat 'een geweldig rolmodel...') Harris gebruikte in die toespraak woorden als kakkerlakken, je weet wel één van de favoriete woorden die de nazi's gebruikten voor mensen die zij als minderwaardig ('Untermensch') zagen, mensen die zij hebben vergast..... (in de strijd tegen kakkerlakken wordt met name in de VS nog steeds ook gas ingezet.....)

Met het voorgaande en het hierna volgende wordt ten overvloede nog eens aangetoond dat de VS ook onder Biden de grootste terreurentiteit ter wereld is en dit zal blijven....... Zie o.a. de video waarin Tulsi Gabbard de VS aan de schandpaal nagelt. Het volgende artiokel werd eerder gepubliceerd op The Grey Zone, ik nam het over van Information Clearing House.

Tulsi Gabbard calls out the US dirty war on Syria

By The Gray Zone

Watch Biden and some of his most senior aides admitting to the horrific realities of the US dirty war on Syria

While Joe Biden has faced some mild Congressional pushback for bombing the Iraq-Syria border, Tulsi Gabbard says her former colleagues are ignoring the larger issue: the ongoing US dirty war on Syria. After a decade of proxy warfare that empowered Al Qaeda and ISIS, the US is now occupying one-third of Syria and imposing crippling sanctions that are crushing Syria's economy and preventing reconstruction.

Posted March 07, 2021

While Gabbard has been vilified for her stance on Syria, many top White House officials -- including Joe Biden himself -- have already acknowledged the same facts that she has called out. Aaron Maté plays clips of Biden and some of his most senior aides admitting to the horrific realities of the US dirty war on Syria, and argues that Gabbard only stands apart in being wiling to criticize it.

Featuring video clips from: Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic Congressmember; President Joe Biden; Brett McGurk, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa; Martin Dempsey, former Joint Chiefs chairman; Rob Malley, Special Envoy for Iran; John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate & former Secretary of State; former President Donald Trump; Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur on Sanctions; Dana Stroul, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Vice President Kamala Harris.

Find more reporting at

See also

Biden's First Act Of War Hits 3 Countries

Biden's Airstrikes Against Facilities in Syria Is a Gift to Daesh, Report Says

The people of the United States don't have a clue that U.S. troops are occupying the oil rich parts of Syria.

Hier nog de link naar audio: 'The Socialist Program with Brian Becker >> The Real Story: A Socialist Look at Syria and US Intervention'


Zie ook: 'Russische terughoudendheid t.a.v. aanvallen door de VS en Israël op Syrië bereikt het tegenovergestelde effect: oorlog!!'

'VS zegt uit zelfbescherming doelen in Syrië te hebben gebombardeerd........'

'Idlib: westerse anti-Syrische en -Russische propaganda'

'Syrië: uitleg over de geologische en psychische oorlogsvoering tegen dit land'

'Turkije vermoordt meer dan 50 Syrische militairen: artikel 5 van de NAVO komt in beeld....' (waar het westen met verontwaardiging reageert als Syrië Turkse militairen op haar eigen grondgebied aanvalt, terwijl het westen stil is als er Syrische militairen worden vermoord in Syrië door terreurstaat Turkije en de terreurgroepen die dit land steunt....)

'Pompeo liegt keihard dat Iran Al Qaida steunt en onderdak geeft' (terwijl hij Al Qaida Syrië van de terreurlijst haalde...)

'NSA,Victoria Nuland, waarschijnlijk nieuwe VS staatssecretaris politieke zaken'

'Biden neemt bestuurslid van wapenfabrikant Raytheon als minister van 'defensie': garantie op bloedvergieten'

'Joe Biden (VS president) zegt oorlog in Jemen te willen stoppen, echter 'de oorlog tegen terreur' in Jemen gaat gewoon door'

'Met Joe Biden is er niets veranderd op de wereld, anders dan dat 'het Trump fascisme is weggestemd''

'Biden komt verkiezingsbeloften niet na: zo blijft de VS oorlog voeren en de genocide in Jemen steunen' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'De laatste beslissing van Trump t.a.v. Jemen gaat wat betreft schunnig handelen mijlen verder dan de Capitol Hill rel en zal niet worden teruggedraaid door Biden' (hier ging ik 'iets te snel door de bocht', Biden heeft die beslissing teruggedraaid) (zie de links in dat bericht!!!)

'Joe Biden heeft het Coronasteunpakket voor de arme bevolking gesaboteerd'

'Jemen: zijn wij niet met z'n allen de terroristen die zovelen al een afschuwelijke dood bezorgden?' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Groot-Brittannië heeft 145 militaire bases in 42 landen' (de VS heeft er meer dan 800 over een groot deel van de wereld....)

'Oorlogshelden bestaan niet, alleen oorlogsslachtoffers: met de loep o.a. gericht op Jemen'

'Jemen: Biden zal als president de genocide niet stoppen'

'Biden zal de VS hegemonie over de wereld 'redden', ofwel nog gewelddadiger optreden dan Obama en Trump samen..... 'business as usual: US terror''

'Jemen, Pogingen van de VS om een conflict te provoceren met Iran zijn bedoeld om de herverkiezing van Trump veilig te stellen'

'Vredesakkoord Israël, VAE en Bahrein gericht op oorlogsvoering en doodshandel

"A new era of peace", aldus Netanyahu over de aangeknoopte politieke banden met de VAE, even vergetend dat Israël bijna dagelijks illegaal oorlog voert'  

'USAID weer betrapt op wapensmokkel tussen 'humanitaire hulp', dit keer voor Jemen' (eerder o.a. voor Venezuela)

'Hillary Clinton manipuleert democratische voorverkiezingen' (waarmee ze vooral Tulsi Gabbard demoniseerde)

'VS centraal commando werkt in Syrië samen met IS en verklaarde Rusland de oorlog.........

'Obama wist van bewapenen en ondersteunen terroristen in Syrië.......'

'The United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia Created and Funded ISIS'

'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'

'VS steunt terreurgroepen als ISIS in Syrië...........'

Tracing ISIS’ Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US

'VS centraal commando werkt in Syrië samen met IS en verklaarde Rusland de oorlog.........'


Zie voor meer VS terreur: 'De illegale oorlogen van de VS deze eeuw hebben niet 2,5 miljoen levens gekost, maar minstens 5 miljoen'

'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' (intussen zijn daar deze eeuw al ruim meer dan 2,5 miljoen moorden aan teoe te voegen, morden begaan door de VS of haar NAVO -partners, zoals Nederland, let wel NAVO-partners onder bevel van de VS, nogmaals verreweg de grootste terreurentiteit op onze kleine planeet....)

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'VS: openlijke militaire oefening met terreurgroep in Syrië......'

'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO.........'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'VS heeft Rusland al 3 keer met oorlog gedreigd, de laatste 2 keer in de afgelopen 1,5 week......' (bericht van 5 oktober 2018) 

'Bang voor Amerika' (met een gedicht van vjbasil (47). In hetzelfde bericht o.a. een link naar het album 'Earthling' van David Bowie met daarop het nummer: I'm Afraid of Americans.

donderdag 27 augustus 2020

Biden zal de VS hegemonie over de wereld 'redden', ofwel nog gewelddadiger optreden dan Obama en Trump samen..... 'business as usual: US terror'

De Democratische Conventie heeft eens te meer duidelijk gemaakt dat met een Democraat in het Witte Huis de kans op een verlichting van de ongebreidelde VS terreur in diverse buitenlanden geen sprake zal zijn..... Vorige week dinsdagavond werd in de VS een van te voren opgenomen video uitgezonden, waarin een groep van 7 militaire, geheime dienst en diplomatieke beambten werden getoond, deze figuren stelden dat de Trump administratie niet agressief genoeg optreedt in het Midden-Oosten*, en tegen Rusland, China, Iran en Venezuela......

Ongelofelijk dat ook Colin Powell deel uitmaakte van de 7, dat deze vreselijke oorlogsmisdadiger zijn mond nog open durft te doen is een gotspe!! De schoft stelde dat niemand zal durven opstaan tegen Biden daar ze zullen weten wat 'business' is onder Biden, je weet wel dezelfde 'business' die met de leugens van Powell werd losgelaten op Irak en die daar intussen aan meer dan 2 miljoen mensen het leven heeft gekost, ofwel mensen die zijn vermoord door de VS en haar hielenlikkende NAVO partners als Nederland.......

            Final Nite 4 of the Dem Nat'l Tent Revival | café babylon

Zoals al zo vaak gesteld (ook op deze plek) met Biden als president zal de wereld er bepaald niet vreedzamer op worden en dat is een beangstigend feit!! (vooral beangstigend voor de bevolkingen van landen die zich weigeren te schikken naar de VS hegemonie.....) 

Je kan onder het volgende artikel klikken voor een 'Dutch vetaling, dat neemt wel enkele tientallen seconden tijd in beslag. Het onderstaand artikel werd eerder geplaatst op de World Socialist Web Site ( en werd door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House:
The Biden campaign and the attempt to “rescue” American hegemony
By Andre Damon

The Biden campaign and the attempt to “rescue” American hegemony - World  Socialist Web Site

August 23, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -  Over the past week, the American public was subjected to an eight-hour infomercial, officially termed by the Democratic Party a “convention,” in which the long-time political reactionary Joe Biden was packaged simultaneously as the great American everyman and a miracle cure for America’s problems.

Amid celebrity cameos, empty platitudes, and unconvincing “personal” anecdotes, the vast majority of this week’s telethon was devoid of any actual discussion of program and policies. Behind the hoopla, however, there are significant conflicts within the ruling class, centered primarily on issues of foreign policy.

These conflicts were partially revealed on Tuesday night, when the convention aired a pre-recorded segment featuring a group of seven military, intelligence and diplomatic officials who claimed that the Trump administration was not fighting the US wars in the Middle East and pursuing its conflicts with Russia and China aggressively enough.

Commenting on Trump’s Middle East policy, Brett McGurk, in charge of the US operations in the Middle East under Obama, said, “Our military had a policy to maintain our presence in Syria,” which Trump went on to “abandon.” He concluded, “It’s shameful.”

Rose Gottemoeller, former Deputy Secretary General of NATO, concluded that Trump “hasn’t been standing up” to Russia and China “at all.” Another State Department official added, “Thanks to Donald Trump, our adversaries are stronger, and bolder.”

Following the segment, General Colin Powell added that Biden “will make it his job to know when anyone dares to threaten us, he will stand up to our adversaries with strength and experience. They will know he means business.” The “business” for which Powell is best known is the destruction of Iraq and the death of one million of its inhabitants, based on false claims about “weapons of mass destruction.”

These themes were expanded upon in a letter published Friday by a group of 72 high-level intelligence and military officials—and war criminals—headed by former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden, declaring their support for Biden.

The first of the letter’s ten bullet points states that Trump “has called NATO ‘obsolete,’ branded Europe a ‘foe,’ mocked the leaders of America’s closest friends, and threatened to terminate longstanding US alliances.” As a result, the letter concludes, “ Donald Trump has gravely damaged America’s role as a world leader.”

In other words, the present administration has undermined the fundamental geostrategic aims that have led the United States into three decades of war: The effort to control the Eurasian landmass, including the Middle East.

In the four years since Trump became the Republican nominee, a ferocious conflict has been raging within the ruling class, centered on differences over foreign policy, and in particular the “hot war” being waged between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian forces in its Eastern regions after the US-backed coup in 2014.

Instead of focusing on the conflict with Russia that has been the preeminent concern of much of the foreign policy establishment, the Trump administration has been preoccupied with stunting the economic growth of China while building up US military capabilities to fight a war in the Pacific.

But here, too, the military and intelligence figures aligned with the Biden campaign feel that the White House has been ineffective. As two of the letter’s signatories wrote in an article in Foreign Policy magazine, “Trump has confronted China by starting trade wars with everyone else” rather than involving other imperialist states. “Major democratic powers including Japan, France, and Canada are desperate to work with the United States to blunt China’s predatory technology policies.”

From the standpoint of the ruling class, it is primarily these differences over foreign policy, not domestic policy, that are being fought out in the election. Facing the greatest social and economic crisis since the Great Depression, domestic policy has been conducted on a largely bipartisan basis. The CARES Act, which sanctioned the multi-trillion-dollar bailout of Wall Street while starving testing and contact tracing, passed unanimously in the Senate and by an unrecorded voice vote in the House.

The latest issue of Foreign Affairs, one of the main journals of US geopolitics, lays out some of the concerns of the dominant factions of the state. “After nearly four years of turbulence,” the lead editorial states, “the country’s enemies are stronger, its friends are weaker, and the United States itself is increasingly isolated and prostrate.”

Its concern is that Trump has proven an unreliable steward of the interests of the ruling class abroad. “Dragging his party and the executive branch along, the president has reshaped national policy in his own image: focused on short-term advantage, obsessed with money, and uninterested in everything else.”

The magazine’s lead story declares that Trump’s unstable and erratic foreign policy has resulted in a situation in which “China is wealthier and stronger, North Korea has more nuclear weapons and better missiles… and Nicolás Maduro is more entrenched in Venezuela, as is Bashar al-Assad in Syria.”

From the standpoint of the Biden campaign, the solution to all of these crises is to reassert American dominance and “leadership” over its traditional allies in Europe and Japan in order to pursue a more aggressive US policy against Russia and China. The United States must again be the world hegemon.

The central focus of the new administration will be “reclaiming America’s place in the world” through the reassertion of “American exceptionalism,” stated Joe Biden adviser Jake Sullivan in the Atlantic .

Earlier this year, Biden published an article entitled “Rescuing U.S. Foreign Policy After Trump” in the March/April issue of Foreign Affairs. In that article, he declares, that “to counter Russian aggression, we must keep the alliance’s military capabilities sharp.” At the same time, the United States needs to “get tough with China.” The “most effective way to meet that challenge is to build a united front of U.S. allies and partners to confront China.”

But while the latest issue of Foreign Affairs may be titled “The World Trump Made,” the geopolitical debacle facing the United States did not spring from Trump’s head. Trump did not make the “world.” Rather, the “world”—and, specifically, the crisis of American imperialism—made Trump.

The decline in the hegemonic position of the United States extends over a period of decades and was already evident prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990-91. The dissolution of American imperialism’s Cold War adversary was seized on by the strategists of the American ruling class to declare a “unipolar moment.” The United States could utilize its unrivaled military power to counter its declining economic position through force.

The endless series of wars launched by the United States over the past three decades have destroyed entire societies—in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen, among others. But they have failed to reverse US imperialism’s fortunes. Moreover, they have profoundly distorted and brutalized American society itself: a process of which the fascistic Trump administration is an expression.

Even prior to Trump’s inauguration, there were growing tensions between the US and its erstwhile allies in Europe. The coronavirus pandemic and the disastrous response of the ruling class to it—a policy that has been bipartisan—has further eroded the global position of American capitalism.

American imperialism confronts intractable problems, and first among them is the growth of social opposition within the United States itself. Among the considerations motivating support for the Biden campaign within the ruling class is the hope that it can somehow establish a broader base for imperialist aggression abroad. The promotion of identity politics is aimed at further integrating privileged sections of the upper middle class behind the project of global domination. This is what Kamala Harris represents.

A Biden/Harris administration will not inaugurate a new dawn of American hegemony. 
Rather, the attempt to assert this hegemony will be through unprecedented violence. If it is brought to power—with the support of the assemblage of reactionaries responsible for the worst crimes of the 21st century—it will be committed to a vast expansion of war. Trump and Pompeo are barreling headlong toward a conflict with China. Biden’s critique of this disastrous course is that the United States needs to get “tough,” whether against Russia, China, Afghanistan, Syria, or everywhere in between.

The American ruling class, moreover, confronts in the growth of the class struggle the most serious threat to its geopolitical ambitions.

Whichever course is ultimately determined by the election, US imperialism has, as the World Socialist Web Site warned in the run-up to the Iraq war, a “rendezvous with disaster.” All factions of the US state are united on a course of action that will lead to the deaths of countless millions. The struggle against war will not go forward through the selection of either Trump or Biden, but through the independent struggle of the working class.
Copyright © 1998-2020 World Socialist Web Site - All rights reserved - "Source" -

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* Waaronder Syrië, waar de Obama administratie een opstand organiseerde met 'leiders' die veelal uit het buitenland kwamen en daarbij scherpschutters inhuurden die op demonstranten schoten, om dit zo in de schoenen van Assad te kunnen schuiven >> een typische false flag operatie, waarin de VS de specialist is.......

Voor meer berichten over Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Powell, verkiezingen, illegale oorlog, Irak, Rusland, China, Iran en/of Venezuela, klik op het desbetreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

dinsdag 26 september 2017

VS centraal commando werkt in Syrië samen met IS en verklaarde Rusland de oorlog.........

Afgelopen zondag werden 3 hoge Russische officieren in het oosten van Syrië vermoord bij 'een aanval van IS......' Deze officieren werden ofwel vermoord door speciale troepen van de VS, dan wel middels een door de VS gecontroleerde terreurgroep....... Deze moord kan gezien worden als een oorlogsverklaring van het centrale commando van de VS in Syrië.......

De VS wil de olievelden in oostelijk Syrië onder beheer brengen bij de Koerden, door een Koerdische ministaat in te richten, een 'staat' die uiteraard gecontroleerd zal worden door de VS...... Echter Syrië heeft alle belang bij deze olievelden, dit om de enorme schade te herstellen die is aangericht in de door de VS opgezette illegale oorlog tegen de democratische gekozen regering Assad..... Ter verduidelijking: de VS was al vanaf 2006 met de voorbereidingen bezig >> eerst een opstand organiseren die moest uitmonden in een staatsgreep tegen de regering Assad...... Echter hier liep het anders dan in Oekraïne, waar de VS dezelfde 'tactiek' volgde en daar wel succes mee had.....

Vorige week veroordeelde Rusland de VS voor het samenwerken met Al Qaida in de provincie Idlib*, afgelopen zondag beschuldigde Rusland de VS zelfs van het samenwerken met IS en gaf daar de bewijzen voor......

Voor de zoveelste keer is dus bewezen dat de VS enorme terreur uitoefent en niet alleen terreurgroepen bewapent en traint, maar nu zelfs met hen meevecht...... Niet alleen dat, maar de VS werkt nu zelfs samen met  de door haar bewapende psychopathische terroristen........

Hoe lang kunnen de reguliere westerse (massa-) media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici de VS, ofwel de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, blijven steunen door het fabriceren van doorzichtige leugens, of door het herhalen van leugens van de CIA en het Pentagon..??!!! (terwijl men de vuilbek vol heeft met beschuldigingen over nepnieuws, of 'fake news', gebracht door de alternatieve media.......)

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Moon of Alabama, zoals dit werd geplaatst op Information Clearing House:

Syria - U.S. CentCom Declares War On Russia

By Moon Of Alabama

September 25, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  Yesterday three high ranking Russian officers were killed in an "ISIS attack" in eastern-Syrian. It is likely that they were killed by U.S. special forces or insurgents under U.S. special forces control. The incident will be understood as a declaration of war.

The U.S. Central Command in the Middle East wants the oil fields in east-Syria under control of its proxy forces to set up and control a U.S. aligned Kurdish mini-state in the area. The Syrian government, allied with Russia, needs the revenues of the oil fields to rebuild the country.


Last week the Russians issued sharply worded statements against U.S. coordination with al-Qaeda terrorists in Idleb province and warned of further escalation.

Yesterday the Russian Ministry of Defense accused the U.S. military in east-Syria of direct collaboration with the Islamic State:
US Army special units provide free passage for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the battle formations of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, the ministry said in a statement.
Facing no resistance of the ISIS militants, the SDF units are advancing along the left shore of the Euphrates towards Deir ez-Zor,” the statement reads.
The newly released images “clearly show that US special ops are stationed at the outposts previously set up by ISIS militants.”
Despite that the US strongholds being located in the ISIS areas, no screening patrol has been organized at them,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said.
This map marks the currently relevant conflict area - (U.S. proxies - yellow, SAA - red, ISIS - black):

Map by Weekend Warrior - bigger

The accusations are plausible. Large parts of ISIS in Deir Ezzor consist of local tribal forces from eastern-Syria. U.S. special envoy Brett McGurk recently met tribal leaders who had earlier pledged allegiance to ISIS. Deals were made. As we wrote:
The U.S. diplomat tasked with the job, Brett McGurk**recently met with local tribal dignitaries of the area. Pictures of the meeting were published. Several people pointed out that the very same dignitaries were earlier pictured swearing allegiance to the Islamic State.

Just like during the "Anbar Awaking" in its war on Iraq the U.S. is bribing the local radicals to temporarily change over to its side. This will help the U.S. to claim that it defeated ISIS. But as soon as the payments stop the very same forces will revert back to their old game.
The local criminal Ahmad Abu Khawla, who had earlier fought for ISIS, was suddenly installed as commander of a newly invented "Deir Ezzor Military Council", set up under U.S. special force control.

Last night a Russian three-star general and two colonels were killed in a mortar attack while they visited a Syrian army headquarter in Deir Ezzor:
Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov, of the Russian armed forces, has been killed after coming under shelling from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants near Deir ez-Zor, the Russian Defense Ministry has announced.
In its statement, the ministry said that Asapov was at a command outpost manned by Syrian troops, assisting commanders in the liberation of the city of Deir ez-Zor.
Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov is the highest-ranking Russian officer to be killed in the Syrian campaign. He was a commander of the 5th Army in Russia’s Eastern Military District, one of the four strategic commands in the Russian Armed Forces. The army is based in Russia’s Far East, in the city of Ussuriysk, some 98 km (61 miles) from Vladivostok.
For three years ISIS had besieged Syrian troops in Deir Ezzor city and its airport. It had not once managed to successfully attack the Syrian headquarter or to kill high ranking officers. Now, as U.S. proxy forces "advised" by U.S. special forces, have taken position north of Deir Ezzor, "ISIS" suddenly has the intelligence data and precision mortar capabilities to kill a bunch of visiting Russian officers?

That is not plausible. No one in Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran or Moscow will believe that.

The Russian military, as usual, reacts calmly and officially attributes the attack to ISIS. Doing so avoids pressure to immediately react to the attack. (The U.S. will falsely interpret this as a face-saving Russian retreat.) 

But no one in Moscow will believe that the incident is independent of other recent maneuvers by the U.S. forces and independent of the earlier accusations the Russian military made against the U.S. forces.

Nominally the U.S. and Russia are both in Syria to fight the Islamic State. The Russian troops are legitimately there, having been invited by the Syrian government. The U.S. forces have no legal justification for their presence. So far open hostilities between the two sides had been avoided. But as the U.S. now obviously sets out to split Syria apart, openly cooperates with terrorists and does not even refrain from killing Russian officers, the gloves will have to come off.

U.S. Central Command has declared war on the Russian contingent in Syria. A high ranking Russian general was killed. This inevitably requires a reaction. The response does not necessarily have to come from Russian forces.  Moscow has many capable allies in the area. The response does not necessarily have to come in Syria.

"Accidents" and "incidents", like an "ISIS mortar attacks", or unintentional bombing of troop concentration of the other side, can happen on both sides of the front. Cars can blow up, bridges can collapse. Any U.S. officer or civilian official in the larger Middle East should be aware that they too are now targets.

This article was first published by Moon Of Alabama –

See also -
Death of Russian general in Syria is result of US hypocrisy – Moscow : Moscow is concerned that while Washington claims it is interested in fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS\ISIL) terrorists, it demonstrates quite the opposite.


*  Eerder haalde de VS 'Al Qaida Syrië' van de zwarte terreurlijst.......

** Dezelfde schoft Brett McGurk die eerder Rusland durfde te beschuldigen van samenwerking met IS.... Zie: 'Westerse bemoeienis met Syrië en de anti-Russische propaganda leugens (in de media).........'

Zie ook: 'CIA erkent dat Israël samen met Saoedi-Arabië 'vecht tegen terreur', die ze NB zelf hebben georganiseerd........'

        en: 'Al Qaida de bondgenoot van de VS in de strijd tegen...... terrorisme! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!' (intussen heeft de VS 'Al Qaida Syrië' van de zwarte lijst met terreurorganisaties gehaald!!)

       en: 'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

      en: 'Van Baalen (VVD EU topgraaier) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

      en: 'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'

maandag 22 februari 2016

Westerse bemoeienis met Syrië en de anti-Russische propaganda leugens (in de media).........

Het volgende artikel vond ik afgelopen vrijdag op Information Clearing House, hierin aandacht voor de smerige westerse anti-Rusland / anti-Assad propaganda. Enorme leugens, die desnoods een paar dagen later onderuit worden gehaald met nieuwe leugens, als het zo uitkomt. Als één van de laatste 'wapenfeiten' op dat gebied, de totaal ongefundeerde leugen dat Rusland ziekenhuizen zou hebben gebombardeerd, o.a. een ziekenhuis van Artsen Zonder Grenzen (MSF)...... U kan voor een vertaling onder het artikel klikken op Dutch, dat neemt wel enige tijd in beslag:

Russia Lances the Poison in Syria
By Finian Cunningham
February 18, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "SCF" -  Less than five months after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered military intervention in Syria, the five-year war has been completely transformed. Peace is far from certain as a tentative truce this week will attest. The conflict may even escalate. But what Russia’s intervention has certainly achieved is to squeeze out into the open the poisonous forces of regime change that have brought Syria to its dire condition.
Not only is the Syrian state pulled back from the brink of collapse into a terrorist-run failed entity, as befell «NATO liberated» Libya, but the Russian air strikes like a surgical operation have lanced the noxious inflammation festering in Syria. All sorts of poisons are now oozing and being exposed, primarily the nefarious roles played by Western powers, their regional allies, and the toxic lies propounded by the Western news media to cover for crimes against peace.
If it were not for the gravity of human suffering, the situation could be seen as almost comical, owing to the Western contortions to hide reality. Western governments and their servile media are falling over themselves with ever-changing stories and spin, accusing Russian military operations of all sorts of crimes: killing civilians, hitting hospitals, exacerbating the refugee crisis, targeting «moderate rebels», or «propping up a dictator».
This week, the Western media rushed to implicate Russia or the allied Syrian army in striking hospitals and schools in Azaz and Maarat al-Numan near the Turkish border. Some 11 people were killed at the latter facility, which is supported by the French medical group Doctors Without Borders (DWB). No evidence was presented to support the high-flown claims in the Western media accusing Russia. Russia denied any involvement, while the Syrian government said that the US-led forces carried out the attacks. Meanwhile, all week Turkish military were launching hundreds of artillery volleys across the border into the very area around Azaz where the hospitals were hit. But Western media did not question Turkey about its violation of Syrian sovereignty or the possibility that the errant strikes could have been inflicted by Turkish forces, perhaps even as a false flag to impute Russia.
Last week, the US military spokesman Colonel Steve Warren blamed Russia for air strikes on two hospitals in Aleppo City. Russian defense ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov responded by saying that Russian aircraft were not active in the city that day, Wednesday, and that Russian surveillance data in fact showed that two US warplanes had bombed Aleppo.
It is not clear who did strike the DWB-supported hospital in this week. But one established relevant fact is that it was the Americans who bombed a DWB hospital in Afghanistan last October, killing some 30 staff and patients. Also, in Yemen, the US-backed Saudi bombing coalition striking that country have routinely hit DWB and other hospitals on numerous dates over recent months, as even confirmed by DWB.
One other feat of narrative-contortion was given by US envoy to Syria Brett McGurk, who told Congressional lawmakers last week that Russia was «directly helping Islamic State terrorists» from its military intervention in Syria. Another warped spiel was that of US government-owned outlet Voice of America which claimed that Russia’s air strikes were pushing moderate rebels to join the ranks of extremist militia.
Any and all narratives are hastily churned out, it seems, to avoid the obvious, real story: Russia has saved Syria from a covert war of aggression waged by foreign powers who have been using terrorist proxies for the objective of regime change.
That’s it in a nutshell. Russia should be commended, if objective analysis were to prevail. But objective analysis must not prevail in Western media narratives because that would expose the toxic role of their governments and their own criminal complicity in distorting the conflict in Syria.
In a recent «backgrounder» on the Syrian war, here is how the British state-owned BBC «explained» what’s happening: «More than 250,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war. More than 11 million others have been forced from their homes as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those opposed to his rule battle each other – as well as jihadist militants from so-called Islamic State».
The BBC tells it like a guileless fairytale, which in its simplistic telling is itself guileful. Note how in the BBC narrative the «jihadist militants» appear from nowhere as if they are an accidental walk-on sideshow; and how, as if by magic, «anti-government protests escalated into a full-scale civil war».
This is the kind of toxic nonsense that Western governments and their evidently dutiful news media have been pumping into the consciousness of their public’s minds for the past five years.
But now that Russia has entered the fray, the poison is oozing out from the Syrian wound.
The Turkish state of Recep Tayyip Erdogan this week is shelling Syrian territory in what any fair-minded person would describe as an act of aggression towards a sovereign country. Ankara is claiming it is attacking «terrorist» Syrian Kurdish militia, the YPG. Not unrelated is the fact that the YPG last week inflicted heavy losses on the jihadist mercenaries that Ankara has been supporting, when the Kurds took over Menagh airbase.
NATO member Turkey has reportedly hit Kurdish villages in Aleppo Province causing civilian casualties, as well as Syrian army positions and Russia’s airbase in Latakia, whom the Kurdish YPG have been liaising with.
Saudi Arabia is sending fighter jets to the NATO airbase at Incirlik in Turkey’s Adana Province, allegedly to begin combat operations against the Islamic State terror group in Syria. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are readying a ground invasion of Syria, with the approval of the Pentagon.
If we step back from the commotion, it is patent that what is unfolding here is flagrant aggression, which the Syrian government has protested to the United Nations Security Council. But with the US, Britain and France – executive powers in the regime-change war on Syria – the UNSC will simply bury the legitimate protests from Damascus.
The unavoidable conclusion is that NATO – the US-led military alliance supposedly maintaining global security – has openly become a belligerent in the Syrian war. The obvious factor is that Russia’s intervention has cut off the Turkish-Saudi-NATO channels to the regime-change terrorist brigades inside Syria. Turkey’s murderous shoot-down of a Russian bomber jet last November – with apologetics from Washington and other NATO members – was the initial, desperate response to Russian success in thwarting the covert war.
The severance of the NATO mercenaries in Aleppo from their lifeline in Turkey is further evidence of Russia’s deep incision into the poison. Turkey and Saudi Arabia’s war mobilization and their tortuous pretexts is straining credulity and straining Western media efforts at trying to sanitize what is going on.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter may have publicly endorsed the plan for Saudi and Turkish military intervention in Syria under the laughable guise of «fighting terrorism». But it is also clear that Washington has become unnerved by the runaway train wreck it is riding with these two rogue states. France and Germany are also calling for Turkey to cease its cross-border shelling of Syria.
US Vice President Joe Biden, who only weeks ago was in Ankara chumming it up with the Erdogan regime, reportedly phoned Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu last weekend urging him to call off the artillery fire into Syria.
Voice of America reported«US officials say there is little to be done to counter militarily the Russian-backed Assad offensive and they argue the vicious five-year-long Syrian civil war that has left upwards of 250,000 dead won’t be resolved by the clash of arms but through a negotiated political settlement».
US Secretary of State John Kerry desperately wants «peace talks» in Geneva because he knows the covert war is on a losing streak. Peace talk is just a cover for political wrangling for regime change. But the Russians are having none of it. Moscow is going to wipe out the foreign-backed mercenaries and stick to the principle of Syrian sovereignty for mapping the country’s political future. The US State Department is in a bind. It has backed a loser, but the impetuous, irrational Erdogan and Saudi clients are not giving up on their regime change fantasies.
Washington is being ensnared in its own toxic contradictions. It has led the criminal scheme for regime change in Syria, instrumented by Turkey and Saudi Arabia in weaponizing radical jihadist mercenaries. As the New York Times recently admitted«The Russians have cut off may of the pathways the CIA has been using for a not-very-secret effort to arm rebel [that is, terrorist] groups».
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told the Munich Security Conference last weekend that Syria was in danger of escalating into all-out international war. His warnings were scoffed by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir as being alarmist – this from an advocate of foreign aggression on Syria!
Medvedev’s warnings are not at all alarmist. They are realist. Frighteningly realist. Russia’s intervention in Syria is demonstrating the complete lawlessness of Washington and its NATO and regional allies. Syria is not in the grip of a «civil war» as the Western media fabricate. Syria is in the crosshairs of foreign powers and their criminal project to destroy a country for their twisted geopolitical ambitions.
Before Russia’s operation, Syria was a shackled patient being amputated upon, injected with all kinds of poisons and generally being violated. The Western media were the orderlies who pulled a screen across this obscenity so that the public would not know. This vile charade can no longer be concealed. The US-led NATO, Arab, terrorist covert war on Syria is there for all to see, and it is largely down to Russia for exposing the despicable crime.
The truth is no guarantee of peace. But in order to eventually arrive at a peace, we at least need to learn of truth.
 Click for SpanishGermanDutchDanishFrench, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.

Zie ook: ''Perstituees' aan het werk, ofwel de reguliere westerse afhankelijke media van dag tot dag.....'

       en: 'Breedlove (NAVO) 'spreekt weer eens uit de nek': Rusland moet aanvoer hulpgoederen bombarderen!!'

       en: 'CIA erkent dat Israël samen met Saoedi-Arabië 'vecht tegen terreur', die ze NB zelf hebben georganiseerd........'

        en: 'VS centraal commando werkt in Syrië samen met IS en verklaarde Rusland de oorlog.........'

        en: 'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

        en: 'Al Qaida de bondgenoot van de VS in de strijd tegen...... terrorisme! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!' (intussen heeft de VS 'Al Qaida Syrië' van de zwarte lijst met terreurorganisaties gehaald!!)

       en: 'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'

       en: 'Van Baalen (VVD EU topgraaier) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

Klik voor meer berichten volgend uit het voorgaande, op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt niet voor de labels: McGurk en Warren.