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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label BAE Systems. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label BAE Systems. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 6 juni 2020

Wapenfabrikanten gaan voor duurzame oorlogsvoering.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Dacht even dat ik erin bleef toen ik afgelopen vrijdag 29 mei de kop boven een artikel van Unearthed (Greenpeace) zag: wapenfabrikanten die zich voorbereiden op de klimaatverandering en zich richten op het verduurzamen van oorlogsvoering......

Tja, oorlogsvoering is in alle opzichten een heel smerige klus, dus dat moet schoner kunnen hebben de oplichters bedacht!! (in een hersenstorm van 2 weken)

Eén en ander geeft ten overvloede nog eens aan dat grote bedrijven zich maar wat graag 'greenwashen' in de openbaarheid en zich daarbij voordoen als de beschermers van het klimaat, terwijl ze de wereld in een noodtempo onbewoonbaar maken.......

Hoe kan je in godsnaam proberen om duurzaam oorlog te voeren, dit is zonder meer een contradictio in terminis die z'n weerga niet kent!!! Steden bombarderen, mensenlevens vernietigen en ga nog maar een half uur door, alsof dat niet alleen hele gebieden en steden in puin legt, maar ook de klimaatverandering een enorme duw in de rug geeft......

Het is als VVD premier en aartsleugenaar Rutte die het gore lef had te zeggen dat er dik geld verdiend kan worden aan de klimaatverandering, terwijl hij en zijn kabinet Rutte 3 (inclusief de 2 voorgaande) amper of niets doen tegen de klimaatverandering..... De wapenfabrikanten zien dat hun klanten, afzonderlijke landen, het belangrijk vinden om te spreken over duurzaamheid en daar haken deze fabrikanten op in, door het greenwashen van hun producten..... Zo van: als de gemiddelde burger maar denkt dat we duurzaam bezig zijn, is er 'geen vuiltje aan de lucht', dezelfde afweging die neoliberale en inhumane regeringen als Rutte 3 gebruiken.......

De hoogste tijd dat de grote wapenfabrikanten op de internationale terreurlijst worden geplaatst, immers zij behoren tot de hoofdverantwoordelijken voor vele tientallen miljoenen moorden, waarbij ze ook nog eens verantwoordelijk zijn voor een uitermate vuil productieproces dat funest is als je de klimaatverandering wilt afremmen en met het gebruik van hun producten deze klimaatverandering op een gigantische manier aanjagen...... (producten als: wapens, munitie, rollend, varend en vliegend oorlogstuig, plus wapensystemen) 

Het doel van verduurzaming is de aarde te redden voor generaties na ons, terwijl wapenfabrikanten compleet voor het tegenovergestelde staan: zoveel mogelijk oorlogvoeren, waarbij zelfs de komende generaties in de vorm van kleine kinderen worden vermoord....... Deze wapenfabrikanten gaan voor de grote winsten ook als de aarde en een groot deel van de mensheid daarvoor naar god moet worden geholpen........

Figuren die zich bezighouden met duurzame oorlogsvoering zouden (als de ontwikkelaars van wapens en wapensystemen) voor de rest van hun leven gevangen moeten worden gezet, immers dit zijn psychopaten van een smerig niveau zo als nog maar zelden is gezien, levensgevaarlijke oplichters en massamoordenaars!!! ('duurzame massamoorden', hoe zot moet je zijn.....)

How weapons manufacturers are preparing for climate change 

26.05.2020 Joe Sandler Clarke 

How weapons manufacturers are preparing for climate change - Unearthed
A man trys out the cockpit of a Eurofighter Typhoon jet at the BAE Systems exhibition space at the Farnborough Airshow in 2018. Photo: Adrian Dennis / AFP via Getty Images.

Arms makers are putting forward energy efficient lasers, solar submarines and gas powered assault ships as their contribution to tackling the climate crisis

From solar submarines to low carbon lasers: the climate crisis is giving weapons manufacturers new opportunities to hawk their deadly wares with eco-friendly marketing.

Unearthed and VICE have gone through documents prepared by some of the world’s biggest weapons manufacturers to see how they are responding to the climate emergency.  
We’ve learned that the arms industry fears cuts in fossil fuel use will undermine demand for highly polluting products like tanks, planes and ships. But from developing new, greener weapons to spotting “financial opportunities” amid threats to public safety caused by environmental disaster, the industry is looking for ways the climate crisis can increase sales.

Raytheon, an American aerospace and defence company which had net sales worth in excess of $27 billion in 2018, told the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) last year that it’s investing in technologies that are either “low carbon or do not require as much fossil fuel”. So you can give Mother Earth a big hug at the same time as you eviscerate your enemies from the battlefield.

In a report submitted to the CDP – a small NGO which asks major companies to detail their climate plans annually – that it was putting its money into “high powered microwave systems”, which apparently can be used to disable multiple drones at once, and “high energy laser weapon systems”. A video posted on Raytheon’s YouTube channel shows the lasers easily swatting drones and missiles out of the sky like a game of low-carbon Space Invaders.

BAE Systems says it is testing new equipment in a ‘wider range of temperatures than similar products have been specified for in the past’

BAE Systems, the British firm which has played a leading role in supplying the Saudi air force with materials for its war in Yemen, wrote in its 2019 CDP submission that it was testing new equipment in a “wider range of temperatures than similar products have been specified for in the past”, many of its key markets, including the Middle East, face increasing extremes of heat if temperatures rise unabated.

Reduce, re-use, recycle are the watch words of the eco-conscious everywhere, and in the UK, the Ministry of Defence has said it is looking to cut down on plastic and other forms of waste by reusing “munition packages”, used to hold everything from bullets to missile components. 

Lockheed Martin cites its venture capital arm, Lockheed Martin Ventures, in its CDP submission. The firm has investments in several robotics firms and a Californian business called Ocean Aero which makes solar powered submarines. 

According to Ocean Aero’s website, these solar submarines can tackle illegal fishing and help with environmental monitoring. But in an article jointly published by Ocean Aero and Lockheed Martin in 2018, sets out, they can also be used for silently killing people.
In the future, it is clear that the Submaran™ will be ‘missionized,’” it says euphemistically. 
The document adds that such missions likely use “a variety of Lockheed Martin payloads and systems integration expertise, to become the cross-domain lynchpin of a ‘system of systems’ performing a diverse assortment of potential missions, including those requiring a covert platform.” 

Several firms warn that new regulations aimed at addressing climate change by limiting fossil fuel productions and greenhouse gas emissions could negatively affect their businesses. Research published last summer by Brown University found that the US military produces more CO2 emissions annually than some countries, including Portugal and Sweden. 

That’s one of the reasons why firms say they are moving to reduce emissions and transitioning to renewable energy to power their factories and offices. Lockheed Martin, for example, talks up its new “biomass boiler system” at its facility in New York in its 2010 response to PWC*. This year, Northrop Grumman said it met its own target of reducing its absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 30% from 2010 levels this year.

But despite the eye-catching initiatives, the changes appear mostly cosmetic. The customers for these companies are national governments, the same governments stalling progress to tackle climate change and publicly doubting the science under-pinning it. These firms can’t really act in a significant way if their customers don’t want them to. 

Climate change is likely to mean more instability in the world. More conflict as resources decline and more migration as parts of the world become difficult to live in.  

A 2015 memorandum to Congress from the US Department of Defence read: “Climate change is an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources such as food and water.”

Several defence companies are looking at this trend and seeing an opportunity. Lockheed Martin told us it works with governments and companies to improve climate monitoring. 
French firm Thales told the CDP that it could see increased demand for the company’s weather forecasting technologies. There could also be more demand for new equipment to help on humanitarian missions, trucks and ships to help in evacuations, for example. 

With political leadership it is possible that these companies could contribute more than just coming up with less energy intensive ways to blow things up, or new weapons with which to fight each other as the crisis worsens. 

The coronavirus pandemic has shown for the first time since the Second World War that major companies can be forced to work for the public good. In the UK, a consortium of nearly 30 companies, including Airbus, Rolls-Royce and McLaren, are currently working to supply the NHS with urgently needed ventilators. 

However, Steve Chisnall, a lecturer in International Security and Strategy at Southampton University, said that environmental opportunities are likely to be “small beer”.

He said: “They’re always going to want to sell big weapons systems because that’s where the money is.” 

Chisnall, who spent a career in the RAF before entering academia, believes that weapons manufacturers, with their scientific knowledge and manufacturing expertise, could play an important role in transforming the global economy. 

But for now, they’ll probably just keep reacting to the world as it is. “These companies know a huge amount about climate change. They have huge research teams and tremendous resources. The problem is that, like the rest of us, they don’t know what the future of security is going to be,” says Chisnall.

As if to prove his point, shortly after talking up its work on weather forecasting, in its submission to the CDP, French arms giant Thales mentions the possible “financial opportunities” in the area of “public safety” as the climate changes. 

This article was co-published by VICE.
* PWC: Price Waterhouse Coopers, een internationaal accountants- en belastingsadviesbedrijf. Wat nog eens aaangeeft dat de  financiële wereld (of beter: maffia) dik is verknoopt met de vernietigers van menselevens en van ons aller thuis, de aarde..... (en dat gebeurt ook nog eens middels oliemaatschappijen, waarin de grote banken en grootaandeelhouders als het koningshuis enorme kapitalen hebben geïnvesteerd)

Voor meer berichten met/over de wapenindustrie, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Raytheon, Thales en/of de klimaatverandering, klik op één van deze labels, direct onder dit bericht.

maandag 7 mei 2018

Groot-Brittannië helpt Saoedi-Arabië met uitvoeren genocide in Jemen......

Afgelopen zaterdag berichtte ik al over het feit dat het Pentagon het Congres heeft voorgelogen en dat speciale VS troepen meevechten in Jemen, niet tegen IS zoals de VS telkens weer durfde te beweren, maar tegen de Houthi rebellen, die NB IS en Al Qaida in eigen land met succes hebben bestreden*.

Nu blijkt ook dat Groot-Brittannië veel meer doet in Jemen, dan de Britse overheid tot nu toe heeft toegegeven. Dit naast de enorme leveringen van munitie en militaire hardware aan de reli-fascistrische dictatuur van Saoedi-Arabië, waar de man van May ook nog eens een smerige rol speelt, hij werkt voor BAE Systems, een Britser 'hardware wapenfabrikant', die grote overheidscontracten krijgt en waar de Britse premier voor lobbyt..... Hierdoor stinkt hare kwaadaardigheid May zelf ronduit naar corruptie en vriendjespolitiek.......

Groot-Brittannië heeft in totaal 7.000 mensen die de moorddadige Saoedische luchtmacht ter zijde staan bij training van personeel en bij onderhoud plus bevoorrading (ook met clusterbommen en andere munitie) van door GB geleverd vliegend oorlogstuig......

British military personell and employees of BAE systems pose with Saudi Air Force pilots in front of a British-made Typhoon.

Hier een artikel van Whitney Webb eerder geplaatst op MindPress News, waar o.a. wordt gesteld dat de oorlog tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen intussen, volgens de VN, 5.500 mensen het leven heeft gekost en waarbij meer dan 9.000 mensen werden verwond...... Uiteraard kan dit cijfer niet kloppen, immers door de bombardementen is de infrastructuur van Jemen voor het overgrote deel vernield, wat onder meer tot een gigantische cholera uitbraak heeft geleid...... Dit nog naast een difterie uitbraak en de honger die al een paar jaar lang aanhoudt in Jemen, duidelijk een gevolg van de illegale oorlog die Saoedi-Arabië tegen het sjiitische volk van Jemen voert en waarbij de VS en Groot-Brittannië de helpende hand bieden........

7,000 UK Personnel Helping Saudi Arabia Bomb Yemen, New Report Reveals

May 4, 2018 at 7:54 am
Written by Whitney Webb

(MPN) — While criticism leveled against the U.K. government for its involvement in Yemen has focused on the country’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia, newly published government documents reveal that the U.K.’s complicity in the conflict runs much deeper.

The documents were made public in a newly published paper titled “UK Personnel Supporting the Saudi Armed Forces – Risk, Knowledge and Accountability,” which provides details as to the real “footprint” of the estimated 7,000 employees of U.K. contractor companies, civil servants, and temporarily deployed military personnel currently aiding the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) and other Saudi security forces in the waging of their brutal bombing campaign against Yemen.

According to the UN, that bombing campaign has killed 5,500 civilians and injured over 9,000 since it began in 2015. It has also targeted civilian infrastructure, which has completely collapsed. Among civilian targets have been hospitals and clinics, whose destruction coupled with the Saudi-led coalition’s blockade of the country has allowed a “preventable” cholera epidemic to reach well over 1 million cases.

Written by researchers Michael Lewis and Katherine Templar, the report – among other notable findings — revealed that U.K. employees of U.K. weapons giant BAE Systems have continued to maintain the weapon systems of U.K. military aircraft sold to the Saudis, including training and operational squadrons, throughout the conflict. The forces thus supported include aircraft directly involved in the bombing campaign targeting Yemen at Taif air base and elsewhere.

The basis for the direct and continued involvement of U.K. personnel in aiding the RSAF comes from a secret government-to-government agreement first signed in 1986. The agreement — which had never been seen by the U.K. Parliament, or published until the release of this report — includes secret support clauses for U.K.-manufactured aircraft that commit U.K. personnel to the “arming and support” of those aircraft during active armed conflict, regardless of whether the conflict is “lawful” or directly involves the U.K.

RSAF Certificate of Appreciation given to military aircraft technician (UK national) employed by BAE Systems, Dhahran, 1991. (name withheld)
RSAF Certificate of Appreciation given to military aircraft technician (UK national) employed by BAE Systems, Dhahran, 1991. (name withheld)

The documents also show that the commitment was made by the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense against the advice of officials from the U.K. Foreign Office.

The report further details that U.K. employees stationed in Saudi Arabia are essentially gagged from reporting wrongdoing or war crimes. It notes that U.K. workers who have sought to whistleblow on alleged crimes have been routinely harassed and, in some cases, denied the related protections ostensibly available to them under U.K. employment and whistleblowing laws.

The documents also show that the commitment was made by the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense against the advice of officials from the U.K. Foreign Office.

The report further details that U.K. employees stationed in Saudi Arabia are essentially gagged from reporting wrongdoing or war crimes. It notes that U.K. workers who have sought to whistleblow on alleged crimes have been routinely harassed and, in some cases, denied the related protections ostensibly available to them under U.K. employment and whistleblowing laws.

Maintaining Government Blinders

In addition, Lewis and Templar’s research revealed that the U.K.’s policy aimed at avoiding the possible misuse of U.K.-supplied arms has been circumvented. That policy, which normally involves the case-by-case scrutiny of transfers of licensable military equipment to Saudi Arabia, has been avoided in some notable cases by the use of a “whitelist” system that allows the U.K. government to remain conveniently ignorant of what types or quantities of military equipment U.K. companies sell to the Saudis.

It also prevents the U.K. government from knowing where that military equipment ultimately ends up — which is particularly troubling, given that the Saudi government has been known to funnel weapons to terrorist groups on several occasions.

Another related, and equally troubling, finding of the paper is that U.K. citizens aiding the RSAF are still involved in the handling of cluster munitions, which the Saudis continue to use in Yemen despite their use being banned by more than a hundred countries. While BAE systems implemented a “pull-back” of its employees from directly handling such munitions in 2008, reports from technicians and aircraft armorers cited in the paper allege that this “pull-back” was incomplete and that U.K. personnel are still present – and participate – in their use.

Though testimony proved this to be the case during the 2009-2010 Yemen conflict, the lack of public knowledge of the practice makes it likely that it has continued throughout the current Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen. The use of cluster munitions by the Saudis has caused great suffering in Yemen, as they spread ordnance over a wide area and pose a long-term danger to civilians because many of them fail to detonate upon impact. In some cases, Yemeni children have discovered unexploded cluster bombs and taken them home, mistaking them for harmless objects only to have them detonate soon after.

Lucrative Arms Sales vs. Humanitarian Responsibilities: No Contest

Further information provided in the report suggests that the U.K. government is deliberately avoiding its responsibility to report on possible violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Though government officials had argued before the U.K. High Court that the government’s arms-export officials take IHL risk into consideration based on information from Minister of Defense personnel, liaison officers and BAE Systems employees, the report found that there is, in fact, no Ministry of Defense guidance on possible IHL violations to U.K. military officials or personnel involved in Saudi Arabia.

This, combined with the “whitelist” system and BAE’s incomplete “pull-back” of direct involvement in the use of deadly cluster munitions, suggests that elements of the U.K. government have sought to hide its involvement in the Saudi-led bombing campaign and its associated war crimes in order to protect the U.K.’s lucrative arms sales to the Saudi government.

The U.K. government’s attempts to protect weapon sales to the Saudis are unsurprising given the numerous ties that BAE Systems, which holds a “near-monopoly position” in the U.K. defense industry, has to the U.K. political establishment. Chief among these ties is BAE’s link to U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, whose husband and close political adviser, Philip May, works for the Capital Group, BAE’s largest shareholder and thus the largest beneficiary of the company’s arms sales abroad.


* Zie: 'VS vecht in Jemen, Pentagon loog weer eens >> Congres eindelijk 'wakker''

Zie ook: 'Congres VS geeft akkoord voor verdere steun aan de Saoedische genocide in Jemen......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië vermoordde minstens 20 bruiloftsgangers in Jemen'

        en: 'Agressie vanwege een vermeende gifgasaanval op Douma, terwijl de tienduizenden kinderen die in Jemen worden vermoord middels een genocide blijkbaar niet meetellen......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

        en:  'VS doet planning van de Saoedische genocide in Jemen.....'

        en: 'Groot-Brittannië helpt Saoedi-Arabië met uitvoeren genocide in Jemen......'

        en: 'Israël bezig met voorbereiding op meerdere fronten oorlog........ (met hulp van de VS'

        en: 'John Bolton heeft beloofd dat Iran voor 2019 onder een ander regime zal leven.......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

        en: 'Jemen: meer VS steun voor genocide op sjiieten met grote levering 'slimme munitie' aan Saoedi-Arabië......'

        en: 'Jemen: BBC propaganda voor genocide door Saoedische coalitie........'

Voor nog meer berichten over de genocide in Jemen, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht (na een aantal berichten krijg je een herhaling van het laatst gelezen bericht te zien, daar weer even op het betreffende label klikken en je krijgt de oudere berichten te zien >> het is mogelijk dat je dit nogmaals moet herhalen na opnieuw een aantal berichten)

zondag 4 maart 2018

Artiesten met wel een geweten en gevoel voor moraliteit, boycotten het grootste Britse evenement voor 2018!

Het volgende artikel vond ik op theCanary. Hierin aandacht voor de artiesten die het grootste evenement voor 2018 in Groot-Brittannië boycotten, daar een grote wapenfabrikant, BAE Systems deels geld steekt in dit evenement genaamd: The Great Exhibition of the North.

Met de wapens van BAE, de derde grootste wapenproducent ter wereld, werden en worden bijvoorbeeld grote aantallen mensen in Jemen vermoord....... Het zijn letterlijk de wapens in de hand van Saoedi-Arabië waarmee het een genocide uitvoert op de sjiieten in Jemen.....

Wapenfabrikant BAE Systems sponsort meer en meer evenementen en zelfs een school, dit in een poging wapenfabricage en export van wapens als de normaalste zaak van de wereld te laten zien......

Gelukkig verzetten velen zich tegen de wapenindustrie en deze foute sponsoring. Artiesten nemen zelfs het voortouw! Lees hoe men zich ook hier kan verzetten tegen verkeerde sponsoring (mede gericht aan het grootste deel van de Nederlandse artiesten, die lak hebben aan wat er gebeurd in de wereld):

The Canary

England’s biggest event in 2018’ faces backlash after artists pull out due to links with the arms trade

‘England’s biggest event in 2018’ faces backlash after artists pull out due to links with the arms trade


Organisers of ‘England’s biggest event in 2018’ are coming under attack for accepting sponsorship from BAE Systems, the world’s third largest weapons manufacturer.
The Great Exhibition of the North 2018 is a “free, summer-long celebration of the North of England’s pioneering spirit”, with venues around Newcastle and Gateshead. But it has run into trouble over accepting sponsorship from BAE Systems, who claim it is a ‘premier partner’ for the event.

I am disgusted”

Singer Nadine Shah has already announced that she is pulling out of the event:
I will no longer be playing the @getnorth2018 festival now that I have discovered BAE Systems are a sponsor. I am disgusted to hear of their involvement and refuse to be in any way associated with them. I encourage all artists involved to follow suit ✌🏾❤️

The Commoners Choir from Leeds has also pulled out, saying:
We felt completely unhappy being represented alongside a corporation with a track record in supplying weaponry to countries waging war on their own people and boasting appalling human rights records.

And folk group The Unthanks have said they’re “prepared to pull out if nothing changes”.


A group of Northern artists has also set up a petition calling on organisers to refuse sponsorship. Petition organisers told The Canary:
We are concerned that BAE Systems is using an arts festival to masquerade as ‘family friendly’ while selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, a regime bombing schools and hospitals in Yemen.

5,000 children killed or injured in Yemen

BAE Systems has been widely criticised for selling weapons to Saudi Arabia for use in their war against Yemen. UNICEF reported in December 2017 that more than 5,000 children have been killed or injured in Yemen since the conflict began in March 2015. Cholera and acute diarrhoea have affected over a millionpeople and over seven million people are at risk of famine.
There is no dispute that Typhoon and Tornado aircraft sold by BAE Systems to Saudi Arabia have been deployed on combat missions in the war on Yemen. Yet the government continues to support these sales. Former defence secretary Michael Fallon even said in October 2017 that criticism of Saudi Arabia is “not helpful” when the government is trying to encourage the regime to buy more weapons.

Normalising weapons through PR

Sponsorship of high-profile events is an important part of BAE Systems’ public relations programme. Last year it sponsored the New Scientist Live festival. It sponsored a major bike race, a rowing race, and  – perhaps somewhat ironically – a “walking with the wounded” event. The company even sponsors a secondary school. It’s all part of normalising the selling of weapons.

Trouble ahead?

But there may be trouble ahead for the Great Exhibition of the North if they don’t say no to BAE Systems. Campaigners have already set up a spoof Twitter account complete with promotional videos showing attack aircraft blowing various things up. Artists are pulling out. A petition is gathering momentum. A PR coup for BAE Systems may turn out to be a PR disaster for the Great Exhibition of the North.
Get involved!
– Sign the petition.
– Tweet the organisers.
– Support Campaign Against Arms Trade in its ongoing work against arms sales.
– Attend a protest on March 7/8 against the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.
– Support people on trial on March 7/8 for trying to stop the DSEI arms fair.

featured image Alisdare Hickson/Flickr
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