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Posts tonen met het label C. Kyle. Alle posts tonen

maandag 29 januari 2018

Fake News van CNN: 'American Sniper gedood in Syrie....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

CNN Turkije bracht afgelopen vrijdag het bericht dat bij de illegale aanval van Turkije op Syrisch grondgebied 2 VS militairen waren omgekomen. Volgens het Pentagon was dit nieuws vals en dus niet waar (waar vermeld dient te worden dat het Pentagon nogal eens liegt als het om slachtoffers gaat....)

CNN boogt erop nooit 'fake news' (of: 'nepnieuws') te brengen en stelt te doen aan 'top notch investigative journalism around the globe', met het voorgaande nieuws is dus ook in dit geval (ten overvloede) gehakt gemaakt van deze stelling (over de zogenaamde top onderzoeksjournalistiek van CNN.......)

Nog vreemder in het CNN nieuwsbericht was de mededeling dat één van 'de gesneefde militairen' werd aangeduid als Chris Kyle, een psychopathische moordenaar die 160 mensen bewezen het leven uit hielp en nog eens 95 niet bevestigde moorden op z'n naam had. Echter deze Kyle werd in 2013 op een schietbaan in de VS vermoord door een getraumatiseerde Irak veteraan (die schandalig genoeg tot levenslang werd veroordeeld.....).

Beste bezoeker, dat was het nog niet: CNN plaatste bij het artikel een foto van de acteur die in 'American Sniper' de hoofdrol speelt: Bradley Cooper......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Het boek waarop deze film is gebaseerd, werd geschreven door Chris Kyle.......

De Koerden hebben CNN in de val gelokt met dit bericht, dat zoals blijkt 'niet echt' journalistiek is onderzocht door 'deze bestrijders van fake news......'

CNN Turk Reports ‘American Sniper’ Star Killed in Syria
January 28, 2018 at 6:21 am
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE) — On Friday a Middle East regional CNN network reported that American Sniper Chris Kyle had been killed while embedded with US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria by invading Turkish troops, and the story went viral. Or maybe they meant to say actor Bradley Cooper? 

Though priding itself for its brand recognition in setting the agenda for accurate mainstream news and top notch investigative journalism around the globe, CNN has once again embarrassed itself as its sister network, CNN Turk, fell for what should have been an easy to recognize prank. At the end of this week false reports that two US Special Forces members had been killed in Syria while embedded with American-backed Kurdish units fighting in the northwest Aleppo district of Afrin in Syria spread wildly through major Turkish media after CNN Turk reported it.

The only problem is that the identified US soldier purported to be featured in a photo circulating on social media which is the basis of CNN Turk’s story was actually none other than “American Sniper” actor Bradley Cooper. That’s right, as one classic and sadly all too literally serious headline from Newsweek reads – CNN Turkey Reports ‘American Sniper’ Bradley Cooper Killed In Syria, U.S. Military Denies.

And yes, the Pentagon was forced to issue a quick and urgent denial of the story through US Coalition spokesman Colonel Ryan Dillon, who said Friday: “Reports of two US-Coalition members killed in Afrin are FALSE. Completely UNTRUE.”

Reports of two US-Coalition members killed in Afrin are FALSE. Completely UNTRUE. @CJTFOIR efforts focused on supporting our SDF partners aggressively hunt remaining ISIS pockets east of Euphrates near Abu Kamal.

CNN Turkey, which is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System Europe and Doğan Media Group, was fooled into believing the satirical report which appears to have started among pro-Kurdish social media.

However, the prank should have been easy to recognize considering all early social media reports were based on a photograph said to be a US Special Forces member named Eddie Bragdon who went by the Kurdish nom de guerre “Zana Rizgar”. But the photograph was so obviously a shot from the 2014 film, American Sniper, based on the life of the late Navy SEAL veteran Chris Kyle.

According to Newsweek, the fake story began circulating when a pro-YPG account called “Bird Person” tweeted the following on Thursday:

Eski Amerikan özel kuvvetleri askeri YPG'li Zana Rizgar kod adlı Eddie Bragdon Efrîn Buseya dağında yaşanan çatışma esnasında yaşamını yitirdi yolun yolumuza ışık tutacak Şehid Namirin

Newsweek: “In what’s believed to be the original claim, an account supportive of the Kurdish YPG reported the death of U.S. Special Forces member Eddie Bragdon, a.k.a. Zana Rizgar, instead of the actual individual pictured: U.S. actor Bradley Cooper in the film ‘American Sniper.’ The user later claimed that the post was intended to be satirical and criticized Turkish media for picking it up literally.”

Amidst the propaganda war now raging between Turkish and pro-Kurdish media as Turkey continues its ‘Operation Olive Branch’ inside northwest Syria, both Turkish nationalists – who celebrated the supposed “deaths” of US troops embedded with Syrian Kurds – and Kurdish sources, promoted the story on social media.

Yet from the moment the story spread social media users were quick to point out the obvious origins of the photo. But not before CNN Turk featured the story.

The story of “Eddie Bragdon’s” death was featured briefly on but was quickly taken down:

And here’s the story tweeted out by CNN Turk’s verified account: The headline reads Former US Special Forces military was killed in the ranks of the YPG.”

It appears a number of Turkish military analysts also promoted the story, which also gave it momentum before it landed on CNN Turk’s homepage.

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Listen, this is hilarious.
A Kurdish tweep intentionality makes up a story of “ex-American SOF, YPG fighter killed in Afrin” to troll Turkish nationalists. It makes it all the way to Turkish CNN! Top notch investigative journalism!

Many of the dozens of articles which were subsequently written by Turkish and regional outlets based on the CNN reporting have now since taken offline.

The initial pro-Kurdish social media account from which the fake news originated is now celebrating the fact that it successfully trolled CNN and other mainstream outlets, again tweeting the original Bradley Cooper photo but now with the caption (in Turkish), “Smile for the camera!”

We give it a 10 for some top notch trolling. For CNN it’s about par for the course.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge

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PS: angst voor nepnieuws? Zoek op het internet de waarheid bij de alternatieve media! (alternatieve media die meer en meer worden verzwegen in de zoekresultaten van Google.......)