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Posts tonen met het label Durden. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 7 februari 2020

Joe Biden met dubbel verlies: hij dreigde met een rechtszaak om zo de resultaten van de voorverkiezingen in Iowa tegen te houden van publicatie

De soap die de Democratische voorverkiezingen in de VS nu al zijn geworden, zeker 'nadat een app niet zou werken' (wat de tegenstanders van Sanders wel erg goed uitkwam....), wordt vervolgd door Biden die het slecht deed bij die verkiezingen.... Biden dreigde met een rechtszaak en wou daarmee dat de resultaten van de verkiezingen niet bekend zouden worden gemaakt.... Sanders daarentegen was uiteraard voor het zo snel mogelijk bekendmaken van de resultaten en ook hij dreigde even een zaak te beginnen, het was dan ook vrijwel zeker dat Sanders deze verkiezingen had gewonnen........

Zou het inderdaad tot zaken hebben geleid, zouden deze deze waarschijnlijk het hele jaar hebben geduurd, zeker tot de verkiezingen a.s. november en dat zou in het nadeel zijn van Sanders, die al een groot voordeel kwijtraakte door het geklungel met stemmen tellen en de gegevens doorgeven.... De winnaar van de verkiezingen in Iowa had met de winst opzak een mooie speech kunnen houden waarin hij/zij het volk zijn/haar beleid als president kan voorhouden, echter die speech had op de verkiezingsavond gegeven moeten worden........

Vandaag werd bekend gemaakt dat Buttigieg de verkiezingen heeft gewonnen, hoewel hij heel wat minder stemmen kreeg dan Sanders, het meer dan achterlijke systeem in de VS wijst alsnog Buttigieg aan als winnaar...... Volkomen terecht heeft Sanders de winst opgeëist en nogmaals terecht niet op een hertelling aangedrongen, immers daarmee zou men hem hebben gezien als een slechte verliezer en dat kost altijd een fiks aantal stemmen bij de volgende voorverkiezingen....... 

Biden zou zoals gezegd de resultaten zo lang mogelijk hebben willen tegenhouden, daar deze in zijn nadeel zijn, daarom heeft hij geëist eerst een volledige uitleg te krijgen over wat er fout is gegaan tijdens deze voorverkiezingen, voordat de resultaten bekend worden gemaakt...... Als je ziet 'hoe snel' de rechterlijke molen in de VS draait, is het geen wonder dat de uitkomst van die rechtszaak pas in november te verwachten zou zijn geweest.......

Biden is echt een heel smerige viezerik, die overigens hetzelfde heeft gedaan als Trump: de Oekraïense president onder druk zetten zijn openbaar aanklager terug te fluiten, voordat het land weer wapens uit de VS zou krijgen..... Deze openbaar aanklager onderzocht het bedrijf waar zijn zoon werkte, t.w. Burisma, waar deze Hunter Biden betrokken zou zijn geweest bij witwassen en andere misdadige praktijken, terwijl hij in dit arme land een salaris verdiende van 50.000 dollar per maand!!!

Het is voor de wereld te hopen dat Sanders de presidentsverkiezingen wint, kan men over de wereld eindelijk weer ademhalen, echter ik ben bang dat Trump weer zal winnen, zeker na de domme impeachment poging van de Democraten, die alleen de achterban van Trump heeft versterkt, een achterban die Trump nog zou steunen als zou blijken dat hij inderdaad kinderen heeft misbruikt bij zijn bezoeken aan Epstein........ De Democraten wisten van te voren dat de Republikeinen in de Senaat tegen de impeachment van Trump zouden stemmen, bovendien hadden ze kunnen weten dat het de grote achterban van Trump niet kan bommen wat hij heeft gedaan, als hij maar blijft liegen dat de VS het beste land ter wereld is..... Onder die achterban zelfs een aantal mensen, die afhankelijk zijn van voedselbonnen, waar Trump ook nog eens het mes in wil zetten.........

Biden was niet alleen de grote verliezer van de voorverkiezingen in Iowa, maar nu heeft hij ook nog eens zijn rechtszaak niet gekregen, ofwel dubbel verlies voor deze oorlogsmisdadiger (onder Obama was hij verantwoordelijk voor de illegale oorlogsvoering van de VS).

Beste bezoeker, vergeet de komende tijd niet dat de top van de Democratische Partij Sanders niet als volgende president wil zien, liever zien ze Trump nog 4 jaar regeren.... Trump liet overigens weten dat wat hem betreft hij ook de verkiezingen van 2024, 2028 en 2032 zal winnen.... Ofwel hij wil de grondwet aanpassen, volgens velen was e.e.a. een grap, maar gezien de totale gekte en zelfoverschatting van deze psychopathische oorlogsmisdadiger, zou het me niet bevreemden als hij het kiessysteem in de VS wil aanpassen, zodat hij als president meer dan 2 termijnen kan dienen.......

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Tyler Durden, werd eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge, en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media. In zijn schrijven ging Durden ervan uit dat de resultaten nog niet bekend zouden worden gemaakt:

Biden Threatens Lawsuit to Halt Release of Real Iowa Caucus Results

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Biden Threatens Lawsuit to Halt Release of Real Iowa Caucus Results

February 4, 2020 at 11:01 am
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZH) — The Democratic candidates appear to be headed for an epic court battle to determine who won the Iowa caucus – a court battle that could potentially outlast the entire primary season and ensure that the real winner of Iowa (cough – Bernie Sanders – cough) is never revealed.
Following a morning of grumblings and whispers among the five campaigns – Warren, Klobuchar, Biden, Buttigieg and Sanders – the Biden campaign has sent a letter to the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) warning them that Biden is ready to take the issue of who actually won the primary all the way to the Supreme Court.

Biden campaign general counsel Dana Remus sent a letter to top Iowa party officials demanding “full explanations and relevant information” about the abysmal breakdown of the Dems support-tallying app.

JUST IN: Biden campaign general counsel Dana Remus sent a letter to top Iowa Democratic Party officials demanding “full explanations and relevant information” for the “failed” systems the IDP deployed for tonight’s caucuses.
Read the letter:
View image on Twitter
The letter noted that both the primary system for counting votes – the app made by mysterious Bond-villain wannabe SHADOW – and the backup system – telephonically phoning in results – failed. Now, caucus chairs, the leaders of each individual caucus district, are attempting to report results via telephone to the party brass, but many of them aren’t getting through.

But here’s the kicker: The Biden campaign would like a “full explanation” of what happened before the results are released.

That little detail shows exactly what the Biden campaign is getting at. His team is clearly aware that the chaos benefited all of the centrists still in the running – Buttigieg, Biden and Klobuchar – while hurting Sanders (believed to be the real winner) and Warren.

The letter was sent before a Tuesday morning conference call between the IDP and the campaigns. During the call, the party said they would report half of the results at 5 pm ET (4 pm local time). There were reportedly many objections to this plan on the call. We imagine most of those objections came from the Buttigieg and Biden camps.

As Nate Silver explains, if the results aren’t released immediately, the winners will be robbed of the post-Iowa bump, giving the moderates in the race a ‘mulligan’.

There’s a good chance that the candidates who did well in Iowa won't see their expected bounce, while the candidates who did poorly there get a mulligan.@NateSilver538 on chaos in the Hawkeye State: 

Other reports claim Bernie campaign staffers went around recording vote totals at many Iowa precincts – unbeknownst to the party machine. When their early tallies didn’t match the recorded results from campaign workers, his campaign sent 5 lawyers to complain.
I am now hearing that the Sanders campaign sent workers to every caucus to record the live results.
The DNC was unaware of this. When their early tallies did not match the recorded results from campaign workers, his campaign had 5 lawyers contact the DNC. Now they’re meeting.
? Salem Snow For Congress (@Salem4Congress) February 4, 2020
Biden just needs to stay in the game until we get to South Carolina, where Sanders is weakest. Meanwhile, political talking heads are talking about how this incident could rob Iowa of its first-in-the-nation status. But if a legal battle erupts, Biden wins by default: A delay in releasing the Iowa results is a win for Biden and Buttigieg, and a huge problem for Bernie – at least in theory.

In reality, his campaign now has plenty of ammunition to revive the narrative that the primary has been rigged against him – much to the consternation of party loyalists.
American democracy – ain’t it grand?

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
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vrijdag 27 december 2019

In de VS begint de huizenmarkt weer in te zakken

Bijzonder lage rente voor hypotheken heeft in de VS niet kunnen voorkomen dat de huizenmarkt verder onderuitzakt. Vooral in de dichtbevolkte binnensteden met daaromheen veel minder dicht bevolkte buitenwijken, gebieden waar nog volop werkgelegenheid is te vinden, komt de klad in de huizenverkoop......

Tegelijk neemt het aantal achtergelaten huizen toe, dus waar de bewoners niet langer de kosten op kunnen brengen voor hun veel te dure huis, ofwel het gaat hier vooral over hypotheken die 'onder water staan...'

In het volgende artikel van Zero Hedge 50 voorbeelden van gebieden waar de boel vast lijkt te lopen, terwijl vreemd genoeg de huizenprijzen dalen in die gebieden, iets dergelijks gebeurde ook voordat de crisis in 2008 in volle hevigheid losbarstte...... Destijds wist men in de VS slechte hypotheken te slijten aan vooral Europese banken, wat voor veel van die banken de doodsklap was geweest, ware het niet dat de burgers werden gedwongen op te draaien voor de verliezen die het veel te hoog betaalde schoftentuig van banken hadden gemaakt, ofwel om de banken te redden van faillissement......*

Here Are The 50 US Housing Markets Already Turning Ugly

Mon, 12/23/2019 - 22:05

Plunging mortgage rates in late 2018 through 2019 wasn't enough to revive the housing market (despite the hope of 20-year homebuilder sentiment). Cracks are already starting to appear in many metro areas across the country, as a more profound slowdown could be imminent.

Last week, Home Depot ruined the party and pretty much declared that a housing boom in 2020 is non-existent. 

The home-improvement chain cut its sales forecast for 2020, signaling that real estate and consumers could exhibit weakness in the year ahead. 

The disappointing 2020 forecast comes amid a report that 50 housing markets across the country are already showing signs of a downturn. 

GOBankingRates evaluated 500 metro areas for high rates of foreclosures and underwater mortgages, variations in median home listing prices, the number of days homes are on the market, and the percentage of for-sale listings with price cuts, against the national average and determined the 50 most at-risk metro areas that are already turning south.

GOBankingRates determined that Peoria, Illinois, is the most at-risk metro area of seeing its housing market implode. Florida had the highest amount of real estate markets that were slowing. Here's the full list: 

50. Fort Myers, Florida
  • Median list price: $249,999
  • 2-year price change: -1.4%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.9%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,921 homes
House prices are dropping in this city in southwest Florida. While home prices nationwide have climbed an average of 9.4% over the past two years, prices have dropped 1.4% in Fort Myers over the same period. Plus, houses for sale spend 105 days on the market in Fort Myers, on average, compared with a national average of 66 days.
49. Newport News, Virginia
  • Median list price: $190,000
  • 2-year price change: 8.4%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 19.2%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,172 homes
The percentage of underwater mortgages in this city in southeastern Virginia near Virginia Beach is more than double the national average of 8.2%. However, the real estate market here hasn’t turned too ugly yet. In fact, the percentage of listed home with price cuts in Newport News — 12.6% — is lower than the national average of 17.5%.
48. Cumming, Georgia
  • Median list price: $383,511
  • 2-year price change: 1.2%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 4%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,311 homes
Home prices still are rising in this suburb of Atlanta — but not nearly as much as the national average. In fact, home prices in Cumming increased an average of just 0.7% over the past year. And 21.8% of listed homes here have seen price cuts compared with a national average of 17.5%.
47. Toledo, Ohio
  • Median list price: $84,900
  • 2-year price change: 8.8%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 24.7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,428 homes
Home price growth has slowed over the past year in this western Ohio city on the banks of Lake Erie. However, the bigger problem here is the high percentage of underwater mortgages — which is about three times the national average. Plus, the number of foreclosed homes is higher than the national average.
46. Naperville, Illinois
  • Median list price: $439,990
  • 2-year price change: -2.2%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.5%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 3,897 homes
This Chicago suburb has made it onto plenty of “best places to live” lists. However, the housing market has been slumping here. Home prices have dropped more than 2% over the past two years. And at 26.4%, Naperville has the highest percentage of listed homes with prices cuts of any city on this list.
45. Sarasota, Florida
  • Median list price: $359,000
  • 2-year price change: 5.6%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 4.5%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,520 homes
South of Tampa on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Sarasota has a real estate market that could turn ugly. Home price growth has slowed. Houses for sale are sitting on the market for an average of 99 days, far longer than the national average of 66 days. On top of that, the foreclosure rate is higher in Sarasota than it is nationwide.
44. Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • Median list price: $499,900
  • 2-year price change: -0.2%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,507 homes
The current housing market is slumping in this tourist destination about 30 miles north of Miami. Home prices in Fort Lauderdale have fallen in the past two years. And the average number of days houses stay on the market here — 133 — is double the national average.
43. Menifee, California
  • Median list price: $380,000
  • 2-year price change: 8.3%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 5.5%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 808 homes
This city in Southern California is part of the Los Angeles metro area. The median home price in Menifee is well above the national median. However, the housing market here could be headed for trouble. Menifee has the third-highest foreclosure rate among cities on this list.
42. Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • Median list price: $207,988
  • 2-year price change: 0%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11.7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,393 homes
Home to the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa has a higher percentage of homeowners with negative equity than the nation as a whole. Nearly 12% of mortgages are underwater here compared with about 8% nationwide. The foreclosure rate also is slightly higher in Tuscaloosa than the average across the U.S.
41. Wilmington, Delaware
  • Median list price: $194,550
  • 2-year price change: 0.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 15%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,218 homes
The percentage of foreclosed properties in Delaware’s largest city is twice as high as the national average. And the percentage of underwater mortgages in Delaware is almost double the percentage nationwide.
40. Naples, Florida
  • Median list price: $407,990
  • 2-year price change: -8.8%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,515 homes
The housing market has been slowing in this city on Florida’s Gulf Coast. While home prices nationwide have climbed 9.4%, on average, over the past two years, they’ve fallen 8.8% in Naples over the same period. And the average number of days that homes are on the market here — 140 — is more than double the national average.
39. West Palm Beach, Florida
  • Median list price: $298,000
  • 2-year price change: 1.4%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 7.3%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,297 homes
Although home prices have risen slightly in West Palm Beach over the last two years, they’ve fallen in the past year. In addition, houses for sale stay on the market in this city north of Miami an average of 119 days compared with an average of 66 days nationwide. The foreclosure rate here is also higher than the national rate.
38. Waterbury, Connecticut
  • Median list price: $125,000
  • 2-year price change: 11.9%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 29.4%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,159 homes
Home prices have risen more in this city 77 miles northeast of New York City over the past two years than across the U.S. However, the housing market in Waterbury could be in trouble. The percentage of underwater mortgages here is higher than in any other city on this list.
37. Plainfield, Illinois
  • Median list price: $284,450
  • 2-year price change: 3.6%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 7.7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,138 homes
Home prices have been rising in this village 35 miles southwest of Chicago but not at the same pace as the national average. More telltale signs, though, that the housing market in Plainfield could be turning ugly are the relatively high foreclosure rate and percentage of homes for sale with price cuts. In fact, Plainfield has the second-highest percentage of listed homes with price cuts at 25.3%.
36. Bakersfield, California
  • Median list price: $276,400
  • 2-year price change: 1.1%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11.8%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,095 homes
Home price growth is slowing in this agriculture hub in California’s Central Valley region. However, foreclosures and underwater mortgages are even bigger problems for Bakersfield’s real estate market. The rates for both are higher than the national averages.
35. Jacksonville, Florida
  • Median list price: $219,000
  • 2-year price change: 11.8%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11.2%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 814 homes
Home prices are rising at a faster rate in Florida’s largest city, on average, than across the U.S. But Jacksonville has one of the highest foreclosure rates of any city on this list. The percentage of underwater mortgages in this city on the Atlantic Coast also tops the national average.
34. Orlando, Florida
  • Median list price: $289,000
  • 2-year price change: 5.7%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.6%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,328 homes
The current housing market in Orlando could use some Walt Disney World magic to keep it from turning ugly. Home price growth in this tourist destination has been slowing. And the percentage of listed homes with price cuts — 21.2% — is higher than the national percentage. The foreclosure rate in Orlando also is higher than the foreclosure rate nationwide.
33. McKinney, Texas
  • Median list price: $379,243
  • 2-year price change: -1.3%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 4.3%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,546 homes
Home prices have been falling in this fast-growing city that is 30 miles north of Dallas. While home prices have risen an average of 9.4% over the past two years across America, prices have fallen 1.3% in McKinney. Plus, McKinney has one of the highest percentages of listed homes with price cuts among the cities on this list.
32. Summerville, South Carolina
  • Median list price: $268,293
  • 2-year price change: 4.9%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.3%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,279 homes
Houses for sale are lingering on the market longer in Summerville than the national average — 72 days versus 66 days. The increase in home prices in this city 24 miles northwest of Charleston also is lagging behind the national average. And the foreclosure rate in Summerville is twice as high as the rate nationwide.
31. Annapolis, Maryland
  • Median list price: $499,181
  • 2-year price change: 0.7%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 9.5%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 3,964 homes
Although the foreclosure rate in Annapolis is lower than the rate nationwide, the capital of Maryland’s housing market is showing some signs of trouble. Home price growth has slowed over the past year. In fact, the city has a higher percentage of listed homes with price cuts than the percentage nationwide. And houses are staying on the market 14 days longer than the U.S. average.
30. Stamford, Connecticut
  • Median list price: $569,950
  • 2-year price change: 3.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11.1%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 4,498 homes
The housing market is slowing in this city about 30 miles from New York. Home prices haven’t risen over the past year, and houses for sale are staying on the market longer than the U.S. average. Plus, the percentage of mortgages underwater in Stamford is higher than the percentage nationwide.
29. Champaign, Illinois
  • Median list price: $164,900
  • 2-year price change: 3.2%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,173 homes
The housing market in this city that is home to the University of Illinois is showing signs of weakness. The growth in home prices has been slowing. Houses spend more days on the market in Champaign than they do nationwide. And both the foreclosure rate and percentage of homes underwater are higher than the national rates.
28. Port Saint Lucie, Florida
  • Median list price: $247,280
  • 2-year price change: 7.6%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.2%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,171 homes
Although the percentage of underwater mortgages is below the national average in this city that’s halfway between Miami and Orlando, the foreclosure rate is twice as high. Plus, home price growth has slowed in Port Saint Lucie.
27. Bradenton, Florida
  • Median list price: $293,700
  • 2-year price change: 1.7%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.6%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,799 homes
The housing market is slowing more in Bradenton than in neighboring Sarasota. Home prices have fallen 0.3% over the past year. And 21% of listed homes have price cuts compared with 19.8% in Sarasota and 17.5% nationwide.
26. Ocala, Florida
  • Median list price: $181,900
  • 2-year price change: 8.9%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 10.3%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 972 homes
The foreclosure rate in this city in north-central Florida is among the top 10 highest on this list. Plus, the percentage of underwater mortgages in Ocala is higher than the U.S. average. To top it off, home price growth has slowed over the past year.
25. Dayton, Ohio
  • Median list price: $67,000
  • 2-year price change: 16.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 27.6%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,820 homes
The big increase in home prices in Dayton over the past two years might signal to some that the real estate market in this southwestern Ohio city is doing just fine. However, Dayton has the second-highest percentage of underwater mortgages among the cities on this list. And the foreclosure rate is higher here than the national rate.
24. Lehigh Acres, Florida
  • Median list price: $180,000
  • 2-year price change: 6.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 6.9%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,189 homes
Although the percentage of underwater mortgages in Lehigh Acres is lower than the percentage nationwide, the foreclosure rate is higher here than the U.S. average. In addition, this city in the Fort Myers metro area on Florida’s Gulf Coast has seen a slowdown in home price growth over the past year. Twenty percent of homes listed for sale here have had price cuts.
23. Rockford, Illinois
  • Median list price: $100,00
  • 2-year price change: 10.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 21%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 890 homes
Rockford’s real estate market could turn ugly because a significant percentage of homeowners here have negative equity. More than 20% of mortgages are underwater in this northern Illinois city compared with about 8% nationally. Plus, the foreclosure rate in Rockford is one of the highest among cities on this list.
22. Mobile, Alabama
  • Median list price: $159,900
  • 2-year price change: 6.3%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 16.1%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,149 homes
Home prices are still rising in this port city on the Gulf Coast, but not as fast as prices are increasing across the U.S. However, the bigger problem for Mobile’s real estate market is homeowners with negative equity. The percentage of underwater mortgages here is twice the national average.
21. Cape Coral, Florida
  • Median list price: $262,200
  • 2-year price change: 4.2%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 5.5%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,191 homes
This city near Fort Myers has seen rapid growth, but its current housing market is experiencing a slowdown. Home prices increased just 0.1%, on average, over the past year. Nearly 22% of homes listed for sale have price cuts. And houses in Cape Coral stay on the market an average of 103 days compared with a national average of 66 days.
20. Fort Pierce, Florida
  • Median list price: $199,900
  • 2-year price change: 0.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 9.7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,585 homes
While home prices climbed more than 9% nationwide over the past two years, they barely budged in this small city on Florida’s Atlantic Coast. Nearly 10% of mortgages are underwater in Fort Pierce compared with about 8% nationwide. And the foreclosure rate is higher than the rate across the U.S.
19. Suffolk, Virginia
  • Median list price: $282,785
  • 2-year price change: 0%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 14.8%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,846 homes
Home prices haven’t risen any, on average, over the past two years in Suffolk. And homes for sale stay on the market an average of 76 days compared with a national average of 66 days. The other problems the real estate market is facing in this city — which is part of the Virginia Beach metro area — are the relatively high percentage of underwater mortgages and high foreclosure rate.
18. Laurel, Maryland
  • Median list price: $350,000
  • 2-year price change: -2.8%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 12.6%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,457 homes
Home prices have been falling in this city that’s located between Baltimore and Washington, D.C. On top of that, nearly 13% of mortgages are underwater in Laurel compared with about 8% nationwide. And the foreclosure rate is higher than the U.S. average.
17. Joliet, Illinois
  • Median list price: $169,900
  • 2-year price change: 9.6%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 15.5%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 812 homes
Although home prices in Joliet increased 9.6% over the past two years, prices haven’t risen any, on average, over the past year. What’s more troubling, though, are the high number of foreclosures and underwater mortgages in this city 30 miles southwest of Chicago. Joliet has the fourth-highest foreclosure rate among cities on this list. And the percentage of underwater mortgages here is almost double the percentage nationwide.
16. Valdosta, Georgia
  • Median list price: $154,900
  • 2-year price change: 0%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 22.7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 3,304 homes
The foreclosure rate in this city near the Georgia-Florida border is lower than the U.S. average. However, Valdosta has one of the highest percentages of underwater mortgages among cities on this list. Home prices here have also fallen more than 6% over the past year.
15. Decatur, Illinois
  • Median list price: $99,900
  • 2-year price change: 8.5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 20.4%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 5,785 homes
Decatur has the lowest foreclosure rate among the cities on this list. But the housing market in this central Illinois city could turn ugly due to its high percentage of underwater mortgages. Decatur also has a higher percentage of homes with price cuts than half of the cities on this list, and homes for sale spend more days on the market here than in a majority of cities.
14. Elgin, Illinois
  • Median list price: $240,000
  • 2-year price change: 7.8%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11.9%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,223 homes
The foreclosure rate in this Chicago suburb is twice the national rate. Plus, home price growth in Elgin has slowed over the past year, and nearly 20% of homes listed for sale have had price cuts.
13. Riverview, Florida
  • Median list price: $252,990
  • 2-year price change: 2.2%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 7.2%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 796 homes
Like other cities in the Tampa area, Riverview has a housing market that could turn ugly. It has the second-highest foreclosure rate on this list. Home price growth has slowed over the past year. And nearly 25% of homes listed for sale have had price cuts compared with 17.5% nationwide.
12. Atlanta
  • Median list price: $339,500
  • 2-year price change: 1.6%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 8.8%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,942 homes
Home prices have dropped 3% over the past year in Georgia’s capital and largest city. Atlanta is also seeing homes stay on the market longer than the U.S. average. Plus, the foreclosure rate here is higher than the rate nationwide.
11. Lawton, Oklahoma
  • Median list price: $99,900
  • 2-year price change: 5%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 25.7%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,661 homes
Lawton has the fourth-highest percentage of underwater mortgages among cities on this list. The foreclosure rate also is higher in this southwestern Oklahoma city than it is nationwide. And homes stay on the market an average of 117 days compared with a U.S. average of 66 days.
10. Hampton, Virginia
  • Median list price: $182,000
  • 2-year price change: 4.8%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 19.9%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 2,148 homes
Hampton is one of the fastest-growing cities in the Hampton Roads region on the Chesapeake Bay. However, it’s housing market has been slowing. Home prices have fallen nearly 3%, on average, over the past year. And the percentage of underwater mortgages here is double the percentage nationwide.
9. Aurora, Illinois
  • Median list price: $220,000
  • 2-year price change: 4.7%
  • Percentage of underwater mortgages: 11.8%
  • Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,491 homes
This Chicago suburb is actually the second-largest city in Illinois. Its current housing market is showing signs of trouble, though. Aurora has the fourth-highest percentage of homes with price cuts at 23.7%. And the foreclosure rate and percentage of underwater mortgages are higher than the U.S. averages.

Voor de rest van de voorbeelden: zie het origineeel.

* Zie: 'Belastingschijven onrecht: Rutte 3 knijpt de onderlaag verder af met verhoging belastingtarief, terwijl de welgestelden een belastingverlaging krijgen' (en zie de reacties onder dat bericht)

donderdag 26 december 2019

Hunter Biden zit in de Oekraïense 'witwas val'

Waar bijna niemand over spreekt als het gaat om de impeachment van Trump is het feit dat er definitief iets goed fout zat met Hunter Biden en een paar companen, die wel een enorme berg geld verdienden in een land dat in feite arm is, e.e.a. heeft alles te maken met witwassen....... Eerder al gaf de vader van Biden, Joe Biden toe dat hij Oekraïne onder druk heeft gezet om een openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die een strafrechtelijk onderzoek leidde naar de handel en wandel van o.a. zijn zoon Hunter......* (moet je nagaan, nu gaat de Democratische Partij tekeer tegen Trump die in feite hetzelfde deed als Joe Biden.....) 

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Forget ‘Creepy’ – Biden Has A Major Ukraine Problem antimedia
Zoon en vader griezels Biden, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....................

De hysterie over Trump won het echter van deze uiterst vreemde zaak die volgens ingewijden zoals gezegd o.a. met het witwassen van geld had te maken...... 

Het voorgaande is een opvallende gelijkenis met Hillary Clinton, die eigen misdadig handelen tijdens de Democratische voorverkiezingen in 2016 verdoezelde door te liegen dat Rusland haar mail had gekraakt en de gegevens naar buiten had gebracht..... Een beschuldiging die een enorm aantal zaken aan het rollen heeft gebracht, op grond van deze leugen hebben we nu zelfs censuur op het internet en liegt men telkens weer dat Rusland de verkiezingen elders manipuleert >> geen bewijs maar toch.... Terwijl er kilometers aan dossiers zijn waarin wordt aangetoond dat de VS verkiezingen elders manipuleert en als dat geen effect draait de CIA er haar hand niet voor om een gewelddadige opstand in een dergelijk land te organiseren met het doel een coup te forceren, als ook dat niet helpt wordt een staatsgreep georganiseerd, veelal door leger en politie van het bewuste land onder druk te zetten......

Clinton manipuleerde deze voorverkiezingen, waardoor Bernie Sanders deze verkiezingen verloor, ofwel Clinton heeft deze verkiezingen gestolen van Sanders..... Seth Rich, behorend tot haar campagneteam heeft pissig over dit gore spel de bewijzen daarvoor naar buiten gebracht, dus hij was het die de mails en andere zaken lekte naar de pers..... Echter zonder enige ethisch besef gaf Clinton de Russen de schuld van het inbreken op de servers van het campagneteam en daarmee was Russiagate geboren en werd 'Clintongate' ver naar de achtergrond gedrukt.......

Seth Rich werd overigens later vermoord op straat gevonden, volgens de politie een roofmoord, terwijl noch zijn portefeuille, noch zijn zichtbare sieraden werden gestolen........

Het volgende arttikel waarin Tyler Durden dieper ingaat op de witwaszaak waarbij Hunter Biden was betrokken, werd eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge:

Hunter Biden Denies Ukraine Money Laundering Allegations

Mon, 12/23/2019 - 19:30

Update: Biden has denied the allegations against him and asked the court to strike the filing from the record, claiming the allegations were improperly filed, and may constitute "redundant, immaterial, impertinent or scandalous" material, and that it was a "scheme by a non-party simply to make scandalous allegations in the pending suit to gain some quick media attention."

Biden also asked for attorney's fees and costs to address the allegations.
Judge Don McSpadden only agreed that it was improperly filed, striking the evidence on a technicality "as it was not filed in any acceptable manner to this court."

It is unclear whether it may be re-filed pursuant to (Ark R. Civ. P. 24).
According to the New York Post: "Reached by phone, Dominic Casey, the D&A investigator who filed the papers, refused to say whether his group had been retained by Roberts, or sent the information to the court of its own volition."

A new filing in an Arkansas lawsuit against Hunter Biden claims that the former Vice President's son "is the subject of more than one (1) criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme."

Filed by private investigator Dominic Casey of D&A Investigations on behalf of Lunden Alexis Roberts - with whom Hunter fathered a child, Monday's "Notice of Fraud and Counterfeiting and Production of Evidence" alleges that Hunter Biden and associates Devon Archer and John Kerry stepson Christopher Heinz engaged in a money laundering scheme which accumulated over $156 million between March 2014 and December 2015.

According to the document, Biden, Archer and Heinz became directors of consulting firm Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC in order to "conceal their family members ownership," establishing financial accounts at Morgan Stanley and China Bank, the latter of which was used in a money laundering scheme.

Biden and associates are accused of using the counterfeiting scheme "to conceal the Morgan Stanley et al Average Account Value.


The filing also says that "Family members of DEFENDANT Robert Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Christopher Heinz are business partners of Serhiy Leshchenko and Mykola Zlochevesky in the Ukraine, and are currently under investigation for their part in the counterfeiting scheme."

Of note, Leshchenko is a former Ukrainian parliamentarian who made headlines in August 2016 for helping to leak the so-called "black ledger" that resulted in the firing of then-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort - the supposedly 'debunked' Ukraine meddling detailed in a November, 2017 Politico article.

Notably, following an outreach to the Ukrainian embassy by Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa, Artem Sytnyk, Ukraine's Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and Leshchenko released the "black ledger" containing off-book payments to Manafort. In December of 2018, a Ukrainian court ruled that Sytnyk and Leshchenko "acted illegally" by releasing Manafort's name - a conviction which was later overturned on a technicality.

Zlochevsky, meanwhile, is the owner of Burisma.
Read below:
Tags Law Crime

* Zie: 'Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten'

Zie ook:
'VS burgers zijn gewaarschuwd: Rusland kan hun hersenen hacken en laten geloven dat Joe Biden niet geschikt is als president'

'Nieuwe Russische hack samenzweringstheorie t.a.v. Joe Biden 'schokt' VS Democraten'

'Joe Biden heeft al lang toegegeven dat hij Oekraïne onder druk zette een openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die zijn zoon vervolgde'

'Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden'' 

'Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........' (o.a. met aandacht voor Biden en zijn zoon)

'VS stelt Duitsland een ultimatum (chantage): geen Russisch gas via NS2 anders volgt een handelsoorlog.....' Chantage o.a. ten behoeve van het Oekraïense bedrijf Burisma waar Hunter Biden voor werkt. Intussen heeft Trump aangekondigd dat de bedrijven, o.a. een deels Nederlands bedrijf, die blijven meewerken aan Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gesanctioneerd zullen worden..... Zie voorts: 'Donald 'Darth Vader' Trump verklaart ruimte tot oorlogsgebied en laat Duitsland en haar bedrijven weten dat men zich heeft te schikken naar de VS wensen' Voor meer berichten over Nord Stream 2, klik op het label NS2, direct onder dit bericht.

'VS – Duitse verhouding dreigt te exploderen'

'Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

dinsdag 10 december 2019

Hillary Clinton: Bernie Sanders is a 'Russian Asset'

Howard Stern is een populaire radiopresentator (en aansteller) die afgelopen week oorlogsmisdadiger Hillary Clinton interviewde. Veel over de verkiezingen in 2016 en de komende VS presidentsverkiezingen volgend jaar november. Uiteraard zijn haar de verkiezingen van 2016 ontstolen en de groep die daar verantwoordelijk voor is, is dezelfde groep die haar nog steeds dwarszit, alleen groeit deze groep met de dag, als je Clinton moet geloven en hoort fulmineren, zo zijn nu ook Bernie Sanders en Tulsi Gabbard lakeien van de Russen

Kortom: Hillary Clinton was met haar plastictronie bezig kandidaten van haar eigen Democratische Partij te beschuldigen van samenwerking met de Russen, waarbij ze het beschrijft alsof de Russen deze personen, mensen als Gabbard en Sanders, als marionetten bespelen......

Hillary Clinton heeft tijdens de democratische voorverkiezingen in 2016 een heel smerig spelletje gespeeld, wat Sanders zijn kandidatuur voor het presidentschap kostte...... Een medewerker uit haar team was daar zo ontdaan over dat deze man, genaamd Seth Rich, een groot aantal mails lekte waaruit bleek dat Clinton dit gore spel inderdaad heeft gespeeld..... Bliksemsnel besloot men de Russen aan te wijzen als de schuldige voor het lekken van de mails en klokkenluider Seth Rich was op straat het slachtoffer van een roofmoord, echter noch zijn portefeuille, noch zijn opzichtige sieraden werden gestolen, ofwel hier is zonder meer sprake van een politieke moord, in opdracht van........

Zonder dat er verder nog over het misdadige optreden van Clinton werd gesproken, kwam er een campagne opgang tegen Rusland, waar de westerse politici en de reguliere westerse media, inclusief een aantal geheime diensten, oorlogshitsers als die van het Haags Centrum voor Strategische Studies (HCSS) en andere anti-Russische denktanks, als de Atlantic Council (NAVO denktank) aan meewerkten, zelfs D66 imbi Ollongren zag plotseling overal Russen...... (ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!)

Clinton heeft zelfs het gore lef te zeggen dat ze het gedrag van Sanders onbegrijpelijk vindt, door te stellen dat ze niet hoopt dat Sanders hetzelfde flikt als een ander de Democratische nominatie wint..... Het voorgaande terwijl ze hem, als gezegd, zo ongeveer de meest smerige streek uit de politiek van de laatste 20 jaar heeft geleverd en dan is dit ook nog eens een partijgenoot van Clinton, die alsnog vervolgd zou moeten worden voor het smerige spel dat ze speelde...... (overigens heeft Sanders in 2016 de campagne van Clinton gesteund na haar 'overwinning' in de Democratische voorverkiezingen)

Het volgende bericht komt van Zero Hedge en werd geschreven door 'Tyler Durden', ik nam het over van Anti-Media. Heb aan het eind ook het hele interview, waar ik een kort fragment uit een 'Twittervideo' niet kan overnemen (zal een link toevoegen). Heb een deel van het interview gezien, totdat ik kotsmisselijk werd van Clinton, ik wens je daarom ook veel sterkte als je de volle 26 minuten wilt uitzitten.....

Hillary Casually Drops ‘Russian Asset’ Smear on Bernie Sanders in New Interview

December 5, 2019 at 9:06 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZH) — Hillary Clinton went on the Howard Stern show this week for a wide-ranging interview with the popular radio host, specifically focusing on her loss to Trump and what 2020 looks like — a race she’s recently dropped hints she could be prepared to enter, however unlikely that might be.

While the Wednesday interview was widely covered in the media, there’s one segment largely overlooked in the mainstream, but which is stunning nonetheless. We’ve grown used to her ‘Trump is a Russian asset’ line in her typical blame game fashion anytime she makes a media appearance; however, she did repeat the less common conspiracy that links rival Democrat Bernie Sanders to the Kremlin.

Are we just going to ignore that Hillary Clinton, today, just implied that Bernie Sanders is also a Russian asset?
Embedded video
(hier de link naar de 'Twittervideo)

She wasn’t even asked, but briefly voluntarily inserted the reference while discussing the Mueller investigation.
Speaking of the Russians, she claimed, They were like – ‘hey let’s do everything we can to elect Donald Trump’. Those are quotes… those are words [they used]… And they also said Bernie Sanders.” 

But you know that’s for another day…”

Stern runs with it: Do we hate Bernie Sanders?” 
I don’t hate anybody,” but agrees with Stern’s assessment that he took a while to endorse her:
He could have. He hurt me, there’s no doubt about it.”

Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders at a debate on February 4, 2016 in Durham, New Hampshire. Getty Images
Then she delivered the final punch at a moment Sanders continues to gain in the polls, especially among young voters: “And I hope he doesn’t do it again to whoever gets the nomination. Once is enough.”

There it is: her disastrous 2016 loss continues to be the fault of everyone else, who are apparently all somehow Russian puppets, even the Leftist Jewish Senator from Vermont (and let’s not forget the Green Party’s Jill Stein).
- - -
If you can stomach watching it, she elsewhere describes in detail ‘how she felt’ being present for Trump’s inauguration ceremony. Which was one of the hardest days of my life, to be honest!”

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
Hier de video van het hele interview:

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