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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label J. Pirro. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label J. Pirro. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 21 april 2020

Coronavirus: hysterische en belachelijke beschuldigingen aan adres China

Fox News heeft als lid van de reguliere (massa-) media de grote aftrap gedaan in het beschuldigen van China voor de Coronacrisis. Fox presentator Jeanine Pirro heeft haar gif gespuid over China en daar zelfs een eis aan toegevoegd: China moet op alle mogelijke manieren boeten, nou ja, 'alle mogelijke manieren?' Een kernoorlog ontbreekt nog aan de tirade van deze oorlogshitser.......

Tucker Carlson, een Fox presentator die liever voor de CIA had gewerkt, maar daar werd afgewezen, had oud-CIA agent Bryan Dean Wright op bezoek en vroeg hem op suggestieve manier of Democratische politici werken voor de Chinese geheime dienst. Carlson deed dit daar men eerder aan Democratische politici had gevraagd of zij contact hebben gehad met Chinese autoriteiten maar daar geen antwoord op kreeg; kijk dan concludeert men bij Fox dat deze politici, waaronder senator Feinstein, wel op de loonlijst van de Chinese geheime dienst moeten staan..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Kortom de Russiagate leugen wordt afgestoft en van een ander etiket voorzien: China! Overigens ook de Democraten kunnen er wat van, zo heeft oorlogsmisdadiger Biden zelfs durven zeggen dat Trump zich weliswaar oorlogspresident noemt, maar zich eindelijk als zodanig moet gedragen...... Waar hij voorts stelde dat Trump de Chinezen veel te slap aanpakt...... En dan denken progressieve Democraten dat Biden wel naar de linkerkant van de partij is te krijgen..... ha! ha! ha! ha!

Caitlin Johnstone schreef een artikel over deze zaak, waar ze als bij Russiagate concludeert dat e.e.a niet gaat over het Coronavirus of manipulatie van verkiezingen (Russiagate), maar over het handhaven van de VS als alleenheerser over de wereld, dus het in de tang nemen van China en Rusland, waarbij één van de doelen is China's economie onderuit te halen, daar deze een grote bedreiging vormt voor de VS...... De VS moet de nummer 1 economie van de wereld blijven, ook al is de staatsschuld van de VS amper nog in cijfers is uit te drukken en loopt deze per seconde op...... (kijk 'voor de gein' is hoe snel dat gaat)

MSM China Hysteria Gets Way Crazier And Dumber

by Caitlin Johnstone

Hysteria about China has been kicked into high gear by the political/media class who are responsible for manufacturing support for the cold war escalations which will be necessary to prevent the US from being surpassed on the world stage as a unipolar superpower.

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro has aired a fire-and-brimstone monologue on China that looks like a fictional news clip from some kind of film noir-style movie adaptation of a really ham-fisted dystopian graphic novel. It really needs to be seen to be believed, so give it a view here when you get a chance:

This seems more unhinged than normal
Embedded video
(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht zie het origineel)

"China is the one that's out of control," Pirro spat, punching the word 'China' like she was speaking a profanity at someone she despises. "We're not going to let you destroy this country or our way of life. We've fought too hard and we've fought too long to lose it to a Wuhan - that's what I said, a WOO-HAN virus."

"You want to control people? You politicians want to flex your muscles?" Pirro asked, referring to government lockdowns. "Well start working on how you're gonna punish, ostracize, alienate, and financially sanction, and make China accountable for what they did to us and the rest of the world!"

It's a legitimately scary segment with an unbelievable amount of vitriol, and Pirro isn't the only Fox News pundit ramping up the anti-China hysteria.

Tucker Carlson recently had on "former" CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright to tell his massive audience about the danger posed by the Chinese menace, and pitched him a question clearly geared to set up Wright to claim without evidence that leaders of the Democratic Party may in fact be members of the Chinese intelligence agency MSS.

"Former" CIA officer @BryanDeanWright tells Tucker Carlson (who has also tried to join the CIA) that some Democratic Party leaders may in fact be secret intelligence agents working for China. This is easily as deranged as anything we've seen on MSNBC about Russia.
Embedded video

(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht zie het origineel)

"We reached out to Senator Feinstein and a number of other elected officials today and asked 'Have you had contact recently since the outbreak with Chinese officials?', and not a single one responded. What do you think we should infer from that?" asked Carlson, who is known to have himself tried to join the CIA in the past.

"I think that they’re nervous," Wright replied. "I think there are a bunch of people who, because they’re either useful idiots, or they have some degree of knowledge and and relationships behind the scenes with the Chinese government. Some of them in fact could be Chinese agents of the MSS, their intelligence service, God forbid. They’re nervous."

"We’ve got a lot of very nervous folks in the Democratic Party," Wright added.

This is easily as unhinged as even the most cartoonishly ridiculous Russia hysteria we've seen uncorked by Rachel Maddow or anyone on MSNBC, and is not at all different in tone or content; even the use of the term "useful idiots" is right in line with the same reprehensible Russiagate rhetoric we've been hearing for the last four years.

The claim that rival parties have been infiltrated by communists has a very long and ugly history in US politics, and now that it's being weaponized by the American right wing in such a shameless way we can expect it to get a whole lot uglier.

Welcome to the new cold war. Biden's new ad is just unhinged anti-China propaganda.

Biden will attack Trump for supposedly being "too soft" on China, and Trump will do the same to Biden.

The 2020 election will be nonstop bipartisan scapegoating of China.
Embedded video

Not to be outdone the Democrats are now working to out-Trump Trump, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding that Trump "swiftly begin implementing the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act", and a new Biden campaign ad attacking the president for being too soft on China for its handling of the Covid-19 virus.

The ad attacks Trump for failing to force Beijing to allow US government officials into Wuhan to monitor the governing of a sovereign nation during a pandemic outbreak.

"Trump praised the Chinese 15 times in January and February as the coronavirus spread across the world," says the ad's narrator in a menacing voice. "Trump never got a CDC team on the ground in China. And the travel ban he brags about? Trump let in 40,000 travelers from China into America after he signed it. Not exactly airtight."

Attacking Trump from the right on foreign policy has become standard practice for the Biden campaign, with whoever runs his account recently tweeting "Donald Trump says he’s a wartime president — it’s time for him to act like one."

This is the guy that American progressives still say can be moved to the left? Hilarious.

Even as the world confronts the coronavirus crisis, democracy and human rights continue to be attacked in Hong Kong. @RepMcGovern is right — @realDonaldTrump must swiftly begin implementing the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act. 

It is never a good sign when the political/media class all across the aisle begins loudly trying to out-hawk one another about a nation which refuses to be absorbed into the US-centralized world order. And make no mistake, this is all this is actually about.

It's not a coincidence that the two nations the US political/media class has been shrieking the loudest about lately are the two strongest nations which have refused to be absorbed into the US empire. It's never been about "collusion" or a virus, it's about stopping multipolarism. This has been obvious for years, but partisan narrative control masks it.
More than two years ago I was writing about how Russiagate isn't about Trump or even really just about Russia, but about hamstringing the Russia-China tandem to stop China's rise.

Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of neoconservatism, the prevailing orthodoxy in the US-centralized power alliance has been to preserve the unipolar world order at any cost. All US foreign policy has been a direct or indirect result of this agenda ever since.

Donald Trump says he’s a wartime president — it’s time for him to act like one.

It's not about Covid-19. It's not about Uighurs. It's not about a Putin pee tape. It's not about terrorists. It's not about weapons of mass destruction. It's about world domination, plain and simple. And the oligarch-owned political/media class who controls the dominant narrative is helping to facilitate that.

I never voted for a world order where one powerful government is constantly attacking, destroying and sabotaging any nation that threatens its hegemony. I'm pretty sure you never did either. And yet here we are, forced to accept this insane paradigm, even when the targeted nations in question are nuclear armed and anything could go drastically wrong at any moment as a result of miscommunication or technical malfunction in the heat and confusion of escalated aggression.

This will continue to be foisted upon us whether we like it or not, until this way of life is locked in forever, or until we all die in a nuclear holocaust, or until we force them to stop. It's that third option that they are working to cut off during the rapid increases in government surveillance and internet censorship we've seen implemented during this pandemic, so we're going to have to want to live a lot more than the empire does.
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dinsdag 12 maart 2019

Fox News veroordeelt eigen presentator voor belachelijke uitlatingen aangaande Ilhan Omar

Jeannine Pirro, een Fox presentator van de 'show' 'Justice with Judge Jeannine' (ha! ha! ha!), heeft tijdens deze show afgelopen zaterdag gesteld dat het dragen van een hidjab door Omar aan kan geven dat ze de VS constitutie geweld aandoet......

Deze uitlating ontketende terecht veel protest, niet alleen van de 'gewone kijker' maar ook van vooraanstaande joden en joodse organisaties, die het met Omar eens zijn wat betreft haar kritiek op de staat Israël, waarmee ze o.a. volkomen terecht stelt dat de staat Israël veel te veel invloed heeft op de politiek in de VS. Men stelt e.e.a. in verband met de hetze in de VS tegen de islam (islamofobie) en het racisme tegen gekleurde VS burgers.....

Volgens Pirro heeft Omar haar denkbeelden* niet uit de Democratische Partij** en daarbij vroeg ze zich af waar ze haar denkbeelden dan vandaan heeft, waarmee Pirro Omar in feite beschuldigt haar denkbeelden te halen van moslim extremistische sites..... Gelukkig hebben figuren als Bernie Sanders gesteld dat Omar geen antisemiet is, als ze kritiek levert op de staat Israël en de verbintenis met de VS politiek......**

Opvallend toch dat zelfs Fox de uitlatingen van Pirro niet tolereert, nu nog even de daad bij het woord voegen en Pirro ontslaan!!

Fox News Condemns Host’s Comments About Ilhan Omar

March 11, 2019 at 10:34 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

Host Jeannine Pirro said Omar may not support the US Constitution because she wears a hijab.

(MEE— Fox News has condemned recent comments by host Jeannine Pirro about US Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, which prompted accusations of racism and Islamophobia, as well as calls for Pirro to resign, over the weekend.

Pirro, host of the Fox News show “Justice with Judge Jeannine”, on Saturday said the fact Omar wears a headscarf (hijab) may mean she doesn’t support the US Constitution.
Late on Sunday, Fox News released a statement condemning the host’s comments, US media outlets reported.

We strongly condemn Jeanine Pirro’s comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar,” the US cable news network said, as reported by The Hill. “They do not reflect those of the network and we have addressed the matter with her directly.”

On Monday, Omar herself thanked the network for its statement.

Thank you, @FoxNews. No one’s commitment to our constitution should be questioned because of their faith or country of birth,” she wrote on Twitter.

Thank you, @FoxNews. No one’s commitment to our constitution should be questioned because of their faith or country of birth. 

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro questions Ilhan Omar's hijab

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro questioned Saturday whether Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's Islamic religious beliefs stand in opposition to the US Constitution.

Pirro’s segment on Omar came after days of controversy over the congresswoman’s criticism of Israel and questions she raised about the influence exerted by pro-Israel lobby groups on US politics.

Omar faced several days of attacks from US journalists, commentators, pro-Israel groups and others, including members of her own Democratic Party, who accused her of anti-Semitism.

Jewish- and Muslim-American activists came to her defence, however, saying Omar never said anything anti-Semitic.

In a time of rampant Islamophobia and anti-black racism coming from the halls of power, [the] Democratic leadership … needs to be standing with black Americans and not scapegoating them,” said Rabbi Alissa Wise, deputy director of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), during a rally last week.

Top Democratic presidential contenders Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren also issued statements denouncing Islamophobic attacks against Omar and highlighting the distinction between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel.

On her show on Saturday, Pirro said Omar did not get her “anti-Israel sentiment” from the Democratic Party.

Think about this, she’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democrat Party, so if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? Think about it. Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Quran 33:59 tells women to cover so they won’t get molested,” she said in the segment.

Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law? Which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Sunday called for Pirro to be fired.
Such an open and un-American expression of religious bigotry should be rejected by any media outlet seeking even a modicum of credibility,” said the group’s national executive director, Nihad Awad, in a statement.

Jeanine Pirro should be fired, and Fox News should apologise to its viewing audience.”
In a statement of her own, responding to the criticism, Pirro said she “did not call Rep. Omar un-American”.

My intention was to ask a question and start a debate, but of course because one is Muslim does not mean you don’t support the Constitution,” she said, as reported by US media outlets.

By MEE staff Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

  De denkbeelden waarover Omar zo onder vuur ligt, kritiek op o.a. Israël en waarvoor men haar zelfs in de Democratische Partij een antisemiet durft te noemen.

**  Dacht dat Omar lid was van een kleinere politieke partij, t.w. de Minnesota Demcratic-Farmer-Labor Party, blijkbaar is dit toch een onderdeel van de Democratische Partij. Overigens heeft Omar zitting in het lagerhuis van Minnesota voor deze partij. Blijkbaar probeert de Democratische partij bij lokale en regionale verkiezingen de indruk te wekken dat haar partij die aan deze verkiezingen meedoet andere belangen behartigt dan de landelijke partij...... In Nederland pleitte men er een paar jaar geleden voor, de landelijke partijpolitiek los te koppelen van regionale en lokale afdelingen, daar ze veelal een ander beleid voorstaan..... Politici? Eens oplichters........

*** Het is al zo zot, dat de zwaar corrupte Palestijnenslachter Netanyahu in 2015 het gore lef had om het Congres in de VS toe te spreken en de politiek van Obama t.a.v. Israël en het Midden-Oosten te veroordelen...... Geen regulier massamediaorgaan durfde toen te stellen dat Israël de VS politiek beïnvloedt en manipuleert, terwijl ze amper een jaar later de tent uitgingen vanwege de zogenaamde bemoeienis van Rusland met de presidentsverkiezingen in de VS, beschuldigingen waarvoor zelfs na 2 jaar geen flinter aan bewijs werd geleverd..... Terwijl iedereen kan weten (dus zeker de massamedia) dat Israël dit wel degelijk heeft gedaan, sterker nog daarvoor is zelfs een video beschikbaar......... Zie:

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