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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label RSPO. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label RSPO. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 8 juni 2018

Red de orang-oetan van de ondergang, stop de palmolie vernietiging van het oerwoud!

Grote bedrijven als Unilever hebben het gore lef de klant voor te houden dat zij alleen duurzame palmolie gebruiken in hun producten...... Niet alleen een leugen van formaat, daar ze werken met plantagehouders die schijt hebben aan een duurzame wereld en het oerwoud net zo hard naar god helpen als ieder ander, maar ook door het simpele feit dat er maar één manier is om deze zaak werkelijk duurzaam te maken, een totaal verbod op het gebruik van palmolie!!

Tot de grootste slachtoffers van de palmolieterreur in Indonesië behoren de 3 soorten orang-oetans, waarvan één soort pas onlangs werd ontdekt, de Tapanuli, deze werd onmiddellijk op de lijst van bedreigde diersoorten gezet, waar de 2 andere soorten, de Sumatra en de Borneo orang-oetan, zich al lange tijd op bevinden. Alleen de laatste 16 jaar zijn er al meer dan 100.000 Borneo orang-oetans 'verdwenen' (voor het overgrote deel vermoord door de mens, die NB dicht verwant is aan de orang-oetan.....)......

De grote boosdoener is palmolie, waar eerder hout het bestaan van oerwoud en daarmee de bewoners bedreigde, is het nu de enorme vraag naar 'goedkope'* palmolie....... Niet alleen wordt palmolie verwerkt in veel levensmiddelen, maar zit het ook in producten als shampoo en wordt het godbetert toegevoegd aan dieselbrandstof......... (dat laatste noemt men dan 'duurzame diesel....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!)

Palmolie kan niet duurzaam zijn, zeker als je het enorme gebruik ziet van deze olie, die verkregen wordt door: -mensen van hun grond te verjagen, -dieren te vermoorden, ofwel direct middels geweervuur, dan wel door bosbrand, of door -het gebruik van kinderarbeid.........

Er is maar één manier om van de voornoemde zaken af te komen: het gebruik van palmolie totaal verbieden!! (en zo snel mogelijk!) Zolang de vraag naar palmolie bestaat zal men regels met voeten treden en voornoemde zaken in praktijk blijven brengen......

Lees de volgende twee artikelen, teken ajb de petitie en geeft het door! De BBC heeft een documentaire van meer dan 50 minuten: 'Red Ape, Saving the Orangutan' maar deze mag belachelijk genoeg niet worden gezien buiten GB en in GB zelf voor een beperkte periode....... Hieronder zie je een korte (gruwelijke) samenvatting van die documentaire. Dit onderwerp is te belangrijk om achter een 'betaalmuur' te verdwijnen.....

Het eerste artikel is van The Guardian en daaronder een petitie van (lees en teken deze ajb en geeft het door!):

Some of the world’s biggest companies are failing in their pledge to stop deforestation by 2020. Don’t let them forget it

Thu 10 May 2018 14.50 BST

A scene from BBC2 documentary Red Ape: Saving the Orangutan.
 A scene from BBC2 documentary Red Ape: Saving the Orangutan. Photograph: Alejo Sabugo/International Animal Rescue/BBC/Alejo Sabugo/International Animal Rescue

Few who watch the documentary Red Ape: Saving the Orangutan tonight on BBC2 could fail to feel some sense of responsibility for the desperate situation faced by Indonesia’s orangutans. These extraordinary creatures are our closest relatives, sharing 97% of our DNA. Their similarity to us is astonishing. They are intelligent, inquisitive, smile and show empathy. They even laugh when tickled, like us, when most other animals have evolved to be ticklish only in an itchy, irritating sort of way as a protective reflex. Encountering orangutans in the wild is like nothing else I’ve experienced.

They once thrived in Indonesia’s lush, green rainforests but over the last 50 years they have been forced from their home and killed. In the last 16 years alone, 100,000 Bornean orangutans have been lost. All three species – Bornean, Sumatran and the Tapanuli, a species discovered only last year – are now on the critically endangered list. The reason? It started in the 1960s as forests were logged for timber, but now it’s palm oil.

Global demand for palm oil has increased six-fold since 1990. It’s in half of all packaged products on supermarket shelves and to avoid it completely would be incredibly tricky. Although palm oil in food can no longer be described simply as vegetable oil and must be clearly labelled (thanks to an EU directive in 2014), there is no such law for products such as soap, shampoo and other cosmetics. The supermarket Iceland’s decision to ditch palm oil from all of its own-brand products was, it says, a response to the palm oil industry’s catastrophic failure to halt deforestation and deal with the problem.

Even the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) – the industry body charged with ensuring registered companies trade only in oil that has not come from deforestation – is failing spectacularly. Just over a week ago, Greenpeace exposed massive rainforest destruction in Papua allegedly caused by palm oil companies that are subsidiaries of a current RSPO member. Buying from them were big multinationals including Unilever, Nestlé, Pepsico and Mars. The companies concerned have responded by saying they are taking Greenpeace’s claims seriously and taking appropriate action. But if Greenpeace’s assertions are correct, no company can claim the palm oil it uses is 100% “sustainable”.

Red Ape reveals the truly remarkable work that International Animal Rescue workers are doing on the ground to save these animals. At this crucial stage in their existence, every life saved is vital to their survival. But if we want to save orangutans in the long term, as John Sauven, Greenpeace UK’s executive director, says in the programme, we must save their home – the rainforest. You can sign Greenpeace UK’s petition to support this mission.

Orangutans spend 95% of their lives in the trees, but right now, Indonesia’s forests are disappearing at the rate of one football pitch every 25 seconds. In the absence of industry reform, multinationals such as those mentioned above must take responsibility. In fact, back in 2010 they actually promised to take responsibility. Then, members of the Consumer Goods Forum pledged that by 2020 they would no longer buy palm oil from any company that decreased the net amount of rainforest. But have they done anything about it? Not much, it seems. In fact, in January this year, when Greenpeace asked 16 companies to publish which palm oil traders they were buying from, many refused – although not those listed above.

With rainforest clearance continuing and the Indonesian government boasting a projected increase in palm oil production from 36.5m tonnes in 2017 to over 42m tonnes by 2020, the situation really is dire. And it’s not just orangutans that are threatened. More than 69% of Sumatran elephant habitat has been destroyed within one generation, and there are fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinos left in the wild. People are part of this conflict too. Land grabbing and exploitation of workers, including the use of child labour, is endemic. And decades of deforestation for palm oil have created conditions ideal for furious forest and peatland fires. These fires, often deliberately started by companies clearing the land, threaten the health of people across southeast Asia and drive climate change.

Indeed, if nothing is done, eventually we will all pay the price, since land-use change, mainly from tropical deforestation, accounts for 12% of global carbon emissions. Keeping these forests intact really is vital for all life on Earth. There can be no more delaying until the next decade. 2020 is less than two years away and the burden of responsibility lies firmly with the multinationals. Palm oil can be produced without destroying rainforests but only if big companies support it. I won’t let them forget their zero-deforestation promise. Will you?

• Chris Packham is a naturalist, nature photographer and author

Save the Orangutan

Seth Wojtak started this petition to WildlifeConservation Society 

They once thrived in Indonesia’s lush, green rainforests but over the last 50 years they have been forced from their home and killed. In the last 16 years alone, 100,000 Bornean orangutans have been lost. All three species – Bornean, Sumatran and the Tapanuli, a species discovered only last year – are now on the critically endangered list. The reason? It started in the 1960s as forests were logged for timber, but now it’s palm oil.

The two species of orangutan, Bornean and Sumatran, differ a little in appearance and behavior. While both have shaggy reddish fur, Sumatran orangutans have longer facial hair. Sumatran orangutans are reported to have closer social bonds than their Bornean cousins. Bornean orangutans are more likely to descend from the trees to move around on the ground.

Both species have experienced sharp population declines. A century ago there were probably more than 230,000 orangutans in total, but the Bornean orangutan is now estimated at about 104,700 based on updated geographic range (Endangered) and the Sumatran about 7,500 (Critically Endangered). 

The name orangutan means "man of the forest" in the Malay language. In the lowland forests in which they reside, orangutans live solitary existences. They feast on wild fruits like lychees, mangosteens, and figs, and slurp water from holes in trees. They make nests in trees of vegetation to sleep at night and rest during the day.

Adult male orangutans can weigh up to 200 pounds. Flanged males have prominent cheek pads called flanges and a throat sac used to make loud verbalizations called long calls. An unflanged male looks like an adult female. In a biological phenomenon unique among primates, an unflanged male can change to a flanged male for reasons that are not yet fully understood.


* Als we oerwoud vernietiging (veelal middels brand, waar men de rook tot op honderden kilometers ver kan ruiken), luchtvervuiling, transport en slavenarbeid niet meerekenen is palmolie 'goedkoop', bovendien is palmolie allesbehalve gezond, terwijl het in onnoemelijk veel producten zit, zelfs in producten van Ekoplaza........

Zie ook:
'Unilever 'in veilige groene handen' bij Nils Andersen (o.a. BP)'

'Orang oetan, zwanger en hongerend houdt zich vast aan de laatste boom terwijl bulldozers haar leefgebied vernielen voor palmolie'

'EU: palmolie in diesel is niet duurzaam, maar stoppen met subsidie is amper een optie'

'EU moet palmolie in diesel verbieden, redt de orang oetan en de oerwouden!'

'Greenpeace actie om te voorkomen dat een schip met palmolie aanmeert in Rotterdam'

''Britse reclame code commissie' weigert tv reclame die gericht is tegen het gebruik van palmolie'

'Unilever voor het gerecht gedaagd door ex-arbeiders in Kenia'

'Milieudefensie knettergek geworden, felicitaties n.a.v. palmolieverbod in diesel per 2030'

'PepsiCo verantwoordelijk voor ontbossing oerwoud Borneo...... Boycot Pepsi producten!'

'Regenwouden bufferen niet langer o.a. koolstof, maar stoten dit netto uit, dit door bedrijven als PepsiCo........'