Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label onteigening. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 18 april 2019

VS legt nog meer sancties op aan de bevolking van Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua

Om de ellende onder de volkeren van Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua nog verder te verdiepen, heeft de psychopathische oorlogsmisdadiger Bolton aangekondigd dat de VS deze landen nog meer sancties zal opleggen. In zijn smerige praatje stelde Bolton dat de 3 landen de 'stromannen' zijn van het socialisme, waar hij deze landen ook aanduidt als de 'trojka van tirannie, die volgens hem uit elkaar valt.........'

Waar haalt schoft Bolton het lef vandaan, niet alleen daar de VS de echt tirannieke landen als de reli-fascistische dictaturen van Saoedi-Arabië en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten steunt, waar de Egyptische-junta van al-Sisi aan toegevoegd moet worden, maar ook daar de VS een tiranniek beleid voert, met uitoefening van grootschalige terreur, tegen landen die haar niet welgevallig zijn, zoals Syrië en Iran....... Vergeet voorts niet dat de VS met haar economische oorlog tegen Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua, in feite terreur uitoefent op de volkeren van die landen.... (hetzelfde geldt uiteraard voor Iran)

Opperploert Bolton deed zijn uitlatingen in de buurt van Miami bij de herdenking van het Bay of Pigs fiasco in april 1961, waarbij de CIA en ultra rechtse Cubanen het soevereine land Cuba aanvielen om het bewind van Castro omver te werpen.

Om het volk van Cuba nog harder te straffen, stelde Bolton dat Cubanen in de VS met familie op Cuba in het vervolg niet meer dan $ 1,000.-- per persoon en maximaal 1 keer per kwartaal mogen overmaken naar die familie....... Het is duidelijk: een voortzetting van het programma van ontmoediging voor bewoners van landen die de VS niet welgevallig zijn.....

Met deze tactiek, een economische oorlogsvoering, probeert de VS de bevolking van landen die haar niet welgevallig zijn, zoals de 3 genoemde landen, zo te raken dat ze de straat opgaan voor massademonstraties en daarmee probeert de VS het volk zover te krijgen dat het zittende bewind wordt afgezet........ Tegelijkertijd durft Bolton te stellen dat hij de volkeren van Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua nooit in de steek te laten....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Duidelijk geval van gevaarlijke psychopathische gekte, waarbij elke redelijke en ethische argumentatie ontbreekt......

Een paar uur eerder sprak Pompeo over Cuba en hij wil dat Cuba de onteigende bezittingen van 'Amerikanen' teruggeeft aan 'de rechtmatige eigenaren' en waarbij hij grote herstelbetalingen, inclusief rente eist van de Cubaanse regering...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! De bezittingen waar Bolton over spreekt waren van smerige plantage en fabriekseigenaren die hun arbeiders vreselijk hebben uitgebuit, voorts gaat het om bezittingen van maffia organisaties die voor de revolutie van Castro en zijn makkers in 1959 op Cuba grote casino's en bordelen in hun bezit hadden.......

Gelukkig verzet de EU zich tegen deze verdere uitbouw van sancties, echter dat verzet is van nul en generlei waarde, immers het verzet van de EU tegen de hernieuwde sancties van de VS tegen Iran, was er één in woorden, daarna deed en doet de EU niets voor Iran en durven EU bedrijven niet langer te investeren in dat land........ Eigenlijk onnodig te zeggen dat het hier om een heel smerige vorm van chantage door de Trump administratie gaat, genoeg voor een aanklacht bij het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC)!!

Het volgend artikel komt van de rechtse site Money and Markets:

Trump Admin Sanctions ‘Three Stooges of Socialism,’ Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

Posted by News Team | Apr 17, 2019 News

Trump Admin Sanctions ‘Three Stooges of Socialism,’ Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

The Trump administration on Wednesday intensified its crackdown on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, rolling back Obama administration policy and announcing new restrictions and sanctions against the three countries whose leaders national security adviser John Bolton dubbed the “three stooges of socialism.”

The troika of tyranny — Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua — is beginning to crumble,” Bolton said in a hard-hitting speech near Miami on the 58th anniversary of the United States’ failed Bay of Pigs invasion of the island, an attempt to overthrow the Cuban government.

Bolton announced a new cap on the amount of money families in the United States can send their relatives in Cuba. The Obama administration had lifted limits on remittances, but the new limit will be $1,000 per person per quarter, Bolton said. Remittances to Cuba from the United States amounted to $3 billion in 2016, according to the State Department.

Bolton also announced that the U.S. was sanctioning the Central Bank of Venezuela, which the Trump administration says has been instrumental in propping up the embattled government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. He also announced sanctions against financial services provider Bancorp, which he claimed is a “slush fund” for Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega.

The United States looks forward to watching each corner of this sordid triangle of terror fall: in Havana, in Caracas, and in Managua,” Bolton said in South Florida, which is home to thousands of exiles and immigrants from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

He said Obama administration policies gave the Cuban government “political cover to expand its malign influence” across the region, including in Venezuela. Cuba has trained Venezuelan security forces to repress civilians and support Maduro, Bolton said.

Havana continues to prop up Maduro and help him sustain the brutal suffering of the Venezuelan people,” Bolton said. “As President Trump has said, Maduro is quite simply a ‘Cuban puppet.'”

Thousands of Cuban doctors in Venezuela are being used as pawns by Maduro and his Cuban sponsors to support his brutal and oppressive reign.”

Bolton’s pledge to “never, ever abandon” the people of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in their fight for freedom also might ring hollow in light of the historical events he sought to highlight at the event hosted by the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association.

Many Cuban Americans to this day resent the late President John F. Kennedy for not deploying American troops at a critical moment in the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Meanwhile, with the high stakes of the Cold War a fading memory, some critics of U.S. policy toward Venezuela worry that the Trump administration’s stance that all options are on the table, including a military one, to oust Maduro is an empty threat that will only serve to ignite the streets and geopolitical tensions with Russia, compounding the misery of Venezuelan citizens.

Honoring one of U.S.’ greatest military fiascos from 60 years back suggests
U.S. policy to Latin America owes more now to a perverse Cold War nostalgia than practical benefits for people of the region,” said Ivan Briscoe, the Latin American director for the International Crisis Group (ICG), a think tank headquartered in Brussels.

Bolton spoke just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in Washington a new policy that allows lawsuits against foreign firms operating on properties Cuba seized from Americans after the 1959 revolution. The United States has enforced a trade blockade against Cuba since the early 1960s.

The announcement comes at a moment of severe economic weakness for Cuba, which is struggling to find enough cash to import basic food and other supplies following a drop in aid from Venezuela and a string of bad years in other key economic sectors.

Pompeo said he won’t renew a bar on litigation that has been in place for two decades, meaning that lawsuits can be filed starting on May 2 when the current suspension expires. The decision could cost dozens of Canadian and European companies tens of billions of dollars in compensation and interest.

Pompeo’s decision gives Americans the right to sue companies that operate out of hotels, tobacco factories, distilleries and other properties Cuba nationalized after Fidel Castro took power. It allows Cubans who became U.S. citizens years after their properties were taken to sue.

The Justice Department has certified roughly 6,000 claims as having merit, according to Kimberly Breier, the top U.S. diplomat for the Americas. Those claims have an estimated value of $8 billion: $2 billion in property and $6 billion in interest, she said. In addition, another 200,000 uncertified claims could run into the tens of billions of dollars, she said.

Breier said there would be no exceptions to the decision, which has already prompted stern responses from Canada and Europe as they have vowed to protect their businesses from lawsuits.

European companies that are operating in Cuba will have nothing to worry about if they are not operating on properties taken from Americans,” she said.

The decision deals a severe blow to Havana’s efforts to draw foreign investment to the island and comes as Trump steps up pressure to Venezuela’s Maduro, who is holding power with help from other countries, including Cuba, China and Russia.

Spain, which has large investments in hotels and other tourism-related industries on the island, was the first to react. A senior government official told The Associated Press that Madrid would ask the European Union to challenge the U.S. move in the World Trade Organization.

Businesses from Canada, France and Great Britain among other countries also conduct business in properties nationalized after Castro took power.

Johana Tablada, Cuba’s deputy director of U.S. affairs, said on Twitter: “Before they try to euphorically ride a wave of wickedness and lies, they should take a dose of reality. The world has told John Bolton and the U.S. government to eliminate the criminal blockade against Cuba and the Helms-Burton Act” of 1996.

Countries with large investments in Cuba have ferociously protested the law.
The extraterritorial application of the U.S. embargo is illegal and violates international law,” said Alberto Navarro, the European Union ambassador to Cuba. “I personally consider it immoral. For 60 years the only thing that’s resulted from the embargo is the suffering of the Cuban people.”

© The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
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vrijdag 20 april 2018

Maya vrouwen die de terreur en genocide in Guatemala overleefden vechten voor gerechtigheid

Guatemalteekse vrouwen (Maya's) die de genocide en terreur op en tegen deze oorspronkelijke bewoners,in Guatemala overleefden, vechten voor gerechtigheid.

In februari 2016 wonnen Guatemalteekse vrouwen die de voortdurende genocide tegen de Maya's overleefden, een rechtszaak tegen twee militairen die werden beschuldigd van huishoudelijke- en seksslavernij, dit in een historische rechtszaak genaamd de Sepur Zarco zaak, een dorp dat onevenredig hard werd getroffen door staatsterreur.

De rechter verordende destijds ook een herverdeling van grond t.b.v. de oorspronkelijke bewoners, de oorzaak voor het steeds oplaaiend geweld tegen die bewoners. In de geschiedenis van Guatemala kregen de Maya's niet alleen te maken met het verbeurd verklaren van hun grond eerst door de Spaanse overheersers, maar ook met een op hen uitgevoerde genocide.... (let wel met één van de 'hoogtepunten' na WOII, in begin 80er jaren van de vorige eeuw, een genocide die in feite tot de dag van vandaag voortduurt....) In de 20ste eeuw kregen de Maya's ook te maken met landonteigening t.b.v. buitenlandse investeerders, zoals de United Fruit Company (UFC) uit de VS........ 

Door verbeurd verklaring van grond die toebehoorde aan de United Fruit Comapny, een knots van een bedrijf uit de VS, greep de CIA in en organiseerde, regisseerde in 1954 een coup* tegen de democratische gekozen regering...... De VS je weet wel, waar de opvolgende regeringen altijd een grote bek hebben over landen waar geen democratie bestaat, iets dat ze doen 'uiteraard' alleen doen als deze landen anti-VS zijn.....)

Hoewel we nu 2 jaar verder zijn, is er nog niets gebeurd wat betreft de herverdeling van land en het ziet er niet naar uit dat dit snel zal gebeuren....... Onze opvolgende regeringen hebben al helemaal schijt aan de ellende in Guatemala, waar mensenrechtenschendingen (vooral als het om deze rechten voor de Maya bevolking gaat) aan de orde van de dag zijn, immers de grote heer van onze politici is nog steeds de VS en die hebben een dikke vinger in de smerige Guatemalteekse pap, ook dat zal nog jaren zo blijven vrees ik...... Ach ja, Nederlandse regeringen hebben het altijd goed kunnen vinden met fascisten, met een kleine uitzondering tijdens WOII, hoewel de foute regering hier 'goede diensten' bewees aan het Duitse nazi-regime, niet voor niets werden hier relatief gezien de meeste joden afgevoerd naar de dodenkampen, iets waar de Palestijnen tot op de dag van vandaag voor moeten boeten........


Guatemala (Conversation) – In February 2016, Guatemalan women survivors and the alliance of organisations supporting them successfully prosecuted two former members of the Guatemalan military for domestic and sexual slavery in the groundbreaking Sepur Zarco trial. The trial marked the first time a national court has prosecuted members of its own military for these crimes. It was an historic achievement in the fight to stop violence against women and secure justice for wartime sexual violence.
And yet, two years later, the Guatemalan government has not carried out most of the collective reparations measures ordered by the court. In large part this is because the main cause of the violence – a dispute over land that historically belonged to the Maya Q’eqchi people – has still not been resolved, even centuries after it began.
Maya communities were first displaced by Spanish colonisation starting in the 16th century, and then displaced again in the mid-to-late 19th and early 20th century. Keen to attract foreign investment, the Guatemalan government encouraged European settlers to establish plantations on land expropriated from Maya communities and the Catholic Church. To this day, many Maya people do not have title to the land they live on, much of which is dominated by plantations growing coffee, sugar, bananas and palms for oil.
But they have been fighting back. I myself have been following the struggle centred on the dusty north-eastern village of Sepur Zarco – a case that pulls together all the threads of what has happened in Guatemala in the last several decades.


Local indigenous people have been campaigning to settle on and get legal title to unused land in Sepur Zarco since the early 1950s when the social democratic government of Jacobo Arbenz passed a law to redistribute uncultivated land from the largest landowners to landless peasants. The land concerned included unused land held by the United Fruit Company, a US banana company with close links to the Eisenhower administration – the company disputed the compensation offered to it by the Guatemalan government, and demanded a much larger sum.

By USAID U.S. Agency for International Development – Guatemala: Woman Washing Corn, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

In the end, the land reform was stymied by a CIA-sponsored military coup in 1954. That coup in turn sparked Guatemala’s bloody civil war which lasted until 1996. A post-war UN-led Truth Commission Report concluded that during the conflict, an estimated 200,000 people were killed or disappeared, that rape was commonly used as a weapon of war, and that the Guatemalan state bore responsibility for the majority of the atrocities. It also concluded that agents of the state committed acts of genocide, since 83% of their victims were Maya and most of the conflict’s 626 documented massacres were of Maya communities.
Most of these massacres were committed in 1982-83 under the 17-month rule of recently deceased dictator, Efrain Rios Montt. Rios Montt took power in a coup, and was then removed by another. He was eventually prosecuted by the Guatemalan Supreme Court in 2013 and found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. His trial featured testimonies of rape and sexual violence committed against Maya Ixil women, which were included to show that sexual violence was part of the genocide.
However, just ten days after his verdict, the Guatemalan Constitutional Court annulled the trial on procedural grounds after sustained pressure from powerful sectors of Guatemala’s economy and society.
At the time of his death, Rios Montt was once again being prosecuted for genocide – but this time the trial was taking place with special provisions made to allow for his diagnosed dementia. Rios Montt was in office during the time that the crimes committed at the Sepur Zarco base were committed, but he was not prosecuted for those crimes in the Sepur Zarco trial.
The violence committed against Sepur Zarco’s women and their families seems to have been a response to their attempts to settle on and get title to the land, particularly in the late 1970s. According to an expert witness in the the Sepur Zarco trial, Juan Carlos Peláez Villalobos, the military was called in and the indigenous peasant farmers were denounced as “subversives”.
Women survivors also pointed to the link between the attempt to get land titles and the violence committed against them and their husbands. “The landowners gave them [the military commissioners] a list of names of men to disappear,” said one of them in her video testimony to the court. “They said we were troublemakers.
After kidnapping and disappearing the men and burning down their families’ huts, the military forced their wives to work on the military detachment built in the Sepur Zarco community, in 1982. The women were organised into shifts to cook the soldiers’ food and wash their clothing. While at the base, all of them were systematically raped.
Some women fled into the mountains to escape the violence, where they spent up to six years struggling to survive with little shelter or food. Many of their young children perished because of these conditions. The base remained until 1988. Local men suspected of being “subversive” were also tortured there by the military.


In February 2016, the Guatemalan Supreme Court ruled that two former members of the military were guilty of forced disappearances and crimes against humanity in the forms of domestic and sexual slavery and the murders of one of the women enslaved on the base, along with her two young daughters. The court also held that the Guatemalan state had to provide collective reparations for the benefits of the village of Sepur Zarco and the surrounding villages.
By YoTuT – Flickr: Photo by Steve Richards, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

The measures would provide basic social and economic rights frequently denied to Guatemala’s indigenous and rural communities. They also include the construction of the first local high school, a health clinic and a monument to the women’s husbands – but the state will not start the building work so long as Sepur Zarco’s people don’t have legal title to the land.
The ConversationThe Sepur Zarco case shows how seriously a community can be affected for decades, even centuries, by multiple overlapping injustices – from colonial-era crimes to more recent human rights violations. 
Resolving the resulting problems has proven hugely difficult. But after more than 30 years, the women and supporting organisations – the National Union of Guatemalan Women (UNGW)Women Transforming the Worldand the Community Studies and Psychosocial Action Team – are determined to achieve the restorative justice that they have been struggling for all this time.

This report prepared by Juliette DomanPhD Candidate in Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool for The Conversation.

* Zie: 'CIA coup (terreur) tegen democratisch gekozen bewind Guatemala 1954........'

zaterdag 5 augustus 2017

Koenders nog steeds stil: Saoedi-Arabië bezig met etnische zuivering op eigen bodem en nog steeds levert het westen wapens aan terreurstaat S-A.....

De wereld kijkt weg van de vreselijke genocide die Saoedi-Arabië in buurland Jemen op de sjiitische bevolking uitvoert, 'logisch' dus dat er al helemaal geen aandacht is voor de etnische zuivering van sjiieten die S-A in eigen land uitvoert......... Terwijl deze uitgevoerd wordt met westerse wapens, o.a. uit Groot-Brittannië en Canada........

Van onze disfunctionerende PvdA minister van Buitenlandse Zaken hoven we niets te verwachten, zoals hij hooguit z'n grote bek opentrekt als er weer een leugen over Rusland en/of Syrië wordt gepubliceerd in de reguliere media..........

Dat Saoedi-Arabië Jemen in een hongersnood heeft gestort en daar een cholera uitbraak heeft veroorzaakt, waardoor je intussen ronduit over een genocide tegen de sjiitische bevolking kan spreken (alles met feiten onderbouwt), interesseert Koenders en de rest  van het inhumane, ijskoude neoliberale kabinet Rutte 2 geen barst....... Geld verdienen in het geval van S-A staat op nummer 1, genocide en mensenrechten komen ergens na nummer 20........ (kijk als het om Rusland zou gaan, waren de rapen gaar geweest.....)

Hier een artikel van Middle East Eye, gisteren op Anti-Media gepubliceerd:

Saudi Bulldozers Flatten Populated Town as Residents Flee Carnage

August 4, 2017 at 8:47 am
Written by Middle East Eye

Hundreds of Shia Muslims in Awamiya are forced from their homes amid fighting and compulsory evictions.

(MEE) — The Saudi government has been forcibly relocating residents of the restive city of Awamiya as clashes continue between soldiers and militant groups in the old city.

Hundreds of people have fled or been evacuated from Awamiya since the beginning of the current troubles which have killed at least seven people, including two police officers. According to al-Hayat newspaper, the government received requests from residents and farmers around Awamiya to help them flee the violence.

However, activists say that residents have been driven out of their homes and their properties seized by private development companies, primarily in and around the historic Almosara district.

An image sent to Middle East Eye by an Awamiya activist showed a requisition order pinned to a house in the district of al-Shweikah, about 6km south of Almosara.

The order is apparently issued by the Albarahim private property developer, but it also contains a stamp from the National Joint Counterterrorism Command (NJCC), a body formed in 2003 following attacks by al-Qaeda militants in the country.

The document shows a list of requirements that residents can bring to the local authorities in order to be relocated.

Awamiya has long been a flashpoint for protests by Saudi’s Shia minority – the influential cleric Nimr al-Nimr, who was executed by the Saudi government in 2016, came from the town and demonstrations and unrest has been frequent.

Al-Hayat quoted Falah al-Khalidi, the governor of Qatif province, as saying contracts had been signed “for a number of furnished apartments in the city of Dammam to shelter those interested in leaving neighbourhoods near Almosara”.

However, according to social media reports and activists, many of those displaced have yet to be rehoused.

What I see from the first day there is a collective punishment… there is a plan for forced displacement,” said Ameen Nemer, a Saudi activist originally from Awamiya. It doesn’t matter where these people will end up.”

He told MEE that the depopulation and destruction of the town was ultimately politically motivated, rather than driven by development or terrorism.

It has nothing to do with Almosara and development, it has to do with punishing this town for being vocal for calling for rights, calling for reforms since 2011.”

Firing randomly

Confirming precise details about the situation in Qatif has long been difficult due to tight controls over media scrutiny imposed by the Saudi authorities.

Reuters reported earlier this year that foreign media could visit the area only if they accompanied by government officials, purportedly for safety reasons.

Information has largely come from either Saudi government press releases, local activists, or Shia-focused news sites.

Local activists accuse security forces of driving residents out of Awamiya by firing randomly towards homes and cars as they confront armed men in the area, charges Saudi Arabia denies.
They said several houses and shops have been burned or damaged by the fighting.

Much of the city has been left without electricity, water, rubbish collection or fire services. Private generators have been badly damaged by shooting and those remaining in the city face intense summer heat without air conditioning.

Although local committees have been set up to try to maintain some services, it is becoming increasing difficult for many residents to stay in the city.

Andrew Hammond, a consultant on Middle East politics, said that the emptying of Awamiya could be part of a strategy to enact demographic change in the disruptive Shia region of Saudi Arabia.

It fits that pattern,” he told MEE. “It’s something that’s happened in the Gulf, in Bahrain, it’s something that’s happened outside the Gulf in Israel-Palestine.
I think it would make sense to analyse it in that way.”

He added that the fighting also worked as a “useful diversion” from the political unrest in the Saudi palace following the supplanting of former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef with the current king’s youthful son Mohammed bin Salman.

That’s been more complex  than I think they would have hoped for – I think there’s been some resistance to it, there’s nervousness about how much irritation there is with what happened to the extent that [bin Nayef] didn’t leave the country in recent weeks when he was meant to leave the country,” he explained.

So I think there’s this political tension in the country at the moment, and it’s always this fight with the Shia that functions usefully for them in that sense.”

Foreign arms controversy

Last week, Canada announced it would be investigating possible use of its equipment in the operations in Qatif, following a report in the Globe and Mail that light armoured vehicles sold by Canada to Saudi Arabia had been involved in the clashes.

A spokesman indicated that the Canadian foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, was “deeply concerned about this situation and has asked officials to review it immediately”.

If it is found that Canadian exports have been used to commit serious violations of human rights, the minister will take action,” said spokesman John Babcock.

The controversial $13bn contract to supply Riyadh with light armoured vehicles was struck by the previous Conservative government in Canada.

Trudeau’s Liberal government has had to defend this contract against criticism that it may have violated Canada’s export control rules that bar arms exports to countries with a poor human rights record and that prohibit using these weapons against civilians.

Other governments, including the UK and US, have yet to comment on the situation in Qatif.

The UK government, one of Saudi’s closest allies, has approved at least 194 export licences for arms and related equipment to Saudi Arabia since March 2015, worth more than $4.3bn. Among the products bought are guns, crowd control and anti-riot equipment.

The British Foreign Office refused to answer questions about the situation in Awamiya and whether there was any investigation into the use of British equipment.

A spokesman said: “The UK operates one of the most robust export control regimes in the world and we keep our defence exports to Saudi Arabia under careful and continual review.” (ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! GB levert zelfs clusterbommen aan S-A!!)
MEE and Agencies / Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

Image credit: @AngryQatifi

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