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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Marathon Oil. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Marathon Oil. Alle posts tonen

maandag 21 oktober 2019

Exxon en BP verbranden zonder enig nut jaarlijks miljarden kubieke meters aan gas

Exxon, BP en andere oliemaatschappijen verbranden bij de winning van olie jaarlijks miljarden kubieke meters aan gas zonder enig nut, niet zelden laat men het gas zelfs gaan zonder dit te verbranden ('ventileren'), waarmee methaangas in grote hoeveelheden in de atmosfeer terechtkomt en daar meehelpt de klimaatverandering nog verder aan te jagen, daar methaangas één van de sterkste broeikasgassen op aarde is..... Ter verduidelijking: het verbranden van gas in de VS zonder enig nut, is gelijk aan de jaarlijkse uitstoot van 10 kolencentrales of 8 miljoen auto's..........

Je staat telkens weer versteld van de brutaliteit die oliemaatschappijen aan de dag leggen. De een heeft nog een vromer duurzaam praatje dan de ander, maar vervuilen blijven ze en dat op gigantische schaal, dag in dag uit 365 dagen per jaar.... Gelukkig komt dit soort misdadig gedrag bijna altijd aan het licht, althans in de huidige tijd waarbij we meerdere organisaties hebben als Greenpeace, plus de maatschappelijke aandacht voor de klimaatverandering en luchtvervuiling, daarbij zijn er veel mensen met nog wel enig verantwoordingsgevoel zoals klokkenluiders die zaken aan het licht brengen......

De hoogste tijd dat de oliemaatschappijen voor het gerecht worden gesleept, men wist al lang dat de klimaatverandering werd aangejaagd door de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen en door dat daarna te ontkennen zijn bijvoorbeeld Shell en Exxon (die dat zelf onderzochten en hebben toegegeven), niet alleen schuldig aan het verder aanjagen van de klimaatverandering, maar zelfs schuldig aan moord op grote schaal en grote schade aan natuur, huizen en infrastructuur....*

Tot slot nog dit, het gaat in het artikel hieronder zoals gezegd om de situatie in de VS, maar vergeet niet dat ook elders in de wereld grote hoeveelheden gas worden afgefakkeld, ook door een bedrijf als koninklijke Shell......

Exxon and BP among worst for flaring in US oil fields despite green pledges

An analysis of official industry data by Unearthed reveals the companies most responsible for the massive emissions created by burning unwanted gas

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Exxon and BP among worst for flaring in US oil fields despite green pledges
ExxonMobil and BP are among the worst culprits for wastefully burning off natural gas in the United States’ top oil fields, despite presenting themselves as leaders in tackling the problem, Unearthed can reveal.

The oil giants have both committed to drastically rein in flaring – where gas is burned with no economic benefit – as a key part of their response to the climate crisis.

But a major new investigation by Unearthed, based on official industry data, has found that they are among the worst performers when it comes to minimising emissions from their operations in one or more of the United States’ “Big Three” oil fields. 

Independent fracking firms, Marathon Oil, Whiting Petroleum and Hess Corporation are also disposing of unprecedented volumes of natural gas, either by releasing it directly into the atmosphere or burning it off – practices called venting and flaring. 

In recent years a surge in oil production has lit up the skies across Texas, New Mexico and North Dakota as companies burn off billions of cubic feet of natural gas.

Now, for the first time, Unearthed can reveal the scale of this waste and the oil companies most culpable for the enormous greenhouse gas emissions created by venting and flaring in America’s biggest oil fields. 

Together, the Eagle Ford basin in Texas; the Permian basin in Texas and New Mexico and the Bakken formation in North Dakota, accounted for 57% of US oil production in 2018. 
But they also harbour billions of cubic feet of natural gas and oil companies often find it easier and cheaper to dispose of it into the atmosphere than capture and transport it to where it can be sold and used to generate energy. 

Unearthed can reveal that over a period of just 12 months, companies operating in these oil fields have vented or flared 369 billion cubic feet of natural gas, roughly equivalent to the annual emissions of 10 coal-fired power stations or 8 million cars. 

This is particularly problematic because the Permian is set to be the focal point of a boom in global oil production over the next decade.

The investigation, based on official industry data provided by Rystad Energy, also found:
  • ExxonMobil has vented or flared more gas than any other company operating in the three oil fields since 2011, despite not being the largest gas producer
  • Permian drilling operations acquired by BP in a $10.5 billion deal last year already ranked among the worst in the basin for the proportion of gas vented or flared, but performance has declined further under the British oil major
  • Fracking giant Marathon Oil vented or flared more gas than any other company across the “Big Three” in the 12 months up to the end of March 2019, including 52% of the gas it produced in the Bakken

Gas flared or vented in the United States' "Big Three" oil fields, 2011-2018

Total amount of natural gas burned or released from oil and gas operations in millions of cubic feet

                                                                                          A Flourish data visualisation

Responding to the investigation, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI] told Unearthed that the findings appear to contradict the claims of the US oil industry’s most powerful lobby group: “These are troubling findings, which belie the American Petroleum Institute’s seven-figure ad campaign claiming the industry is working to reduce carbon pollution.” 

Industry claims to support methane regulation look like greenwashing; old bad habits from an industry that spent decades trying to deceive the public about climate change,” he continued. 
Why waste gas?
Even though natural gas is big business in the United States, low prices have led companies in the “Big Three” oil basins to dispose of billions of cubic feet of it into the atmosphere. 
This is because the companies are targeting the enormous reserves of oil rather than gas, which is present in smaller volumes. And while oil can be loaded onto trucks and driven to a refinery, gas can only be transported via pipeline.  
The costs of capturing gas; purchasing access to pipelines or building new ones; and then paying state taxes on the proceeds, can often outweigh the economic benefits, leading companies to release it directly into the atmosphere (venting) or burn it off (flaring) instead. Venting is more damaging than flaring because methane is 84 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide in the first two decades following its release.
Industry leaders
As pressure on oil companies to demonstrate that they are taking climate change seriously has intensified, ExxonMobil and BP have increasingly sought to portray themselves as industry leaders in reducing emissions from their oil drilling operations.

Both companies are members of the Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), a leading trade association, which held high profile events during the recent UN Climate Week in New York, celebrating the achievements of its members in reducing methane emissions. 

Tackling venting and flaring are central to OGCI members’ joint strategy for how they will contribute to reducing global emissions in line with the Paris climate change agreement.

As a result, Exxon and BP have also made individual pledges. Last year Exxon said it would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by cutting flaring by 25% within two years, adding to a previous commitment to eliminate routine flaring entirely by 2030. 

BP has likewise committed to eliminate routine flaring and regularly publicises initiatives tackling methane emissions from its operations. Its chief executive, Bob Dudley, recently said that the level of flaring in the Permian is “not right.”  

But Unearthed can reveal that both companies are failing when it comes to bringing the emissions from some of their US oil operations under control.  

Since 2011, ExxonMobil has vented or flared 99 billion cubic feet of gas, more than any other company operating in the Permian, Eagle Ford and Bakken oil fields, despite the fact it was not the largest producer of gas. 

In the 12 months between April 2018 and March 2019 alone, Exxon vented or flared 12 billion cubic feet of gas in the Permian, more than any other company. 

And despite its commitment to reduce its overall flaring by 25% by 2020, between 2017 and 2018 Exxon’s venting and flaring in the “Big Three” oil basins actually increased by 70%, even though gas production rose by only 15%.

Worst companies for venting and flaring by total volume across all three basins, 2011-2018 (see original)

Artem Abramov, partner and head of shale research at Rystad Energy, told Unearthed: “In the Permian specifically, Exxon were stepping up, in terms of activity and production, very aggressively last year. We saw that a lot of these new developments were happening in more remote areas without developed infrastructure.”

He added that Exxon’s drilling program often outpaced the development of infrastructure to take the gas away: “There were some delays and then they had to flare gas for extended periods of time… two to three months wouldn’t be too rare I would say.”
  1. An ExxonMobil spokeswoman told Unearthed: “Flaring is an important issue we take very seriously. We have made great progress in reducing flaring by working with third-party gas gathering systems, accelerating installation of gas facilities, improving facility reliability and curtailing production when appropriate. The company is in full compliance with state and federal flaring regulations and makes every effort possible to exceed those standards.”
In the examples you cite, flaring is done for safety reasons or because the gas cannot be used due to barriers to the development of gas markets and gas infrastructure,” she continued.

Zie voor de rest van dit artikel het origineel.

* Zie: 'De klimaatcrisis was te voorkomen: laat de grote vervuilers als Shell en Exxon betalen'

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(mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, kreeg e.e.a. niet op tijd in orde)

Nogmaals mijn excuus de kop had uiteraard moeten luiden: 'Exxon en BP verbranden zonder enig nut jaarlijks miljarden kubieke meters aan gas'. Na plaatsing hersteld.