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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label O.E. Ingebrigtsen. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label O.E. Ingebrigtsen. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 30 maart 2021

Ondanks een steeds verdere afname van de vraag naar walvisvlees geeft de Noorse regering toestemming om meer dan 2 keer zoveel dwergvinvissen te vermoorden dan in 2020

Terwijl het walvisjacht seizoen van 2021 met rasse schreden nadert, heeft de inhumane rechtse Noorse regering toestemming gegeven om 1.278 dwergvinvissen te vermoorden, dit is een hoeveelheid die 2 keer zo hoog is dan in 2020......

Terwijl gelukkig ook in Noorwegen de weerzin tegen deze barbaars bloedige moordpartijen toeneemt en de vraag naar walvisvlees en andere producten van deze walvissen afneemt, besloot de Noorse regering alsnog deze massamoord meer dan te verdubbelen..... Vergeet daarbij niet dat 70% van de vermoorde dieren zwanger kan zijn......

Noorwegen is 1 van de 3 landen die nog steeds op walvisjacht gaan....... Men noemt dit 'commerciële walvisjacht', echter de zogenaamd wetenschappelijke walvisjacht zoals Japan dat noemt, is niets anders dan een commerciële walvisjacht, terwijl bij dat commercieel steeds grotere vraagtekens moeten worden gezet, immers door afnemende vraag is de Japanse regering genoodzaakt om die jacht te subsidiëren en ik neem aan dat dit in Noorwegen niet anders is...... 

Tijd dat de wereld Noorwegen gaat boycotten voor deze schandelijke en barbaarse jacht!!

Lees enteken de petitie van het Care 2 team ajb, de vreselijke moord op deze slimme en wonderlijke dieren moet eindelijk afgelopen zijn, we leven niet meer in 1821 maar in 2021!! (en zegt het voort!):

Norway is encouraging the mass slaughter of minke whales, with a killing quota almost three times the number killed last year!

Sign Now 


The 2021 whaling season in Norway is quickly approaching, and the whaling industry is out for blood — specifically, minke whale blood. This year's killing quota is a whopping 1,278 minke whales! Last year, less than half of that amount of whales were killed, which is in line with the downward trend in whale product demand in Norway, the increasing public distaste for the cruel practice of whaling, and decreased participation from fisheries. The Norwegian government should be embracing this trend; instead, they are trying to reverse it by keeping killing quotas high and loosening regulations that are meant to protect the welfare of these poor whales!

The slaughter of a wild minke whale is a terrible thing to behold. Whalers onboard their vessels aim a harpoon at a moving, fleeing, terrified whale, which is meant to kill the animal on the spot. But more often than not, it takes a long time for these whales to die. The huge mammals are incapacitated, left to slowly die in immense pain either from bleeding out or not being able to rise to the surface for the life-giving air they need.

Norway is one of only three countries that still allow the brutality of commercial whaling. It's time to catch up to the rest of the world and put an end to it! Sign the petition and demand that Norway drastically lower its minke whale murder quota for 2021, and use this as the first step to phasing out whaling entirely!

Thank you,

The Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. Why is Norway clinging on to the antiquated and cruel practice of commercial whaling? Sign the petition to demand they begin to phase it out.



Hier de meer uitgebreide tekst op de petitiepagina:

The 2021 whaling season in Norway is quickly approaching, and the whaling industry is out for blood -- specifically, minke whale blood. This year's killing quota is a whopping 1,278 minke whales! 

That quota is well over DOUBLE the number of minke whales slaughtered during last year's season! But Norway's whaling industry is dead set on making the cruel capture and slaughter of these iconic beings "more attractive" so they can turn a pretty profit without being viewed in a negative light.

Well they aren't going to get off that easy. Sign the petition and demand Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, Norway's Minister of Fisheries, dramatically lower this quota! It must reflect the extremely low demand for whale products and the general public's overwhelmingly negative view of cruel whaling!

(Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, de inhumane Noorse minister die het besluit nam de quota voor walvisvangst te vergoten, ofwel een echte psychopathische ploert)

The slaughter of a wild minke whale is a terrible thing to behold. Whalers onboard their vessels aim a harpoon at a moving, fleeing, terrified whale, which is meant to kill the animal on the spot. But more often than not, it takes a long time for these whales to die. The huge mammals are incapacitated, left to slowly die in immense pain either from bleeding out or not being able to rise to the surface for the lifegiving air they need. 

Whales dying slowly and painfully is a rule in the whaling industry, not an exception -- which made it all the more horrifying when Norway relaxed regulations in 2020. Their new rules even stated that only one person on an entire whaling vessel needs to have previous whaling experience. One person for an entire crew. And even then, they only need to have experience in the past six years. In an effort to stoke the dying fire of the whaling industry, the government of Norway is completely abandoning animal welfare.

And there is exhaustive proof that the whaling industry is, in fact, dying. Ingebrigtsen, when announcing this horrifically high quota, implied that demand for whale meat is rising. But a study from the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) polled Norwegians and found that under 5% say they eat whale meat regularly! So who is all this murder for? Actually, most of the poor whales caught during the whaling season are sent elsewhere for consumption. This industry simply no longer represents the feelings or desires of Norwegian people, nor of its laborers. The number of vessels registered for whale hunting has been falling for over a decade, down to 12 in 2020 from 34 in 2004 -- and the Norwegian government should be embracing this trend, rather than trying to reverse it.

It is appalling that the government of Norway would ignore the feelings of its people and the welfare of whales just to try and save an antiquated, cruel industry that has negligible economic benefits and could decimate conservation efforts for whales worldwide -- 70% of the whales targeted are females that could be pregnant! 

Norway is only one of three countries that still allows commercial whaling. It's time to catch up to the rest of the world and put an end to it! Sign the petition and demand that Norway drastically lower its minke whale murder quota for 2021, and use this as the first step to phasing out whaling entirely!


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