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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label S. Harris. Alle posts tonen

zondag 13 juni 2021

UFO gelovigen werden eerder afgebrand door de media, nu worden UFO ontkenners meer en meer het mikpunt van spot

Caitlin Johnstone heeft een derde artikel gewijd aan de ommezwaai die is gemaakt t.a.v. UFO's, een ommezwaai die volledig te danken is aan de grootste terreurorganisatie ter wereld, het Pentagon.... Een paar jaar geleden heeft de Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (zoiets als onze staatssecretaris van Defensie) Chris Mellon een paar video's gelekt naar de pers waaruit blijkt dat men wel degelijk te maken zou kunnen hebben met UFO's, vliegende objecten die wat betreft het manoeuvreren technisch superieur zijn aan alle bekende vliegende aardse objecten......

Er zit uiteraard een enorme adder onder het gras: het Pentagon stelde niet dat het hier per se om buitenaards technologie gaat en je voelt 'm waarschijnlijk al aankomen: het Pentagon houdt zwaar rekening met aardse technologie en gezien de mogelijkheden kunnen dat maar 2 landen zijn die iets dergelijks zouden kunnen bouwen >> Rusland of China..... Niet moeilijk om te raden waarom het Pentagon dit doet: juist >> een nog veel groter budget voor de luchtmacht, terwijl het totale budget voor dit jaar al 735 miljard dollar groot is, waar zo'n 14 miljoen kinderen in de VS tegelijkertijd hongerlijden en een enorm aantal mensen niet, of slecht is verzekerd tegen ziektekosten, zodat velen zelfs niet in aanmerking komen voor kankertherapieën...... Voorts: mochten Rusland of China over dergelijke technologie beschikken zou men deze al lang hebben ingezet in oorlogen en had men een groot aantal oorlogsmisdaden begaan door de VS en haar NAVO-bondgenoten kunnen voorkomen.......

Maar het kan nog veel verder gaan zo noemt Caitlin o.a. Tom DeLonge, de zanger Van Blink-182, die wordt gevoed met allerlei kul over UFO's, in dit geval wel als alien technologie, waarbij deze aliens verantwoordelijk zijn voor oorlogen daar ze zich daarmee op de één of andere manier voeden..... (ha! ha! ha! >> ik heb zelden een nog dommere complottheorie gehoord) Voorts zou men atoombommen en alles wat daarna kwam op gebied van kernwapens hebben ontwikkeld om aliens te lijf te kunnen, daar men alleen daarmee deze buitenaardsen zou kunnen bestrijden...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Als het aliens ernst was om ons te lijf te gaan, was de mensheid al lang en breed uitgeroeid. Om te kunnen kunnen reizen over enorme afstanden waar je zelfs bij benadering van de snelheid van het licht de dichtstbijzijnde planeten waar leven zou kunnen bestaan, alsnog een paar honderd jaar moeten reizen, echter deze aliens zouden over technologie beschikken waarmee ze dergelijke reizen heel veel sneller kunnen doen (en daarmee in feite kunnen tijdreizen)....... Nogmaals: aliens die een dergelijke technologie hebben ontwikkeld zouden, als ze kwaadwillend waren, de mens al lang en breed hebben uitgeroeid....... 

Zelf hoop ik dat wanneer buitenaardsen ons in de gaten houden, deze zullen ingrijpen voordat we de wereld letterlijk naar god of thor hebben geholpen, iets waar we keihard op afstevenen, ondanks alle 'mooie' maar zeer valse praatjes van politici en foute wetenschappers die zich hebben verkocht aan het grote bedrijfsleven..... Het is nu al zeker dat de wereldtemperatuur aan het eind van deze eeuw met heel wat meer zal zijn gestegen dan ons met het lamme klimaatakkoord van Parijs werd beloofd >> 1,5 graad Celsius....... Dat betekent dat flinke delen van onze kleine planeet onbewoonbaar zullen worden, hetzij doordat de temperatuur zo hoog is gestegen dat je daar niet kan overleven, dan wel door het onderlopen van laaggelegen gebieden..... Op 4 juni jl. werd bekend gemaakt dat met een onderzoek van de universiteit van Londen is aangetoond dat het Arctisch ijs twee keer zo snel smelt dan eerder gedacht, wat betekent dat de zeespiegel veel sneller stijgt dan eerder werd berekend........

Terug naar het UFO verhaal: hoe dan ook, wat de uitkomst ook zal zijn (of alien technologie dan wel aardse technologie), het Pentagon wint altijd met een ferm groter budget dan men daar nu al krijgt en dat is voor dit jaar al het meer dan belachelijk grote bedrag van 735 miljard dollar......(en waarvan precies als in Nederland al een paar keer gezien, grote sommen uitgegeven geld niet achterhaald kunnen worden....).... 'Waar angstzaaien al niet goed voor is........' 

Tot slot nog dit: het overgrote deel van de landen heeft ervoor getekend dat elke alien die wordt aangetroffen onmiddellijk moet worden geëxecuteerd........ Te gek voor woorden........

Onder het laatste artikel van Caitlin, heb ik ook haar tweede artikel over UFO's opgenomen (voor het eerste artikel zie de links onderaan in dit bericht):  

Media Flipping 180° On UFOs At Pentagon’s Directive Says More About Mede links odia Than UFOs



by Caitlin Johnstone

Listen to a reading of this article:

After the January 6 riot at the US Capitol Building, the mass media immediately seized the opportunity to call for more internet censorship to prevent the spread of crazy conspiracy theories. Now the mass media are saying the US military has been lying about UFOs for decades and hey, maybe space aliens are flying around above your house.

Half of the UFO articles coming out of the mass media these days are basically just stalwart propagandists for the western empire explaining to each other that it's okay to talk about UFOs now and they should all feel perfectly fine and normal about that.

These unprincipled propagandists are falling all over themselves to dismantle taboos which they've been unquestioningly upholding and enforcing for decades, really for no other reason than because they were told to by the US military.

Here's another mainstream media article about the changing attitude towards UFOs - this one making an interesting point about the reversal of the usual skeptic/believer dynamic. 


52 people are talking about this

Can we take a minute to ingest how obnoxious that is? The "free press", the journalistic institutions who are purportedly responsible for maintaining a well-informed public and holding the power to account, are now reporting something they used to scoff at and dismiss, because the US military told them it's legitimate.

The US military. The single most dangerous part of the single most powerful government on earth, who the press is meant to be holding accountable with the light of truth. The part of the US government where intense skepticism is the most important. They're not just failing to apply critical journalism, but are actively picking up the torch and running with a story as bizarre as the possibility that extraterrestrials are buzzing around the earth's atmosphere.

The fact that the mass media are now talking about UFOs all the time because the US military told them it's a legitimate story to cover says very little about UFOs, but it says a lot about the mass media.

These outlets are propaganda firms. Clearly. When The New York Times first reported that US officials familiar with the government UFO report say that UFOs might be alien aircraft or could be secret Russian or Chinese technology, but say it's definitely not any kind of secret US technology, there was not a shred of incredulity from the mass media about the latter claim. News media institutions all took great pains to inform their audiences that UFOs could be a sign that the US is losing the arms race to Russia and China, and that it could totally be space aliens, but I never saw one news report reminding readers to take US government denials of possession of secret aerial technology with a very large grain of salt.

These propaganda institutions aren't just selling the public one irresponsible story here, they're selling them two. They're not just uncritically reporting that UFOs are definitely real and probably threatening, they're also tacitly selling the false idea that the US war machine does not have an extremely well-documented history of lying.

 How Harry Reid, a Terrorist Interrogator and the Singer From Blink-182 Took UFOs Mainstream - POLITICO 



The more I learn about this new UFO narrative and its origins the more of a freaky psyop it looks like. It's clearly been packaged for and marketed to mainstream Americans who don't understand global power dynamics or the depravity of the US military/intelligence machine. There's basically just a handful of people who are officially responsible for this weird new mainstream UFO plotline, and they're all either military/intelligence insiders, sleazy warmongering politicians, or the singer from Blink-182.

I really mean that, by the way; Blink 182's Tom DeLonge and his To The Stars Academy played a critical role in the unfolding of this story. Think about how easy that situation would be to manipulate. All you'd really need is to surround DeLonge with some spooks feeding him whatever information you want him to believe, allow some "leaks" to the press, and then you've got this vaguely organic-looking group seeding out information that you wanted to get out anyway so you can advance whatever agendas you've got planned.

And if you listen to DeLonge talk at length about the insane things he's been told about aliens and UFOs by the military and intelligence insiders he's surrounded himself with, it's pretty clear he's at the center of some kind of disinfo operation. The things he's been told include things like that aliens are responsible for the world's wars, that they feed off human conflict and negativity, that nuclear tests were actually the military targeting alien aircraft because that's how you kill them, and that the US military has been acting heroically in the highest interest for the benefit of mankind against these malevolent entities.

How hard would it be to take a naive rock star who comes from a military family, who trusts the US war machine, and who desperately wants to believe in UFOs, and use him to insert a desired narrative into public consciousness? I reckon not too hard.

So proud of my brother, Shon. He just retired after 24 years in Naval Special Warfare. An… 

This is what the mass media are swallowing hook, line and sinker, with zero gag reflex, and regurgitating into the minds of their audiences.

And now you've got philosopher Sam Harris reporting that he's been contacted by insiders allegedly privy to special knowledge about this thing who are telling him that "when this other shoe drops you’re going to be in the position of having to acknowledge that all the experts are on the same page, and there’s just this blanket declaration that we’re in the presence of alien technology, we don’t know what to make of it. So prepare your brain for that and figure out what you’re going to do."

Pretty jarring stuff. Now, re-read it with the understanding that he's talking about some sort of military or intelligence operative who is openly prepping a high-profile influencer. Looks a bit different in that light, no?

Like DeLonge, Harris has also demonstrated a blindly trusting mind when it comes to the US war machine, which is kind of funny coming from an outspoken atheist who prides himself in his logic and evidence-based worldview. Harris has placed his trust in everything from Russia hysteria to the "war on terror" to the invasion of Afghanistan, so he makes another ideal mark for uncritically seeding disinformation out to the public.

@FreeSpeechOrDie I supported the initial invasion of Afghanistan. And I support ongoing actions against actual jihadists.

See Sam Harris's other Tweets


You'd have to be absolutely out of your mind to trust anything we're being told about any of this, and this is coming from someone who has actually seen UFOs. On two separate occasions I've seen lights in the night sky behaving in ways known technologies can't explain, and I've had plenty of other experiences most people would consider extraordinary as well. And I still place exactly zero trust in this new UFO plotline. And neither should you.

Today I received my first online comment from someone calling me a "conspiracy theorist" for expressing skepticism about UFOs. This is the new reality, folks. Buckle up.


The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, following me on FacebookTwitterSoundcloud or YouTube, or throwing some money into my tip jar on Ko-fiPatreon or Paypal. If you want to read more you can buy my books. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here.

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Caitlin Johnstone | June 12, 2021 at 1:27 pm | Tags: media, MSM, news, propaganda, tom delonge, UFOs | Categories: Article, News | URL:

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Hier het eerste artikel van Caitlin over UFO's:  

Drivers Of The New UFO Narrative Keep Absurdly Saying They Could Be Dangerous ETs

by Caitlin Johnstone


Listen to a reading of this article:

I've been learning as much as I can about the new UFO narrative the political/media class have been pushing in conjunction with the US military to prepare for the Senate report that's due to be released this month.

One of the disconcerting things I've been seeing again and again from all the major players in this new narrative like Lue Elizondo and Christopher Mellon is the absurd assertion that not only is it entirely possible that the unknown phenomena allegedly being regularly witnessed by military personnel are extraterrestrial in origin, but that if they are extraterrestrial they may want to hurt us.

Mellon, the former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence who helped get the ball rolling on UFOs entering mainstream attention back in 2017 when he leaked three Pentagon videos to The New York Times, has stated that he sees extraterrestrial origin as an entirely possible explanation for these phenomena.

"We don't even understand how you could do something like that," Mellon said in a recent interview with CTV News of the inexplicable maneuvers and features these aircraft supposedly demonstrate. "We don't even understand the science behind it. Not like somebody's a couple generations of fighter jet behind us; I mean this is a whole difference of kind, not degree."

In this new interview with CTV of Canada I had the opportunity to clarify my views on some of the current #UAP issues:

— Christopher K. Mellon (@ChristopherKMe4) May 27, 2021

Asked why the pilots of mysterious aircraft with incomprehensible scientific advancement might want to monitor the US military, Mellon said the following:

"Well probably for the same reason we do: to understand what kind of threat we could pose to them. Should a conflict arise they want to be able to engage us effectively, defeat us rapidly, at minimum cost of life and treasure, just as we would on the other side. We do similar kinds of things; we don't have vehicles quite like this, but we're certainly very actively monitoring military forces of other countries."

The notion that UFOs could pose a threat to humans whether their alleged operators are from our own world or from another is being promoted by the main drivers of this strange new plotline, and it is being enthusiastically lapped up by many UFO enthusiasts who see framing these phenomena as a national security threat as the best way to get mainstream power structures to take them seriously and disclose information to the public.

This is bothersome for a couple of separate reasons. Firstly, it is of course bothersome because one ought to be bothered any time military and intelligence insiders make unsubstantiated claims that there's a foreign threat to US security. The added notion that this foreign threat could be from another world carries all kinds of implications for what kinds of unprecedentedly radical policy and funding adjustments would have to be made in order to counter this supposed threat, and it would take an appalling amount of gullibility to believe that those adjustments would be made for that reason at this point in time instead of the very obvious reason that the US is in a new and escalating cold war with both Russia and China.

Everything Keeps Getting Weirder And Weirder

The Pentagon did not spontaneously evolve an interest in radical transparency, and it is not coincidental that this UFO stuff is coming out as we hurtle into a new cold war and a race to weaponize space. 

540 people are talking about this

Secondly, it's bothersome because it just says so much about human madness that people believe UFOs could simultaneously be the product of an immensely advanced extraterrestrial civilization, and also be a threat. They could be one or the other, but not both.

Just in our own tiny blip of recorded history, humanity has matured mentally and emotionally during our time on this planet. We no longer accept it as normal for our governments to torture someone to death in the town square, for example, and owning another human being as property is now seen as reprehensible. We've still got a mountain of inner demons to conquer, but you also can't deny that we've created a much more conscious and peaceful world for ourselves than the one we used to live in.

Imagine how much further an intelligent life form would have progressed if it began maturing millions of years earlier than ours. Imagine how emotionally and intellectually developed a civilization would have to be to make it past all the self-imposed dangers its own intelligence posed to it like the dangers human intelligence poses to us now, if it had passed the great test and cleared that hurdle in its maturation process, and then gone on maturing for thousands or millions of years past the point we're at now.

When I bring this up online people tell me, "Well look at what the Europeans did when they met indigenous populations! That's what happens when a more advanced civilization meets a less advanced one."

You see this ridiculous notion pushed everywhere, including by supposedly smart people like Stephen Hawking, that Europeans meeting the indigenous people of Africa, Australia and the Americas is a good model for what we could expect from an encounter with a civilization millions of years more advanced than our own. This reveals a fallacious assumption that genocidal Europeans were in fact "more advanced" than the other humans they met around the world; they were a bit more technologically advanced, but any research on the horrific things they did to those people will show you that they were emotionally infantile by today's standards. It also looks at humans who began developing on the same planet at the same time as comparable to extraterrestrials who would have begun developing long before us.

Beyond the fact that we have seen in our own experience that an intelligent consciousness will keep expanding its consciousness over time, the most glaring piece of evidence that UFOs could pose no threat to us if they are extraterrestrial is that if they did, they would have taken us out long ago. UFO encounters have been documented for generations; there is nothing humans could do to stop a sentient species that is orders of magnitude technologically superior to us, no matter what the movies say.

If extraterrestrials are here they clearly don't want to hurt us, and why would they? What could we possibly have that they'd want? In the unlikely event that there is some kind of element or resource here that they need, there's no reason to believe they couldn't get it elsewhere, or indeed that they couldn't create it themselves at the level of scientific understanding they'd necessarily be operating from.

The idea that a civilization could attain a level of advancement comparable to ours, successfully learn to share resources and collaborate enough to avoid wiping itself out, continue maturing for a very long time, master interstellar, intergalactic, and/or interdimensional travel, create aircraft that can operate in the way people who encounter them describe, and then fly across the universe to go kill a bunch of barely-evolved primates for some reason is just absurd on its face, and even if such a thing could happen it would have happened already.

I've sat through so much video footage on this subject, and I just get so frustrated listening to all these military-minded men talking about the need to know what the "capabilities" of these things are and how to prevent them from posing a threat to "national security". If we are in fact not alone in this universe and are in fact being visited by other civilizations, these are the absolute stupidest questions we could possibly be asking ourselves about them. Not how can we contact them, not is it possible to communicate with them, not what could we learn from them, not where are they from and what is their story, but how can we kill them if we need to.

I have no idea if we are being visited by ETs, but if we are the US military is literally the worst thing our species could possibly use to relate to them.


My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, following me on FacebookTwitterSoundcloud or YouTube, or throwing some money into my tip jar on Ko-fiPatreon or Paypal. If you want to read more you can buy my books. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge. The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here.

Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2

Caitlin Johnstone | June 2, 2021 at 2:30 am | Tags: extraterrestrial, military, UAPs, UFOs | Categories: Article, News | URL:

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Zie ook: 'UFO openbaringen VS ministerie 'van defensie' de manier om nog meer oorlogsbudget te verkrijgen' (met het eerste artikel van Caitlin Johnstone)

'Pentagon geeft toe onderzoek naar UFO's te doen'

Terzijde, zie ook: 'Wetenschappers denken werkelijk dat je door een zwart gat kan reizen naar een ander universum'

zaterdag 19 januari 2019

Lichtgelovige 'atheïst' gelooft Russiagate leugens.....

Ongelofelijk maar waar: Sam Harris, volgens de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, Caitlin Johnstone, een goeroe van de atheïsten, heeft laten weten dat hij het verhaal gelooft dat Rusland de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 heeft gemanipuleerd, ondanks dat daar totaal geen bewijs voor is gegeven en dat na 2 jaar lang leugens over deze zaak (zonder dat men in die tijd met bewijzen kwam...)....

Harris liet als atheïst o.a. weten het niet te begrijpen dat mensen een geloof omarmen, een geloof bijvoorbeeld in een god, waarvoor elk bewijs ontbreekt........ Nu doet deze Harris precies hetzelfde als christenen doen, geloven in een zaak die niet te bewijzen is, daar deze nooit heeft plaatsgevonden....

Je vraagt je wellicht af waarom Harris gelooft dat Rusland de verkiezingen manipuleerde, wel dat is héééél simpel: de geheime diensten van de VS zeggen dat het zo is....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Als er nu één ding duidelijk is, is het wel het feit dat de geheime diensten in de VS vooral goed zijn in liegen, zelfs als het tegendeel meer dan bewezen is, neem de leugens die hebben geleid tot de illegale oorlog in 2003 van de VS en haar NAVO partners tegen Irak. De claim dat Irak massavernietigingswapens had, was al 10 keer naar de prullenbak verwezen door het VN team van wapeninspecteurs o.l.v. Blix.......

Credulous Atheist Believes Evidence-Free Establishment Russia Narrative

The other day RT reporter Dan Cohen flagged how New Atheism guru Sam Harris recently had a shady cold war manipulator on his podcast promulgating the establishment narrative that Russian hackers and trolls interfered in the 2016 US election, despite the fact that there is no more publicly available evidence for this than there is for the existence of biblical Jehovah. I find this both fascinating and hilarious.

Listen to New Atheist guru @SamHarrisOrg faithfully accept @NewKnowledgeAI disinformation warrior @noUpside's claim that there's no doubt Russia meddled in the 2016 election because "the intelligence agencies know it happened" HT
Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) January 16, 2019

(uiteraard is dit niet de 'video' die bij het Twitterbericht hoort, echter in deze gesproken tekst gaat Harris uitvoerig in op de leugen die men 'Russiagate' is gaan noemen, voor het origineel klik hier)

Harris, author of The End of Faith and commonly mentioned in the same breath as atheistic thought leaders like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, once wrote the following:

"While believing strongly, without evidence, is considered a mark of madness or stupidity in any other area of our lives, faith in God still holds immense prestige in our society. Religion is the one area of our discourse where it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about. It is telling that this aura of nobility extends only to those faiths that still have many subscribers. Anyone caught worshipping Poseidon, even at sea, will be thought insane.”

Belief in the establishment Russia narrative is very much the same. As Ray McGovern of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity recently documented in an excellent article for Consortium News titled "A Look Back at Clapper’s Jan. 2017 ‘Assessment’ on Russia-gate", the entire election meddling narrative was built upon an ODNI* assessment by two dozen analysts hand-picked and overseen by James Clapper. McGovern notes how Clapper, then the Director of National Intelligence, is notorious for having helped sell the lies that led to the Iraq invasion, for lying to congress about NSA surveillance, and for multiple instances of claiming that Russians are genetically predisposed to nefarious behavior.

We the public have never seen the evidence that led to this extremely shady assessment's findings, yet those findings have gradually been integrated into mass media reports as infallible fact upon which the rest of the establishment Russia narrative has been built. Like belief in mainstream religions, the only reason its lack of evidence fails to come into question is because it has been made popular by mainstream politicians and credulous media talking heads who have been reporting it as fact day in and day out for two years, without adding any solid, tangible evidence to the equation beyond the unsubstantiated say-so of intelligence agencies with an extensive record of lying to the public to manufacture support for preexisting geopolitical agendas. It's an entirely faith-based narrative, only instead of placing faith in the words of priests and books authored by long-dead men, faith is placed in the authoritative say-so of the imperial intelligence community.

I really enjoyed speaking with Renee DiResta about information warfare. We live in interesting times...@noUpside 

Waking Up Podcast #145 - The Information War | Sam Harris

In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Renée DiResta about Russia's "Internet Research Agency" and its efforts to amplify conspiracy thinking and partisan conflict in the United...

It's funny then, given the aforementioned quote, that Harris escalated his already highly credulous relationship with the CIA Russia narrative in a podcast earlier this month titled "The Information War" in which he nodded faithfully along with a guest whose organization was recently exposed as having manufactured the appearance of Russian election meddling in an Alabama Senate race. His guest, Renee DiResta, is named in a December New York Times report for her involvement in a project by narrative control firm New Knowledge, which claims in an internal document to have "orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the [Alabama Senate candidate Roy] Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet.” This same narrative control firm which manufactured the bogus story that Moore was being amplified by Russian bots also authored two reports on Russian social media meddling for the US Congress in December which set off a week's worth of hysterical shrieking headlines.

At no time in Harris' interview with DiResta does he question any of her cold war rhetoric or baseless assertions, and indeed he eggs her along with agreeable questions along the lines of the CIA/CNN Russia narrative.

"Many people, certainly most Trump supporters, continue to doubt whether Russia interfered in anything in 2016," Harris said, as though skepticism of the unproven claims of shady intelligence agencies is a bad thing, then asked point-blank, "Is there any basis for doubt about that at this point?"

"Nope," DiResta replied.

"This is just crystal clear as a matter of what our intelligence services tell us, and a matter of what people like you can ascertain by just studying online behavior?" Harris helpfully added.

"It happened," DiResta replied. "There's really nothing else to say about it. The intelligence agencies know it happened, foreign governments know it happened, the platforms acknowledge it happened.

There may be some small group of people that continues to live like ostriches, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen."

Intelligence agencies know something happened, therefore it happened. The Pope knows bread and wine transubstantiates into the literal body and blood of Jesus Christ, therefore it happens. Sam Harris went right along with this, completely unquestioning like a good little cult member.

Silly Republican, as if a $100k social media campaign “could have affected the closely fought Senate race” in 2017.

Oh wait, that’s also the prevailing liberal supposition about a ~$100k Russian social media campaign in a 2016 presidential race. Never mind!

In an article for The Nation, journalist Aaron Maté breaks down how the data within the establishment Russia narrative itself shows that Russia's social media involvement in US politics was "small, amateurish, and mostly unrelated to the 2016 election," with only a tiny fraction of the Russia-based Internet Research Agency's US content having anything to do with the election at all, a very small amount of funds allocated to the total project, and making up an infinitesimally small percentage of total social media content viewed by Americans. Maté has also noted that the total expenditure on IRA posts for the entire US election is actually comparable to what New Knowledge spent on its "false flag operation" in the Alabama Senate race alone, which New Knowledge claims was too small to have impacted the election.

If that's not enough reason for you to be skeptical, Maté and the Moon of Alabama blog point out that there is no evidence that the Internet Research Agency had any intent to influence the election, nor indeed that it is anything other than a for-profit clickbait operation. Looking at the content of the posts we've been shown and the statistics we've been told about them, this is very difficult to argue against, which is probably why nobody ever tries to.

Sam Harris the credulous atheist never brings any of this up, uncritically letting his guest spout faith-based doctrine about both Kremlin social media interference and Russian hacking.

"Let's talk about the WikiLeaks data dump," DiResta said later in the podcast. "So as you mentioned at the start, the GRU** had this hack, they had these emails and they laundered these emails through WikiLeaks. They gave them to WikiLeaks."

There is no more publicly available evidence that this happened than there is that the Qur'an is the actual, literal word of actual, literal Allah, yet Sam Harris the credulous atheist never asked her for evidence of her claims. He uncritically let her advance not just establishment narratives but establishment agendas as well, nodding agreeably along as she called for social media platforms to collaborate with intelligence agencies and grieved about America being legally unable to respond with propaganda of its own to Russian online manipulations.

Support for establishment cold war narratives against Russia is not the only front along which Sam Harris finds himself in alignment with neoconservatism, whose push for a more aggressive posture toward the USSR was one of the early tenets of the movement. Harris' extensive history of Islamophobic comments and his sympathetic attitude toward the so-called "war on terror" and US military interventionism in Muslim-majority nations play right into the hands of neoconservative agendas in the Middle East, and he's been accused of being a closet neocon so much he's had to publicly address it. Neoconservatives have been consistently wrong about literally everything to do with foreign policy for decades, yet Sam Harris the credulous atheist finds theirs a sufficiently rational ideology to ride alongside. There is no more evidence that US interventionism in the Middle East is helpful than there is for the existence of Vishnu, yet Sam Harris the credulous atheist uncritically endorses it.

Establishment-fueled Russia hysteria is a religion. It is an entirely faith-based belief system which has toxic effects on the people who subscribe to it, and toxic effects on the world as it manufactures support for insane escalations between two nuclear superpowers. As we discussed yesterday, if you don't have a functioning radar for detecting malignant narratives, you might get lucky and find yourself in opposition to some pernicious belief systems, yet also find yourself selling CIA narratives to your very large online audience as well.

Credulous atheist Sam Harris doesn't oppose all religions. He is critical of some of them, and he is a zealous bishop of others.
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Caitlin Johnstone | January 19, 2019 at 2:47 am |

Tags: atheismneoconRussiaRussiagatesam harris | Categories: Article |


Hier nog een gesprek tussen Harris en Renée DiResta, 'Waking Up Podcast #145' waarvan zoals je ziet de afbeelding al te zien was in het op één na laatste Twitterbericht:

*  ODNI: Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

** GRU = GROe (Nederland)
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