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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Balko. Alle posts tonen

zondag 14 oktober 2018

Facebook (en Twitter) onderdrukt meningsvorming door het verwijderen van (echt) onafhankelijke media

Jake Johnson schreef op Common Dreams een artikel over de grote zuivering van de alternatieve (echt) onafhankelijke media op Facebook en Twitter. Het gaat hier niet alleen om het onderuithalen van de vrijheid op meningsuiting, zelfs het vormen van een mening wordt geweld aangedaan.......

Met de reinste kul argumenten stellen deze organisaties dat ze accounts met 'spam' en 'onecht gedrag', hebben verwijderd, ofwel Facebook heeft 'het gedrag van het nepaccounts hebben' gecensureerd, accounts die gebruikt zouden worden om de advertentie-inkomsten op te vijzelen......

Uiteraard gaat het Facebook, Twitter en anderen daar helemaal niet om, nee de berichtgeving in de alternatieve media moet worden geblokkeerd, berichtgeving die ingaat tegen de veelal van 'fake news' (nepnieuws) bolstaande berichtgeving door de reguliere massamedia....... Ofwel Facebook en Twitter hebben laten zien dat ze allesbehalve onafhankelijke organisaties zijn en geven daarbij juist de haat- en angstzaaiende massamedia*, die zoals gezegd ook nog eens liegen en bedriegen, alle ruimte op hun platforms..... 

Facebook heeft zelfs samengewerkt met de Saoedische reli-fascistische dictatuur en werkt voorts o.a. samen met de Atlantic Council, een lobbyorgaan van terreurorganisatie NAVO (zie de links onderaan in dit bericht).....

Nogmaals: censuur is een onderdeel van beleid in fascistische dictaturen!! Je kan dan ook niet anders concluderen dan de gang naar censuur is een grote stap richting dictatuur, waar overheden tegenwoordig ook nog eens bijna elke stap en elk gesproken en geschreven woord van een individu kunnen volgen....... De nazi's hadden zich met deze bijna totale controle, de vieze bloederige poten nog eens extra afgelikt.....

Lees het volgende artikel van Jake Johnson, waarin hij o.a. Anti-Media noemt als één van de getroffen (echt) onafhankelijke mediaorganen, een organisatie die alles uit en te na controleert voor publicatie:

Published on Friday, October 12, 2018 by Common Dreams

Facebook Accused of 'Full-Frontal Suppression of Dissent' After Independent Media Swept Up in Mass Purge

The massive shutdown affected many progressive sites devoted to covering war, police brutality, and other issues neglected by the corporate media

"Those who demanded Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants censor political content—something they didn't actually want to do—are finding that content that they themselves support and like end up being repressed," noted The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald in response to Facebook's announcement. "That's what has happened to every censorship advocate in history." (Photo: Legal Loop)
"Those who demanded Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants censor political content—something they didn't actually want to do—are finding that content that they themselves support and like end up being repressed," noted The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald in response to Facebook's announcement. "That's what has happened to every censorship advocate in history." (Photo: Legal Loop)

After Facebook announced on Thursday that it shut down and removed hundreds of pages and accounts that it vaguely accused of spreading "spam" and engaging in "inauthentic behavior," some of the individuals and organizations caught up in the social media behemoth's dragnet disputed accusations that they were violating the platform's rules and raised alarm that Facebook is using its enormous power to silence independent political perspectives that run counter to the corporate media's dominant narratives.

While it is reasonable to assume that some of the more than 800 total pages and accounts shut down by Facebook were engaged in overtly fraudulent behavior—such as the use of fake accounts and bots to generate ad revenue—numerous independent media outlets that cover a wide array of issues say they were swept up in the massive purge despite never using such tactics.

"Facebook has removed the pages of several police accountability/watchdog/critic groups, including Cop Block, the Free Thought Project, and Police the Police," Washington Post journalist Radley Balko noted in a tweet following Facebook's announcement. "They've also apparently severely restricted activity for the Photography Is Not a Crime page."

Activist, comedian, and political commentator Lee Camp argued that Facebook's purge is clear evidence that the "purging of anti-establishment thought is upon us" and described the account shutdowns as "full-frontal suppression of dissent."

Everyone, this is MASSIVELY important. American censorship is reaching a new level. Sites like Anti-Media, Free Thought Project and others, have been ripped down by Facebook today. The purging of anti-establishment thought is upon us. 

NOT ONLY were great journalistic sites like @AntiMedia and @TFTPROJECT banned from Facebook in yesterday's PURGE of dissident voices, but simultaneously their Twitter accounts & the accounts of their editors were SUSPENDED, like @CareyWedler. Full-frontal suppression of dissent!

Speaking to journalist Alex Rubinstein after they found out Facebook shut down their pages—some of which had hundreds of thousands of followers—the founders of Police the Police, the Free Thought Project, and other now-shuttered pages denied Facebook's hazy charge of "fraudulent" activity and accused the company of attempting to suppress dissenting voices that refuse to toe the corporate line.

"Our approach generally is to cover stories and angles that corporate media underreport or misreport and to amplify activist and anti-war voices and stories. All of our content is professionally fact-checked and edited," said Nicholas Bernabe, founder of The Anti-Media, a self-described "anti-establishment" website whose Facebook page was shut down along with hundreds of others on Thursday. "I can only speculate that these suspensions were a coordinated effort to stifle our message ahead of the coming elections."

While some of the pages Facebook removed on Thursday were affiliated with right-wing sites that were spreading patently false stories, censorship opponents have long warned of the "slippery slope" of empowering corporate giants to suppress certain kinds of content, given that the suppression almost always expands far beyond the original target.

"Those who demanded Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants censor political content—something they didn't actually want to do—are finding that content that they themselves support and like end up being repressed," noted The Intercept's Glenn Greenwald in response to Facebook's announcement. "That's what has happened to every censorship advocate in history."

Though Facebook has yet to release a full list of the pages and accounts it removed, several individuals affected by the purge have taken to other social media platforms to denounce the social media giant for squashing pages that took years to develop.

Facebook took down my page with nearly 70,000 followers, labeling it as "spam," when I have spent 4 years working to build that page up and using it to post the articles I wrote and videos of my reporting. This is so incredibly wrong and is affecting hundreds of similar pages.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
* Media die met dat angst en haatzaaien niet zelden in feite indirect oproepen tot geweld.....

Zie ook:
'Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert'

'Facebooks zuivering van de alternatieve (nieuws) media staat nog in de kinderschoenen'

'Facebook censureert de waarheid over Columbus en de verovering van de Amerika's.......'

'Facebook censuur gestuurd door het westers militair-industrieel complex en de NAVO in het bijzonder..........'

'Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone' (Tyler Durden op Zero Hedge)

'First They Came for Alex Jones — We Told You We Were Next — We Were' (Matt Agorist op The Free Thought Project)

'Facebook en Twitter verwijderen nu volledige accounts.........'

'Wie het nieuws controleert, controleert de wereld......'

'Facebook en Twitter verwijderen de eerlijke journalistiek en oprechte opinie >> censuur.....'

Facebook verlaat 'tranding news' voor 'brekend nieuws' van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer 'fake news.....''

'Facebook komt met nieuwsshows van betrouwbare media als CNN en Fox News.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Censuur op het internet met vliegende start in de VS, 'het land van het vrije woord....''

'Facebook en NAVO werken samen in censuur op niet welgevallig nieuws......'

'Facebook helpt Saoedi-Arabië: doodstraf door onthoofding van vrouw die het waagde kritiek te uiten.....'

'Aanval op alternatieve media 'succesvol': meer en meer sites worden van het net geweerd.........'

'ThinkProgress eiste censuur van Facebook en werd inderdaad gecensureerd.... ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS staatscensuur op Facebook (ook in de EU)'

'Facebook stelt perstituee van New York Times aan als censuur-agent...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Het echte Facebook schandaal: manipulatie van de gebruikers en gratis diensten voor eertijds presidentskandidaat Obama.......'

'Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook doneerde aan de politici die hem in de VS aan de tand voelden >> in het EU parlement maakte hij gebruik van megalomane EU politici.....'

'Facebook wil samen met door Saoedi-Arabië gesubsidieerde denktank censureren.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Media Too Busy Defending John McCain to Report the News That Actually Affects You' Onder andere aandacht voor PRISM.

'Westerse massa misleiding in aanloop naar WOIII......'

'VS gebruikt sociale media om 'fake comment' te verspreiden en de bevolking te hersenspoelen met leugens, ofwel 'fake news....''

'Eis een nee tegen censuur op het internet!

'AVG: Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (geleid door Aleid Wolfsen PvdA) niet berekend op EU wetgeving.......'

'Facebook e.a. hebben lak aan AVG (GDPR), misbruik persoonsgegevens gaat gewoon door.......'

vrijdag 21 april 2017

Kind van 4 getaserd en één van 3 onder dwang gekatheteriseerd....... Dagelijkse terreurpraktijk in politiestaat VS......

Dat de VS de laatste decennia is veranderd in een politiestaat zal velen niet verbazen. Echter waar dit mee gepaard gaat, doet je de haren ten berge stijgen.

Het volgende artikel van Information Clearing House ontving ik afgelopen woensdag en hierin een aantal voorbeelden, van wat je als burger in de VS kan overkomen en hoe je daar tegen te verzetten (indien mogelijk). De leeftijden van de mensen in de voorbeelden, lopen uiteen van 3 jaar tot 95 jaar oud........

Zo kan het kinderen van 4 jaar overkomen, dat ze door de politie of andere overheidsambtenaren worden geboeid (van handen en/of voeten) of getaserd (dat is een grove marteling!), ook kan het voorkomen, dat ze onder schot worden gehouden......... Dit omdat ze niet gehoorzamen en/of kinderachtig gedrag vertonen.......

Een 3 jarige jongen, die nog niet zindelijk was en dus niet in staat was een urine monster af te geven, werd door sociaal werkers tegen de grond gehouden, waarna een 'verpleger' hem schreeuwend van de pijn een katheter in de penis aangebracht.........

Wat u ervan vindt weet ik niet, maar voor mij is dit alles een heel smerige vorm van overheidsterreur!!.

Zoals al vaak op deze plek gezegd: aan zo'n 'land' levert Nederland niet alleen haar burgers uit, maar ook burgers uit andere landen........ Dezelfde VS waar men het 'plea bargain' hanteert: je kan in veel gevallen beter schuld bekennen, zelfs al heb je niet gedaan, waarvan je wordt verdacht, daar je anders grote kans loopt een fiks hogere straf te krijgen (nogmaals: ook al ben je onschuldig...)......

Lees en huiver (onder het artikel kan u voor een 'Dutch vertaling' klikken, dit neemt wel enige tijd in beslag):

Run for Your Life: The American Police State Is Coming to Get You

By John W. Whitehead

We’ve reached the point where state actors can penetrate rectums and vaginas, where judges can order forced catheterizations, and where police and medical personnel can perform scans, enemas and colonoscopies without the suspect’s consent. And these procedures aren’t to nab kingpins or cartels, but people who at worst are hiding an amount of drugs that can fit into a body cavity. In most of these cases, they were suspected only of possession or ingestion. Many of them were innocent... But these tactics aren’t about getting drugs off the street... These tactics are instead about degrading and humiliating a class of people that politicians and law enforcement have deemed the enemy.” - Radley BalkoThe Washington Post

April 19, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  Daily, all across America, individuals who dare to resist—or even question—a police order are being subjected to all sorts of government-sanctioned abuse ranging from forced catheterization, forced blood draws, roadside strip searches and cavity searches, and other foul and debasing acts that degrade their bodily integrity and leave them bloodied and bruised.

Americans as young as 4 years old are being leg shackledhandcuffedtasered and held at gun point for not being quiet, not being orderly and just being childlike—i.e., not being compliant enough.

Government social workers actually subjected a 3-year-old boy to a forced catheterization after he was unable to provide them with a urine sample on demand (the boy still wasn’t potty trained). The boy was held down, screaming in pain, while nurses forcibly inserted a tube into his penis to drain his bladder—all of this done because the boy’s mother’s boyfriend had failed a urine analysis for drugs.

Americans as old as 95 are being beaten, shot and killed for questioning an order, hesitating in the face of a directive, and mistaking a policeman crashing through their door for a criminal breaking into their home—i.e., not being submissive enough.

Consider what happened to David Dao, the United Airlines passenger who was accosted by three police, forcibly wrenched from his seat across the armrest, bloodying his face in the process, and dragged down the aisle by the arms merely for refusing to relinquish his paid seat after the airline chose him randomly to be bumped from the flight—after being checked in and allowed to board—so that airline workers could make a connecting flight.

Those with ADHD, autism, hearing impairments, dementia or some other disability that can hinder communication in the slightest way are in even greater danger of having their actions misconstrued by police. Police shot a 73-year-old-man with dementia seven times after he allegedly failed to respond to orders to stop approaching and remove his hands from his jacket. The man was unarmed and had been holding a crucifix.

Clearly, it no longer matters where you live.

Big city or small town: it’s the same scenario being played out over and over again in which government agents, hyped up on their own authority and the power of their uniform, ride roughshod over the citizenry who—in the eyes of the government—are viewed as having no rights.

Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be torn asunder by the prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases—these are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.

For instance, during a “routine” traffic stop for allegedly “rolling” through a stop sign, Charnesia Corley was thrown to the ground, stripped of her clothes, and forced to spread her legs while Texas police officers subjected her to a roadside cavity probe, all because they claimed to have smelled marijuana in her car.

Angel Dobbs and her 24-year-old niece, Ashley, were pulled over by a Texas state trooper for allegedly flicking cigarette butts out of the car window. Insisting that he smelled marijuana, the trooper proceeded to interrogate them and search the car. Despite the fact that both women denied smoking or possessing any marijuana, the police officer then called in a female trooper, who carried out a roadside cavity search, sticking her fingers into the older woman’s anus and vagina, then performing the same procedure on the younger woman, wearing the same pair of gloves. No marijuana was found.

Leila Tarantino was subjected to two roadside strip searches in plain view of passing traffic during a routine traffic stop, while her two children—ages 1 and 4—waited inside her car. During the second strip search, presumably in an effort to ferret out drugs, a female officer “forcibly removed” a tampon from Tarantino. Nothing illegal was found.

David Eckert was forced to undergo an anal cavity search, three enemas, and a colonoscopy after allegedly failing to yield to a stop sign at a Wal-Mart parking lot. Cops justified the searches on the grounds that they suspected Eckert was carrying drugs because his “posture [was] erect” and “he kept his legs together.” No drugs were found.

Meanwhile, four Milwaukee police officers were charged with carrying out rectal searches of suspects on the street and in police district stations over the course of several years. One of the officers was accused of conducting searches of men’s anal and scrotal areas, often inserting his fingers into their rectums and leaving some of his victims with bleeding rectums.

Incidents like these—sanctioned by the courts and conveniently overlooked by the legislatures—teach Americans of every age and skin color the painful lesson that there are no limits to what the government can do in its so-called “pursuit” of law and order.

If this is a war, then “we the people” are the enemy.

As Radley Balko notes in The Washington Post, “When you’re at war, it’s important to dehumanize your enemy. And there’s nothing more dehumanizing than forcibly and painfully invading someone’s body — all the better if you can involve the sex organs.”

The message being beaten, shot, tasered, probed and slammed into our collective consciousness is simply this: it doesn’t matter if you’re in the right, it doesn’t matter if a cop is in the wrong, it doesn’t matter if you’re being treated with less than the respect you deserve or the law demands.

The only thing that matters to the American police state is that you comply, submit, respect authority and generally obey without question whatever a government official (anyone who wears a government uniform, be it a police officer, social worker, petty bureaucrat or zoning official) tells you to do.

This is what happens when you allow the government to call the shots: it becomes a bully.

As history shows, this recipe for disaster works every time: take police officers hyped up on their own authority and the power of the badge, throw in a few court rulings suggesting that security takes precedence over individual rights, set it against a backdrop of endless wars and militarized law enforcement, and then add to the mix a populace distracted by entertainment, out of touch with the workings of their government, and more inclined to let a few sorry souls suffer injustice than to challenge the status quo.

It is not only under Nazi rule that police excesses are inimical to freedom,” warned former Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter in a 1946 ruling in Davis v. United States: “It is easy to make light of insistence on scrupulous regard for the safeguards of civil liberties when invoked on behalf of the unworthy. It is too easy. History bears testimony that by such disregard are the rights of liberty extinguished, heedlessly at first, then stealthily, and brazenly in the end.”

In other words, if it could happen in Nazi Germany, it can just as easily happen here.

It is happening here.

Unfortunately, we’ve been marching in lockstep with the police state for so long that we’ve forgotten how to march to the tune of our own revolutionary drummer. In fact, we’ve even forgotten the words to the tune.
We’ve learned the lessons of compliance too well.

For too long, “we the people” have allowed the government to ride roughshod over the Constitution, equating patriotism with blind obedience to the government’s dictates, no matter how unconstitutional or immoral those actions might be.

As historian Howard Zinn recognized:
Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is the numbers of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience… Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world, in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem… people are obedient, all these herdlike people.
What can you do?

It’s simple but as I detail in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the consequences may be deadly.

Stop being so obedient. Stop being so compliant and herdlike. Stop kowtowing to anyone and everyone in uniform. Stop perpetuating the false notion that those who work for the government—the president, Congress, the courts, the military, the police—are in any way superior to the rest of the citizenry. Stop playing politics with your principles. Stop making excuses for the government’s growing list of human rights abuses and crimes. Stop turning a blind eye to the government’s corruption and wrongdoing and theft and murder. Stop tolerating ineptitude and incompetence by government workers. Stop allowing the government to treat you like a second-class citizen. Stop censoring what you say and do for fear that you might be labeled an extremist or worse, unpatriotic. Stop sitting silently on the sidelines while the police state kills, plunders and maims your fellow citizens.

Stop being a slave.

As anti-war activist Rosa Luxemburg concluded, “Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”

You may not realize it yet, but you are not free.

If you believe otherwise, it is only because you have made no real attempt to exercise your freedoms.

Had you attempted to exercise your freedoms before now by questioning a police officer’s authority, challenging an unjust tax or fine, protesting the government’s endless wars, defending your right to privacy against the intrusion of surveillance cameras, or any other effort that challenges the government’s power grabs and the generally lopsided status quo, you would have already learned the hard way that the police state has no appetite for freedom and it does not tolerate resistance.

This is called authoritarianism, a.k.a. totalitarianism, a.k.a. oppression.

As Glenn Greenwald notes for the Guardian:
Oppression is designed to compel obedience and submission to authority. Those who voluntarily put themselves in that state – by believing that their institutions of authority are just and good and should be followed rather than subverted – render oppression redundant, unnecessary. Of course people who think and behave this way encounter no oppression. That's their reward for good, submissive behavior. They are left alone by institutions of power because they comport with the desired behavior of complacency and obedience without further compulsion. But the fact that good, obedient citizens do not themselves perceive oppression does not mean that oppression does not exist.
Get ready to stand your ground or run for your life, because the American police state is coming to get you.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at

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Nog één opmerking: mensen we moeten oppassen, dat we hier niet dezelfde kant opgaan..... Onder het mom van de strijd tegen terreur, worden onze rechten in groot tempo afgebroken en voor we het weten, zitten we hier ook in een politiestaat, één waarvan Hitler had kunnen dromen toen hij ons land binnenviel........ Dit terwijl de geheime diensten en politie in binnen en buitenland hun werk niet doen. Neem de aanslag van gisteravond in Parijs, de dader was al een paar jaar in het vizier van de geheime dienst en de politie (voor de zoveelste keer).......... Reken maar dat men niet alleen in Frankrijk om nog meer antiterreurmaatregelen zal schreeuwen, maatregelen die een politiestaat in wording ten goede komen..........

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Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt (nog) niet voor de labels: Balko en Zinn. .

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, kreeg e.e.a. niet op orde.