Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Johnstone. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Johnstone. Alle posts tonen

zondag 1 november 2020

De VS wordt aangevallen door landen die het haat op een manier die alleen de CIA 'kan zien'

Caitlin Johnstone heeft een allegorie geschreven over de VS, waarbij ze de president van van de VS als keizer neerzet die oorlogszuchtig zoveel mogelijk landen wil overheersen middels oorlog en intimidatie, daarbij geholpen door de geheime dienst.

Deze geheime dienst houdt de keizer voor dat hij een middel als 9/11 tot z'n beschikking heeft om landen als Rusland, Iran en China aan te kunnen pakken, waarbij 'het mooie' is, dat alleen de geheime dienst kan zien dat die landen hem aanvallen als zou het een tweede 9/11 zijn.......

Zo rolden afgelopen 2 weken maar liefst 3 van deze 'aanvalsgolven' van de gedachtebank die deze geheime dienst heeft opgezet. De eerste weer met Rusland als spin in het web en in de tweede worden Iran en China genoemd als de grote boosdoeners, in de derde worden dan weer Russische militairen als dader aangemerkt...... Waarbij niet vergeten moet worden dat middels de Wikileaks Vault 7 en 8 documenten blijkt dat de geheime diensten van de VS een hack-aanval kunnen uitvoeren waarbij men het kan doen voorkomen alsof de dader in een ander land dan de VS huist.......Je begrijpt dat zogenaamde manipulatie middels boodschappen op de sociale media, vele malen makkelijker is..... 

Overigens kan je de hiervoor beschreven soort acties ook zien als 'false flag operaties', immers men levert een smerige streek, waarbij niet zelden mensen omkomen en schuift die in de schoenen van een ander, zoals de gifgasaanvallen 'gepleegd door het Syrische leger', terwijl deze werden uitgevoerd door de zogenaamde rebellengroepen, bestaande uit psychopathisch geteisem dat de hand niet omdraait, voor slavenhandel, martelingen, amputaties, verkrachtingen en moord......... De westerse landen die mee hebben gedaan aan die oorlog wisten zelfs dat deze terreurgroepen beschikten over gifgas, maar hebben daar niets tegen ondernomen......

Ondanks al deze kennis geloven de reguliere westerse media die geheime diensten (naast de CIA moet trouwens ook de NSA genoemd worden als mededader*) en herhalen deze leugens zonder enig onderzoek, terwijl ze daar dondersgoed weten dat die geheime diensten enorm veel vaker hebben gelogen dan dat ze de waarheid hebben gebracht.....

Alleen al het feit dat Trump het stemmen door grote hoeveelheden VS burgers onmogelijk wil maken, een zaak waar men nu al een paar maanden mee bezig is, o.a. door het vernietigen van grote postsorteermachines, een veel groter gevaar is voor het democratische stemrecht, zelfs als de leugens van de CIA en NSA waar zouden zijn geweest....... Ach ja, van een democratie in de VS is al lang geen sprake meer......

Lees de mooie allegorie van Caitlin en zegt het voort, ook onze politici en media (zelfs de zogenaamd onafhankelijke zendgemachtigde NOS), herhalen deze leugens als groot nieuws...... Het meest belachelijke daaraan is wel dat zendgemachtigden als de NOS (vanmorgen ook nog eens in VPRO's OVT op Radio1) en andere reguliere mediaorganen de vuilbek volhebben van complottheorieën, terwijl ze zelf juist de brengers zijn van complottheorieën bedacht door de geheime diensten in de VS........

Hmm… America Keeps Getting Attacked By Nations It Hates In Ways Only The CIA Can See

by Caitlin Johnstone

I'd like to tell you a folktale. It's called "The Emperor's New 9/11".

Once upon a time there was an Emperor who loved war and military expansionism. He was always searching for new ways to instigate military conflicts without losing the support of the international community or waking up the populace to the fact that they're just propagandized cogs in the machine of a globe-spanning Empire which uses endless military and economic violence to maintain its unipolar hegemony.

One day two men calling themselves Intelligence Experts came into town claiming that they had devised a wondrous new type of enemy threat that is invisible to the common folk.

"Is it as good as 9/11?" asked the Emperor excitedly. "Oh how I loved how that one allowed me to initiate a new era of military expansionism on the pretence of fighting global terrorism!"

"It's even better!" explained the Intelligence Experts. "This magical enemy threat is comprised of Cyber Attacks which are completely invisible to public scrutiny, and you have complete control over where and when they happen. You just name a foreign government you don't like, and we'll say they have attacked the democracy of the Empire!"

"You mean the pretend democracy I lied to them about having?" asked the Emperor.

"Of course," said the Intelligence Experts. "So you just name the disobedient government you want a fight with and we'll give you your new 9/11."

"Hmm, well I'm not very fond of the Russians," said the Emperor. "They've been brazenly acting against our interests on the world stage and they keep getting friendlier with China. Let's set to work on them first."

So the Intelligence Experts set to work weaving their narrative about Russian Cyber Attacks. The Emperor put his mass media to work knitting together wonderful yarns of the Emperor's wonderous new 9/11, simultaneously invisible to commoners yet outrageous and necessitating an aggressive response.


A Consensus Emerges: Russia Committed an “Act of War” on Par With Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Should the U.S. Response be Similar? 

The Empire's military budget was inflated, treaties were ended, and a new arms race was begun. Sanctions were rolled out against the Russian government, the Empire's Nuclear Posture Review was readjusted with a much more hostile stance toward Moscow, troops were deployed and NATO was expanded. Anyone who objected to any of this was labeled Russian propaganda by the Empire.

"Oh, this is wonderful!" exclaimed the Emperor. "Let's do Iran now! Ooh! And China too!"

"Iran and China have been attacking the Empire's democracy!" announced the Intelligence Experts. "It's like another 9/11!"

All was going swimmingly, until one day the Emperor was parading his new 9/11 around town for the commoners to admire.

"Oh, this 9/11 is even more impressive than the last one!" exclaimed the people. "I would happily throw my body into the gears of the war machine for it! Praise be to our mighty Emperor!"

Then one tiny voice rang out above the rest.

"But the Emperor hasn't got a 9/11!" said a small child. "There's nothing there at all!"

The child was immediately branded a Russian propagandist and banned from Facebook and Twitter.

No Matter Who Wins, The War Machine Wins "US government agencies are advancing the narrative that unabsorbed governments are attacking the United States in a completely invisible yet extremely outrageous way." 

It is not a coincidence that all these alleged attacks on American democracy are happening in ways that only the US intelligence cartel can see. It is not a coincidence that the US propaganda machine is constantly announcing invisible new attacks upon the nation from governments that have been longtime targets of that same intelligence cartel. It is not a coincidence that whenever these alleged attacks happen, the hard evidence that they happened is always classified.

Foreign "election interference" is 9/11 minus 9/11. It gets all the same urgent media coverage of 9/11, all the same outrage and all the same demand for forceful retaliation; it just doesn't have the fallen buildings that people can look at or the bereaved family members that you can talk to. It's a 9/11 that is completely invisible to everyone, so we have to take the word of intelligence agencies with an extensive history of lying that they happened at all.

Meanwhile, as the US is being victimized by these attacks that only the CIA and NSA can see, the US government is harming the American people to an infinitely greater degree than Russia, China and Iran are. The US government is destroying untold millions of lives at home and abroad, but Americans are being told to worry about invisible attacks by foreign countries that have literally never done anything to them.

Don't be a sucker. Be the child at the Emperor's parade.


Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my books Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.

Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2

#america, #china, #cold-war, #cyber-attack, #emperors-new-9-11, #iran, #propaganda, #russia, #war

Caitlin Johnstone | October 24, 2020 at 2:17 am | Tags: america, china, cold war, cyber attack, emperor's new 9/11, Iran, propaganda, Russia, war | Categories: Article | URL: 


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'Russiagate? Britaingate zal je bedoelen!'

'Russiagate: VS en buitenlandse geheime diensten hebben de VS presidentsverkiezingen in 2016 gemanipuleerd'

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woensdag 7 oktober 2020

'Vote Shaming, 'progressieve Amerikanen' demoniseren kiezers die niet Democratisch of Republikeins stemmen

In de VS hebben figuren als Bill Maher hun progressieve masker afgeworpen en hun pijlen gericht op burgers die weigeren te stemmen op het tweekoppige monster bestaande uit de Republikeinse en Democratische Partij.... Maher c.s hebben het gore lef te stellen dat deze stemmers de meest giftige wereldburgers zijn....... Echter deze stemmers hebben groot gelijk, immers of je nu door de hond of de kat wordt gebeten, het blijft bijten en het gevoerde beleid wijkt in de praktijk amper af.......

De Democraten zetten zich af tegen de ongelijke behandeling van de grote onderlaag in de VS echter de praktijk laat zien dat ook de Democraten zich amper inzetten voor deze grote groep......

Wat betreft de grootschalige VS terreur over de wereld voeren deze 2 partijen hetzelfde agressieve beleid, waar velen denken dat de Democraten meer vredelievend zijn, heeft Obama laten zien dat het geen bliksem uitmaakt: hij was de volledige 2 termijnen in oorlog verwikkeld en dat als de eerste president sinds de VS onafhankelijk is..... (terwijl Obama Nobelprijs voor de Vrede winnaar is.....)

Caitlin Johnstone* heeft een artikel geschreven over deze zaak en ze noemt daarbij 21 punten die aangeven dat de stemmers die op een derde partij stemmen, groot gelijk hebben. Zo voert ze bijvoorbeeld aan dat de Republikeinse partij als het aan de macht is, een zo rechts mogelijk beleid voert, echter als de Democraten daarna aan de macht komen, wordt er niets teruggedraaid, hoe onrechtvaardig bepaalde zaken ook zijn.....

Zoals je begrijpt richt Johnstone vooral haar kritiek op de Democraten, daar deze het van de daken schreeuwen dat zaken niet eerlijk verlopen, maar eenmaal aan de macht hetzelfde doen. Neem de persvrijheid: de Democraten vinden dat de persvrijheid heilig is, echter als het om Julian Assange gaat willen ze deze, zoals Trump dat wenst, uitgeleverd hebben aan de VS, terwijl Assange niets anders heeft gedaan dan z'n werk (en dat uitstekend!!) en gebruik maken van de persvrijheid, terwijl de leugen dat hij mensen in gevaar heeft gebracht al lang en breed is doorgeprikt...... 
Voorts beschuldigen de Democraten de alternatieve media van het brengen van fake news (nepnieuws), terwijl de reguliere (massa-) media zich daar keer op keer schuldig aan maken, neem alleen al de aanloop naar- en het verloop van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voerde en voert.....
Kortom de Democraten willen in feite dat de echte media (de alternatieve media) aan banden worden gelegd en dat ten gunste van de reguliere media die over het algemeen het beleid steunen (m.n. het bloedige buitenlandbeleid) van: -de zittende administratie, -het militair-industrieel complex, -de financiële sector en -het andere grote bedrijfsleven...... (de eerste twee, of eigenlijk drie overlappen elkaar gedeeltelijk)

Lees het artikel van Johnstone (van 29 september jl.) en denk daaraan als je bijvoorbeeld het volgende debat tussen Trump en Biden kijkt of beluistert (Joe Binden wil dat alleen als Trump virusvrij is..... ha! ha! ha! Kortom hij is bang voor Trump), Trump en Biden, 2 oorlogsmisdadigers en lobbyisten voor de wapenfabrikanten, het verdere grote bedrijfsleven en de financiële sector........

On Vote Shaming: 21 Ways Supporting The US Establishment Is Worse Than Voting Third Party

by Caitlin Johnstone

The vote-shaming engines have predictably kicked into high gear in America as the presidential election approaches, with shitlib pundits like Bill Maher doing their part to paint third-party voters as the most toxic people in the world.

Which is of course ridiculous. I have no strong opinions about how Americans should vote in November, but it's obvious that in terms of toxicity third-party voters are not on the list of people who are worthy of criticism. The dire situation humanity now finds itself in under the leadership of the US hegemon is not the fault of a small fringe faction which doesn't want to support oligarch-coddling ecocidal warmongers, it's the fault of those who help preserve America's oligarchic ecocidal warmongering status quo.

Contrary to the stock template lines that establishment spinmeisters are regurgitating to bully the left into submission, here are 21 things which are in fact a lot more crazy, selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party:

1. Supporting a two-headed one-party system in the most powerful government on earth which has plagued our planet with endless war and ecocide and marched humanity to the brink of extinction.
2. Continuing to support a political system which is wholly owned and operated by the wealthy, leaving zero effective influence over US policy in the hands of ordinary Americans and immense influence in the hands of the very rich.
3. Continuing to support a system which consistently deceives the American people into consenting to oppressive neoliberal exploitation at home and bloodthirsty neoconservative warmongering abroad, both of which always hurt the most impoverished and disadvantaged groups worst.
4. Continuing to support a two-headed one-party system where one head always pushes as far to the right as possible when in power and the other head never moves things back leftward even one iota when it is.
5. Continuing to support a political establishment which rehabilitates war criminals like George W Bush, Bill Kristol, David Frum and John Bolton while demonizing anyone who refused to vote for a warmonger.
6. Supporting a political party which has been consistently attacking Donald Trump from the right on foreign policy, pushing him to escalate cold war tensions with Russia further and further and shrieking hysterically if he makes the slightest move toward deescalation anywhere.
7. Supporting a political party which is designed to co-opt all leftward populism and railroad it into support for an establishment which promotes war and oligarchy while depriving Americans of the same social safety nets afforded to everyone in every other major country on earth.
8. Supporting a party which claims to support press freedoms while cheerleading Trump's extradition of Julian Assange, a move which if successful will cripple press freedoms around the globe and make it impossible to hold the world's most powerful government to account.
9. Supporting a political party which has spent Trump's term galvanizing its base around the psychopathic CIA and J Edgar Hoover's minority-oppressing, left-punching FBI while doing everything it can to stamp out any leftist zeitgeist within its ranks.
10. Continuing to support a mass media structure which works every day to deceive Americans into supporting their own impoverishment while weapons of war are spread across the planet at massive expense.
11. Supporting a political establishment which promises slow, incremental change and actually delivers no change whatsoever while our species slides off the cliff of extinction, taking out the most impoverished and marginalized first.
12. Pretending foreign policy just doesn't exist, or if it does exist pretending Joe Biden isn't a lifelong warmonger who has spent his entire campaign attacking Trump for being insufficiently hawkish in most spheres of international conflict.
13. Ignoring the fact that both parties are working in support of world-threatening cold war escalations against both Russia and China, a multifront campaign whose complexity increases the probability of something going cataclysmically wrong even more than the last cold war.
14. Pretending a party that's done exactly nothing for America's disempowered communities isn't directly responsible for the poverty, police brutality, mass incarceration, exploitation and oppression those communities face today.
15. Pretending a return to how things were before Trump's presidency wouldn't just be a return to the conditions which created Trump's presidency.
16. Pretending Obama, who destroyed Libya, devastated Syria, facilitated the rape of Yemen, intervened in Ukraine, maintained and expanded all of Bush's most depraved policies and did nothing for the people who elected him, was a good president.
17. Continuing to support a political system where everything keeps getting worse no matter which oligarchic puppet Americans elect.
18. Putting your head in the sand and pretending everything will be fine once a Democrat is in charge, again.
19. Supporting a novelty joke party with fake primaries which are always rigged to ensure victory for the safest oligarchic puppet instead of pushing for something resembling actual democracy.
20. Promoting the lie that if you just keep doing something that has never, ever worked, this time it might produce different results.
21. Lulling people back to sleep when the only thing that can help ordinary people is for them to start waking up and using the power of their numbers to force drastic, revolutionary change.
It’s easy to advocate incrementalism when you’re not living hand to mouth. It’s selfish to think that acting on climate change can be rolled out over many decades so as not to upset the corporate donors of your favorite politicians. It’s the height of entitlement to close the door to progressives inside the Democratic Party and then throw a shit fit when they vote for another party. It’s hypocritical to hyperventilate about election-rigging Russians while secretly, and then openly, rigging primaries against progressives.

Supporting the continued existence of a fake two-party system which advances exploitative agendas hurts the most vulnerable populations in America and in the entire world. Acting self-righteous because you actively support that system while spitting on the people who are trying to change it is selfish, is stupid, is hypocritical, and is a mark of extreme privilege.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for at my website or on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my books Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.

Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2


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