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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label D. Eviatar. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 8 maart 2019

Burgerslachtoffers door VS drone aanvallen is nu zo groot dat Trump deze niet meer bekend wil maken.......

Het aantal niet-verdachten dat wordt vermoord middels VS drone aanvallen is groot, zo groot dat al een paar jaar bekend is dat deze boven de 90% ligt, ofwel de VS vermoordt verdachten met drones, terwijl het aantal niet verdachte personen dat omkomt bij deze aanvallen meer dan 90% van het totale aantal slachtoffers uitmaakt..... Niet verwonderlijk dat vooral veel vrouwen en kinderen tot die slachtoffers behoren......

In de loop van de eeuwen hebben we een rechtssysteem opgebouwd, waarbij verdachten rechten hebben en niet veroordeeld kunnen worden alleen daar ze verdacht zijn, er dient een fatsoenlijk proces gevoerd te worden, waarbij een verdachte alleen met directe bewijzen veroordeeld kan worden. (al ontbreekt het daar meer en meer aan, ook in Nederland...) Als je dit in ogenschouw neemt zie je meteen waar het aan scheelt als je spreekt over de standrechtelijke executies die de VS op grote schaal uitvoert met drones over een aantal landen.....

Sinds een paar jaar heeft de VS de plicht om te melden hoeveel personen het met drones heeft vermoord, die niet eens verdacht waren, zo weten we dat meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens verdacht was....... Blijkbaar is het aantal niet verdachte slachtoffers nog verder gegroeid, want Trump weigert dit cijfer vrij te geven, sterker nog hij heeft de regel geschrapt die tot deze rapportage verplichtte......

De VS kan al lang niet meer als rechtsstaat worden gezien en dat is bepaald niet in de laatste plaats te danken aan de massamoord die de VS middels drones pleegt........ Deze moorden werden onder Obama, Nobelprijswinnaar voor de 'Vrede', al fiks uitgebreid, waar Trump hem intussen heeft overtroffen wat betreft het aantal terreuraanslagen, want daar gaat het hier om, ordinaire barbaarse terreur........ 

Hoe lang duurt het nog voor het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag een zaak begint tegen deze barbaarse standrechtelijke executies....... Ongelofelijk dat er nog mensen zijn die geloven in dit meer dan lamme strafhof, dat een suffe tv-serie met Donald Sutherland nodig heeft om het belang van dit hof aan te tonen, waar de aangedragen zaken vooral met gewone misdaad te maken hebben......

Lees het volgende artikel, geschreven door Jake Johnson, eerder gepubliceerd op Common Dreams en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media. Zegt het voort mensen, het is de hoogste tijd dat iedereen de werkelijkheid ziet van de enorme terreur die de VS uitoefent waar het haar maar uitkomt:

Trump Cancels Report on Civilians Killed by US Drone Strikes

March 6, 2019 at 8:20 pm
Written by Jake Johnson
(CD) — In his latest attack on transparency, President Donald Trump on Wednesday rescinded a rule requiring U.S. intelligence officials to publicly disclose the number of civilians killed by drone strikes.

Shameful, indefensible, dangerous,” tweeted Elizabeth Beavers, associate policy director with progressive advocacy group Indivisible. “Time for Congress to step in.”

Trump used an executive order to scrap the three-year-old rule, which instructed the Director of National Intelligence to produce an annual report on all civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes outside of official war zones.

As Common Dreams reported at the time, the White House ignored last May’s deadline for disclosing civilian deaths from drone strikes and suggested it could rescind the transparency requirement.

Now that the rule has been canceled, critics feared that the Trump administration will be able to continue expanding the use of drone strikes overseas with even less oversight.

This is a shameful decision that will shroud this administration’s actions in even more secrecy with little accountability for its victims,” Daphne Eviatar, director of security with human rights at Amnesty International USA, said in a statement. “The public deserves to know how many civilians are killed by U.S. actions. This is an unconscionable decision and in complete disregard of fundamental human rights.”

Not only have USG investigations of civilian casualties been minimal, but now they're not going to bother to even try to report the #'s of civilians the US is killing anymore. Another way of hiding consequences of US's illegal & endless global war. @DRovera @WritesRights
Trump has been killing an obscene amount of civilians with drones. Now he's making things more secretive. 

Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s national security project, said that while the drone transparency requirement that Trump scrapped was “imperfect,” it still provided an “important official record of deaths caused by the military and, critically, the CIA.”

This decision will hide from the public the government’s own tally of the total number of deaths it causes every year in its lethal force program,” Shamsi said in a statement. “Now, the government is also no longer committed to providing reasons why its total death count is different from independent credible reports by media and rights groups.”

The executive order comes as reports show that Trump has escalated the drone wars he inherited from his predecessor Barack Obama, who was widely criticized for expanding the use of drone strikes.

Since Donald Trump took office, the U.S. military has approximately tripled the number of strikes that it conducts each year in Somalia, according to figures confirmed by the Pentagon,” Amanda Sperber, a freelance journalist based in East Africa, reportedin The Nation last month.
Trump has similarly ramped up the use of drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen.

In 2009 and 2010, Obama launched 186 drone strikes on Yemen, Somalia, and especially Pakistan. Donald Trump’s drone strikes during his own first two years on the three pivotal undeclared battlefields, however, eclipse Obama’s,” according to a Daily Beast analysis published last November. “In 2017 and 2018 to date, Trump has launched 238 drone strikes there.”

Voor meer berichten over VS drone aanvallen, klik op de labels drones en/of standrechtelijke executies. Let wel: na een aantal berichten volgt het laatst getoonde telkens weer, dan even opnieuw op het gekozen label klikken onder het laatst gelezen bericht, enz. enz.

zaterdag 12 januari 2019

Guantanamo Bay, de schande van de VS, 10 jaar na de belofte deze illegale gevangenis te sluiten

Activisten hebben afgelopen donderdag in Washington gedemonstreerd tegen het zonder een eerlijk proces voor onbepaalde tijd vasthouden van verdachten, dit in concentratiekamp Guantanamo Bay op Cuba......

Nog 40 verdachten zitten vast in Guantanamo Bay, 17 jaar na het installeren van dit concentratiekamp en 10 jaar nadat Obama een onmiddellijke sluiting beloofde.......

In feite gijzelt de VS de gevangenen op Guantanamo Bay, een smerige misdaad (waar hun gevangenneming al illegaal was en ze daarna ook nog eens werden ontvoerd door de VS....)...... Aan het voorgaande kan je toevoegen dat de behandeling van de gegijzelde verdachten in dit concentratiekamp zonder meer als geestelijke en fysieke marteling kan worden gezien....... Guantanamo Bay waar de verdachten werden gemarteld met o.a. martelwerktuigen, martelingen waarna een paar verdachten werden veroordeeld, alsof het normaal is om mensen te martelen voor een verklaring (die zoals wetenschappelijk bewezen, van nul en generlei waarde is....)

De VS bewijst met Guantanamo Bay, of zelfs men het daar noemt Gitmo, geheel ten overvloede nog eens dat het de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde is.......

Hoe is het in godsnaam mogelijk dat de wereld de VS laat begaan, niet alleen met het concentratiekamp op Cuba, maar ook met alle andere vormen van grootschalige terreur die de VS uitoefent over de wereld, zoals: -illegale oorlogen, -staatsgrepen, -geheime militaire moordacties, -standrechtelijke executie van verdachten middels drones (waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht....), -het organiseren van opstanden het liefst middels economische oorlogsvoering en -het beïnvloeden van de politiek en verkiezingen elders..... Voor al deze zaken bestaan bij wijze van spreken kilometers aan bewijsmateriaal.......

YANKEE GO HOME!! (and stay in the USA!)

Activists decry abuse at Guantanamo, 10 years after Obama ordered it shut

Activists and legal experts denounce potentially indefinite detention of 40 people at prison

Protesters gather across from White House on Friday (MEE/Ali Harb)

Friday 11 January 2019 18:50 UTC
Last update: 
Friday 11 January 2019 23:49 UTC

WASHINGTON - Guantanamo Bay inmate Tolfiq al-Bihani has been cleared for release, but 10 years after former President Barack Obama signed an executive order to shut down the detention facility, he and 39 others remain imprisoned without the prospect of freedom or a fair trial.
On Thursday, dozens of activists gathered at a park across from the White House to demand closing the detention facility, which operates outside the US legal system.
Protesters in orange jumpsuits with black bags covering their heads, symbolising the abuse that Guantanamo prisoners have faced, stood with their backs to the White House as activists and legal experts denounced the continued detention of 40 people at the prison.
The facility, built on US-controlled land in Cuba, was set up to house suspected dangerous militants from US wars after the 9/11 attacks.
The demonstration marked 17 years since the detention facility opened and 10 years since Obama signed a decree to close it down "promptly".
Jessica Murphy and Leila Murphy, two sisters whose father was killed in the 9/11 attacks, said instead of ensuring justice for the victims Guantanamo has "compounded the tragedy of 9/11".
"We abhor the government's disregard for rule of law and its flagrant human rights abuses in the name of our father and other victims," they said, taking turns reading a joint statement.

'Source of shame'

British journalist Andy Worthington said the detention facility has been open for 6,210 days.
"That's 6,210 days of shame for every decent American… Every day this prison is open is a source of shame for all decent people," he told the crowd.
"This isn't an ordinary prison where people have been tried and convicted. This isn't a war prison where people are taken off the battlefield and held, protected by the Geneva Convention until the end of hostilities."
What Guantanamo is, Worthington said, is a place where people can be held without "any rights whatsoever as human beings".

"This prison is unconstitutional, it is illegal and more importantly it is immoral and inhumane"
-Aya Saed, Center for Constitutional Rights

He called the detainees political prisoners who have become political tools for President Donald Trump.
Indeed, the US president has repeatedly brought up Guantanamo to project an image of strength in the face of supposed danger from what he calls "radical Islamic terrorism".
Trump even mentioned the prison in his 2018 State of the Union, an annual speech to the nation in which presidents highlight their accomplishments and lay out their vision for the forthcoming year.
Furthermore, under his administration, the process of finding countries to transfer five inmates cleared for release, including al-Bihani, has been frozen.
As a candidate, Trump promised to keep the prison open and load it up with "bad dudes".
Forty inmates remain at Guantanamo, 10 years after Obama's executive order (MEE/Ali Harb)
Civil rights advocates have criticised the abuse and lack of due process at the detention facility, where inmates have few legal resources and face no charges from which they can defend themselves.
Last year, Trump revoked Obama's executive order to shut down the prison, proclaiming that the US can detain "certain persons captured in connection with an armed conflict for the duration of the conflict".
Critics say Trump's decree opens the door for indefinite detention of suspected militants, as the "War on Terror" has been going on for 18 years and has no end in sight.
For his part, Obama blamed lack of political consensus for his failure to follow up on the promise to down the facility.
"He wasn't bold enough," said Daphne Eviatar, Amnesty International USA's director of security with human rights, of the former president. "He could have done it at the very beginning. He had the support of Congress."
In the process of being "extremely careful", Eviatar told Middle East Eye, Obama slowed the process of transferring detainees, and when Republicans took over Congress in 2011, they refused to transfer suspects to the US for trial.

'Immoral and inhumane'

"This prison is unconstitutional, it is illegal and more importantly it is immoral and inhumane," said Aya Saed, who works at the Center for Constitutional Rights, which legally represents Guantanamo detainees.
While acknowledging the difficulty of progress under the Trump administration, Saed called for collective action on behalf of the prisoners.
"What I do hope is that their perseverance, their resilience, their will to get up every day to participate in hunger strikes inspires us to continue dreaming of a different world, imagining of a different reality," she said at the protest on Friday.
At an event organised by the Congressional Progressive Caucus and rights groups in Washington earlier on Friday, Mohamedou Slahi, a former in Guantanamo inmate who was held from 2002 until 2016, described the abuse he endured in the prison.
"In an attempt to force me to confess to crimes I did not commit, I was subjected to torture and to cruel and inhumane treatment," he told the attendees via video conference from Mauritania, where he was transferred in 2016, "as if losing my freedom, my livelihood and being forcibly separated from my loved ones wasn’t cruel enough."
The human rights activist and author of Guantanamo Diary, which he wrote when he was in the prison, added that his release in did not end his suffering.
"I am still not free," he said, explaining that he has been denied a passport and can’t leave Mauritania.

"I am a prisoner in my own country," Slahi said. "I am being denied my freedom of movement" despite never having been charged with or committing any acts of terrorism or other crimes.

Zie ook:
 The ludicrous notion of justice in Guantanamo #Guantanamo

 Why Trump's pledge to keep Guantanamo open doesn't matter #Trump

 Morocco acquits former Guantanamo detainee #Guantanamo

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