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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label R. Protasevich. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label R. Protasevich. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 25 mei 2021

Kaping Ryanair toestel zorgt voor hypocriete hysterie: waar was de verontwaardiging toen het toestel van de Boliviaanse president werd gedwongen te landen in West-Europa

Ongelofelijk, de hysterie die is ontstaan na de door een Wit-Russische (Belarussische) straaljager afgedwongen landing van een Ryanair toestel. Uiteraard is e.e.a. te gek voor woorden en een schending van meerdere verdragen, echter men 'vergeet' voor het gemak even dat iets dergelijks eerder gebeurde....... In 2013 werd het toestel, waarmee de Boliviaanse president Morales werd vervoerd van Moskou naar zijn land, gedwongen te landen daar men het vermoeden had dat Edward Snowden, een man die volkomen terecht de klok luidde over het agressieve buitenlandbeleid dat de VS voerde..... (en nog steeds voert, een beleid dat zich kenemrkt door grootschalige terreur)

Let wel: het ging hier om toestel waarin zich een democratisch gekozen president bevond en het vermoeden dat klokkenluider Snowden aan boord was, volkomen onterecht zoals we al lang weten...... Eén ding is zeker: als Snowden aan boord was geweest had men hem op zeker gearresteerd en uitgeleverd aan de VS........ Men zegt wel dat Roman Protasevich, de persoon waar het om draait is gemarteld, maar de VS doet niet anders dan mensen martelen in geheime CIA gevangenissen over de wereld en op Guantanamo Bay, op zeker dat men dit ook met Snowden had gedaan........

Ronduit komisch te zien hoe de westerse media (en politiek) de zaak steeds verder hebben opgeblazen nadat duidelijk werd dat blogger Roman Protasevich en zijn vriendin, die zich aan boord bevonden van het Ryanair toestel en eruit werden gehaald toen het toestel in Minsk (Wit-Rusland) werd gecontroleerd op een bom, de smoes waarmee men het toestel tot landen dwong. Eerst werd inderdaad gesteld dat hij -blogger was, een paar uur later was hij -journalist, daarna -oppositie-journalist (ha! ha! ha!), vervolgens de -stem van de oppositie en tot slot is hij tot de belangrijkste -dissident van Wit-Rusland gebombardeerd....... Lullig dan ook te zien dat Glenn Greenwald, van wie het hieronder opgenomen artikel is, Protasevich al bijna even hoog ophemelt..... (hoe lullig de zaak ook is)

Luisterde na 12.00 u. naar een inbelprogramma op WDR 5, een zogenaamde deskundige maakte het helemaal bont, deze kwezel stelde dat Rusland en dan m.n. president Putin de grote kracht op de achtergrond was, ook stelde hij dat het waarschijnlijk is dat er leden van de Russische geheime dienst aan boord van het Ryanair toestel waren...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Het viel me alles mee dat hij niet vertelde dat één of meer van Putins secretarissen (m/v) aan boord waren....... En daar ging het los in de uitzending van WDR 5: de ene inbeller na de andere eiste naast sancties tegen Wit-Rusland ook sancties tegen Rusland en bovendien werd bijna spugend toegevoegd dat het Nord Stream2 (NS2) project, een gaspijpleiding van Rusland via de Oostzee naar Duitsland, per direct moet worden gestopt.... (terwijl heel veel huizen in Duitsland nog met olie worden warm gestookt.....)

Letterlijk één inbeller maakte zich boos om deze belachelijke stemmingmakerij en gaf aan welk land de grote agressor is op onze kleine planeet: de VS en dat men moest stoppen met deze meer dan belachelijke demonisering van Rusland, jammer dat hij niet het meer dan schandelijke voorbeeld noemde van de gedwongen landing die het toestel van Morales moest maken en niet stelde dat de grootste westelijke schande op dit gebied wel de isolatiefolter is die de gelauwerde onderzoeksjournalist Julian Assange nu al meer dan een jaar moet doormaken, vastgehouden op valse gronden en ronduit leugens van de VS overheid (uitentreuren herhaald door de 'collega's' van Assange in de reguliere westerse media) als zou hij mensen in gevaar hebben gebracht....... De kritische inbeller, die ook terecht opmerkte dat er in de gevangenissen in de VS behoorlijk wat dissidenten zitten, werd snel afgekapt in zijn verhaal en mocht in tegenstelling tot andere inbellers niets meer zeggen nadat de 'deskundige' zijn woorden tevergeefs probeerde te weerleggen......

Nogmaals wat een smerig stel hypocrieten, de wereld had op haar kop moeten staan toen het toestel van Morales moest landen en dat alleen op een vermoeden, waar men nu zelfs het gore lef heeft Rusland te beschuldigen van medeplichtigheid, maar nee dat vond men blijkbaar wel normaal....... Zelfs als Snowden aan boord was geweest had men het toestel niet tot landen mogen dwingen, alle westerse staten beleiden met de mond dat transparantie en openheid in het belang is van de democratie, behalve als het hen niet uitkomt, zie wat dat betreft ook de meer dan onbeschofte behandeling van klokkenluiders als Fred Spijkers (gevaarlijke landmijnen*) en Ad Bos (bouwfraude/corruptie schandaal)

Dit is 2021 ten voeten uit, alsof we gvd terug zijn in de 30er jaren van de vorige eeuw, oh nee dom van mij, toen probeerde iedereen Hitler en andere fascistische dictators zoals Franco te vriend te houden, terwijl men nu landen demoniseert die niets met bepaalde zaken te maken hebben en men in het westen vooral niets doet tegen de enorme balk in eigen ogen...... 

Hier het artikel van Glenn Greenwald:

As Anger Toward Belarus Mounts, Recall the 2013 Forced Landing of Bolivia's Plane to Find Snowden

What Belarus did, while illegal, is not unprecedented. The dangerous tactic was pioneered by the same U.S. and E.U. officials now righteously condemning it.


Bolivian President Evo Morales holds a press conference at the Vienna International Airport on July 3, 2013, angrily denying any wrongdoing on Wednesday after his plane was diverted to Vienna over suspicion fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden was on board. (Photo: Patrick Domingo/AFP via Getty Images)

U.S. and E.U. governments are expressing outrage today over the forced landing by Belarus of a passenger jet flying over its airspace on its way to Lithuania. The Ryanair commercial jet, which took off from Athens and was carrying 171 passengers, was just a few miles from the Lithuanian border when a Belarusian MiG-29 fighter jet ordered the plane to make a U-turn and land in Minsk, the nation's capital.

On board that Ryanair flight was a leading Belarusian opposition figure, 26-year-old Roman Protasevich, who, fearing arrest, had fled his country in 2019 to live in exile in neighboring Lithuania. The opposition figure had traveled to Athens to attend a conference on economics with Belarus’ primary opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and was attempting to return home to Lithuania when the plane was forcibly diverted.

Protasevich, when he was teenager, became a dissident opposed to Belarus’ long-time authoritarian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko, and has only intensified his opposition in recent years. When Lukashenko last year was "re-elected” to his sixth term as president in a sham election, the largest and most sustained anti-Lukashenko protests in years erupted. Protasevich, even while in exile, was a leading oppositional voice, using an anti-Lukashenko channel on Telegram — one of the few remaining outlets dissidents have — to voice criticisms of the regime. For those activities, he was formally charged with various national security crimes, and then, last November, was placed on the official “terrorist list” by Belarus’ intelligence service (still called the "KGB” from its days as a Soviet republic).

Lukashenko's own press service said the fighter jet was deployed on orders of the leader himself, telling the Ryanair pilot that they believed there was a bomb or other threat to the plane on board. When the plane landed in Minsk, an hours-long search was conducted and found no bomb or any other instrument that could endanger the plane's safety, and the plane was then permitted to take off and land thirty minutes later at its intended destination in Lithuania. But two passengers were missing. Protasevich was quickly detained after the plane was forced to land in Minsk and is now in a Belarusian jail, where he faces a possible death sentence as a "terrorist” and/or a lengthy prison term for his alleged national security crimes. His girlfriend, traveling with him, was also detained despite facing no charges. Passengers on the flight say Protasevich began panicking when the pilot announced that the plane would land in Minsk, knowing that his fate was sealed and telling other passengers that he faces a death sentence.

Anger over this incident from American and European governments came swiftly and vehemently. “We strongly condemn the Lukashenko regime's brazen and shocking act to divert a commercial flight and arrest a journalist,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken posted on Twitter on Sunday night, adding that U.S. officials “demand an international investigation and are coordinating with our partners on next steps.”

Because the E.U. includes as member states both the departing country of the flight (Greece) and its intended destination (Lithuania), and because Ryanair is based in another E.U. country (Ireland), its officials are expressing similar condemnations. EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen denounced the forced landing as "outrageous and illegal behavior” and warned it “will have consequences". The leaders of Lithuania and Ireland demanded serious retaliation and sanctions. It is unclear what retaliatory options are available given the strong international sanctions regime already imposed on Lukashenko and his allies.

There is little doubt that the forced landing of this plane by Belarus, with the clear intention to arrest Protasevich, is illegal under numerous conventions and treaties governing air space. Any forced landing of a jet carries dangers, and safe international air travel would be impossible if countries could force planes flying with permission over their air space to land in order to seize passengers who might be on board. This act by Belarus merits all the condemnation it is receiving.

Yet news accounts in the West which are depicting this incident as some sort of unprecedented assault on legal conventions governing air travel and basic decency observed by law-abiding nations are whitewashing history. Attempts from U.S. officials such as Blinken and E.U. bureaucrats in Brussels to cast the Belarusians’ behavior as some sort of rogue deviation unthinkable for any law-respecting democracy are particularly galling and deceitful.

In 2013, the U.S. and key E.U. states pioneered the tactic just used by Lukashenko. They did so as part of a failed scheme to detain and arrest the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. That incident at the time caused global shock and outrage precisely because, eight years ago, it was truly an unprecedented assault on the values and conventions they are now invoking to condemn Belarus.

In July of that year, the democratically elected President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, had traveled to Russia for a routine international conference attended by countries which export natural gas. At the time of Morales’ trip, Edward Snowden was in the middle of a bizarre five-week ordeal where he was stranded in the international transit zone of Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, unable to board a flight to leave Russia or exit the airport to enter Russia.

On June 23, Hong Kong officials rejected a demand from the U.S. Government that they arrest Snowden and hand him over to the U.S. Hong Kong was the city Snowden chose to meet the two journalists he had selected (one of whom was me) because of what he regarded as the city's noble history of fighting against repression and for independence and free expression. When announcing their refusal to hand over Snowden, Hong Kong officials issued a remarkably defiant, even mocking statement explaining that Snowden had been permitted to leave Hong Kong “on his own accord.” That statement also accused the U.S. of having issued a legally improper and inaccurate extradition demand which they were duty-bound to reject, and then pointedly noted that the real crime requiring investigation was U.S. spying on the populations of the rest of the world.

Snowden thus left Hong Kong that day with the intent to fly to Moscow, then immediately board a flight to Cuba, and then proceed to his ultimate destination in a Latin American country — Bolivia or Ecuador — in order to seek asylum there. But even after then-President Barack Obama denied that the U.S. Government would be "wheeling and dealing” in order to get Snowden into U.S. custody — “I'm not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,” he dismissively claimed during a June press conference — the U.S. Government was, in reality, doing everything in its power to prevent Snowden from evading the clutches of the U.S. Government.

Led by then-Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. officials warned every country in both Europe and South America said to be considering shelter for Snowden of grave consequences should they offer asylum to the whistleblower. Threats to Havana caused the Cuban government to rescind its commitment of safe passage they had issued to Snowden's lawyer. Under Biden's pressure, Ecuador also reversed itself by proclaiming the safe passage document issued to Snowden was a mistake.

And on the day that Snowden had left Hong Kong, the U.S. State Department unilaterally cancelled his passport, which is why, upon landing in Moscow, he was barred from boarding his next international flight, destined for Havana. With the Russian government unable to allow him to board a flight due to his invalidated passport and with Snowden's asylum requests pending both with Russia and close to two dozen other states, he was forced to remain in the airport until August 1, when Moscow finally granted him temporary asylum. He has lived there ever since. This has always been a staggering irony of the Snowden story: the primary attack on him by U.S. officials to impugn his motives and patriotism is that he lives in Russia and thus likely cooperated with Russian authorities (a claim for which no evidence has ever been presented), when the reality is that Snowden would have left Russia eight years ago after a 30-minute stay in its airport had U.S. officials not used a series of maneuvers that barred him from leaving.

(Obama's claim to not care much about Snowden was issued at roughly the same time that the U.S. and U.K. governments were engaged in other extreme acts, including sending law enforcement agents into The Guardian's London newsroom to force them to physically destroy their computers used to store their copy of the Snowden archive, as well as detaining my husband, David Miranda, under a terrorism law at Heathrow Airport, with the advanced knowledge of the Obama administration).

While in Moscow, President Morales — on July 1, the day before he was scheduled to return to Bolivia — gave an interview to a local Russian outlet in which he said Bolivia would be open to the possibility of granting asylum to Snowden. The next day, Morales boarded Bolivia's presidential jet to fly back to La Paz as scheduled, with a flight plan that including flying over several E.U. member states — including Austria, France, Spain, Italy and Portugal, as well as Poland and the Czech Republic — with a stop to refuel in Spain's Canary Islands.

The Bolivian plane flew through Poland and the Czech Republic without incident. But flight records show that while flying over Austria toward France the plane suddenly took a sharp turn to the east, back to the Austrian capital of Vienna, where it made an unscheduled landing. Morales and his entourage were stranded there for twelve hours before re-boarding the plane and flying back to Bolivia.

Bolivian officials immediately announced that in mid-flight, they were told by France, Spain and Italy that their permission to fly over those countries’ air space had been rescinded. Without enough fuel to fly an alternative route, the Bolivian pilot was forced to make a U-turn and land in Vienna. Bolivian officials were told that the reason for the mid-air refusal of these E.U. countries to allow use of their airspace was because of assurances they were given by an unspecified foreign government that Snowden was on the plane with Morales, and that he was traveling because Bolivia had granted him asylum.

After Morales’ plane was forced to land at the Vienna airport, Austrian officials quickly announced that they had searched the plane and determined that Snowden was not on it. While Bolivia denied that they consented to any such search of the presidential plane, Bolivian officials angrily mocked the notion that Snowden would be secretly smuggled by Morales from Russia to Bolivia. The whole time this was happening, Snowden was in Moscow. Needless to say, had Snowden been on Morales’ plane that was forced to land in Vienna, Austrian officials would have instantly detained him and turned him over to the U.S., which had by then issued an international arrest warrant. The only reason Snowden did not suffer the same fate that day as the one Protasevich suffered on Sunday is because he happened not to be on the targeted plane that was forced to make an unscheduled landing in Vienna.

The international outrage toward the E.U. and U.S. over the forced downing of the Bolivian presidential plane poured forth just as swiftly and intensely as the outrage now coming from those states to Belarus. Bolivia's U.N. Ambassador called it an attempted "kidnapping” — exactly the term which the states he so accused are now using for Belarus. Brazil's then-President Dilma Rousseff expressed “outrage and condemnation." Then-Argentine President Cristina Kirchner described the downing of Morales’ plane as the “vestiges of a colonialism that we thought were long over,” adding that it “constitutes not only the humiliation of a sister nation but of all South America.” Even the U.S.-dominated Organization of American States expressed its “deep displeasure with the decision of the aviation authorities of several European countries that denied the use of airspace,” adding that "nothing justifies an act of such lack of respect for the highest authority of a country."

As the controversy exploded, the key E.U. states tried at first to falsely deny that they played any role in the incident, insisting that they had not closed their airspace to Bolivia's plane. France had quickly claimed that while it had originally denied use of its airspace to the Bolivian plane while in mid-air, then-President Francois Hollande reversed that decision after he learned Morales was on board. Eventually, though, the French fully admitted the truth: “France has apologised to Bolivia after Paris admitted barring the Bolivian president's plane from entering French air space because of rumors Edward Snowden was on board.”

Meanwhile, Spain also ended up apologizing to Bolivia. Its then-Foreign Minister cryptically admitted: "They told us they were sure... that he was on board.” Though the Spanish official refused to specify who the "they” was — as if there were any doubts — he acknowledged that the assurances they got that Snowden was on board Morales’ plane was the only reason they took the actions they did to force the plane of the Bolivian leader to land. “The reaction of all the European countries that took measures - whether right or wrong - was because of the information that had been passed on. I couldn't check if it was true or not at that moment because it was necessary to act straight away,” he said. While denying Spanish authorities had fully "closed” its airspace to Morales, they acknowledged what they called "delays” in approving mid-flight air space rights forced Morales to land in Austria and apologized for this having been handled “inappropriately” by Madrid.


* Deze zaak begon met de dood van een mijnenexpert in 1984, daarvoor waren al 6 diensplichtigen omgekomen door eenzelfde type mijn, terwijl Defensie al vanaf 1970 op de hoogte was dat deze mijnen van het type AP-23 niet deugden, mijnen van het niet meer bestaande bedrijf Eurometaal (leuke naam hè voor een wapenfabrikant, een maker van oorlogstuig??)..... Duidelijk ook dat hier sprake van grote corruptie moet zijn geweest waarbij hoge militairen fiks steekgeld moeten hebben verdiend over de rug van dode militairen, in feite gaat het dan ook om moord met voorbedachte rade, die men jaren onder het tapijt heeft weten te houden......

Zie ook de volgende zeer hypocriete zaak: 'EU sprak over sancties tegen Wit-Rusland, terwijl men Brazilië en Saoedi-Arabië laat begaan met het uitvoeren van genocides' (en het westen propt de reli-fascistische staat Saoedi-Arabië nog steeds vol met wapens, óók Nederland; moet je nagaan.....) (en zie de links in dat bericht, bijvoorbeeld het bericht dat verwijst naar een artikel over nog steeds bestaande slavernij in de VS!!) 

'Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden''

'Klokkenluidershuis zoals verwacht één grote mislukking.........' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)