Door de
onzekerheid door de Brexit voor de grote 'visboeren', reders met
grote trawlers, hebben deze hun visgebied verlegd naar het Kanaal
tussen Frankrijk en Engeland (het gaar. Het negatieve effect van deze
verandering is een groot aantal dolfijnen die als bijvangst in de
netten van deze trawlers verdwijnen en daar stikken, ofwel deze dolfijnen worden willens en wetens vermoord.......
Jammer dat het Care2 team niet pleit voor een totaal verbod op vissen in het Kanaal, maar enkel het aantal trawlers drastisch wil verminderen in dat gebied (dat toch al 'overbevolkt' is met scheepsverkeer).
Don't let dolphins drown in the English Channel
Kelsey B., Care2 Action Alerts <>
are dying at an alarming rate in the English Channel — caught in
nets and drowning so Europeans can eat some fish. Please help!
Dolphins get caught in fishing lines and nets run by trawlers. Unable to surface for breath, the curious, compassionate animals drown and are only discovered once the crews pull up the nets to collect their haul. The crews, without a second thought, throw the lifeless bodies back into the water, which then wash ashore and are picked at by seagulls. These dolphins are dying painfully and needlessly! We must protect them. Sign the petition and tell the EU to regulate trawlers and decrease the number allowed to operate!
The Care2 Petitions Team
The Care2 Petitions Team
Dolphins are dying at extremely high rates and no one is doing
anything about it. Sign
now to demand accountability.
---------------------------------------------------Hier de petitietekst:
has been one of the most tumultuous and divisive events of the decade
- a decade politically defined by partisanship and chaos. The UK
general election resulted in a win for the Conservative Party, so
party leader and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is rushing ahead with
his plan for UK's withdrawal from the EU by January 31, 2020. Things
are happening fast, and it is hard to predict exactly where the trade
relationship between the UK and the EU will land.
This chaos and uncertainty are not only taking a toll on UK and EU citizens. The European fishing presence in the English Channel has been at an all-time high, likely because of the expected divorce of UK fishing regulations from EU standards post-Brexit. But the high volume of fishing vessels, or trawlers, is now killing dolphins in unprecedented numbers.
Sign now and demand that the EU amend the Common Fisheries Policy* (CFP) to decrease the number of trawlers!
The dolphins get caught in fishing lines and nets run by the trawlers. Unable to surface for breath, the dolphins drown and are only discovered once the crews pull up the nets to collect their haul. The crews, without a second thought, throw the lifeless bodies back into the water, which then wash ashore and are picked at by seagulls.
These EU trawlers have no accountability. Without independent observers on board to record what is caught, there is no reporting system for the number of dolphin casualties their nets and lines cause. And with such a high number of trawlers, there is no doubt that the number of dolphins drowned is at a record high as well.
These dolphins are dying painfully and needlessly! We must protect them. Sign the petition and tell the EU to regulate trawlers, including putting independent observers on each and every vessel!
This chaos and uncertainty are not only taking a toll on UK and EU citizens. The European fishing presence in the English Channel has been at an all-time high, likely because of the expected divorce of UK fishing regulations from EU standards post-Brexit. But the high volume of fishing vessels, or trawlers, is now killing dolphins in unprecedented numbers.
Sign now and demand that the EU amend the Common Fisheries Policy* (CFP) to decrease the number of trawlers!
The dolphins get caught in fishing lines and nets run by the trawlers. Unable to surface for breath, the dolphins drown and are only discovered once the crews pull up the nets to collect their haul. The crews, without a second thought, throw the lifeless bodies back into the water, which then wash ashore and are picked at by seagulls.
These EU trawlers have no accountability. Without independent observers on board to record what is caught, there is no reporting system for the number of dolphin casualties their nets and lines cause. And with such a high number of trawlers, there is no doubt that the number of dolphins drowned is at a record high as well.
These dolphins are dying painfully and needlessly! We must protect them. Sign the petition and tell the EU to regulate trawlers, including putting independent observers on each and every vessel!
* Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): het gemeenschappelijk visserijbeleid van de EU.
Voor meer berichten over/met dolfijnen en/of de Brexit, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.