Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label MAPS. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 8 juni 2018

LSD niet alleen als therapiemiddel maar ook om tot een betere wereld te komen

Het gebruik van middelen als paddo's, MDMA (ook wel ecstacy of XTC genaamd), LSD en cannabis geniet al jaren veel belangstelling van wetenschappers, psychiaters, artsen en psychologen, bij psychiatrie en de wetenschap is dat zelfs al vele decennia.

Steeds meer aandoeningen worden toegevoegd aan de lange lijst van aandoeningen (zowel geestelijk als fysiek) die met succes kunnen worden behandeld met één van de voornoemde psychedelica.

Zo kunnen posttraumatische stressstoornissen positief worden behandeld met MDMA, zaken als depressies en concentratiekampsyndroom (of KZ-syndroom) kunnen succesvol met LSD worden behandeld en dat cannabis o.a. kan worden gebruikt als pijnstiller is intussen redelijk algemeen bekend, echter cannabis kan ook helpen als middel bij staar, een middel om ADHD'ers beter te laten functioneren en voor het opwekken van eetlust bij kankerpatiënten.

Hieronder opgenomen een artikel over LSD van Vikram Zutshi, waarin hij o.a. schrijft over het gebruik van LSD als middel om tot een betere wereld te komen, een wereld waar de hersenspoeling door onderwijs, media en religie teniet kan worden gedaan door nieuwe netwerken in de hersenen te ontwikkelen (middels het gebruik van LSD). Daarmee zal de mens i.p.v. tegen elkaar op te staan, eerder elkaar de hand reiken om samen te zorgen dat de wereld niet ten onder gaat aan haat, afgunst, onverantwoord gebruik van grondstoffen en ga nog maar even door.

Niet voor niets ook dat vele overheden zich zo afzetten tegen het gebruik van drugs als cannabis, paddo's, LSD en XTC. Terwijl men alcohol gewoon blijft accepteren en zelfs pissig wordt als je deze drug een harddrug noemt, wat het wel degelijk is......... Veronderstel dat er dagelijks 12 mensen zouden overlijden aan het gebruik van XTC, het hek zou van de dam zijn, terwijl dit bij alcohol de dagelijkse praktijk is..... (en daar mag gewoon reclame voor worden gemaakt; vergeet voorts niet dat alcohol fiks kankerverwekkend is!)

Lees het volgend artikel en geeft het door, het is de hoogste tijd dat het verzet tegen de genoemde drugs algemeen als contraproductief wordt gezien en erkend...... Dit verzet kost ons bovendien een enorm bedrag aan politie-inzet en het voeren van rechtszaken...... Al is de georganiseerde misdaad uiteraard wel blij met een repressief drugsbeleid, je kan verzet tegen deze drugs dan ook rustig aanmerken als lobby voor de drugsmaffia! Zo kan men de prijzen verhogen door te wijzen op dat repressieve beleid, bovendien: pubers vinden alles wat verboden is op dat gebied uiterst interessant en zullen proberen als met alcohol deze drugs te verkrijgen.... (zoals je weet: waar een wil is is een weg....) 

In de tijd dat Nederland als enige een gedoogbeleid voerde, op in ieder geval softdrugs, waren de problemen met andere drugs verwaarloosbaar vergeleken met de ellende waar omliggende landen mee te maken hadden......

The Political Significance of LSD: What You’re Not Being Told

June 6, 2018 at 9:36 pm
Written by Open Democracy

(OD Op-ed) — “Microdosing” on psychedelic substances like LSD—ingesting just enough to heighten cognitive faculties, enhance creativity, improve concentration and alleviate depression—is currently back in vogue among people not normally associated with anything remotely ‘countercultural’ in the USA.

The term psychedelic was coined in 1958 by British psychiatrist Humphrey Osmond and is derived from the Greek words psyche (“soul, mind”) and delein(“to manifest”), hence “soul-manifesting,” the implication being that psychedelics can access the soul and develop unused potentials in the human mind. It’s a contention that’s gaining increased acceptance in mainstream universities.

New York University, for example, is hosting clinical trials using psilocybin to treat alcohol addiction. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) has been at the forefront of research in treating patients suffering from chronic treatment-resistant PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with MDMA, commonly known as ‘Ecstasy'. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently designated its MDMA-assisted psychotherapy project as a ‘breakthrough therapy.’ Apart from MDMA, MAPS also advocates the use of Ayahuasca, Ibogaine and medical marijuana for a variety of conditions ranging from bipolar syndrome and drug addiction to autism-related disorders, ADHD and clinical depression.

The therapeutic use of psychedelics isn’t new. Between 1953 and 1973, the US federal government funded over a hundred studies on LSD with more than 1,700 subjects participating.

Psychedelics were tested on convicts, substance abusers, people suffering from chronic depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenics and terminal cancer patients. LSD was also tested on artists and scientists to explore its effects on creativity, and on divinity students to examine spirituality from a neuroscientific perspective. The empirical data gathered from these tests was largely positive.

LSD “truly was an acid, dissolving almost everything with which it came into contact, beginning with the hierarchies of the mind… and going on from there to society’s various structures of authority” says author Michael Pollan in his book How To Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics. And that’s what makes this subject socially and politically interesting.

It is curious to me that what I see as the two greatest threats—environmental crisis and [political] tribalism—these drugs directly address both those mindsets” Pollan told the Guardian in a recent interview. “They undermine our tendency to objectify nature, to think of ourselves as separate from it. They undermine tribalism in that people tend to emerge from these experiences thinking that we are all more alike, all more connected.”

If this is true, then those of us committed to social transformation must start to take the use of psychedelics much more seriously. But what’s the actual or potential connection between LSD and politics?

It was a Swiss chemist called Albert Hoffman who discovered the drug by accident in 1938. While conducting research on another pharmaceutical compound he absorbed the drug through his skin and staggered home to lie down on his sofa, where, “in a dreamlike state, with eyes closed”, he wrote later, “I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colours.” Hoffman felt he had been given the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, “the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.”

A few decades later in August 1960, Timothy Leary, a clinical psychologist from Harvard University, traveled to Cuernavaca in Mexico and ingested psilocybin (‘magic’) mushrooms for the first time, an experience that radically altered the course of his life. In 1965, Leary commented  that he had “learned more about … (his) brain and its possibilities…[and] more about psychology in the five hours after taking these mushrooms than…in the preceding 15 years of studying and doing research in psychology.” Leary became a lifelong evangelist for the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics.

Theoretical physicist Carlos Rovelli, author of The Order of Timesays his romance with quantum theory and the mysteries of the space-time continuum were sparked by his LSD trips as a student radical at the University of Bologna. “It was an extraordinarily strong experience that touched me also intellectually,” he told the Guardian. “Among the strange phenomena was the sense of time stopping. Things were happening in my mind but the clock was not going ahead; the flow of time was not passing any more. It was a total subversion of the structure of reality. How do I know that the usual perception is right, and this is wrong?”

Rovelli has spent the better part of his life grappling with the relationship between space, time and consciousness, fundamental concepts that underlie existence and how we simultaneously perceive the world and shape it. “If I observe the microscopic state of things,” he writes, “then the difference between past and future vanishes … in the elementary grammar of things, there is no distinction between ‘cause’ and ‘effect.’” The concept of time, he says, “has lost layers one after another, piece by piece.” We are left with “an empty windswept landscape almost devoid of all trace of temporality…a world stripped to its essence, glittering with an arid and troubling beauty.”

Large parts of the world are being polarized at a rate rarely seen before, helped in no small measure by social media ‘filter bubbles’ and algorithms that divide people sharply along the lines of nationality or ideology, their underlying human connections rendered increasingly irrelevant.

Perhaps such deep hatred and suspicion of the other was always there, but now it has taken center stage and is being used as a potent election strategy by populist and hyper-nationalist leaders the world over. Like herds of cattle, large numbers of people are being programmed and deployed as pawns for a larger agenda.

Therefore, perhaps real change begins with rewiring our perceptual framework. Psychedelic substances have been ingested sacramentally by indigenous cultures to achieve this goal since the dawn of time, and now they’re being validated by the scientific and medical communities.

The shifts in consciousness that can be brought about by psychedelics can help in dissolving the man-made boundaries or fear of the other that are implanted in our collective psyche.

While Silicon Valley bio-hackers microdosing on LSD to enhance their workplace performance may not be looking to bring about tectonic shifts in collective consciousness, there’s no reason to restrict the use of psychedelics to these groups and purposes. They could also work as a potent catalyst to awaken humankind to the dangers of toxic nationalism and rabid nativism that threaten to engulf us.

zaterdag 21 oktober 2017

Paddo's en MDMA: verboden geneeskrachtige softdrugs!

Twee berichten die wijzen op de 'geneeskrachtige' eigenschappen van de softdrugs MDMA en paddo's, die over MDMA van 30 augustus jl. en het artikel over paddo's van afgelopen maandag.

De (VS) Food and Drug Administration heeft MDMA eindelijk aangewezen als een middel voor een baanbrekende therapie tegen posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS). De Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)meldde e.e.a., deze organisatie ijvert al vanaf 1986 om deze stof in te zetten tegen PTSS.

Bovendien is uit studies gebleken, dat MDMA ook mensen met andere stoornissen kan helpen zoals mensen met een sociale angststoornis.

Eerdere berichten dat MDMA bij veelvuldig gebruik hersenschade zou veroorzaken, zijn middels andere studies naar het rijk der fabelen verwezen. Bovendien is MDMA de belangrijkste stof in XTC, dagelijks gebruik van grote hoeveelheden is zonder gebruik van harddrugs als speed, zo goed als onmogelijk, daar je na fiks te hebben gebruikt, de volgende dag ongelofelijk moe bent (hetzelfde geldt overigens voor LSD, ook al een stof die in therapieën wordt ingezet).

Overigens dient nog opgemerkt te worden dat ook cannabis (of wiet, zo je wilt) op een paar gebieden een sterke geneeskrachtige werking heeft, zoals je ongetwijfeld al veel eerder zal hebben begrepen. Zo wordt cannabis ingezet tegen bepaalde vormen van kanker.

Het tweede artikel beschrijft de geneeskrachtige werking van paddo's. Onderzoekers van het Imperial College London hebben de werkzame stof psilocybine, die een aantal paddenstoelensoorten  bevatten, aangewezen als een probaat middel tegen depressies. De hersenen van depressieve mensen worden met deze stof 'gereset' en dat gebeurt zelfs in vrij korte tijd, waarna deze mensen aanmerkelijke verbeteringen in hun geestelijk leven constateren!

Ongelofelijk dat stoffen als MDMA, paddo's en LSD zijn verboden in Nederland....... Terwijl er voor de harddrug die verreweg de meeste schade veroorzaakt, gewoon reclame gemaakt mag worden, je had het alweer begrepen: de harddrug alcohol..... Alcohol richt die schade aan bij zowel de gebruiker, diens omgeving en de maatschappij in haar geheel en dat zowel direct als indirect............ Dagelijks overlijden 12 mensen aan de gevolgen van langdurig en overmatig alcoholgebruik........

Meer en meer probeert men XTC als veel gevaarlijker aan te wijzen, waarbij men wijst op meerdere doden per jaar, echter jaarlijks wordt er door de reguliere media gemiddeld over 2 XTC doden gesproken........ In die berichten schenkt men dan ook nog eens geen aandacht aan de enorme hoeveelheid alcohol die de slachtoffers bijna zonder uitzondering (naast de XTC) hebben gebruikt, om nog maar te zwijgen over zwaar medicijngebruik naast die XTC (en alcohol).......

Met paddo's is het nog zotter, de VVD lobbyist voor de drugsmaffia, de murmelende plork Opstelten verbood paddo's nadat er godbetert in één jaar tijd twee mensen overleden, na onder meer paddo's te hebben gebruikt....... Terwijl in het ene geval, een Franse tiener met psychische problemen, deze naast paddo's ook alcohol en psychofarmaca had gebruikt en het andere geval, een man die naast paddo's hele sloten alcohol had gebruikt........ Niet moeilijk te raden welke stof werkelijk verantwoordelijk was voor het overlijden: alcohol, de harddrug die zoals gezegd 12 doden per dag eist.........

Het drugsbeleid is knotsknettergek en contraproductief!! (en kost daarnaast een enorme zinloze politie-inzet!)

FDA Finally Labels MDMA as ‘Breakthrough Therapy’ for PTSD

August 30, 2017 at 8:58 am
Written by Carey Wedler
(ANTIMEDIA) — This week, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) announced the FDA’s August 16 decision to designate MDMA as a breakthrough therapy. Along with this designation, the FDA has approved Phase 3 trials to test the effectiveness of the drug in treating PTSD.

According to a press release from MAPS, which has lobbied for the medicinal use of MDMA since 1986, the “breakthrough” status may lead to quicker approval for the substance. MAPS has already conducted smaller Phase 2 trials, and the FDA evidently found the results promising enough to warrant further study.

In MAPS’ completed Phase 2 trials with 107 participants,” the organization summarized, “61% no longer qualified for PTSD after three sessions of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy two months following treatment. At the 12-month follow-up, 68% no longer had PTSD. All Phase 2 participants had chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD, and had suffered from PTSD for an average of 17.8 years.

The next phase of trials will commence in spring of 2018.

The Phase 3 trials will assess the efficacy and safety of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in 200-300 participants with PTSD, aged 18 and older, at sites in the U.S., Canada, and Israel,” MAPS explained.

Participants will be randomized to receive three day-long sessions of either MDMA or placebo in conjunction with psychotherapy over a 12-week treatment period, along with 12 associated 90-minute non-drug preparatory and integration sessions.”

Phase 3 trials are the last clinical testing period before a drug is allowed to go to market, though additional testing is conducted after the fact. MAPS says that if the Phase 3 testing yields promising results, the drug could be available to the public by 2021.

MAPS, based in Santa Cruz, California, has lobbied on behalf of the therapeutic uses of MDMA since 1986, a year after the DEA deemed it an illegal substance, Science Mag notes. The group has poured millions of dollars into trials to study the drug’s potential and has hope it may be particularly useful for war veterans suffering from PTSD. They have also invested in research to study other problems it could help treat, such as social anxiety. MAPS’ executive director, Rick Doblin, believes the FDA’s approval to move forward in official testing demonstrates MDMA’s possibilities. He says it’s “kind of a public acknowledgment of the promise of this research.”

Similarly, David Nutt, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Imperial College London, said “This is not a big scientific step. It’s been obvious for 40 years that these drugs are medicines. But it’s a huge step in acceptance.

In a piece exploring the psychological benefits of psychedelics in general, Rolling Stone noted that though some studies have found brain damage in chronic ecstasy users, a Harvard Medical School examination of Mormons who used the substance — and no others — “failed to find cognitive consequences.” The outlet also notes that  “safety studies of the dosages used in MDMA therapy have found no evidence of neurotoxicity or permanent changes in serotonin transporters.”

MAPS notes that MDMA “transiently increases heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature in a dose-dependent manner that is generally not problematic for physically healthy individuals,” also adding that “Serious Adverse Events involving administration of MDMA in MAPS studies have been uncommon and non-life threatening.” Still, side effects do include dehydration — which, in extreme cases can cause death — as well as nausea, sweating, and chills.

Though drug warriors may balk at the idea of a Schedule I substance being used to treat PTSD (cannabis, another Schedule I drug is also proving effective), it is clear that current treatments, especially those the VA administers to veterans, are not solving the problem. Prescription cocktails often worsen symptoms and fail to help users process their trauma. In contrast, when used in a clinical setting with professional guidance, MDMA — which was used in therapeutic settings before it was outlawed — is believed to help those struggling with PTSD delve into the root causes of their suffering.
Indeed, as Popular Science observes, “[t]he FDA only grants breakthrough status when a medication (for a serious disease) is likely to offer significantly better results than currently available treatments.” Unsurprisingly, the agency has approved trials for cannabis in treating veterans with PTSD.

MAPS is working to raise $12.5 million to meet the roughly $25 million total the Phase 3 trials are expected to cost and plans to launch a similar effort with the European Medicines Agency.


Magic Mushrooms Can Literally ‘Reset’ Brains of Depressed People, Study Finds

October 16, 2017 at 6:52 am
Written by Josie Wales

(ANTIMEDIA) — A groundbreaking new study shows that magic mushrooms may actually be an effective treatment for people with depression. Researchers from Imperial College London found that patients taking psilocybin, the psychoactive compound that occurs naturally in magic mushrooms, showed reduced symptoms weeks after treatment following a “reset” of their brains.

In the clinical trials, patients with treatment-resistant depression received two doses of psilocybin — 10 mg followed by 25 mg, one-week apart — while researchers focused on changes in brain function before and after treatment with the drug. The findings showed that the treatment produced “rapid and sustained antidepressant effects.”

Brain scans show a reset of brain connectivity and blood flow.

Comparisons of images of patients’ brains before and after treatment with psilocybin showed reduced blood flow in areas of the brain responsible for processing emotional responses like stress and fear. Researchers found increased stability in another brain network that has been previously linked to psilocybin’s immediate effects, as well as to depression itself.

The small study of 19 people was led by Head of Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London Dr.

Robin Carhart-Harris, who said:

We have shown for the first time clear changes in brain activity in depressed people treated with psilocybin after failing to respond to conventional treatments.

Several of our patients described feeling ‘reset’ after the treatment and often used computer analogies.

For example, one said he felt like his brain had been ‘defragged’ like a computer hard drive, and another said he felt ‘rebooted.’

Psilocybin may be giving these individuals the temporary ‘kick start’ they need to break out of their depressive states and these imaging results do tentatively support a ‘reset’ analogy. Similar brain effects to these have been seen with electroconvulsive therapy.”

In addition, the trials revealed that patients scoring highest on “peak” or “mystical” experience showed a more significant change. This is consistent with findings from previous studies that have shown that such experiences can lead to long-term changes in the behaviors, attitudes, and values of patients treated with psilocybin.

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