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Posts tonen met het label Olive Group. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Olive Group. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 18 april 2018

Rusland beschuldigd GB van het regisseren gifgasaanval Douma en zegt daar bewijzen voor te hebben

Dagelijks worden we in Nederland (en de rest van het westen) met fikse superlatieven voorgelogen dat Syrië verantwoordelijk is voor de gifgasaanval in Douma, terwijl daar nog steeds geen bewijs voor is geleverd, sterker nog: de illegale aanval tegen Syrische doelen door de VS, GB en Frankrijk van afgelopen vrijdag op zaterdagnacht, een wraakactie voor die gifgasaanval, werd NB uitgevoerd op de dag voordat de internationale onderzoekscommissie van de OPCW haar werk zou starten in Syrië........

Volgens wapeninspecteurs van de VN beschikt Syrië al jaren niet meer over chemische wapens, noch zou het land beschikken over faciliteiten om chemische wapens te ontwikkelen of te produceren........ Toch zou volgens de misdadige coalitie o.l.v. de VS, een opslagplaats voor chemische wapens zijn getroffen en zou een wetenschappelijk onderzoekscentrum plat zijn gegooid, een centrum waar men chemische wapens zou produceren......

Wat betreft het laatste doel: werknemers van dit onderzoekscentrum stellen dat het gaat om een farmaceutisch bedrijf dat medicijnen produceert........ Dat is toch echt iets anders dan chemische wapens ontwikkelen...... Ook het andere doel was geen opslagplaats voor chemische wapens, maar voor 'normale wapens...'

De schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, Whitney Webb haalt voorts 'de getuigen' van de gifgasaanval aan: de White Helmets, een in feite door GB opgetuigde groep (betaald door GB, de VS, Japan en... Nederland!) die zogenaamd hulp verleent, maar intussen al een aantal keren door de mand is gevallen. Zo is aangetoond dat deze W.H. Hebben meegewerkt aan executies door 'gematigde rebellen' en heeft de organisatie meerdere keren beeldmateriaal gebruikt, die niet eens in Syrië werd opgenomen…... Zoals je hiervoor al kon lezen: het is bekend dat deze White Helmets samenwerken met Al Qaida Syrië en nog een paar terreurgroepen, waaronder Jaysh al-Islam.......

Voorts is meermaals aangetoond dat de vermeende gifgasaanvallen, die door de White Helmets aan het Syrische leger werden toegeschreven, in werkelijkheid zijn gepleegd door deze zogenaamde gematigde rebellen....... Je kan daarvoor zelfs de White Helmets schuld aanrekenen, immers zij waren op de hoogte van aanstaande gifgasaanvallen, maar hebben de bevolking nooit gewaarschuwd....... 'Bijzonder vreemd ook', dat nooit 1 lid van deze organisatie is omgekomen door gifgas, terwijl men wel altijd ter plaatse was............

De White Helmets worden overigens gefinancierd door de VS, Groot-Brittannië, Japan en...... Nederland! (dat laatste staat niet in het artikel van Webb, maar is wel een feit!)

In maart onderschepte het reguliere Syrische leger een wapenleverantie voor terreurgroep Jaysh al-Islam, die het gebied in Oost-Ghouta in handen had, onder de wapens vond men ook gifgas........

Zoals eerder gemeld op deze plek (wat niet in het artikel van Webb terugkomt): waarom zou het Syrische leger een gifgasaanval uitvoeren, terwijl het de strijd in feite al had gewonnen...??? Daarnaast is het zoals gezegd bekend dat het Syrische leger niet over gifgas beschikt, terwijl het een feit is dat de 'gematigde rebellen' wel beschikken over voorraden gifgas........ (waarmee het westen geen probleem heeft.....)

Russia Accuses UK of Masterminding Gas Attack in Syria and Claims to Have Proof

April 16, 2018 at 12:53 pm
Written by Truth In Media

(TIM— Hours before the United States, the UK, and France carried out “limited” strikes last Saturday morning, the Russian military presented what it claimed to be proof that the chemical weapons attack used as the pretext for those strikes was staged at the behest of the UK government.

                                           De Russische generaal Gerasimov

During a Friday briefing, the Russian Defense Ministry showed interviews with medical professionals reported to work in the only functional hospital in Douma – the suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus where the attacks are said to have taken place. In their testimony, the two men asserted that the footage of the alleged chemical attack was taken after a Syrian air strike occurred and that the affected people shown in the video were suffering from smoke poisoning. They stated that a false claim of chemical weapons use was then circulated, leading concerned family members to douse those affected with water.

The Russian military then asserted that the White Helmets, the foreign-funded “humanitarian” group active in Syria, were pressured by the UK government to “speed up” a provocation that they had been preparing in order to push for Western intervention.     

British UN Ambassador Karen Pierce called the allegations “grotesque,” “a blatant lie” and “the worst piece of fake news we’ve yet seen from the Russian propaganda machine.”

The main group that has provided footage and evidence purporting to show the chemical weapons attack in Douma are the White Helmets. Syria’s White Helmets, while they have largely been portrayed in Western media as a humanitarian first responder group, were actually founded in Turkey in 2013 by a British mercenary named James Le Mesurier. Le Mesurier is a former officer in the British military and also formerly worked for British intelligence. He eventually left his work with the British government to join with the Olive Group before it merged with Blackwater-Academi to become Constellis Holdings. He then worked in Abu Dhabi before moving to Turkey and founding the White Helmets.

To found the group, Le Mesurier raised $300,000 in seed funding provided by the UK, the U.S. and Japan, according to journalist Vanessa Beeley. Since its founding, the White Helmets have received over $123 million from 2013 to 2016 from the U.S. and UK governments, as well as Western NGOs and Gulf state monarchies. In addition, during the past five years, the White Helmets have been instrumental in blaming the Syrian government for any and all chemical weapons attacks in Syria, acting as both witnesses and responders to events that were later reported to be the work of the armed opposition in Syria or staged.

In Mid-March, the Syrian Arab Army intercepted a truck containing weapons and ammunition destined for the militant rebel groups in the area where the chemical weapons attack is said to have occurred. Among the items found were canisters apparently containing smoke grenades made in Salisbury, England – where the UK government has a chemical weapons laboratory.

Regardless of what information emerges from Douma regarding the alleged chemical weapons attack, the UK and its allies have already unilaterally attacked Syria even though they have admitted that they have no evidence that the attack even took place, beyond social media posts and YouTube videos created by controversial groups with ties to U.K. intelligence.

By Whitney Webb / Republished with permission / / Report a typo

        en: 'Russische volk wordt geadviseerd zich voor te bereiden op een nucleaire oorlog......

        en: 'Gifgasaanval vooropgezet spel om VS actie te rechtvaardigen, waarbij GB de spelers opdracht gaf dit toneelspel snel uit te voeren........ 'False flag gelukt': Syrië gebombardeerd zonder enig bewijs voor schuld.....'

        en: 'Rusland voorspelde 'de gifgasaanval' in Oost-Ghouta en de reactie daarop van de VS.....'

        en: 'In Douma vond geen gifgasaanval plaats aldus gelauwerd journalist Robert Fisk.....'

        en: 'De OPCW inspecteurs en hun werk in Douma n.a.v. 'gifgasaanval...''

        en: 'Wapenfabrikanten die de illegale raketbeschietingen op Syrië mogelijk maakten, zagen hun aandelen met 10 miljard stijgen.........'

        en: 'OPCW team in Douma stelt dat Syrië en Rusland niets hebben veranderd dan wel verwijderd op de plaats van de 'gisfgasaanval''

        en: ''False flag terror' bestaat wel degelijk: bekentenissen en feiten over heel smerige zaken..........'

        en: 'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'

        en: 'Syrië: verslaggever Bartlett prikt leugens reguliere media door'

        en: 'Syrië wacht andermaal een geplande gasaanval van 'gematigde rebellen........''

woensdag 2 augustus 2017

White Helmets nogmaals ontmaskert als terreurorganisatie: de oprichter is een Britse ex-huurling.......

Whitney Webb publiceerde gisteren op MintPress News een artikel over de White Helmets, ik kreeg het artikel via Anti-Media.

James Le Mesurier, een ex-huurling (huurlingen zijn bijna zonder uitzondering psychopaten), heeft de White Helmets in 2013 opgericht, zoals al eens eerder op deze plek gesteld*.

Niet vreemd dus dat de White Helmets i.p.v. een hulporganisatie te zijn, een organisatie is die ten dienste staat van terreurorganisaties in Syrië, terreurgroepen die de democratisch gekozen regering Assad bevechten, middels een ongehoorde terreur op de burgerbevolking. Overigens begon e.e.a. met een door de VS opgezette en gefinancierde opstand, waarvoor de VS in 2006 de eerste stappen zette..... De VS heeft voorts terroristen van Al Qaida en IS, na de geslaagde VS coup tegen het bewind van Khadaffi, uit Libië vervoerd richting Syrië en hen van wapens en training voorzien.... Waarom vraagt u? Simpel, de vader van Assad en later Assad zelf, weigerden een gaspijpleiding over hun grondgebied richting (West-) Europa.........**

Het slimme aan de zaak is de opzet van de White Helmets als hulporganisatie, die de beschikking heeft over professionele apparatuur waarmee ze video's maken en deze naar het westen doorspelen. Artsen die video's van deze W.H. zagen, stellen dat de leden van deze terreurorganisatie niet eens begrijpen wat ze moeten doen, als ze bijvoorbeeld zogenaamd een kind willen redden, de getoonde handelingen zijn contraproductief, handelingen waarvoor men ook overduidelijk al gedode kinderen gebruike........ Met andere woorden: als die handelingen op een gewond kind zouden worden uitgeoefend, is het bijna zeker dat zo'n kind zal overlijden!!

Ook dat is niet vreemd, daar de White Helmets een militaire training onder supervisie van Le Mesurier hebben ondergaan....... Waar de White Helmets, naast het maken van bedrieglijke video's, wel goed in zijn, is bijvoorbeeld het assisteren bij executies van burgers, door de door het westen als zogenaamde 'gematigde rebellen' aangeduide terreurgroepen, die op IS na, allen gelieerd zijn aan Al Qaida (of al-Nusra, zoals men deze terreurgroep in Syrië noemt)...... Terreurgroepen die zonder uitzondering door Saoedi-Arabië worden voorzien van geld en wapens (die op hun beurt uit o.a. de VS en Groot-Brittannië komen......)

Le Mesurier richtte de White Helemts op in Turkije en kreeg daar in eerste instantie $ 300,000 .-- voor van de VS, Groot-Brittannie en Japan (plus Nederland*) , een bedrag dat hij in korte tijd wist op te pompen tot 123 miljoen dollar!!

Lees dit uitvoerige verslag van Whitney, met o.a. een bijdrage van de geweldige journalist Vanessa Beeley:

James Le Mesurier: The Former British Mercenary Who Founded The White Helmets

August 1, 2017 at 9:43 am
Written by Whitney Webb

(MPN) – Over the past two years, enlightening information has been revealed that thoroughly and unequivocally debunks the “humanitarianism” of the White Helmets in Syria, sometimes referred to as the Syrian Civil Defense.

Since they were founded in 2013, much of Western media has sought to elevate the White Helmets as the “bravest” and most heroic of Syrians. They have been the subject of a Netflix documentary, which won an Oscar, and has consistently been plastered across TV screens in surprisingly well-produced videos showing them removing children from rubble in war-torn areas claimed by Syria’s “rebels.”

However, missing from this unambiguously positive coverage has been the group’s ties to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, their doctoring of footage, their role in executing civilians and their use of children – both dead and alive – as props for producing pro-intervention propaganda. Also absent is how the White Helmets have received over $123 million from 2013 to 2016 from the U.S. and UK governments, as well as Western NGOs and Gulf state monarchies.

While numerous articles have been devoted to dispelling the propaganda that surrounds the group and detailing their shady ties to known terrorist organizations like Syria’s al-Qaeda branch Al-Nusra Front, significantly less attention has been focused on how the group was created, particularly on the man who founded them – James Le Mesurier, a British private security specialist, and former British military intelligence officer.

Le Mesurier’s role in founding the White Helmets and propagating its mythology to a Western audience
was exposed in 2015 thanks to the work of independent journalist Vanessa Beeley.

Beeley, who spoke to MintPress News at length for this report, notes that it was Le Mesurier’s “‘realization that humanitarian aid was more effective at maintaining war than an army” that spurred his creation of the organization in order “to maintain public support for another costly war in a country that is, in reality, posing little to no threat to mainland America” or its allies.

James Le Mesurier: from mercenary to “humanitarian”

Though mainstream narratives have suggested that the White Helmets were trained by the Red Cross, the White Helmets were actually founded in March 2013 by Le Mesurier. He, like many officers in the British military, attended the Royal Military Academy, where he graduated at the top of his class, receiving the Queen’s Medal.

He later served in the British Army and operated in a variety of theaters. Most notably, Le Mesurier served as intelligence coordinator for Pristina City in Kosovo soon after the NATO intervention that led to NATO being accused of war crimes for its targeting of thousands of civilians and media.

By 2000, Le Mesurier left the army and went to work for the United Nations as he had “realized humanitarian aid was more effective” than an army in theaters of war during his time with the British military. He, again, served in a variety of locations, focusing on “delivering stabilization activities through security sector and democratization programs.” According to Le Mesurier, “stabilization activities” refers to the “framework for engagement in ‘fragile’ states” or, in other words, destabilized nations.

Prior to his founding of the White Helmets, Le Mesurier served as Vice President for Special Projects at the Olive Group, a private mercenary organization that has since merged with Blackwater-Academi into what is now known as Constellis Holdings. Then, in 2008, Le Mesurier left the Olive Group after he was appointed to the position of Principal at Good Harbor Consulting, chaired by Richard A. Clarke – a veteran of the U.S. national security establishment and the counter-terrorism “czar” under the Bush and Clinton administrations.

After joining Good Harbor, Le Mesurier became based in Abu Dhabi, where he specialized in risk management, emergency planning, and critical infrastructure protection. He trained a UAE gas field protection force and “ensured the safety” of the 2010 Gulf Cup in Yemen, a regional soccer tournament. But following this work, Le Mesurier claims to have become dissatisfied, wanting to have a more direct impact on the communities he worked in.

He told Men’s Journal in 2014 that it was the idea of using his military training to benefit civilians that truly enthused him: “the idea of being a civilian carrying a weapon and guiding a convoy in a conflict zone — that leaves me cold.”

White Helmets founded through Western funding

When it came to time to found the White Helmets in March 2013, Le Mesurier seemed to have simply been in the right place at the right time. According to his own account, he founded the group in Turkey after being “compelled” by Syrians’ wartime stories.

Despite founding the White Helmets in Turkey, he raised $300,000 in seed funding provided by the UK, the U.S. and Japan, which Le Mesurier apparently had no trouble scrounging up. The $123 million dollars that was funneled soon after to the organization by the U.S. and UK governments, along with

Western NGOs and Qatar, dispels all notion of the organization’s alleged “impartiality” and “non-partisan” stance on the Syrian conflict stated on their website.

He then used it to train 25 “vetted” Syrians “to deal with the chaos erupting around them.” By September of that year, more than 700 “vetted” individuals were believed to have undergone training under Le Mesurier’s supervision.

However, Le Mesurier’s ties to British military intelligence, mercenary groups and involvement in “stabilization activities” and “democratization programs” suggest that his convenient appearance in Istanbul, Turkey is perhaps not too coincidental. As Beeley noted in an interview with MintPress: “there are very few coincidences in the multi-spectrum, hybrid war that has been waged against Syria by the U.S. coalition since 2011.”

Indeed, the White Helmets were founded when the West was losing on both the propaganda and military front regarding the push for regime change and foreign intervention in Syria. More specifically, as Beeley told MintPress, the group’s founding took place just after “the Syrian government had raised concerns about a terrorist chemical weapon attack in Khan Al Asal against the SAA [Syrian Arab Army].”

It should come as no surprise then that, since their founding, the White Helmets have been instrumental in blaming the Syrian government for any and all subsequent chemical weapons attacks in Syria, acting as both witnesses and responders to events that were later proven to be the work of the armed opposition in Syria or staged. As a result, Beeley argued that it’s well within reason to speculate that the White Helmets were explicitly founded with this purpose in mind.

However, it is Le Mesurier himself who shed light on why the White Helmets were formed at such a crucial point for the foreign-funded opposition. As Le Mesurier noted in a speechdelivered on June 2015, in “fragile” (i.e. destabilized) states, security actors – such as mercenaries or foreign armies – have the lowest level of public trust. However, Le Mesurier states that in contrast, those professions with the highest level of public trust in such situations are firefighters, paramedics, rescue workers and other similar types of first responders.

Le Mesurier discusses the White Helmets in June 2015:

Le Mesurier, however, is not the only figure linked to the British military to take such a perspective. UK Admiral Sir Philip Jones, Chief of Naval Staff, stated last year that “the hard punch of military power is often delivered inside the kid glove of humanitarian relief.” It is for this reason that military actions sponsored by the United States and its allies for the past few decades have often been framed as “humanitarian interventions.”

Thus, the White Helmets were seen as a chance to reclaim the trust that the Syrian opposition fighters had lost, as news of their affiliation with terrorist groups began to spread.
In reclaiming that trust in Western audiences, the White Helmets have done nothing to ease the burden of war in Syria, but have fomented it by underpinning the very propaganda that has kept the conflict raging on for over six years, as well as undermined the ability of the Syrian and Russian governments to secure diplomatic alternatives to continued fighting.

Indeed, despite their claim of “impartiality,” the White Helmets were instrumental in Western attempts to bolster international support for Western intervention and a “no-fly zone” in Syria. However, such intervention will bring much more devastation to Syria, something the White Helmets profess to want to end.

Training the White Helmets

While the White Helmets have successfully been framed as a professionally-trained first responder group active in Syria, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that their training was entirely different. First responders and doctors in other countries have been skeptical about the “aid” the White Helmets have delivered.

For instance, Dr. Leif Elinder, a Swedish pediatrician, told the Indicter that “after examination of the video material [of the White Helmets], I found that the measures inflicted upon those children, some of them lifeless, are bizarre, non-medical, non-lifesaving, and even counterproductive in terms of life-saving purposes of children.”

Other medical doctors have stated that other procedures conducted by the White Helmets as seen in the previously mentioned Netflix documentary were performed so poorly they would have killed the children, who were already deceased when the footage was taken.
In addition, first responder groups have also found flaws with the White Helmet’s trained rescues.

Questions have been raised such as: how did the White Helmets know the bodies would be exactly where they found them?; Why are no attacks heard or seen in White Helmet videos – only the “aftermath”?; and why have the White Helmets chosen to “recycle” footage of the people they are allegedly helping?

Thus, if the White Helmets were not actually trained in first aid – as the above suggests – what did Le Mesurier and his team actually train them to do?

According to Beeley, Le Mesurier trained the White Helmets as a military group, as they have been found “working side by side with the Nusra Front and other extremist groups such as Nour Al Din Zinki in East Aleppo, where their ‘humanitarian’ centers were invariably alongside Nusra Front or even in the same building.”

Noting the White Helmet’s lack of paramedic expertise and the numerous photographs showing them carrying weapons, she added that this “confirms that their role has been as military and logistical support for their Nusra Front colleagues.”

However, the training received by the White Helmets likely did not stop there.

Beeley strongly believes that they were given extensive training in the production of propaganda – specifically, trained in camerawork and video production in order to produce videos for the media. She noted that “the sheer number of cameras on site at any one of their rescue productions demonstrates that they are well versed in publicity craft.”

Furthermore, Beeley suggested that the White Helmet’s footage used in their documentary also proves this point:

The Oscar-winning Netflix documentary that recorded their exploits was based entirely on footage taken by the White Helmets themselves and supplied to the producers of the movie who did not leave Turkey and were therefore unable to verify the authenticity of the footage. The quality of video supplied suggests that the White Helmets were using sophisticated equipment and had been well trained in its use.

Thus, this training has enabled the White Helmets to accomplish two major goals for the governments and organizations that have orchestrated its rise to prominence.

First, as Beeley pointed out, it has facilitated “further proxy military intervention and to incite pseudo-humanitarian outrage from the International community and western public.”

Second, it has allowed the atrocities of the extremist factions that work with the White Helmets to be camouflaged by the “humanitarianism” of the group, which has been instrumental in allowing foreign governments to continue arming and funding these extremist, terrorist organizations with complete impunity.

Le Mesurier, for his part, has apparently become tired of the limelight – perhaps as a result of the thorough debunking of the terrorist-linked organization he fostered. Though still listed as an employee of Good Harbor, Le Mesurier has removed himself from the site of MayDay Rescue, a White Helmets-linked organization he founded, and all mention of him has been erased from the White Helmets website.

By Whitney Webb / Republished with permission / MintPress News / Report a typo

Bij dit bericht horen 2 video's die ik niet weet over te nemen, zie daarvoor het origineel. (zet wel de Google adblocker aan [werkt goed], de pagina zit bomvol reclames)

*  Zie: 'White Helmets >> terreurorganisatie, opgezet door Brits ex-officier en o.a. betaald door Nederland...........'

** De VS wil dat de EU alle banden met Rusland doorsnijdt en ook de gasleveringen uit dit land stopzet. Niet voor niets nam de VS onlangs nieuwe sancties tegen Rusland, waarbij vooral de EU de klos is en zal moeten afzien van gas uit Rusland. Zo kan de VS haar zwaar gesubsidieerde schaliegas peperduur aan EU landen leveren.......

Zie ook:
'White Helmets terreurgroep wordt vandaag met open armen ontvangen in Tweede Kamer.....' (zie ook de andere links over de White Helmets in dat bericht)

'EXPOSED: Syria’s White Helmets are Al Qaeda’s ‘Civil Defence’'


'SYRIA: The White Helmet Propaganda Heist – Vanessa Beeley Speaks to Rhymes Media Group'

'EXPOSED: The White Helmets – Al Qaeda with US funding'

'Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....'