De meer
dan psychopathische geriatrisch patiënt Bolton vond het afgelopen week
wel een mooi gebaar om Iran middels een videoboodschap te
'feliciteren' met de 40ste verjaardag van de Iraanse revolutie......
Echter geen lovende woorden zoals je waarschijnlijk al begrepen had,
nee Bolton hield de Iraanse regering voor dat het snel afgelopen zal
zijn met het vieren van feest over de revolutie van 1979......
herhaalde Bolton zijn immense leugen dat Iran bezig is een kernwapen
te ontwikkelen, ondanks dat de IAEA, het Atoomagentschap in Wenen en
zelfs de geheime diensten van de VS stellen dat dit pertinent niet
het geval is......... Ach ja, wat verwacht je van een psychopathische
geriatrisch patiënt??!!!
In het
hieronder opgenomen artikel, geschreven door Jake Johnson, stelt hij
dat Bolton het tot zijn persoonlijke kruistocht heeft gemaakt (mijn
woorden, Ap) een oorlog tegen Iran te ontketenen, nog voordat Trump het Witte Huis verlaat...... Ik vrees dat Johnson gelijk heeft.......
volgende artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op CommonDreams, ik nam het over van Anti-Media:
John Bolton Issues Not-So-Veiled Threat of War in Creepy Video Message to Iran

12, 2019 at 10:33 pm
by Jake
(CD) —
As Iranians this week mark the 40th anniversary of their country’s
1979 revolution, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser
John Bolton declared in a message to Iranian leaders on Monday that
he doesn’t think they will “have many more anniversaries to
enjoy”—a comment that was immediately perceived as a direct
threat of war.
In video posted
to the White House’s official Twitter page on Monday, Bolton echoed
false assertions and repeatedly debunked claims by the Trump that
Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and described the Iranian government
as the “central banker of international terrorism.”
to Bolton’s video, Sen. Chris Murphy warned in
a tweet on Tuesday that Trump’s hawkish national security adviser
is knowingly lying to build momentum for a U.S. military attack on
Bolton says Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. This simply isn’t
true. The intelligence says the opposite and he knows it,” Murphy
wrote. “He is laying the groundwork for war and we all must be
Bolton’s video message:
A message to the Ayatollah of Iran: "For all your boasts, for all your threats to the life of the American President, YOU are responsible for terrorizing your own people." #40YearsofFailure
the White House’s claim that the Iranian Revolution has resulted in
years of failure,”
Javad Zarif—Iran’s foreign minister—declared in a tweet on
Monday, “After 40 years of wrong choices, [it is] time for Donald
Trump to rethink failed U.S. policy.”
#40YearsofFailure to accept that Iranians will never return to submission. #40YearsofFailure to adjust US policy to reality. #40YearsofFailure to destabilize Iran through blood & treasure.
After 40 yrs of wrong choices, time for @realDonaldTrump to rethink failed US policy.
After 40 yrs of wrong choices, time for @realDonaldTrump to rethink failed US policy.
assertion that Iran is currently pursuing nuclear weapons contradicts
the findings of both the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
and the Trump administration’s top intelligence officials, who just
last month concluded that
“Iran is not currently undertaking the key nuclear
weapons-development activities we judge necessary to produce a
nuclear device.”
Bolton’s claim that ‘Iran continues to seek nuclear weapons’ is
another bald-faced lie,” said Ryan
Costello, policy director at the National Iranian American Council.
“He clearly wants a war before Trump leaves office and shouldn’t
be underestimated.”
As Common
Dreams reported last
month, Bolton in 2018 called on the Pentagon to provide the Trump
White House with “military options” to launch a strike on Iran.
The Pentagon reportedly
complied with
Bolton’s request, but it is unclear whether the requested
information ever reached Trump.
has also teamed up with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo—who
has called for regime change in Iran—in
an effort to “foment
inside Iran with “offensive of speeches and online communications.”
Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for
International Policy (ASPCIP), concluded on
Tuesday that “we need to be speaking out early and often against
the administration’s push for regime change in Iran.”
Het label JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) staat voor de Iran nucleaire deal.
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