te lezen dat men moedwillig burgerdoelen wilde aanvallen om zo de
economie hard te treffen. McNamara was de grote architect van de
plannen, dit onder de 'vredelievende' president John F.
Wat dat
laatste betreft stelt Whitney Webb in het hieronder opgenomen
artikel, eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News, dat McNamara tijdens WOII ook
verantwoordelijk was voor de aanvallen met brandbommen op 67 Japanse steden...... In een documentaire uit 2003 stelde McNamara dat er bij zo'n bombardement op Tokio in één nacht 'maar
liefst' 100.000 burgers werden verbrand, inclusief vrouwen en
kinderen, daar was hij nog steeds trots op.....
was McNamara verantwoordelijk voor de deelname van de VS aan de
Vietnamoorlog. Hij was de architect achter de false flag operatie die
bekend staat als het 'Tonkin incident', waarmee de VS 'een reden had'
om zich verder in die oorlog te mengen. In Vietnam kwamen naar
schatting minstens 3 miljoen mensen om het leven, in buurlanden Laos
en Cambodja vermoordde de VS nog eens 1 miljoen mensen..... McNamara
verklaarde in 1964 dat hij er (alweer) trots op was dat zijn naam verbonden blijft aan de Vietnamoorlog, die ook nog eens aan 58.000 VS militairen het
leven kostte.....
Je denkt
misschien, ach plannen van meer dan 50 jaar geleden, niets om je druk
om te maken, echter onder Trump heeft de VS gesteld een eerste aanval
met kernwapens niet uit te sluiten, zelfs als reactie op een
cyberaanval...... Ook hare kwaadaardigheid May, godbetert premier van
Groot-Brittannië, liet een paar jaar geleden weten een eerste aanval
met kernwapens niet uit te sluiten......
De geschiedenis met de agressie van de VS (zonder meer de grootste
terreurentiteit op aarde) laat vanaf WOII zien dat dit gestolen land meer dan 22 miljoen
mensen heeft vermoord in: illegale oorlogen en door de VS (CIA) opgezette
opstanden en staatsgrepen.....* Bij die moorden kunnen nu nog eens duizenden moorden opgeteld worden, moorden die de VS
pleegt op verdachten met gebruikmaking van drones...... Gezien deze geschiedenis moet gevreesd worden dat er nog steeds dergelijke plannen liggen.....
Daarnaast heeft de VS in de geschiedenis al laten zien het gebruik van kernwapens niet
uit de weg te gaan, zie Hiroshima en Nagasaki.....
Lees en
Declassified Docs Reveal Pentagon Plan to Drop Nuclear Bombs on the USSR and China

3, 2018 at 11:33 am
by Whitney
(MPN) — Recently
declassified documents shed light on a U.S. nuclear war plan
developed in 1964 by the Pentagon’s Joint Staff to bomb Russia –
then the Soviet Union – and China with nuclear weapons so
extensively that it would destroy them “as viable societies.” The
war plan itself, known as Single Integrated Operational Plan 64
(SIOP-64), has not been declassified, as no SIOP has ever been
released to the public by the United States government.
newly declassified documents that record the Pentagon Joint Staff’s
review of SIOP-64 were recently made
available through
George Washington University’s National Security Archive project.
The documents reveal numerous details about the still-classified plan
that shine light on the Pentagon’s willingness to wage nothing
short of total war against its adversaries at the time.
particular, the documents show that the plan sought to accomplish the
destruction of Russian and Chinese society by targeting and
eliminating their industrial potential while also wiping out the
majority of their urban populations. Still more troubling, urban
civilians were proposed to be the main target and
measure of the U.S. nuclear war plan as the Joint Staff sought to use
“population loss as the primary yardstick for effectiveness in
destroying the enemy society, with only collateral attention to
industrial damage.”
gambit to use population loss as a “primary yardstick” was
notably developed prior to the 1964 meeting detailed in the newly
released document. The meeting considered studies that had been
jointly conducted by the Joint Staff and the Joint Strategic Target
Planning Staff in order to determine how many Soviet and Chinese
cities and industrial areas needed to be wiped out in order to
destroy both countries as “viable societies.”
the case of the Soviet Union, it was determined that destroying 70
percent of the country’s industrial floor space, mostly urban areas
that can be used for industrial activity, would likely result in “the
destruction of the USSR as a viable society.” The plan notes that
targeting such a significant amount of the Soviet Union’s
industrial floor space would put nearby urban populations “at
risk.” Though no estimates for civilian casualties in the Soviet
Union are given in the declassified documents, a
1962 estimate projected
70 million Soviet fatalities would result from a no-warning U.S.
strike on military and urban-industrial targets.
– characterized then by its largely agrarian economy – posed a
challenge, given that an estimated 84 percent of the Chinese
population lived in rural areas away from urban centers, complicating
the plan to target civilian urban populations in order to destroy
China as “a viable nation.” In the case of China, the Joint Staff
ultimately settled on a plan that would destroy 30 of China’s
largest cities, with a goal of 30 percent urban fatalities, or 212
million people, and the destruction of 50 percent of industrial floor
the plan featured options that included both preemptive and
retaliatory bombings. The university researchers who obtained and
published the documents noted
that “preemptive”
bombings do not necessarily indicate plans for a first strike but
instead indicated that the U.S. would enact the plan if U.S.
intelligence was able to “produce warning of an impending Soviet
attack that a U.S. strike could avert or at least blunt.”
A Mad Plan, but Very Much in Character
to these same researchers, the influence of then-Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara on the SIOP-64 is clear, given that McNamara “made
the concept of ‘assured destruction’ basic to the way that top
Pentagon officials sized U.S. strategic forces.”
the consideration of civilian fatalities as the “primary yardstick”
of the plan’s effectiveness also bears McNamara’s “fingerprints.”
Indeed, McNamara was an “architect” of the U.S.’ War in
Vietnam, including
the Gulf of Tonkin “false flag” that
initiated it, leading some in the press to call the conflict
“McNamara’s War.” In 1964, McNamara stated
that he
was “pleased to be identified with” the war, which killed at
least 3 million Vietnamese, a million Cambodians and Laotians and
58,000 Americans, and laid waste to Southern Vietnam through the
chemical warfare campaign that McNamara helped develop
and oversee.
from Vietnam, McNamara was also intimately
involved in
the firebombing of 67 Japanese cities shortly before the end of World
War II, which destroyed 50 to 90 percent of all Japanese urban areas.
In a
2003 documentary,
McNamara calmly recounted how, in a single night, “we burned to
death 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo — men, women, and
architect of mass-destruction McNamara serving as the head of the
Pentagon when SIOP-64 was developed, its consideration of hundreds of
millions of human lives as a “yardstick” for military
effectiveness is unsurprising. It is, however, no less chilling for
being in character, given that the some 300 million civilians that
were estimated to be killed if SIOP-64 had been enacted, dwarfs even
the vast numbers who died as a result of McNamara’s other, enacted
McNamara-esque military policies are hardly a thing of the past.
Indeed, the recent changes to the
Nuclear Posture Review under
the Trump administration ended the once clear rejection of a nuclear
first strike launched by the U.S. as it states that the U.S. can use
atomic bombs in response to “significant non-nuclear strategic
attacks”, which include alleged cyberattacks. Furthermore, this
year’s National Defense Strategy replaced the
U.S. military’s decades-long focus on the “War on Terror” with
a focus on preparing for a “great power war” against both Russia
and China, countries that are now
considered by
the Pentagon to present the “central challenges” to global U.S.
there may be a temptation to dismiss the SOIP-64 as a relic of the
Cold War past, present circumstances should caution us to think
* Zie: 'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........'
'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'
'List of wars involving the United States'
'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'
Zie ook: 'Kernwapens in Europa: Rode Kruis >> Nederland moet het VN kernwapenverbod tekenen'
PS: in Rusland heeft men intussen al een groot aantal atoomschuilkelders ingericht en zoals je hierboven kon lezen, bepaald niet onterecht....... Dit roept meteen de vraag op waarom Rutte 2 en Rutte 3 niet al lang hebben ingezet op het bouwen van dergelijke schuilkelders, immers als je de leugens van deze kabinetten terughoort, is Rusland uiterst agressief en onberekenbaar...... Wel VS kernwapens op onze bodem (kernwapens NB van een land dat niet anders dan als grootste terreurentiteit op aarde kan worden aangemerkt) maar geen verdediging tegen deze wapens in de vorm van schuilkelders, anders dan voor de machthebbers (niet alleen voor politici en ambtenaren maar ook voor de topgraaiers van de grote bedrijven en de financiële maffia)..............