sinds de BDS beweging haar kop opstak en zei waar het op stond, is
deze onterechte antisemitische beschuldiging niet meer van de lucht...... Zoals
het beschuldigen van o.a. de BDS beweging (en het ANC) die stelden dat
Israël een apartheidsstaat is, dezelfde staat die als een
fascistische staat tekeer gaat tegen mensenrechtengroeperingen,
opiniemakers en politici die het lef hebben om voor de zwaar
verdrukte Palestijnen durven op te komen..... Israël heeft zelfs een snelle
reactiemacht op poten gezet om negatief nieuws over Israël op het internet onmiddellijk 'te corrigeren.....'* Dan spreek ik niet eens over het
zware geweld dat Israël gebruikt tegen de Palestijnen, de aanleiding
voor het e.e.a.
Buitenlandse regeringen, waaronder de Engelse (en meer en meer de Nederlandse) staan in deze achter het uiterst gewelddadige Israëlische regime en gaan mee in de belachelijke beschuldigingen......... (al stond Nederland 'uiteraard' al vanaf de stichting van de Israëlische staat achter deze terreurentiteit.....)
Buitenlandse regeringen, waaronder de Engelse (en meer en meer de Nederlandse) staan in deze achter het uiterst gewelddadige Israëlische regime en gaan mee in de belachelijke beschuldigingen......... (al stond Nederland 'uiteraard' al vanaf de stichting van de Israëlische staat achter deze terreurentiteit.....)
Wat betreft het gebruikte fysieke geweld, deinst Israël er zelfs niet voor terug om invalide Palestijnen te
vermoorden, als deze teveel aanhang krijgen en in woorden Israël
veroordelen voor haar barbaarse inhumane beleid t.a.v. het Palestijnse volk....... Ook het in de rug schieten van ongewapende Palestijnen is geen probleem voor Israël, zoals we afgelopen vrijdag konden zien....**
langere tijd hebben Israël en haar belangengroepen in
Groot-Brittannie hun pijlen gericht op Jeremy Corbyn en niet voor
niets, immers Corbyn is al een groot deel van zijn leven begaan met het
vreselijke lot van de Palestijnen......
wordt meer en meer met de vieze met bloed besmeurde zionistische
vingers gewezen naar links als een beweging van grote
antisemieten..... Terwijl bijvoorbeeld tijdens WOII het met name
links was dat zich hevig verzette tegen het deporteren van joden naar
de vernietigingskampen......
voor de machthebbers werd voor de afloop van WOII een groot deel van de linkse
intelligentsia vermoord door de nazi's..... Dit gebeurde met behulp van politie en
geheime diensten van de door nazi-Duitsland bezette landen waaruit de joden werden afgevoerd...... Zoals dit ook in Nederland gebeurde: 'de kers op de taart' was de mislukking van operatie Market Garden (waarin prins Bernhard een heel gore rol speelde), daardoor werd een fiks aantal linkse verzetsstrijders voor de bevrijding 'nog even' vermoord door de nazi-Duitse bezetter........
Terug naar het fascistische geweld van terreurstaat Israël: pas
nadat goed duidelijk werd waar Israël voor stond, eind zestiger begin 70er jaren, begon links zich te
verzetten tegen de massamoord op en de verdrijving van Palestijnen
uit Israël uh Palestina in 1947 en 1948, plus de jaren daarna.
ben je geen antisemiet als je je verzet tegen de onmenselijke
behandeling van Palestijnen, er zijn gelukkig ook een groot aantal
joden in Israël die zich hiertegen verzetten, precies zoals zij (als ze al niet als links zijn aan te merken:) samen
met 'links' verzetten tegen andere dictatoriale regimes die schijt
hebben aan mensenrechten en naar willekeur moorden en etnisch
Zoals het linkse verzet tijdens WOII zich ook voor die oorlog hebben verzet
tegen antidemocratische krachten, die democratisch gekozen regeringen
omver durfden te werpen (ook destijds al regelmatig onder aanvoering van de VS),
neem de Spaanse burgeroorlog..... Trouwens de hoogste tijd dat er
eens wordt uitgezocht wat de rol van de VS was tijdens de Spaanse
burgeroorlog......... (kan me niet voorstellen dat dit gestolen land zich daar niet mee bemoeid heeft, het ging immers om het omverwerpen van een links regime)
het volgende uitgebreide artikel van Kenneth Surin, gepubliceerd op
CounterPunch, over het demoniseren van links als 'antisemitisch',
terwijl rechts-antisemitisme (veelal echt antisemitisme) vrijwel onaangeroerd
blijft in de reguliere media van Groot-Brittannië.......
Smearing Jeremy Corbyn

30, 2018
Corbyn has for decades been a resolute opponent of the Zionist
project in Palestine-Israel, and a steadfast supporter of the rights
of the Palestinian people. There are many in the Labour party
who support Corbyn in this view.
Labour has a clear lead in the opinion polls, and the arrival of a
Corbyn-led Labour government after the next election would probably
herald a sea-change in the UK’s relationship with Palestine-Israel.
prospect has sent a shiver or two down the spines of Israel’s
Zionist supporters in the UK.
most recent controversy with regard to this issue stems from Corbyn’s
opposition, via a Facebook post, to the removal in 2012 of an
antisemitic mural in the East End of London, on the grounds that this
was censorship of an artist. Corbyn has since apologized for
not taking into consideration the content of the mural, and said he
would have supported its removal given what he found out
April 2016, it was revealed that the Labour MP Naz Shah had
called for Israel to be “relocated” to the US and posted a
message saying “the Jews are rallying”. Shah apologized, saying
her comments had been “ignorant” and “antisemitic”, and
was suspended by Labour, though the suspension was subsequently
irking these critics of Corbyn has been his refusal to support the
expulsion from the Labour party of his longtime ally “Red Ken”
Livingstone, the former mayor of London, for the latter’s highly
garbled interpretation of the 1933 Haavara (transfer) Agreement
between Germany and German Zionists, to facilitate the emigration of
German Jews to British Mandate Palestine in return for the purchase
of German goods for the Jewish settlement in that territory.
absurd claim that “Hitler was a Zionist supporter”, though
appealing to a kernel of truth he then twisted, overlooked two
issues: (1) the dire situation facing German Jews at that time; and
(2) that the Haavara agreement, which was designed to foster the
migration of German Jews in line with Nazi policy, made no reference
to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, a vital precept of
Zionism. Hitler was a proponent of ethnic cleaning, and the
creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, which only occurred in 1948,
was certainly not something he had in mind in 1933, or indeed any
time before or after.
an ardent supporter of the Palestinian people, continues to be
suspended from the Labour party for making his claim, but has so far
not been expelled.
party leadership is deeply divided over Livingstone.
“Red Ken” would probably seem to some like a good idea, except
that there are others high-up in Blighty’s establishment who have
displayed a manifest fondness for things Nazi, without facing any
real consequences.
soon-to-be wed Prince Harry was photographed some years ago at a
fancy-dress party in an SS uniform (for which he apologized
afterwards). He was allowed to go his merry way, though
hovering uneasily behind images of the SS-uniformed Harry is archival
film of his grandmother, the current queen, being taught as a young
girl to give a Nazi salute by her mother, who is on historical record
as wanting a policy of appeasement towards the Führer, until Hitler
decided it was time Blighty was bombed to smithereens.
2011 the Oxford-educated Tory MP Aidan Burley organized a Nazi-themed
stag party for a friend at a French ski resort. The
this event thus:
Burley was filmed raising his glass in a toast before… another guest beside him made a speech, in which he [the other guest] said: “Let’s raise a toast to Tom for organising the stag do, and if we’re perfectly honest, to the ideology and thought process of the Third Reich.”
The party was said to have moved on to a British-themed pub, where partygoers adopted thick German accents and chanted: “Mein Fuhrer! Mein Fuhrer! Mein Fuhrer!”, “Himmler! Himmler! Himmler!” and “Eichmann! Eichmann! Eichmann!”.
duly apologized, and a report commissioned by his party concluded
that while he had acted in a “stupid and offensive way, Mr Burley
is not a bad man, still less a racist or anti-Semite”. Burley
lost his post as a ministerial aide as a result, but was not
disciplined in any other way. He is a member of the
Conservative Friends of Israel, and criticism of his “senseless
prank”, “high jinks”, and “tasteless antics” from UK Jewish
organizations was relatively mild and formulaic when compared to what
Corbyn has had to endure.
such as Burley and his chums in all likelihood typify a rightwing
phenomenon known on both sides of the Atlantic, namely, the seemingly
incongruous convergence between pro-Zionism and antisemitism.
History shows the two are however not mutually exclusive.
well-known current example of this convergence is Steve Bannon, who
during his tenure as the editor at Breitbart News published several
articles making
derogatory and antisemitic comments about Jews, including one which
referred to Bill Kristol as a “renegade Jew”, another which said
with regard to the Washington
Post columnist
Anne Applebaum and “cosmopolitan elitists” like her and George
Soros, that “hell hath no fury like a Polish, Jewish, American
elitist scorned”. Applebaum, who is married to a former
Polish foreign minister, is accused of having the “dream of being
Poland’s first Jewish-American first lady”.
People who are disposed to wanting Jews to be in “one place, over there” (such as the American Christian right), can be virulently pro-Zionist, while using their Zionism as a way to shield themselves from their displays of antisemitism. Breitbart uses the same ploy to defend Bannon from the charge of antisemitism.
irony here is that Red Ken would not in his wildest dreams deck
himself out in a Nazi uniform, nor attend a party where a toast was
drunk “to the ideology and thought process of the Third Reich”.
there has not been a Labour leader with Corbyn’s consistent 40-year
record of antiracist struggle.
UK Board of Jewish Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council organized a
protest against antisemitism in Labour outside parliament
last week, and claimed Corbyn “personifies” the “problems and
dangers” of “left-wing antisemitism”.
has since acknowledged that “there are pockets of antisemitism”
in the Labour party.
indeed there is antisemitism on the left—undeniably, there are some
leftists still wedded to the pernicious trope of “the Jews
controlling the capitalist system”, sometimes accompanied by absurd
conspiracy theories about what Rothschild bankers “get up to in
secret”, and so forth.
is no room for abhorrent sentiments of this kind on the left, as
Corbyn himself has said.
how are vile assertions about “the Jews controlling the capitalist
system”, or Ken Livingstone’s perverse and uninformed assessment
of Nazi history, really different from today’s routine alt-right
pronouncements about the malign influence and power of “liberal
cosmopolitan Jews” (this of course being an absolute staple of Nazi
Bannon, whose Breitbart News peddles guff about “liberal
cosmopolitan Jews”, gets invited into the White House’s Oval
Office to be the Orange Swindler’s senior adviser until he was
ousted in a power struggle with “Jarvanka”, while Red Ken is
suspended from the Labour Party.
wait, the alt-right in both the US and UK are pro-Zionist, despite
oftentimes being visibly antisemitic.
is nothing more palpably antisemitic than espousing the purportedly
pro-Zionist “theology” of the American evangelical right, which
enjoins that Israel has to exist in order for the apocalypse or Day
of Judgment to occur, at which time G_d will decree that Jews have to
convert to Christianity or be consigned to eternal damnation.
condones American evangelical antisemitism because the latter’s
pro-Zionism helps ensure that US politicians, afraid of the powerful
evangelical voting bloc, approve virtually unlimited military aid for
UK is not similarly beholden to a significant voting bloc with this
crackpot pro-Zionist antisemitic theology, but Zionism still exerts
its pressures on British politics.
elephant in the room in all of this farrago is Corbyn’s and
Livingstone’s enduring support for the liberation of the
Palestinian people, and of course the fact that “liberal
cosmopolitan Jews” tend to be amongst the strongest critics of
Israel’s extensively criminal treatment of the Palestinians.
Zionist strategy here has been evident for a long time: when
dealing with anti-Zionists such as Corbyn, do everything to blur the
line between anti-Zionism (which has become increasingly acceptable
in the mainstream as a result of Zionist Israel’s systematically
brutal treatment of the Palestinians), and antisemitism (which, given
what Jews have had to suffer in their long history, is categorically
rote and reflex conflation of anti-Zionism with antisemitism will
probably make it harder for actual antisemitism to be responded to
with the seriousness it always merits.
are maligned routinely as antisemites because they oppose Israel’s
repellent treatment of the Palestinians– if time after time,
principled pro-Palestinians such as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu,
let alone Corbyn, are deemed antisemitic by virtue of their
insistence on Palestinian legal rights vis-à-vis Israel, then there
will be more than a few, some of whom may in truth alas be
antisemites, who will be inclined to laugh-off this imputation of
Mandela an “antisemite”? Give me a break, as the Americans
say! Most of the legal team which helped Mandela avoid the
death penalty at his treason trial were Jews. In fact, Mandela
made Arthur
a Jewish member of his legal team at this trial, the first Chief
Justice of post-apartheid South Africa. When the ANC decided to
engage in armed resistance, the head of its military wing and its
chief of military intelligence were both Jews– Joe
Slovo (born
Yossel Mashel Slovo) and Ronnie
Kasrils respectively.
Mandela showed it is absolutely possible to be a lifelong comrades-in-arms with Jews and not be a “friend” of Zionist Israel.
thus had many closer personal associations with Jews than many of the
phony philosemites who populate the American Christian right, who
would be absolutely appalled at the prospect of (say) a secular Jew
becoming the US Chief Justice.
one somehow anticipate here the response of Trump’s for-now
Attorney-General, Jeff Beauregard (“Beauracist”) Sessions, at
such a dreadful possibility?
in recent weeks has had to endure the media-driven charge that he was
a Czech spy. Corbyn sued the Tory MP who propagated this
accusation, the latter settled out of court, and paid undisclosed
damages to a charity of Corbyn’s choice.
then had to face rightwing tabloid accusations that he was a “Putin
stooge” when a Russian double agent, exiled in the UK, and his
daughter visiting from Russia, succumbed in a quiet English town to
almost lethal doses of a toxic nerve agent. Putin was blamed,
immediately, by the poll-faltering Tories for the attack.
mindful of how his then party leader Blair had joined Dubya Bush in
faking so-called military intelligence justifying the overthrow of
Saddam Hussain, called for detailed and conclusive evidence before
responsibility for this attack was placed on Putin.
had been an opponent of the Iraq war, unlike the feckless Blairites
in his own party and the Tory parliamentary chorus which, without
exception, also sang to Blair’s twisted and bellicose tune.
caution regarding the ascription of blame for the nerve-agent attack
could perhaps be justified by taking a look at recent history, not
just the fakery used to justify the Iraq war, but also the
precipitate and disorderly collapse of the Soviet Union, which left
its biological and chemical warfare facilities unguarded and
available for plunder by a range of state- and non-state agents until
a semblance of order was restored.
“Corbyn is a figurehead for antisemitism” campaign is the latest
in such recurring attempts to discredit the most radical party leader
in Labour’s history.
are likely to be many more such attempts to tarnish Corbyn and his
supporters made by the UK’s rightwing tabloids, joined by the
Blairite vipers in the Labour party (some of whom joined last week’s
protest against antisemitism in their party, having been notably
silent when the Tories ran a viciously Islamophobic election campaign
against the Muslim Sadiq Khan, who was Labour’s candidate for
London mayor (Khan won)—as well as the more genteel but equally
cobra-like hacks in the supposedly “liberal” Guardian
who support these Blairites tooth and nail.
thirst of the Zionists, and their convenient abettors in Blairite
Labour and the latter’s supporters in the UK media, in wanting
Corbyn’s “apologies” in order to undermine him and his allies,
is unslakable.
exemplified by the cases of Prince Harry and the Tory MP, a swift
apology, however insincere, can work wonders with those predisposed
to permit wearers of Nazi uniforms off the hook.
though is not in the position of the elite’s insouciant
perfunctory apologies– along the lines of Prince Harry’s blithe
“OK, I got caught, let’s do damage control” — will be
rejected when tendered by staunch anti-Zionists.
Corbyn is discovering, every apology or promise of an inquiry he
makes now is disdained as “insufficient”, “too weak”, and
“too late”.
strategy of Corbyn and his supporters has therefore to be simple: be
unyielding in battling the antisemitism in some sections of the left,
and be equally intransigent in challenging those who have a deeply
vested interest in conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism.
Zionists and their allies, the pro-Palestinian Corbyn and his
supporters will always be irremediable “antisemites”.
Zionists allow us no alternative to this travesty.
one suspects that Corbyn and his team, like the Zionists wanting to
undermine him, know that politics is war conducted by other means.
the debate on Facebook (maar kijk uit, je gegevens zijn niet veilig bij dit pro-zionistische sociale medium, zo heeft Facebook een groot aantal pagina's van Facebook leden gesloten, vanwege kritiek op Israël. Later meer daarover)
More articles by: KENNETH SURIN
More articles by: KENNETH SURIN
Surin teaches
at Duke University, North Carolina. He lives in Blacksburg,
==================================* Zie: 'Israël zet snelle reactiemacht op poten tegen anti-Israëlische kritiek'
** Zie: 'Israël vermoordde minstens 16 ongewapende demonstranten tijdens grootschalig protest' (dat zijn intussen 18 vermoorde demonstranten, hoewel de reguliere media het op 15 houden....)
Zie ook:
'Antisemitische heksenjacht in GB bedoeld om pro-Palestijnse Labour politici de mond te snoeren'
'The Guardian weigert brief van meer dan 200 Joodse vrouwen, waar dit medium loog en blijft liegen over 'antisemitisme' Corbyn'
'Jeremy Corbyn weggezet als nazi in fake news 'antisemitisme schandaal' >> haatzaaien met een 'groter doel''
'Anti-Corbyn boek valt door de mand als valse aanklacht >> schrijver duikt onder......'
'Israël en VS werken samen in tegenwerken van critici op beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen'
'Kritiek op Israël wordt door een leger van Israëlische trollen bevochten'
'Israël misbruikt de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh voor demonisering van steun aan de Palestijnen.......'
'Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart'
'De film over de pro-Israëlische lobby in de VS, die Israël verboden wil zien.........'
'Britse justitie gaat 'hate crimes' van Labour onderzoeken'
'VS gebruikt sociale media om 'fake comment' te verspreiden en de bevolking te hersenspoelen met leugens, ofwel 'fake news....''
'VS ontvangt moorddadige Saoedische psychopaat MBS met alle eer......'
'Israël erkent een terreurstaat te zijn: in 2007 bombardeerde Israël een in aanbouw zijnde kerncentrale in Syrië en geeft het eindelijk toe.......'
'Nederland voorzitter VN Veiligheidsraad, maar heeft tegelijkertijd geen commentaar op Israëlische moorden op ongewapende demonstranten.........'
'Facebook verlaat 'tranding news' voor 'brekend nieuws' van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer 'fake news.....''