Máxima moet daar weg, daar een goudmijn zich haar grond wil toe-eigenen, Máxima is in een juridische strijd gewikkeld met de eigenaar van de mijn, die betwist dat de grond die Máxima verbouwd, haar eigendom is......
Zelfs de politie beschermt Máxima niet, sterker nog: deze heeft geweld gebruikt tegen Máxima en haar kinderen en heeft een uitbouw aan haar huis vernield, een uitbouw in aanbouw...... De beveiliging van één van 's werelds grootste koper en goudmijnen, Yanacocha, heeft haar oogsten vernietigd..........
Help Máxima: lees en teken de petitie a.u.b. en geeft het door aan familie, vrienden en bekenden, dit geweld moet stoppen, Máxima verdient genoegdoening en gerechtigheid!
Urge Peru to protect human rights defender Máxima Acuña from violence and intimidation
Muhammad Bekzhanov was arrested by Uzbekistani security forces in
1999. He was beaten, suffocated and given electric shocks until he
confessed to fabricated charges. A judge ignored his claims of
torture and used Muhammad’s forced confession to send him to
and thousands of other Amnesty supporters tirelessly campaigned for
his release as part of Write for Rights 2015 – you never gave up on
And it worked! Last week, after 17 long and unjust years in prison, Muhammad walked out as a free man.
This is an amazing victory. Together we can change more lives, free more prisoners of conscience, and protect human rights. Here’s what you can do next – it only takes two minutes:
And it worked! Last week, after 17 long and unjust years in prison, Muhammad walked out as a free man.
This is an amazing victory. Together we can change more lives, free more prisoners of conscience, and protect human rights. Here’s what you can do next – it only takes two minutes:
Máxima Acuña won’t back down. A peasant farmer in northern Peru, she has braved violent harassment and intimidation from local police for refusing to leave the land where she lives with her family. She believes they want to drive her away from her home. But she’s not going anywhere. Stand with Máxima – tell Peru to protect her from violence and intimidation.
Add your voice to help protect farmer Máxima Acuña from police violence and intimidation in Peru.

Máxima Acuña is a farmer in northern Peru. She has been subjected to violent attacks from local police for refusing to leave the land where she lives with her family.
She is currently in a legal battle with Yanacocha, one of the world’s biggest gold and copper mines, over the ownership of the land. She believes the police harassment is an attempt to drive her away from her home. But she’s not going anywhere.
Police have attacked her family, including beating her and her children, damaging her house and demolishing an extension she was building. Yanacocha’s own armed security guards even destroyed her crops.
Add your voice to help protect farmer Máxima Acuña from police violence and intimidation in Peru.

Máxima Acuña is a farmer in northern Peru. She has been subjected to violent attacks from local police for refusing to leave the land where she lives with her family.
She is currently in a legal battle with Yanacocha, one of the world’s biggest gold and copper mines, over the ownership of the land. She believes the police harassment is an attempt to drive her away from her home. But she’s not going anywhere.
Police have attacked her family, including beating her and her children, damaging her house and demolishing an extension she was building. Yanacocha’s own armed security guards even destroyed her crops.
a campaign of intimidation designed to make her give up her fight and
leave her land.
Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. Ask the Peruvian authorities to protect Máxima Acuña and her family.
Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. Ask the Peruvian authorities to protect Máxima Acuña and her family.
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