illegale oorlog van de VS en de NAVO tegen het Libië van Khadaffi
hebben de sociale structuur en de infrastructuur van dat land volledig in puin
gelegd........ Khadaffi moest vallen daar hij de westerse hegemonie
in Afrika probeerde te ondermijnen en het continent zelfstandig wilde maken..... Waar zijn wil voor de introductie van de gouden dinar niet vergeten
moet worden, een munt die anders dan de dollar op op de tegenwaarde
van goud gebaseerd zou zijn, terwijl de dollar lucht als tegenwaarde heeft...... Met de gouden dinar wilde Khadaffi de dollar
vervangen als internationaal betaalmiddel en als valuta voor de aan- en verkoop van olie en gas..... Tja met zulke plannen
heb je je doodvonnis, door de VS te voltrekken, al getekend, zelfs voor je deze plannen kan uitvoeren.........
enorme leugens, als het opkomen voor mensenrechten, democratie brengen of een dictator
verstoten, zogenaamde politieke argumenten, herhaald door de reguliere westerse media, werd de
westerse bevolking klaargestoomd voor deze illegale oorlog, zoals dit
eerder al gebeurde voorafgaand aan de door de VS (met behulp van o.a. NAVO landen) illegaal gevoerde oorlogen tegen Afghanistan en Irak.....
legt verder uit dat de demonisering van Rusland en China met maar
één doel wordt gevoerd: een oorlog van de VS tegen deze landen
om zo haar wereldhegemonie te kunnen vestigen over de gebieden die deze landen
vertegenwoordigen, of beter gezegd verder uit te
breiden, immers de VS heeft rond Rusland en China een enorm aantal
militaire bases gebouwd..........
Voor de oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië, bediende de VS zich van dezelfde massa misleiding, waar zoals gezegd ook destijds het grootste deel van de westerse politici en de reguliere westerse media braaf aan mee hebben gedaan.......
Voor de oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië, bediende de VS zich van dezelfde massa misleiding, waar zoals gezegd ook destijds het grootste deel van de westerse politici en de reguliere westerse media braaf aan mee hebben gedaan.......
wrang dat de politici die met deze misleiding bezig zijn, inclusief
de door hen gesteunde media, nu het grootste woord voeren over 'fake
news' (of 'nepnieuws') terwijl zij in feite de grote verkondigers zijn van
fake news en dan fake news waarmee deze eeuw al meer dan 2 miljoen
mensen zijn vermoord (door de VS en haar hielenlikkende westerse
bondgenoten van de NAVO).......
Mass Deception and the Prelude to World War
4, 2018
Libya, NATO bombed a path to Tripoli to help its proxy forces on the
ground oust Gaddafi. Tens of thousands lost their lives and that
country’s social fabric and infrastructure now lies in ruins.
Gaddafi was murdered and his plans to assert African independence and
undermine Western (not
least French)
hegemony on that continent have been rendered obsolete.
Syria, the US, Turkey, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have
been helping to arm militants. The Daily Telegraph’s March 2013
article “US and Europe in ‘major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels
through Zagreb’” reported that 3,000 tons of weapons dating back
to the former Yugoslavia had been sent in 75 planeloads from Zagreb
airport to the rebels. The New York Times March 2013 article “Arms
Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With CIA Aid” stated that Arab
governments and Turkey had sharply increased their military aid to
Syria’s opposition fighters. This aid included more than 160
military cargo flights.
under the notion of a spontaneous democratic uprising against a
tyrannical political leader, Syria is little more than an illegal war
for capital,
empire and energy. The
West and its allies have been instrumental
in organising the war as
elaborated by Tim Anderson in his book ‘The
Dirty War on Syria’.
the last 15 years or so, politicians and the media have been
manipulating popular sentiment to get an increasingly war-fatigued
Western public to support ongoing wars under the notion of protecting
civilians or a bogus ‘war on terror’. They spin a yarn about
securing women’s rights or a war on terror in Afghanistan, removing
despots from power in Iraq, Libya or Syria or protecting human life,
while then going on to attack or help destabilise countries,
resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of civilian lives.
language designed to instil fear about potential terror attacks in
Europe or myths about humanitarianism intervention are used as a
pretext to wage imperialist wars in mineral-rich countries and
geostrategically important regions.
of the battle for the public’s hearts and minds is to keep people
confused. They must be convinced to regard these wars and conflicts
as a disconnected array of events and not as the planned machinations
of empire. The ongoing disinformation narrative about Russian
aggression is part of the strategy. Ultimately, Russia (and China) is
the real and increasingly imminent target: Moscow has stood in the
way of the West’s plans in Syria and both Russia and China
are undermining
the role of the dollar in
international trade, a lynchpin of US power.
countries of the West are effectively heading for war with Russia but
relatively few among the public seem to know or even care. Many are
oblivious to the slaughter that has already been inflicted on
populations with the help of their taxes and governments in far-away
lands. With the reckless neoconservative warmonger John Bolton now
part of the Trump administration, it seems we could be hurtling
towards major war much faster than previously thought.
of the public remains blissfully ignorant of the psy-ops being
directed at them through the corporate media. Given recent
events in the UK and the ramping up of anti-Russia rhetoric, if
ordinary members of the public think that Theresa May or Boris
Johnson ultimately have their best interests at heart, they should
think again. The major transnational corporations based on Wall
Street and in the City of London are the ones setting Anglo-US policy
agendas often via the Brookings Institute, Council on Foreign
Relations, International Crisis Group, Chatham House, etc.
owners of these companies, the capitalist class, have off-shored
millions of jobs as well as their personal and company tax
liabilities to boost their profits and have bankrupted economies. We
see the results in terms of austerity, unemployment, powerlessness,
privatization, deregulation, banker control of economies, corporate
control of food and seeds, the stripping away of civil liberties,
increased mass surveillance and wars to grab mineral resources and
ensure US dollar hegemony. These are the interests the politicians
the ability to maximise profit by shifting capital around the world
that matters to this class, whether on the back of distorted free
trade agreements, which open the gates for plunder, or through
coercion and militarism, which merely tear them down.
it is the structural violence of neoliberal economic policies or
actual military violence, the welfare of ordinary folk around the
world does not enter the equation. In an imposed oil-thirsty,
war-driven system of globalised capitalism and over-consumption that
is wholly unnecessary and is stripping the planet bare, the bottom
line is that ordinary folk – whether workers in the West, farmers
in India or
civilians displaced en masse in war zones like Syria – must be bent
according to the will of Western capital.
We should not be fooled by made-for-media outpourings of morality about good and evil that are designed to create fear, outrage and support for more militarism and resource-grab wars. The shaping of public opinion is a multi-million-dollar industry.
for instance the mass harvesting of Facebook data by Cambridge
Analytica to shape the outcomes of the US election and the Brexit
campaign. According to journalist Liam
its parent company Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) has
conducted ‘behavioural change’ programmes in over 60 countries
and its clients have included the British Military of Defence, the US
State Department and NATO. According to O’Hare, the use of the
media to fool the public is one of SCL’s key selling points.
Among its activities in Europe have been campaigns targeting Russia. The company has “sweeping links” with Anglo-American political and military interests. In the UK, the interests of the governing Conservative Party and military-intelligence players are brought together via SCL: board members include “an array of Lords, Tory donors, ex-British army officers and defense contractors.”
says it is clear is that all SCL’s activities have been
inextricably linked to its Cambridge Analytica arm. He states:
“International deception and meddling is the name of the game for
SCL. We finally have the most concrete evidence yet of shadowy actors
using dirty tricks in order to rig elections. But these operators
aren’t operating from Moscow… they are British, Eton educated,
headquartered in the City of London and have close ties to Her
Majesty’s government”
what are we to make of the current anti-Russia propaganda we witness
regarding the nerve agent incident in Salisbury and the failure of
the British government to provide evidence to demonstrate Russian
culpability? The relentless accusations by Theresa May and Boris
Johnson that have been parroted across the corporate media in the
West indicate that the manipulation of public perception is
everything and facts count for little. It is alarming given what
is at stake – the escalation of conflict between the West and a
major nuclear power.
social commentator Walter Lippmann once said that ‘responsible men’
make decisions and have to be protected from the ‘bewildered herd’
– the public. He added that the public should be subdued, obedient
and distracted from what is really happening. Screaming patriotic
slogans and fearing for their lives, they should be admiring with awe
leaders who save them from destruction.
the West’s political leaders are manipulating, subduing and
distracting the public in true Lippmannesque style, they aren’t
‘saving’ anyone from anything: their reckless actions towards
Russia could lead towards a war that could wipe out all life on the
articles by:COLIN
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