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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Missouri. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Missouri. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 9 november 2018

Cannabis in 3 extra VS staten gelegaliseerd, ondanks zware antilobby van de farmaceutische maffia en die van de georganiseerde alcoholmisdadigers

Tegelijk met de midterm verkiezingen, werd er in 4 VS staten ook gestemd over de legalisatie van cannabis. In Michigan, Utah en Missouri werd met meerderheid gekozen voor de legalisatie van cannabis. In Michigan gaan de nieuwe regels aangaande cannabis over ongeveer 10 dagen van start. Inwoners van Michigan, mogen vanaf hun 21ste jaar cannabis in bezit hebben, het kopen, gebruiken en het zelfs verbouwen!! (dus geen belachelijk achterdeur beleid!)

Mooie zaak: Michigan laat ook de aanklachten en strafbladen vervallen van gebruikers van softdrugs die geen geweld hebben gebruikt, maar puur en alleen zijn opgepakt voor het bezit van cannabis (voor het overgrote deel gekleurde jongeren.....).

In North Dakota mislukte het en stemde 60% achterlijke hypocrieten tegen, je weet wel van die lui die minstens een paar keer in de week bezopen zijn van de vernietigende harddrug alcohol........

Het blijkt dat er een fikse lobby in de VS bestaat, die cannabis verboden wil houden, 'niet geheel toevallig' de farmaceutische maffia en de georganiseerde alcoholmisdaad, fabrikanten die inderdaad van alles te vrezen hebben van de legalisatie van cannabis, immers cannabis is niet verslavend, het sloopt niet je lichaam en geest, zoals de verslavende harddrugs als zware medicatie en alcohol wel doen (dagelijks 115 doden door verslavende pijnstillers en jaarlijks 88.000 alcoholdoden in de VS..)...... 

Bovendien zijn er intussen een fiks aantal aandoeningen die te behandelen zijn met extracten van marihuana en dat voor ziekten van kanker (niet dat het kanker geneest, maar kan verder wel de boel stopzetten, eetlust opwekken en tot pijn stillen) en staar tot geestelijke aandoeningen......

Uit onderzoek is overigens gebleken dat mensen die geblowd hebben beter autorijden dan mensen die 'clean' zijn....... In Nederland is de politie 'daarom' naarstig bezig blowers op de bon te slingeren, meer dan schandalig, daar cannabis lang in het bloed te zien is...... Er is ook geen flinter aan bewijs dat blowers zoals dronken rijders ongelukken veroorzaken en als dit wel zo is, blijken er altijd andere zaken mee te spelen, zoals het gebruik van psychofarmaca, zware pijnstillers (waarmee je belachelijk genoeg mag autorijden) en/of andere harddrugs.....

Ooit had Nederland een voortrekkersrol op het gebied van softdrugs, waar de miezerige kleingeestelijke hypocrieten van CDA en VVD een eind aan hebben gemaakt, te schandalig voor woorden!! Lui die wel zelf bijna dagelijks alcohol gebruiken.......... Gevolg van de jacht op softdrugs en de meer dan belachelijke wietpas: er zijn nu volop harddrugs op straat te krijgen als speed, chrystal meth, ketamine en andere vernietigende troep....... Terwijl ons eerdere gedoogbeleid ervoor zorgde dat we in vergelijking met het buitenland aanmerkelijk veel minder verslaafden hadden aan harddrugs als heroïne......

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Randi Nord en werd eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News:

Despite Big Pharma’s Heavy Lobbying, Cannabis Legalization Efforts in US Make New Gains

Marijuana ballot measures

November 08th, 2018

ANSING, MICHIGAN — While Democrats and Republicans went toe-to-toe for control of Congress, voters across three states voted to relax marijuana laws, resulting in a huge victory for the grassroots decriminalization and legalization movement.
With medical marijuana already legal in Michigan for several years, voters passed a ballot proposal on Tuesday to legalize recreational marijuana possession with 55 percent in favor of the measure. The measure made Michigan the first Midwestern state, and the tenth state within the U.S., to legalize recreational cannabis.
Efforts in Michigan paid off thanks to a group called Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like  Alcohol. Although the measure passed by a relatively wide margin, legalization faced stiff opposition from a group known as Healthy and Productive Michigan which seeks to push local municipalities to prohibit sales by focusing on the federal ban on cannabis.
The new laws, which are set to take effect in roughly ten days, allow Michigan residents 21 and over to possess, use, buy, and grow marijuana. The next step in terms of organizational efforts will focus on expunging the criminal records of anyone with non-violent marijuana possession charges. Between 20,000 and 24,550 people are arrested on marijuana-related charges in Michigan each year, with charges disproportionately targeting young black males.
Missouri and surprisingly Utah also passed cannabis-friendly ballot measures on Tuesday.
Missouri residents endorsed Amendment 2, which favors the cultivation of medical marijuana which would result in a 4% tax on all transactions. Unlike Michigan, Missouri faced relatively no opposition.
Key legislators in Utah reportedly planned to pass medical marijuana legislation regardless of Tuesday’s results thanks to overwhelming support from the Mormon church.
Unfortunately, North Dakota’s Measure 3 didn’t win over enough voters to pass, with nearly 60% voting against legalization legislation similar to Michigan’s. Measure 3 also would have expunged the records of citizens charged with non-violent marijuana offenses.
Who’s Behind the Push to Keep Marijuana Illegal?
Many industries have a vast financial interest in keeping marijuana prohibition laws on the books including pharmaceutical giants, alcohol lobbies, casinos, and the prison-industrial complex.
In Arizona, drug manufacturer Insys forked over $500,000 to a group advocating against legalization. Insys had recently gained FDA approval for a synthetic cannabinoid called Dronabinol and grew concerned that legalization efforts would damage its commercial success.
In Massachusetts, pro-legalization efforts face stiff competition from the alcohol lobby, which invested $75,000 to keep cannabis illegal in 2016.
Prison suppliers also worry that legalization could hurt their bottom line. Companies that supply correctional facilities with meals, consumer goods, phone access, clothes, and other items rely on non-violent crimes to keep jails and prisons overcapacity and boost profits.
Proponents of marijuana legalization and decriminalization argue that accessibility could reduce patient reliance on addictive opioids. To put things into perspective, 115 people die each day from opioid overdose.
Meanwhile, 88,000 people die from alcohol-related deaths in the United States each year, making alcohol consumption the third leading preventable cause of death in the country. More than 15 million Americans suffer from alcohol use disorder.
Despite its widespread abuse and danger, alcohol’s legality faces virtually no opposition from lobbying groups in the same way marijuana does. Indeed, profits seem to always outweigh safety and public health.
Top Photo | A young marijuana plant starts showing signs of flowering in a backyard home garden in Los Angeles, Nov. 5, 2018. Richard Vogel | AP
Randi Nord is a MintPress News staff writer. She is also co-founder of Geopolitics Alert where she covers U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East with a special focus on Yemen.

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'“VWS verlengstuk alcoholindustrie”' (Argos radiofragment)

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zaterdag 23 september 2017

Politie VS verwijderde naarstig bericht over 'grote drugsvangst......'

De politie van het Jasper Police Department in Missouri (VS) heeft vorige week een bok van enorm formaat geschoten: men ruimde 'een wietplantage' op en liet dit vol trots fotograferen. De politie plaatste e.e.a. op het internet, waaronder een fiks aantal reacties werden geplaatst van deskundigen die 'de vangst' herkenden in wat men in de V S 'hemp' noemt, ofwel hennep. In tegenstelling tot de cannabis die hier in koffieshops (wat een belachelijk woord eigenlijk) wordt verkocht, wordt je van de 'wiet' die deze agenten rooiden, amper of niet stoned, je moet er giga hoeveelheden van roken om iets te kunnen voelen, echter volgens mij is het dan meer de reactie van veel roken, die z'n (schadelijke) werk doet....... (bijvoorbeeld door het veel roken van deze hennep in combinatie met tabak, wat dan een nicotinevergiftiging oplevert)

Van de hennep die de politie van Jasper vond, kan men overigens veel nuttige zaken maken, zoals touw, kleding, papier en zeep.

Kortom 'het lijkt erop' dat de politie de pret voor een aantal sufferds heeft verpest, dit daar de politie beweert dat deze plantage werd bewerkt. Deze figuren dachten waarschijnlijk dat ze met wiet van hoogwaardige kwaliteit te maken hadden......... Ach, het scheelt hen in ieder geval heel veel joints roken, waar je amper of niet 'high'van wordt....... Zo bezien is deze mislukte drugvangst toch nog ergens goed voor! In de VS sterven in verhouding per dag nog meer mensen aan de gevolgen van alcoholgebruik dan de 12 in ons land, alcohol is dan ook de dodelijkste harddrug op aarde........ En toch maakt men jacht op andere drugs, die veelal via vuile deals met the Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) en de CIA het land binnenkomen........

Hier het bericht van Anti-Media dat ik gisteren ontving, daaronder nog een Anti-Media bericht dat vanmorgen werd verstuurd, let op de reacties op het internet die daarin te lezen zijn, mocht je wat somber zijn, hierna kan je dag niet meer stuk! Let wel het gaat hier m.n. om softdrugs, terwijl zoals gezegd alcohol een harddrug is!

Cops Delete FB Post of Massive ‘Weed’ Bust After the Internet Corrects Them

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Cops Delete FB Post of Massive ‘Weed’ Bust After the Internet Corrects Them
ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! 

September 21, 2017 at 1:07 pm
Written by Carey Wedler
(ANTIMEDIA) — Last week, officers from Missouri’s Jasper Police Department celebrated a marijuana bust they deemed worth roughly $100,000. In a now-deleted Facebook post, they disclosed their satisfaction with their operation, which took ten cops and sheriff’s deputies and a National Guard helicopter to conduct.

As the Riverfront Times noted (grabbing screenshots before the post was taken down):

“’What a great team effort today,’ the Jasper department’s now-deleted post read. ‘It was hot and humid and not easy getting these plants. We ALL got in the thick of things and got it done.’

The Times summarized the post’s sentiment:

In a curious bit of show-your-work math, the department calculated the nearly 290 plants seized would have produced — “on the low side” — 63 pounds of marijuana with a “street value” of roughly $100,000.”
But commenters were quick to point out an apparent flaw in the officers’ bust: it wasn’t cannabis they had seized, but hemp, they said. You can’t get high from smoking hemp, and the material can be used to create anything from clothing, soap, paper to sails, rope, fuel, and concrete, called “hempcrete.” It is both durable and sustainable.

That’s hemp,” one comment bluntly said, according to the Times, though the rest of the comments are not available to view because the original post has been removed. One of Missouri’s two entities allowed to grow hemp for certain medicinal purposes, Mitch Meyers of BeLeaf, said, “Sure looks like hemp to me.”

These look to me like wild hemp plants, because they are tall and without buds,” Show-Me Cannabis

Executive Director John Payne told the Times, which sent images of the confiscated plants to several experts. “That probably means that no one was actively cultivating them. If that’s the case, the street value of those plants is next to nothing.”

Many comments echoed similar sentiments, “as the post racked up hundreds of comments, among them mocking congratulations to cops for confiscating the raw material of natural fiber rope,” the Times reported.“Jasper Police, who cover an area about twenty miles northeast of Joplin, pulled the post on Wednesday morning.”

However, there is still some doubt as to whether the plants were hemp or cannabis. Dr. Jason Strotheide, founder of licensed hemp grower Noah’s Arc Foundation, said it is “nearly impossible to tell the difference between hemp and marijuana until late in flower.

Rusty Rives, police chief of the Lamar Police Department, which participated in raid stuck by the claim that it was weed. “I’m just looking at the picture,” he said. “but they look like marijuana plants to me.”
It doesn’t matter either way. Both are illegal in the state of Missouri despite nationwide efforts to legalize both marijuana and the hemp plant.

The Times had difficulty obtaining comment other officials involved, but by last Thursday, Jasper police chief Chad Karr responded, defending the Facebook post.

The goal, Karr says, was never to brag about a bunch of pot plants, but rather to serve notice to a suspected meth dealer operating in the area.” But the post reached many more people, accruing over 1,000 comments, Karr said, some of which were “abusive.”

As far as the “$100,000” estimation, “Karr says he tried to estimate conservatively. He admits he’s no expert when it comes to marijuana and doesn’t care to be.” However, he suggested the plants were not growing on their own, without human cultivation, because there were trails leading out to the field where they were confiscated.

Nevertheless, he claims cannabis is not an issue for him.

I think the misconception is we go to work to bust pot heads,” he said. “I personally do not. I know what the problem is — it’s opiates and methamphetamine.”

Hopefully, his sentiment will continue to grow among law enforcement, who are increasingly trolledwhen they boast of cannabis busts on social media. The Times reports that for now, it doesn’t appear any charges have been filed over the plants.


3 Times Cops Posted About Weed Busts on FB This Week and Instantly Regretted It

September 22, 2017 at 5:01 pm
Written by Carey Wedler
(ANTIMEDIA) — Drug warrior cops are having a rough week on social media. Police departments have taken to Facebook and other platforms to boast about drug busts, and in turn, they’re receiving strong pushback from internet users, particularly when cannabis is concerned.

From North Carolina and Ohio to Indiana, Missouri, and Texas, cops have been taking a beating.

On September 7, Lincolnton, North Carolina police posted a mugshot of a young man charged with PWISD (possession of a controlled substance with the intent to manufacture, sell or deliver) of marijuana, as well as “Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia” and “Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.” They estimated the street value of the confiscated drugs to be a whopping $200.

Though the post went relatively unnoticed for over a week, by Wednesday, both trolls and serious commenters had descended upon it. “’Don’t do drugs, it’ll ruin your life.’ That’s true, in most cases it’s the government that ruins that person’s life,” one Facebook user wrote in a comment that received over 1,000 likes.

The comments ranged from sarcastic to serious:

Facebook users also bombarded their ratings section, where users can review pages. Fox 46 Charlotte reported that “The Lincolnton Police Department went from a five-star rated department to a 2.1 rated star department over the course of a few days.”  In a post, the police boasted about the backlash:

If you read the one star reviews you will notice we are being attacked because we enforce the drug laws of North Carolina. So basically the pro-drug crowd is rating us one star for doing our jobs. We see this as a good thing.

Nevertheless, they ultimately removed their ratings system altogether.

Meanwhile, in Ohio, the state’s highway patrol posted on Facebook about a cannabis bust that yielded $3,000 and felony charges against two men. They wrote:

2009 Cadillac with Ohio registration was stopped for failure to display a front license plate. Criminal indicators were observed and a Patrol drug-sniffing canine alerted to the vehicle. A probable cause search revealed 600 grams of marijuana. “

Once again, trolls and concerned citizens flooded the page, leaving over 1,600 comments and calling the cops out for everything from stealing property to violating freedom and wasting resources chasing a plant (their page rating has dropped well below a 3.0). Still others called out the hypocrisy of the drug war and the dangers of legal drugs Some even questioned the philosophical and moral legitimacy of policing institutions all together:

Some mocked the cops:

Others were straightforward and blunt (no pun intended):

Some commenters defended the cops, claiming the fact that cannabis is illegal justified the bust or that the cops were just doing their job. Other commenters made sure to respond:

The same thing happened on a post from cops in Mt. Vernon, Indiana, where Posey County police seized “Over 50 pounds of marijuanaand, in turn, received an internet lashing:

One commenter claimed marijuana was killing her friend’s son, only to be shut down by a slew of pro-cannabis commenters:

In yet another post, on Friday, the Wharton County Sheriff’s Office in Texas claimed to have seized $25,000 worth of “alleged” drug money. After dissenters streamed onto their post, complaining that they stole a private citizen’s cash without even finding drugs, they evidently modified their post (see screenshots below), removing “alleged” and adding that the suspect had been arrested for money laundering.

Original post:
Edited post: 

Still, no evidence was presented, and in seven hours over 900 commenters had bombarded the post (some of the comments reflect the original post’s use of the term “alleged”:

When Anti-Media attempted to message the page for comment on what evidence they might have to warrant their actions, we received an “Action Blocked” notification (indicating they likely shut off private messages due to the spike in activity). Like Lincolnton police, they also appear to have removed their rating system (note the time in the upper right corner of each image):

These are just a few of the instances in which cops have received powerful pushback for bragging about enforcing a drug war much of the nation now believes is unwinnable. The increase in resistance has been largely assisted by at least one Facebook page: Liberty Memes. The libertarian page often posts about police brutality and misconduct, and last year made headlines when Facebook banned them over their anti-Hillary Clinton memes. According to their mission statement, Liberty Memes “uses memes to defend the libertarian principles of the rights to life, liberty, and property.”

The page has made a habit of sharing cops’ posts about drug busts and other controversial actions with their nearly 400,000 followers, providing a veritable alert system for those who want to express their opinions directly to the enforcement class.

As the page’s “Admin 2” told Anti-Media,”the intention is to very specifically get them to think twice about committing these actions, as they are in violation of their oaths and run contrary to a vast portion of public opinions.”

As the trend of trolling and confronting cops online grows, some departments have deleted comments, which experts say is unconstitutional. Several departments have been sued for doing so.  Still, in many cases, the comments are left intact. This aligns with guidance from PoliceOne, a website for law enforcement that advises officers to leave comments on their pages unless they contain profanity or other potentially actionable threats.

As demonstrated this week, the internet is increasingly calling out cops for cannabis busts, both sarcastically mocking them and sincerely pointing out the ethical and logical problems that come with violently arresting nonviolent people over a plant that is increasingly found to provide medicinal benefits. But as this week also shows, it appears cops have yet to listen.