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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label NPR (VS). Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label NPR (VS). Alle posts tonen

woensdag 18 september 2019

Yale: genetisch gemanipuleerde muggen overleven en planten zich voort in natuur

Ongelofelijk weer: in Brazilië zijn genetisch gemanipuleerde muggen vrijgelaten in de natuur, i.p.v. de hele populatie steriel te maken en daarna uit te laten sterven, overleefden een aantal gentech muggen en die kunnen zich zelfs voortplanten...... Volgens deskundigen is dit gevaarlijk daar de nakomelingen wel eens heel sterk zouden kunnen zijn en een nog grotere muggenplaag worden (met grotere ziekteverspreiding)

Op een Frans eiland en op Saba heeft het bedrijf Oxitec genetisch gemanipuleerde muggen vrijgelaten als bestrijding van gevaarlijke lokale muggen..... Ook in Florida is een groot aantal muggen uitgezet, wel van een ander bedrijf en dat in 2016 en 2017, waar een jaar later muggen werden gevonden die een virus overdragen dat de hersenen doet zwellen......

Onbegrijpelijk dat men deze Frankenstein experimenten toestaat..... Overigens wist Oxitec dat een klein aantal muggen zouden overleven, echter er moest een prestatie geleverd worden en wel zo snel mogelijk......

Sommige wetenschappers stellen dat het wel heel toevallig is dat het zika-virus in 2016 de kop opstak, na een eerder gevoerd experiment met gentech-muggen die op grote schaal werden losgelaten........

Daarover gesproken in de VS is het de laatste maanden af en aan bal over de ziekte van Lyme, overgedragen door teken, waar men stelt dat het Pentagon heeft geprutst aan teken, om ze als wapen in te zetten.....

Nogmaals: niet te geloven dat men dit soort experimenten toestaat......

Het volgende artikel over deze zaak werd geschreven door Aaron Kesel en werd eerder geplaatst op ActivistPost en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Yale Study: Wild Mosquitoes Retained Genes of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

September 15, 2019 at 9:03 am
Written by Aaron Kesel

(AP) — In Brazil a genetic engineering test of mosquitoes appears to have failed, with genes from the mutant mosquitoes now mixing with the native population, Nature reported. This comes as mad scientists in the U.S. are finding they are getting bitten back by messing with nature after running their own program to genetically modify mosquitoes.

The experiment involved a company called Oxitec which took male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and genetically engineered them to have a dominant lethal gene. The idea was first proposed in 2016, according to an article by Science Magazine that discussed the plans to release the GM insects.

According to the hypothesis when the genetically modified mosquitoes mated with wild female mosquitoes, the gene was supposed to drastically cut down the number of offspring they produced. Further, the few that were born should have been too weak to survive a long period of time.

A team of Yale students then studied the genomes of both the GM strain and the wild species before the release, then again six, 12 and 27 to 30 months after the release began.

Around 450,000 modified males were released in Jacobina, Brazil every week for 27 months straight, totaling tens of millions, according to the Yale study.

Sure enough, by the end of the test there was clear evidence that genes from the transgenic insects had been incorporated into the wild population. Although the GM mosquitoes only produce offspring about three to four percent of the time, it seems that those that are born aren’t as weak as expected. Some appear to make it to adulthood and breed themselves.

In theory, if the experiment worked it would have cut down the population of mosquitoes in an area estimated up to as much as 85 percent. This of course if successful would translate to fewer bug-borne diseases, like — dengue, yellow fever, Zika, and malaria in humans and animals alike.

However, that’s not what the final results were according to Yale University. Yale explains that some of the native bugs, they found, had surprisingly retained genes from the engineered mosquitoes; and even worse, the experiments made them more resilient.

According to New Atlas there are now three different strains of mosquitoes mixed together in Jacobina and other places of Brazil.
The bugs in the area are now made up of three strains mixed together: the original Brazilian locals, plus strains from Cuba and Mexico – the two strains crossed to make the GM insects. This wider gene pool could make the mozzies more robust as a whole.

The claim was that genes from the release strain would not get into the general population because offspring would die,’’ Jeffrey Powell, senior author of the study said. “That obviously was not what happened.”

Other researchers released genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes in a controlled environment, into a high-security laboratory in Terni, Italy earlier this year, NPR reported.

Another research firm called Target Malaria research consortium also released 6,400 GM mosquitoes in West Africa, Burkina Faso, this year, which was condemned by the Civil Society, a group of organizations. The tests were funded by organisations linked to the Gates Foundation, Facebook, and – indirectly – the Pentagon, as part of a project to eradicate malaria, The Guardian reported.
The release of GM mosquitoes in the village was an unethical experiment, as Target Malaria acknowledges that there are no direct benefits to the local population of this particular GM mosquito release, in terms of malaria control. This was not an early stage trial of the GM mosquitoes intended to be tested later for their impact on malaria, but a release of an entirely different GM mosquito.
Thus, there was no justification for making the releases. According to the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki, which is based on the Nuremberg Code and outlines the internationally agreed ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects, such research “may only be conducted if the importance of the objective outweighs the risks and burdens to the research subjects” (Article 16).
Indeed, the release of the GM mosquito in Burkina Faso poses risks, including the incidental release of some biting female GM mosquitoes during the experiments.
While Target Malaria claims that the number will be small, nevertheless, since GM female mosquitoes can bite humans and spread disease, the release of biting females still poses some risk to local people.[ii]

Yale’s study is especially alarming because here in the U.S. the same company Oxitec was approved in the U.S. by the Food Drug Administration (FDA) in 2016, to genetically modify mosquitoes to fight against the Zika virus. This trial allowed the release of mosquitoes in the state of Florida for testing purposes in Key Haven, Monroe County.

Oxitec also obtained funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop the GM insects. It’s worth noting that Bill Gates has said just this year that “mosquitoes are the number one killer.”

Gates also released a swarm of mosquitoes on an unsuspecting audience at a TED conference in 2009 to prove a point.

But Oxitec’s experiments don’t end in the U.S. and Brazil, the lab was also approved to release its hellish X-Files like mosquitoes in France and the Netherlands in 2017.

Christoph Then for TestBiotech commented about the study stating,
The Oxitec trials have led to a situation that is largely out of control. The company has released its patented insects although it was known before that some insects could survive in the environment. The expectations of their investors were more important than the protection of health and the environment. There is no insurance and no fast-track mechanism to prevent severe damage in a worst-case scenario.
This incident must have consequences for further applications of genetic engineering. Preventing the spread of genetically engineered organisms within natural populations has to become a priority.

Florida isn’t the only state that we may have to worry about releasing GM mosquitoes. In 2017 it was reported that the EPA officially registered another company named MosquitoMate’s Asian Tiger mosquito with a five-year license to sell their lab mosquitoes in as many as 20 states, Nature reported.

In 2017, that same year, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that mosquitoes carrying disease could invade as much as 75% of America in a paper published in the Journal of Medical Entomology. Last year, the CDC stated that the number of illnesses caused by mosquito, tick, and flea bites has tripled in the United States over the last 13 years, CBS reported.

It’s of particular interest to express that a mosquito-borne virus that causes brain swelling and can be fatal in humans was recently detected in Florida, according to the Florida Department of Health in Orange County. It may be a coincidence, but the research by Yale indicates that it may not be, but this was after Florida released GM mosquitoes in 2017-2018.

After being bitten by an infected mosquito, it takes four to 10 days to develop symptoms of the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In severe cases involving brain inflammation, symptoms start with the sudden onset of headache, high fever, chills, and vomiting. The infection can then progress, causing disorientation, seizures, and coma, Yahoo News reported.

If that’s not enough, in 2018, the first reported mosquito-borne disease called the Keystone virus was thought only to be transmitted to animals, but jumped to infect humans according to doctors.

Where there have been negative results, there have also been positive results achieved by researchers at London’s Imperial College using “gene drive” technology to successfully eradicate a whole population of malaria-carrying mosquitoes in their lab by making the insects infertile.

However, as Hellen Wallace wrote in Scientific American in 2011, “the release of genetically modified (GM) insects should follow a precautionary approach, because what appears well understood in the lab can have unintended consequences when released on a large scale into the environment.”

It’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time that GM mosquitoes has come into question in Brazil. In 2016, the Mirror reported in a brave headline: “Was Zika outbreak caused by release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil?”

The Mirror wrote the following that mirrors Yale’s study.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito sub-species that carries both the Zika virus and dengue was the type targeted with genetically modified mosquitoes.
The aim was to release only male Aedes mosquitoes into the wild and they would in turn produce offspring with their virus carrying female counterparts.
This offspring would then die off before breeding again due to the GM coding in their genes.

Ironically, the Mirror further noted that the first cases of Zika were seen in Brazil in 2016 with “up to 1.5 million people thought to be affected by the virus” after the first GM experiment.
Perhaps screwing with nature isn’t the brightest of ideas as scientists could inadvertently without knowledge or in the cases of government programs —  like Project 112, Operations Drop Kick, Big Buzz, May Day, Whitecoat, Big Itch and Bellweather, be creating or modifying deadly diseases that could haunt our future. As Sarah Laskow writing for Atlas Obscura stated, “While Brazil Was Eradicating Zika Mosquitoes, America Made Them Into Weapons.”

As Activist Post reported in July, United States House members expressed concern in a bipartisan vote that the Pentagon may have unleashed biological weapons or entomological warfare in the form of ticks or other insects that caused the spread of Lyme disease. So what’s stopping anyone from maliciously genetically modifying the ticks’ cousin mosquitoes as a bioweapon? Not much.
If you are concerned about being bitten by mosquitoes, the CDC recommends to avoid being bitten you should wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers, stay in places with air conditioning or that use window and door screens, use insect repellents approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and treat your clothing with an insecticide.

donderdag 21 februari 2019

Trump en Bolton bedreigen openlijk de familie van Venezolaanse militairen

De psychopathie van de Trump administratie kent werkelijk geen grenzen meer, afgelopen maandag hebben Trump en Bolton de familie's van Venezolaanse militairen bedreigd, tenminste als ze niet snel de fascist Guaidó steunen.......

Gewoon openlijk laten horen wat bijvoorbeeld de maffia in het geniep doet: chantage en in deze met (misdadige) bedreiging van militairen behorend tot een soeverein land, ofwel deze militairen worden bedreigd met VS terreur...... Hoe is het mogelijk?? Ach gelul, de VS heeft al heel lang geleden laten zien geen middel onbenut te laten als het een VS onwelgevallige regering weg wil hebben...... Niet voor niets dat de VS vanaf het eind van WOII tot nu meer dan 22,5 miljoen mensen vermoord*, waaronder een enorm aantal kinderen........

De VS deed dit o.a. door:
  • economische oorlogsvoering tegen landen die niet de hielen likken van de VS... Waarna onvrede vanwege tekorten aan levensmiddelen en medicijnen onder de bevolking tot een opstand moeten leiden, zie Venezuela
  • het van meet af aan opzetten van opstanden, die tot een coup moeten leiden, zoals de VS dat in Syrië heeft gedaan, waarvoor in 2006 de eerste fundamenten werden gelegd
  • het direct organiseren van een coup als de vorige twee niet leiden tot het gewenste resultaat, waarbij officieren van het leger worden omgekocht en later als leiders worden geparachuteerd door de VS. Waar in het geval van Oekraïne, een van te voren geselecteerd persoon werd uitgezocht, die de macht na een geslaagde coup moest overnemen, in dit geval de zwaar corrupte neonazi Porosjenko..... De coup in Oekraïne is zoals bekend geslaagd, die grap kostte de VS een slordige 4 miljard euro; hoofdverantwoordelijken >> hare kwaadaardigheid H. Clinton en 'vredesduif' Obama.....
  • het vermoorden van oppositie of leden van een regeringspartij (net hoe het uitkomt) en dat middels geheime militaire-CIA acties....
  • het vermoorden van verdachten middels drones, waarbij meer dan 90% van de vermoorden niet eens werden verdacht, dus veelal vrouwen en kinderen.......
Lees het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Caitlin Johnstone, eerder gepubliceerd op haar website en verbaas je net als ik over de uitermate gewelddadige bedreigingen van ronduit een stel psychopathische moordenaars en oorlogsmisdadigers:

Trump Administration Threatens Families Of Venezuelan Military

Today, President Trump presented Venezuela’s military officers with a choice – work for a democratic future for all Venezuelans or see the financial circle close for their families and loved ones,” tweeted US National Security Advisor John Bolton today following a Miami speech by the president.
If you know anything about John Bolton, you just know he typed “noose” first instead of “circle”.
This would be the same John Bolton, for the record, who once threatened to murder an international official’s children for obstructing his attempts to manufacture support for the Iraq invasion which killed a million human beings and plunged the region into terrorism and chaos. A man named José Bustani was the director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in early 2002, during which time The Intercept reports he came under fire for having too much success in diplomacy with the Iraqi government, which undermined the case for an invasion. So Bolton attempted to scare him off.

From The Intercept:

Cheney wants you out,” Bustani recalled Bolton saying, referring to the then-vice president of the United States. “We can’t accept your management style.” 
Bolton continued, according to Bustani’s recollections: “You have 24 hours to leave the organization, and if you don’t comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you.”
There was a pause. 
We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.”
And now we see this same psychopath threatening to starve and impoverish the families of a sovereign nation’s military with economic warfare if they don’t facilitate a coup by the most violent government on earth in the most oil-rich nation on the planet. All in the name of spreading Freedom and Democracy™, of course.

Today, President Trump presented Venezuela’s military officers with a choice - work for a democratic future for all Venezuelans or see the financial circle close for their families and loved ones.

Bolton, who was in attendance at the president’s speech, gave a more direct and honest summary of what was happening than the one Trump’s speechwriters fed him:
We seek a peaceful transition of power, but all options are open,” Trump said of the US-led Venezuela coup agenda. “We want to restore Venezuelan democracy, and we believe that the Venezuelan military and its leadership have a vital role to play in this process. If you choose this path, you have an opportunity to help forge a safe and prosperous future for all of the people of Venezuela. Or you can choose the second path: continuing to support Maduro. If you choose this path, you will find no safe harbor, no easy exit, and no way out. You will lose everything.”
This would be the same President Trump, for the record, who just hours earlier tweeted about “an illegal coup attempt on the President of the United States,” regarding statements made by former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe that there had been discussions among top officials at the Justice Department and the FBI about possibly using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. This same man who is outraged about an attempt to oust him early on in his administration using laws and bureaucracy has no qualms about ousting the government of a sovereign nation using starvation sanctionsCIA ops, an aggressive campaign to delegitimize Maduro, and now outright threats to the nation’s military personnel.

Trump has also been tweeting furiously about the “lies” McCabe told about him, who wrote the following in his new book about a 2017 Oval Office meeting:

Then the president talked about Venezuela. That’s the country we should be going to war with, he said. They have all that oil and they’re right on our back door. He continued on, rambling and spitballing about whatever came to mind.”

I am sure that McCabe is as much of a deceitful sleaze as every other FBI boss, but that part at least sounds truthful.

Page 136 of McCabe's new book, recounting a 2017 Oval Office meeting: "Then the president talked about Venezuela. That’s the country we should be going to war with, he said. They have all that oil and they’re right on our back door."

For the rest of Trump’s speech he very tediously introduced all his loyal sycophants backing his Venezuela agendas, he bloviated repeatedly about the horrible horrifying terror of socialism, he kept referring to Venezuela’s elected leader as “Dictator Maduro” and some rando that fewer than one in five Venezuelans had even heard of until last month as “President Guaidó”, he tossed out nonsensical red herrings about Venezuela being controlled by Cuba, and he repeated his administration’s braindead talking point about the Venezuelan government refusing to let in US “humanitarian aid”, which the Red Cross, the UN, and even war-happy NPR** recognize as a transparent ploy to foment regime change.

These are the people you’re meant to believe are the “good guys” coming to the rescue, America. The guys who threaten to kill the families of officials if they aren’t given their way. The guys who threaten to starve the families of military officials who don’t turn on their government and kill anyone who tries to stop them. The guys who pick mass murder facilitator Elliott Abrams to spearhead Venezuela’s transition to Freedom and Democracy™. The guys who helped murder a million Iraqis and plunge us into a new era of military expansionism and Orwellian surveillance. Those guys.
Sometimes it’s hard to say what’s more frustrating: the fact that these deadly imperialist regime change power grabs keep happening, or the fact that people keep buying the same tired old stories that are used to sell them.

Thanks for reading! My articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypalpurchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish.

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Hoe is het mogelijk dat de VN niet onmiddellijk heeft geprotesteerd bij de VS over deze dreiging met terreur tegen de militairen van een soeverein land..??!!!

* Hier nog 'wat' voorbeelden van VS geweld, of beter gezegd terreur:
'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' (tot het jaar 2000, intussen is het aantal moorden opgelopen tot meer dan 22,5 miljoen......)

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

** NPR: National Public Radio (zogenaamd onafhankelijk)


'Venezuela: VS bedrijf dat wapens smokkelde is gelinkt aan CIA 'Black Site' centra'

'Congreslid Ilhan Omar fileert het monster Elliot Abrams, de speciale gezant van de VS voor Venezuela'

'Venezuela zou humanitaire hulp weigeren, het echte verhaal ziet er 'iets anders' uit' (180 graden anders, wel te verstaan)

'Venezuela >> de media willen het socialisme definitief de nek omdraaien'

'BBC World Service radio >> fake news and other lies about Venezuela' (bericht van dit blog)

'Joel Voordewind (CU 2de Kamer) bakt de 'Venezolaanse vluchtelingencrisis' op Curaçao wel erg bruin en van Ojik (GL 2de Kamer) schiet een Venezolaanse bok'

'Venezolaanse verandering van regime bekokstoofd door VS en massamedia'

'Guaidó is een ordinaire couppleger van de VS, e.e.a. gaat volledig in tegen de Venezolaanse constitutie'

'Venezuela >> regime change: 'de 12 stappen methode' die de VS gebruikt'

'Venezuela >> VS economische oorlogsvoering met gebruikmaking van o.a. IMF en Wereldbank'

'VS couppleger in Venezuela belooft VS Venezolaanse olie als hij de macht heeft overgenomen'
Pompeo: US Military Obligated to “Take Down” the Iranians in Venezuela
(de opgeblazen oorlogshitser en oorlogsmisdadiger Pompeo beweert dat Hezbollah werkzaam is in Venezuela en daar een leger heeft dat gezien zijn woorden amper onder doet voor de gezamenlijke NAVO troepen... ha! ha! ha! Ook hier is totaal geen bewijs voor deze belachelijke beschuldiging...)

'Halliburton en Chevron hebben groot belang bij 'regime change' in Venezuela'

'Mike Pence (vicepresident VS) gaf Guaidó, de door de VS gewenste leider, groen licht voor de coup in Venezuela'

'VS coup tegen Maduro in volle gang........'

'Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Pompeo Speech on Venezuela'

'Venezuela’s Military Chief, Foreign Allies Back Maduro'

'Als de VS stopt met spelen van 'politieagent' en het vernielen van de wereld, zullen de slechte krachten winnen......'

'Venezuela: VS verandering van regime mislukt >> de Venezolanen wacht een VS invasie'

Vast Majority of Democrats Remain Silent or Support Coup in Venezuela

'Trump wilde naast de economische oorlogsvoering tegen Venezuela dat land daadwerkelijk militair aanvallen......'

'Venezolaanse regionale verkiezingen gehekeld door westen, terwijl internationale waarnemers deze als eerlijk beoordeelden..........'

'Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare'

'Venezuela: de anti-propaganda van John Oliver (en het grootste deel westerse massamedia) feilloos doorgeprikt'

'Venezuela: 'studentenprotest' wordt uitgevoerd door ingehuurde troepen.........'

'Abby Martin Busts Open Myths on Venezuela's Food Crisis: 'Shelves Fully Stocked'' (zie ook de video in dat artikel!)

'Rex Tillerson waarschuwt Venezuela voor een coup en beschuldigt China van imperialisme........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Edwin Koopman (VPRO Bureau Buitenland) over Venezolaanse verkiezingen met anti-Maduro propaganda bij de 'onafhankelijke NOS.....'

'EU neemt uiterst hypocriet sancties tegen de Venezolaanse regering Maduro.........'

'Venezuela ontwricht, wat de reguliere media u niet vertellen........'

'VS steunt rechtse coalitie (MUD) in Venezuela.........'

'The Left and Venezuela' (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)

'Venezolaanse regering treedt terecht op tegen de uiterst gewelddadige oppositie!!'