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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label PSYOPS. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label PSYOPS. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 4 juli 2018

MEK, een Iraanse terreurorganisatie werd door Clinton van de terreurlijst verwijderd en de VS 'wens' tot Iraanse 'regime change'

Caitlin Johnstone heeft op Steemit een artikel gepubliceerd over de anti-Iran hysterie in de VS, met speciale aandacht voor het feit dat MEK, een Iraanse terreurgroep, die bejubeld wordt door de Trump-administratie, van de terreurlijst werd gehaald door niemand minder dan Hillary 'killary' Clinton!

Johnstone wordt nogal aangevallen door Trump aanhang over haar Iran publicaties en kritiek op de Trump administratie, vandaar deze publicatie waarin ze stelt dat het Trump-'beleid' t.a.v. Iran levensgevaarlijk is..... Johnstone noemt o.a. de sancties van de VS tegen Iran n.a.v. de op geen legitieme basis gebaseerde terugtrekking van de VS uit de Iran-deal*, waar deze sancties het volk zullen uithongeren en hen zo tot een opstand 'dwingen.....' Waar de CIA ook nog eens met geheime acties bezig is in Iran...... (eenzelfde scenario voltrekt zich in Venezuela, waar de NAVO intussen een Colombiaanse basis heeft in de buurt van het grensgebied met Venezuela.....)

Caitlin Johnstone stelt dat het onverantwoord is te denken dat de VS tegelijk opzettelijk chaos kan veroorzaken in Iran en daarbij zoveel controle kan uitoefenen dat zaken niet uit de hand lopen, waar het aanneemt dat het Iraanse volk de controle zal houden over de situatie (in Iran).......

Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) of Iraanse Volksmoedjahedien: werd in 2012 door Clinton van de lijst met terreurgroepen gehaald, terwijl deze bloeddorstige organisatie naast een aantal VS burgers, duizenden Koerden en Iraniërs heeft vermoord......... Deze MEK wordt zoals gezegd nu bejubeld door de Trump-administratie en Trump aanhangers......

Voorts schrijft Johnstone over het 'fenomeen' QAnon, een psychologische operatie waarmee men de populistische achterban van Trump in het kamp van 'regime change' voor Iran wil leiden...... Kritiek wordt afgedaan als Qanon zou juist mensen stimuleren uit te zoeken hoe de Deep State werkt en dus tegenovergesteld zijn aan belangen van de Trump administratie..... Echter de praktijk laat zien wat Jonhnstone heeft geconstateerd.....

Zie hoe een volgend smerig en gewelddadig spel van de VS tot een opstand in Iran moet leiden, een opstand die moet resulteren in een staatsgreep, ongeacht de kosten in menselijke levens..... Vergeet niet dat eerdere sancties van de VS tegen Irak hebben geleid tot de dood van 500.000 kinderen in dat land......

De zo door de 'onafhankelijke' westerse reguliere pers en politici gelauwerde oorlogsmisdadiger Madeleine Albright, verantwoordelijk voor die sancties tegen Irak, die de dood van zoveel kinderen veroorzaakte, durfde een paar jaar geleden keihard te zeggen dat de tol onder Iraakse kinderen het doel waard zijn geweest..... Waar de illegale oorlog van de VS tegen Irak in 2003 intussen al tot de moord op meer dan 1,5 miljoen Irakezen heeft geleid..... Kortom de VS zal nog jarenlang de twijfelachtige eer behouden, de grootste terreurentiteit op onze kleine aarde te zijn......

That Time Hillary Clinton Removed John Bolton’s Favorite Terror Cult From The Terrorist List

caitlinjohnstone (64) in hillaryclinton •  20 hours ago

I just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder of the fact that the MEK, an Iranian cult of highly suspicious funding which is beloved by Trump insiders like John Bolton and Rudolph Giuliani for its extremely vocal pro-regime change agenda, was removed from the US State Department's list of designated terrorist organizations by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I point this out because I've been butting heads with the pro-Trump faction of my readership quite a bit lately about this administration's dangerous escalations against Iran, including starvation sanctions explicitly geared toward provoking unrest following America's withdrawal from the Iran deal, as well as escalated CIA covert ops. There is no legitimate reason to believe that this administration can simultaneously (A) deliberately stir up chaos in Iran while also (B) maintaining so much control of the situation that it can keep things from getting out of hand, while also (C) making sure control of the situation remains in the hands of the Iranian people, as many faithful Trump supporters have confidently assured me. These are nonsensical, intrinsically contradictory beliefs, and I figure my best shot at getting people's skepticism up to a sane level is to throw a monkey wrench in their partisan loyalties by pointing out that Hillary Clinton helped advance the same agendas.

So here it is. In 2012, despite its having actually killed Americans in acts of terrorism along with thousands of Kurds and Iranians, the bloodthirsty Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) were removed from the list of terrorist groups by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following the recommendation of stalwart deep state lackeys like ex-CIA directors James Woolsey and Porter J Goss, former FBI director Louis J Freeh, former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean, Obama National Security Advisor James L Jones, and George W Bush’s homeland security secretary Tom Ridge, as well as current Trump administration employees John Bolton and Rudolph Giuliani.

Whenever I say that the pro-Trump, pro-regime change 8chan phenomenon known as QAnon is an establishment psyop designed to herd the populist right into supporting neoconservative establishment agendas, Q enthusiasts always come at me telling me it's a purely beneficial and healthy thing.

"How can Q be bad, Caitlin?" they ask. "All he does is ask questions and encourage us to
do our own research to expose the deep state for ourselves!"

Well, normally doing your own research and asking questions is a good thing, and there's nothing inherently wrong with digging up information about the corrupt financial ties of Democrats and Never-Trumpers. But that's all the anonymous 8chan user ever directs followers to look into: Trump's political enemies and targets. If they were legitimately interested in exposing the mechanics of the unelected power alliance known as the deep state, it would be an entirely bipartisan ordeal since the deep state controls both parties. And the Trump administration's ties to the MEK are just the sort of rabbit hole Q enthusiasts would be exploring.

But they don't. The only rabbit holes they ever explore are ones which strengthen their conviction that all of Trump's warmongering and his coziness with deep state swamp monsters like John Bolton are actually brilliant strategic maneuvering against the deep state. I've been sincerely informed many times by Trusting Q enthusiasts that Julian Assange is no longer at the Ecuadorian embassy, that Trump's illegal Syria strikes actually took out a secret Iranian nuclear facility, that the deep state controls Iran currently, and that it used to control North Korea and Saudi Arabia as well until Trump liberated them.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump is advancing longstanding deep state agendas using longstanding deep state tactics. If I still have any readers left who are QAnon enthusiasts, I challenge you to put the MEK in your research crosshairs for a while and see what you find.

One year ago, the actual, literal psychopath who would soon be named Trump's National Security Advisor appeared at an MEK rally and declared that the cult was a "a viable opposition to the rule of the ayatollahs."

"I had said for over 10 years since coming to these events, that the declared policy of the United States of America should be the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime in Tehran," Bolton proclaimed. "The behavior and the objectives of the regime are not going to change, and therefore the only solution is to change the regime itself. And that’s why, before 2019, we here will celebrate in Tehran!”

These sentiments were echoed with remarkable similarity this past weekend by Trump's lawyer Rudolph Giuliani at another MEK event in Paris.

The mullahs must go, the ayatollah must go, and they must be replaced by a democratic government which Madam Rajavi represents,” Giuliani said in reference to MEK cult leader Maryam Rajavi, adding, "Freedom is right around the corner … Next year I want to have this convention in Tehran!”

On the latest protests in Iran, his comments got even creepier:

Those protests are not happening spontaneously,” Giuliani said. “They are happening because of many of our people in Albania and many of our people here and throughout out the world.”

Again, the lawyer for the President of the United States was addressing the MEK terror cult when he said this, and that terror cult has a training compound in Albania. If it had come out in a WikiLeaks document that this sort of thing had been said by an Obama lawyer to an audience of Al Nusra fighters in Syria, Trump supporters would have shaken the earth about it. But it was said out in the open by the lawyer for the current sitting president, and is going mostly ignored for purely partisan reasons.

In a 12-minute presentation titled "Meet the MEK: Washington's Favorite Terror Cult", the phenomenally lucid conspiracy analyst James Corbett said the following:

"Since the US occupation of Iraq in 2003, the strategic value of an Iranian group willing and capable of performing attacks and destabilization efforts has been seen as strategically important to the West, which has been desperate to curb Iran's quest for Middle Eastern predominance in the post-Saddam power vacuum."

That about sums it up right there.

As I've been saying all year, Plan A for the US-centralized empire is not to do to Iran what was done to Iraq; Plan A is to do to Iran what was done to Libya and Syria. It's important to be clear on this so we know what to watch for. The modern approach to destroying a noncompliant government is to use sanctions, propaganda, covert ops and alliances with extremist factions to plunge the disobedient nation into chaos, all of which this administration is currently doing. This is far more efficient and media-friendly than a full-scale ground invasion and the regular deliveries of flag-draped coffins which necessarily come with it. The antiwar movement needs to adapt skillfully to opposing a form of warfare which relies more on drones and CIA ops than the traditional forms of conventional warfare, because they are just as deadly and devastating, as a swift glance at Libya and Syria makes evident.

You'd think for all their perfectly justified hatred of Obama's warmongering, the populist right would do a better job of spotting those exact same patterns re-emerging in the current administration, especially when some of those patterns involve a group Hillary Clinton herself took off the US terrorist list.

What's up with that, my MAGA** brothers and sisters? You guys love Hillary all of a sudden? Is she "based" now?

Let's get real. The two-headed one-party system has found yet another way to undermine humanity, and Trump is just as much a part of it as his predecessors. Look at the whole truth, so you can fight the whole machine. Half-truths are the same as lies.

Internet censorship is getting pretty bad, so best way to keep seeing the stuff I publish is to get on the mailing list for my website, so you’ll get an email notification for everything I publish. My articles and podcasts are entirely reader and listener-funded, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, checking out my podcast, throwing some money into my hat onPatreon or Paypalor buying my book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

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Mijn excuus voor de verminkte Twittterberichten, krijg het niet op orde, zie het origineel.

*  Waar westerse bedrijven uit de EU niet anders kunnen dan gehoorzamen aan de VS dictaten, daar zij anders vervolgd zullen worden door de VS en het zakendoen in een flink aantal landen buiten de VS wel kunnen vergeten..... De EU keft nog aan de zijlijn, echter aan de macht van de VS kan en wil het niets doen........

** MAGA: Make America Great Again.

Zie ook:
'Rudy Giuliani viert het sterven van Iraniërs en stelt desondanks dat het Iraanse bewind door de VS geweldloos zal ondergaan.......'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

'With Veiled Regime Change Threats, Trump and NeoCons Blasted for Exploiting Iran Protests'

'Warmonger Called Out on Live TV After Pretending to Care About Iranian Protesters'

'Iraanse protesten gezien door de propaganda bril van de VS en de rest van het westen........'

'Iran: moderne oorlogspropaganda ingezet door VS tegen 'ongehoorzaam land...''

dinsdag 2 mei 2017

Nepnieuws (fake news) gebracht door MISOC, ofwel het leger van de VS beïnvloed journalistiek en bevolking in binnen- en buitenland.............

Op 28 april jl. ontving ik een artikel van Anti-Media met aandacht voor het 'Military Information Support Operations Command' (MISOC), een herbenoeming van het in ongenade gevallen 'Psychological Operations (PSYOP).

Volgens Aaron Nelson, de schrijver, is MISOC continu bezig de smerige streken die de VS in het buitenland uithaalt, zoals grootschalige terreur uitoefening middels illegale oorlogvoering, aan het publiek (en media) uit te leggen als geweldige daden t.g.v. de mensheid.

MISOC heeft een heel scala aan methoden, om bevolkingen psychologisch te manipuleren met nepnieuws (of 'fake news' wat u wilt), dat men als de enige waarheid uitvent........

Lees dit artikel mensen, het is een scherpe analyse van de manier waarop ook wij dagelijks bedonderd worden, immers de reguliere media in ons land (en de rest van 'het westen') doen niet anders dan de VS leugens herhalen, neem de illegale oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en nu weer Syrië. Hetzelfde geldt voor Oekraïne: de opstand en coup tegen de democratisch gekozen regering Janoekovytsj werd door de VS (Hillary Clinton) opgezet, gefinancierd (met 4 miljard dollar!!) en van anti-Janoekovytsj / anti-Russische propaganda voorzien.....

Propaganda die al vanaf de opstand in Oekraïne, door de reguliere media hier als zoete koek werd geslikt en overgenomen........ Zo schreef men destijds over de Oekraïense president Janoekovytsj, dat deze corrupt zou zijn, nu blijkt dat de door de VS geparachuteerde couppleger Porosjenko wel 100 keer zo corrupt is, hoor je daar amper of niets over in de reguliere media....... Deze schoft Porosjenko heeft Oekraïne aan de rand van faillissement gebracht en heeft kapitalen (aan belastinggeld) verkregen van o.a. de EU t.b.v. de opbouw van de Oekraïense economie, voor een groot deel doorgesluisd naar buitenlandse bankrekeningen (ook in ons land..)......

Je kan concluderen dat wij geen Nederlands MISOC nodig hebben, ten eerste daar de reguliere media alles overnemen, wat de VS regering en het Pentagon (via MISOC) te zeggen hebben. Ten tweede daar militairen hier alle kans krijgen, om wat ze maar willen ventileren, dit zonder enige kritiek kunnen doen op tv, radio en in kranten en tijdschriften, waarna men deze topgraaiers uit het leger nog vriendelijk bedankt op de koop toe........

MISOC: The U.S. Military’s Secret Brand of Fake News

MISOC: The U.S. Military’s Secret Brand of Fake News

April 28, 2017 at 5:03 pm

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) PSYOP/MISOC targets foreign governments, groups, and individuals. The government program is similar to journalism, a mode of communication that spreads information, but often spins the narrative, according to Colonel Curtis D. Boyd, Chief of Staff of the JFK Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, who gave a lecture on “The MISTRY* of PSYOP: Putting MISO in Perspective” in 2011.

The mission of the Military Information Support Operations Command (MISOC) is to influence enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces into holding favorable opinions and/or taking complementary actions regarding ongoing operations by the United States and its allies.

Senior ranking U.S. military leaders have so distorted the truth when communicating with the U.S. Congress and American people in regards to conditions on the ground in Afghanistan that the truth has become unrecognizable, ” Lt. Col. Daniel Davis told Democracy Now! in 2012.

Before his death, Michael Hastings was one of the first to obtain Lt. Col. Davis’s 84-page report and published it in Rolling Stone magazine.
In February 2012, Hastings was quoted in regard to the report:

I think it’s one of the most significant documents that we’ve seen from an active-duty Army officer in terms of how they view the war in Afghanistan, even the war in Iraq. You can look at this as a significant document about the last 10 years of conflict in America. And it’s not so much as what Colonel Davis is saying, though that’s very important, too. It’s the fact that you have a 17-year Army veteran, who’s done four tours—two in Afghanistan and two in Iraq—who has decided to risk his entire career—because he has two-and-a-half more years left before he gets a pension—because he feels that he has a moral obligation to do so.”

MISO manipulates their targets into distributing information using logic, fear, desire, and other mental factors to trigger desired emotions, attitudes, or behaviors. It is vital for MISO communicators to fully comprehend how the target population acts, thinks, and communicates.

In 2010, the unpopular Psychological Operations field was rebranded as Military Information Support and Operations. PSYOP = MISO. The unit, which currently operates under U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), is comprised of less than 3,000 members. MISO activities are built upon the idea that human will is shaped by information, beliefs, and perceptions.

While speaking to Business Insider about the enactment of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, Lt. Col. Daniel Davis described MISOC’s overall objective of influencing target audiences to hold favorable opinions of the U.S. and its allies by using modes of communication similar to journalism:
In context, Colonel Leap is implying we ought to change the law to enable Public Affairs officers to influence American public opinion when they deem it necessary to ‘protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will.’”

In the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, the use of psychological operations through propaganda on U.S. civilian populations was legalized. This type of information warfare comes in the form of propaganda approved by the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
Per the SF Gate:

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 appears to serve this purpose by allowing for the American public to be a target audience of U.S. government-funded information campaigns.

Lt. Col. Davis also quotes Brigadier General Ralph O. Baker — the Pentagon officer responsible for the Department of Defense’s Joint Force Development — who defines Information Operations (IO) as activities undertaken to ‘shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience.’

Last month, a pair of Military Information Support Operations (MISO) instructors from Special Operations Command Forward Northwest Africa provided training to a small group of Moroccans in Tifnit, Morocco. This opportunity was only possible because of Exercise Flintlock 2017, which involved more than 2,000 military personnel from 24 African and western nations.

To conduct good [information operations], good MISO, you need an overall end state for what you’re trying to accomplish,” said the MISO element leader to Joel Harding. “Engaging the people — getting them the proper amount of information, the right information, through whatever means they receive the information from—showing them we’ll back up what we say with what we’ll do, they’ll, in turn, trust us or the host nation government.”

A MISO communicator must understand exactly what they are trying to communicate before engaging with a target they seek a connection to, in addition to where and how that information exchange should take place. An optimized audience analysis is critical for successful MISO actions. In order to be effective, MISO-trained personnel must be experts when it comes to current events, history, culture, linguistics, and socio-political characteristics of their intended audience.

MISOC Capabilities:

The EC-130J Commando Solo: Inside The Air Force’s Secret Psyops Plane
Consider any modern U.S. military operation, and chances are that the Air Force’s EC-130J Commando Solo MISOC plane was nearby attempting to influence the minds of the civilians below.

What exactly does the EC-130J Commando Solo do? The U.S. Air Force uses the Lockheed aircraft in support of psychological operations for MISOC. The specially-modified four-engine Hercules transport is tasked with conducting Military Information Support Operations (MISO) and civil affairs broadcasts in radio, television, and military communications bands.

How has the Lockheed EC-130J Commando Solo been modified? The aircraft has received enhanced navigation systems, self-protection equipment, air refueling capabilities, and the ability to broadcast their own signal over AM and FM radio, UHF and VHF television bands, or override broadcast stations on the ground on all worldwide standards. The 193rd Special Operations Wing operates a fleet of three of these EC-130J aircraft.

They have quite literally been converted into flying radio and television stations.
Trump April 26th AM Radio Broadcasts From September 2016

A recent internet conspiracy involving two AM radio broadcasts recorded on video in New Jersey and one in Iowa from September 2016 warned of what appeared to be an imminent attack on Washington D.C. Is this how a MISO operation might look to an ordinary civilian? Could conspiracy theories and numerous strange ‘coincidences’ be manipulated to trigger desired emotions, attitudes, or behaviors in a target audience? Are we suggesting this is what actually occurred? Certainly not. It is impossible to verify without behind-the-scenes access. However, such a tactic seems to match MISOC capabilities and strategy.

Could this AM radio broadcast have been a trap set in the battlefield of modern media information operations orchestrated by MISOC? Who knows.

Now here’s where things get weird…

On April 26th, we tracked an EC-130J Commando Solo plane on radar taking off from an airfield just north of Harrisburg, PA. The Air Force’s secret psyops plane then flew to Niagara Falls, lowered altitude, and circled the area multiple times. This occurred during a massive nuclear attack drill (Operation Gotham Shield) surrounding New York City, in addition to a massive Washington D.C. terrorism drill.

Throughout the day, we also tracked the following military aircraft:
Boeing 747-200B (Air Force One) Boeing E-4B Nightwatch (Doomsday Plane) Boeing C-32A (Air Force Two, VP and First Lady) Boeing E-6B Mercury (New Doomsday Plane) Boeing C-32B AFSOC (Terror Response, CIA Activities)

What was the EC-130J Commando Solo doing circling Niagara Falls at a low altitude? Before we get too far ahead of our ourselves, yes, what we witnessed on radar was also observed by civilians on the ground.

Could the U.S. government be running drills to someday broadcast their own signal over AM and FM radio — or UHF and VHF television bands — by overriding broadcast stations on the ground using the EC-130J Commando Solo when the next major terrorist attack, or perhaps an EMP, takes place? Or are they already doing so?

Could it be that these military aircraft were rehearsing U.S. plans for a doomsday situation? Ironically, or perhaps not, the United States launched an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile off the coast California on the very same day — during escalated tensions with North Korea.

MISO carries out missions for the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), and USASOC’s job is to synchronize planning of global operations against terrorist networks.
Military Information Support Operations (MISO), previously known as Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), uses themes and messages to reach target audiences in order to influence their emotions, motives, reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.” – Reaching The Target Audience, a thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command.

If MISOC is manipulating targets into spreading information about ongoing operations using only logic, fear, desire, or other mental factors to trigger specific emotions, attitudes, or behaviors of U.S. civilian populations, this is exactly how it could be done. This is how it has already been done in foreign countries.

Have Americans fallen victim to themselves, being psychologically manipulated by their own government into an unknown end goal? A massive campaign USASOC has tasked MISOC with carrying out by using the current events, culture, history, news websites, conspiracy theories, and socio-political characteristics of their intended target audience?

Just as important to understanding NS propaganda is the importance of conducting a thorough Target Audience Analysis (TAA). The process of understanding a target audience is critical to determining if your Target Audience is susceptible and capable of being influenced. If a MISO operator does not understand the depth of an individual’s condition, concerns, fears, ambitions, and vulnerabilities, then MISO will not be effective. It is hoped that this document will assist in a more analytical formulation of Target Audience Analysis concepts, plans, programs, themes, and messages that can be synchronized effectively with national policy and commander’s mission. MISO can have an incredible impact on a populace if it is planned, synchronized, and conducted properly.” – Reaching The Target Audience, a thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command.

Is that how Donald Trump became president? Why the former executive chair of Breitbart News walks the halls of the White House? And why Alex Jones has become a household name and is friends with President Trump?

Opinion by Aaron Nelson / Creative Commons Anti-Media Report a typo

Zie ook: 'Journalist Michael Hastings werd vermoord met autobom.........'

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