gezeur over de relatie van Trump met 'pornoster' Stormy Daniels kwam van 2 juli 2017 tot 2 juli 2018 maar liefst 455 keer terug in de MSNBC berichtgeving, tegen 0 keer de VS steun aan de genocide die de Saoedische coalitie in Jemen uitvoert.........
is het wel, immers MSNBC doet niets liever dan Trump demoniseren, wat
wil je nog meer als je ziet dat hij een genocide tegen de sjiitische
bevolking van Jemen steunt, zowel militair als middels leveringen van rollend en vliegend oorlogstuig, plus 'natuurlijk' de levering van wapens en
munitie....... Ach zo vreemd is het nu ook weer niet, immers MSNBC is
o.a. grootlobbyist voor het militair-industrieel complex en zoals je
weet dat complex draait op zoveel mogelijk oorlog, om de winsten voor
de aandeelhouders zo hoog mogelijk te houden.......
het artikel van Adam Johnson, hieronder overgenomen van Anti-Media, echter wel met een kleine aantekening: Johnson
stelt dat onder Trump de bemoeienis met Jemen veel agressiever is
dan onder Obama, echter onder Obama is de steun voor de genocide
begonnen en onder Obama werden de clusterbommen geleverd die
Saoedi-Arabië heeft afgeworpen op
Jemen...... Onder Obama begon de VS met het in de lucht bijtanken van
de bommenwerpers en straaljagers van de Saoedische coalitie, zodat deze zo efficiënt mogelijk de enorme oorlogsmisdaden konden en kunnen uitvoeren.....
hebben speciale troepen van de VS onder Obama meerdere keren
ingegrepen op Jemenitische bodem en nam de VS de regie over de
bombardementen voor haar rekening (om nog maar te zwijgen over de het grote aantal moorden in Jemen middels drones*, ook dat werd onder Obama geïntensiveerd...).... Gezien het voorgaande heeft Trump amper
meer gedaan dan op de Jemenitische winkel letten........
In One Year, MSNBC Covered Stormy Daniels 455 Times, War in Yemen 0

24, 2018 at 11:42 am
by Adam
Why is the No. 1 outlet of alleged anti-Trump #resistance completely ignoring his most devastating war?
FAIR has noted before (1/8/18, 3/20/18),
to MSNBC, the
carnage and destruction the US and its Gulf Monarchy allies are
leveling against the poorest country in the Arab world is simply a
July 2, a year had passed since the cable network’s last segment
mentioning US participation in the war on Yemen, which has killed in
excess of 15,000 people and resulted in over a million
cases of cholera.
The US is backing a Saudi-led
bombing campaign with
intelligence, refueling, political cover, military hardware and, as
of March, ground
None of this matters at all to what Adweek (4/3/18)
calls “the network of the Resistance,” which has since its last
mention of the US’s role in the destruction of Yemen found time
to run
over a dozen segments highlighting
war crimes committed by the Syrian and Russian governments in Syria.
way of contrast, as MSNBC was
marking a year without mentioning the US role in Yemen, the PBS
NewsHour was
running a three-part
series on
the war, with the second part (7/3/18)
headlined, “American-Made Bombs in Yemen Are Killing Civilians,
Destroying Infrastructure and Fueling Anger at the US.”
The NewsHour’s
Jane Ferguson reported:

PBS NewsHour (7/3/18) examining the remains of US-made cluster bombs in Yemen.
aerial bombing campaign has not managed to dislodge the rebels, but
has hit weddings, hospitals and homes. The US military supports the
Saudi coalition with logistics and intelligence. The United States it
also sells the Saudis and coalition partners many of the bombs they
drop on Yemen.”
MSNBC chat
show/Starbucks commercial Morning
Joe did
run one segment (4/25/18)
that vaguely mentioned the war on Yemen, but failed to note the US’s
role in it at all, much less that Washington is arming and backing
the conflict’s primary aggressor. Instead, they did the perverse
inversion––previously mastered by Washington
Jackson Diehl (FAIR.org, 6/27/17)—of
not only ignoring the US’s major role in killing thousands, but
painting the US as a noble haven for refugees. The schlocky segment,
an interview with writer Mohammed Al Samawi, was a shallow mixture of
“interfaith” pablum, poverty porn and self-congratulations to the
US for taking in refugees (without, of course, acknowledging that
they’re seeking refuge from a crisis the US has created).
a bit more context, in the time period of July 3, 2017, to July 3,
2018, MSNBC dedicated
zero segments to the US’s war in Yemen, but 455
segments to Stormy Daniels.
This isn’t to suggest the Stormy Daniels matter isn’t
newsworthy—presidential corruption is per se important. But one has
to wonder if this particular thread of venality is 455 stories more
important than Trump aggressively supporting a war that’s killing
hundreds of people a month, injuring thousands, and subjecting
millions to famine and cholera. Did MSNBC editors,
poring over the latest academic foreign policy literature, really
come to the conclusion Trump’s war in Yemen isn’t important? Or
is MSNBC simply
fueled by partisan Russia dot-connecting and stories that allow them
to say “porn star” as much as possible?

What seems most likely is MSNBC has found that attacking Russia form the right on matters of foreign policy is the most elegant way to preserve its “progressive” image while still serving traditional centers of power—namely, the Democratic Party establishment, corporate sponsors, and their own revolving door of ex-spook and military contractor-funded talking heads (3/26/18). After all, Obama backed the war on Yemen—though not nearly as aggressively as Trump has—and it’s difficult to make a coherent left-wing, anti-war criticism when the current Republican in office is simply carrying out your guy’s policy, but on steroids.
any event, it’s not like any Yemenis are going to pull ads, turn
down appearances, or phone Comcast higher-ups
complaining. So, who cares? To be poor and brown—to say nothing of
not serving the immediate partisan interests of the Democratic
party—is evidently to not matter much in the eyes
of MSNBC producers and on-air talent.
* Aanvallen met drones op mensen die worden verdacht van zaken die de VS niet zinnen, het gaat dus niet om ter dood veroordeelden!! Waar meer dan 90% van de dodelijke slachtoffers door deze standrechtelijke executies niet eens werden verdacht! Zoals je begrijpt bestaat het overgrote deel van deze vermoorde en niet verdachte (burger-) slachtoffers uit vrouwen en kinderen, ronduit een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid die strafrechtelijk vervolgd zou moeten worden door het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) in Den Haag.........