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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label S.B. Hernandez. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label S.B. Hernandez. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 25 februari 2017

Sara Hernandez, vluchteling uit El Salvador, nu al 475 dagen in detentie

Kreeg gisteren een oproep van Amnesty International (VS) om mee te werken een een telefoonactie om Sara Beltran Hernandez vrij te krijgen.

Sara ontvluchtte huiselijk geweld en misdaadbendes in El Salvador, maar op haar vlucht voor haar leven, werd Sara door de VS autoriteiten gevangengezet, i.p.v. dat haar asiel werd verleend....... Ze zit nu al 475 dagen in detentie en heeft dringend medische hulp nodig, die haar deels wordt ontzegd.........

Let wel: Sara werd opgesloten onder het bewind van Obama, 'de mensenrechten respecterende vredesduif...' (voor de niet regelmatige bezoeker: dit is uiterst sarcastisch bedoeld)

Leve de beschaving anno 2017!!

Hier het verhaal van AI en de manier waarop u (eventueel) kan helpen:

Free Sara, A Young Mother Jailed by Immigration Officials

You’ve been hearing about President Trump’s new immigration policies in the U.S. – and today I’m writing to ask for your urgent help on behalf of Sara Beltran Hernandez, a 26-year-old mother of two from El Salvador who is fighting for her freedom.

Back in El Salvador, Sara suffered serious physical and psychological domestic violence, including sexual abuse. Sara also received death threats from a gang leader and gang members who are believed to have killed people in the past.
I knew [the gang leader] would not stop until she killed me.” —Sara Beltran Hernandez
Sara fled this violence and abuse and sought asylum in the U.S. Instead of treating her with compassion and considering her claim, U.S. immigration authorities imprisoned Sara in a detention facility in Texas, where she’s been held for 15 months.

URGENT: Call U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement now to demand that Sara be released.

 Sara has been in a U.S. jail since she arrived 475 days ago. After she collapsed in jail earlier this month, Sara was transferred to a hospital, where she says a doctor told her she had a brain tumor. For several days, Sara’s lawyer and family were denied access to Sara or information about her condition, including medical records. Sara has now been transferred back to a detention center.

As President Trump’s aggressive immigration orders begin to be implemented, we must do everything we can to ensure protection for people fleeing violence, like Sara. We are working to ensure that people with asylum claims are given a fair hearing and are not treated like criminals while their cases are processed.

Help Sara now: she must be released and given the treatment she needs.

Thank you for taking action,

Margaret Huang

Executive Director
Amnesty International USA


Hier de tekst die bij de telefoonactie vermeld staat. Als u zich geroepen voelt, bel dan met de autoriteiten en vraag om haar onmiddellijke vrijlating. Onderaan vindt u een voorbeeld gesprek en daarboven wordt uitgelegd wat u moet doen:

Sara Beltran Hernandez is a 26-year-old mother of two from El Salvador who is fighting for her freedom.
According to her affidavit in support of her claim for asylum, back in El Salvador, Sara suffered serious physical and psychological domestic violence, and was sexually abused. Sara also received death threats from a gang leader and gang members who are believed to have killed people in the past.
Fearing for all their lives and unable to turn to the police, Sara fled to the U.S. to seek asylum with her family.

Sara has been detained in U.S. jails since she arrived 15 months ago. Sara is suffering from a serious medical condition which requires immediate medical attention.
As President Trump's aggressive immigration orders continue, we will fight to ensure that people with asylum claims are given a fair hearing, and that they are not treated like criminals while their cases are processed. We must do everything we can to ensure protection for people fleeing violence, like Sara.

It only takes 5 minutes to help — we must call on the authorities to release Sara to get urgent medical care she needs. Here's how:
  • Enter your number in the box below, and you will be connected to I.C.E.
  • Urge them to release Sara for parole on humanitarian grounds — you can follow our suggested script below.
  • Once connected press 2 to be connected to the Detention Duty Office
Phone Number:  

Below is a suggested script:

Hello, I am calling with Amnesty International USA on behalf of Sara Beltran Hernandez, A#: 208-548-384. I am calling to demand that Sara is immediately released on parole, pending the resolution of her asylum claim. Sara fled El Salvador seeking asylum and protection from life-threatening gang violence and domestic abuse. Now she has been held in detention for over 475 days and needs medical attention. Please immediately release Sara on parole and ensure that she receives urgently needed medical attention. Thank you.


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