Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

zondag 30 mei 2021

Israëls propaganda verhaal wordt steeds minder geloofwaardig: wereldwijd groeit de kritiek

Caitlin Johnstone heeft sinds de gewelddadigheden van Israël tegen de Palestijnen (terecht) meerdere artikelen geschreven over deze bloedige agressie, waarbij ze zich ook in haar laatste artikel richt op Israëls propaganda verhaal waarmee deze gestolen staat de westerse media en politiek decennialang wist te overtuigen van haar gelijk, slachtofferschap en niet te vergeten haar zogenaamd terecht bloedige optreden tegen de Palestijnse minderheid, waar Israël wat betreft dat laatste het westen wist te overtuigen dat de Palestijnen een gelijkwaardige partij zijn, iets wat uiteraard te zot is voor woorden, maar die desondanks graag werd (en nog steeds maar al te vaak wordt) geslikt door westerse media en politiek....

Abraham Foxman, de ex-directeur van de Joodse niet gouvernementele rechtse organisatie Anti-Defamation Leaugue >> ADL (een organisatie die zich richt tegen demonisering van Joden) heeft zijn abonnement op The New York Times (NYT) opgezegd, daar hem een voorpagina foto in het  verkeerde keelgat schoot: op die foto waren een groot aantal foto's van door Israël vermoordde Palestijnse kinderen te zien, wat hij beoordeelde als antisemitisme, door te stellen dat dit een duidelijk geval was van 'blood libel' (bloedschuld), ofwel het antisemitische cliché dat Joden kinderen van anderen vermoorden (in vroegere tijden aangevuld met het verhaal dat Joden niet Joodse kinderen en baby's doden t.b.v. rituelen >> natuurlijk totaal belachelijk en een uitermate achterlijke demonisering van Joden)...... 

Echter Foxman vergeet dat Israël met opzet woontorens en flats heeft platgegooid, waarin zich ook kinderen bevonden, dit nog naast het feit dat Israël er geen moeite mee heeft om tijdens demonstraties van Palestijnse op ongewapende mensen te schieten, waarbij zelfs kinderen niet worden ontzien en worden vermoord....... En nee, dit is niet te vergelijken met de demonisering van Joden zoals we dat in Europa maar al te vaak hebben gezien, ook in het Nederland van voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog...... Foxman heeft zich in feite pissig gemaakt dat een mediaorgaan als NYT voor het eerst de menselijke kant van Palestijnen heeft laten zien, waar dit orgaan in het verleden vooral pro-Israëlische propaganda bracht.....

Foxman vergeet dat we in de tijd van smartphones leven en iedereen die dit wil foto's en video's kan nemen/maken, die men bijna tegelijk de wereld over kan zenden, dus zonder dat er censuur of andere maatregelen kunnen worden genomen die dit tegengaan...... Niet voor niets ook dat Israël na de laatste arrestatie van 2 Palestijnse journalisten er nu 13 in 'administratieve hechtenis'* vasthoudt..... Een ander teken waaraan je kan zien dat Israël haar vooral op het westen gerichte propaganda verhaal verliest zijn de Israëlische aanvallen op 20 Palestijnse persbureaus en het opblazen van de kantoren van de internationale nieuwsorganen AP en Al Jazeera, tijdens de oorlog die Israël tot een week geleden tegen vooral de Palestijnen in de Gazastrook voerde...... In feite een zinloze (censuur) noodgreep daar zoals gezegd iedereen met een smartphone beelden kan maken van de gruwelijkheden die Israël heeft aangericht in de Gazastrook. 

Het zal me gezien het voorgaande dan ook niet verbazen als Israël bij een volgende oorlog tegen de Palestijnen, alle masten voor mobiele telefonie in de Gazastrook zal platgooien, ook al kan deze fascistische apartheidsstaat daarmee niet voorkomen dat er alsnog foto's en video's gemaakt kunnen worden, die na reparatie van die masten alsnog de wereld over zullen gaan....... Uitermate lullig is dat je daarbij moet bedenken dat wanneer de Israëlische oorlogsmachine tot staan is gebracht, de interesse van de westerse wereld voor de laatste oorlog snel zal verdwijnen, zoals dat gebruikelijk is..... 

Vooralsnog is het bemoedigend te zien dat de westerse wereld zich steeds meer het lot aantrekt van het bloedig onderdrukte Palestijnse volk, ook al gaat dat m.i. veel te traag. 

Lees het artikel van Caitlin, die dieper op deze zaak ingaat en zegt het voort, de hoogste tijd dat het hele westen ontwaakt en ziet hoe Israël een minderheid zo bloedig onderdrukt........(en zoals al vaker op deze plek opgemerkt: e.e.a. heeft niets met antisemitisme te maken, elk ander land dat zo met een minderheid omgaat moet aan de paal worden genageld!!)

Israel Narrative Management Is Getting Incredibly Desperate And Brazen

by Caitlin Johnstone 

Listen to a reading of this article:

The National Director Emeritus for the Anti-Defamation League has announced on Twitter that he is cancelling his subscription to The New York Times, claiming that a front-page story featuring the photos of children killed in Israel's assault on Gaza this month constitutes "blood libel" against Jews.

"I am cancelling my subscription to NYTimes," tweeted Abraham Foxman. "I grew up in America on the NYT- I delivered the NYT to my classmates- I learned civics- democracy and all the news 'fit to print' for 65 years but no more. Today’s blood libel of Israel and the Jewish people on the front page is enough."

Foxman's statement drew criticism from all corners, including from reliable establishment pundits like Jonathan Chait, for his ridiculous assertion that merely humanizing Palestinian children killed by Israel is the same as promoting the ancient antisemitic canard known as blood libel.

To be clear, what has incensed the former leader of the @ADL is that the @nytimes, after decades of trivializing Palestinian death, has humanized our children by showing their faces & printing their names. 

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Supporters of Israeli apartheid and mass murder are losing control of the narrative, which has led to redoubled perception management efforts ranging from the cringey to the iron-fisted. In the former category we're seeing them pen entire articles attacking Seth Rogen for tweeting a fart emoji at virulent Israel apologist Eve Barlow and claiming that putting "fart" in Barlow's name is the same as a literal pogrom. In the latter category they're blowing up entire press offices and arresting Palestinian journalists. This is narrative management at its least subtle.

From a new statement by Reporters Without Borders:

"Two Palestinian journalists were arrested by Israeli security forces in Jerusalem yesterday and were placed in administrative detention today, bringing the total now held administratively by the Israelis to 13. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns Israel’s misuse of administrative detention to hound Palestinian reporters."

"Administrative detention" is one of the many apartheid abuses which Israel has come under criticism for employing, as Israel-based +972 Magazine explained last year:

According to human rights group B’Tselem, as of September 2020, Israel is holding 376 Palestinians, including two minors, in administrative detention. Israel uses administrative detention to indefinitely detain Palestinians (and on extremely rare occasions Jewish extremists) without charge or trial. Administrative detention orders, handed down by the IDF commander in charge of the occupied West Bank, are reviewed every six months, but the detainees are not told what crimes they are being accused of, nor shown the evidence against them.

According to lawyers who defend Palestinian detainees, administrative detentions are almost always based on “confidential material” handed over ex parte to the courts by the Shin Bet, to which the detainees themselves and their lawyers have no access. As a result, it is virtually impossible to defend oneself against an administrative detention order.

Israeli forces just arrested two Palestinian journalists from Sheikh Jarrah:

Wahbi Makiya and Zeina Al-Halawani

Embedded video

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(voor de video in bovenstaand Twitterbericht zie het origineel)

Before the Gaza ceasefire last week Israel managed to deliberately blow up over 20 offices for Palestinian media outlets, as well as the tower hosting the international outlets AP and Al Jazeera.

"The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today," AP president and CEO Gary Pruitt said in a statement after the building was destroyed.

Which, of course, is the whole idea: for the world to know less about what happens in Gaza. The Israeli government has a decades-long history of threatening and targeting journalists in order to exert control over the public narrative about what happens under its rule, and as that narrative slips from its grip we are seeing this pattern ramp up with greater and greater aggression.

"Rather than reduce the cruelty, the Israeli government keeps trying to reduce accurate news coverage," Antiwar's Norman Solomon writes. "The approach is a mix of deception and brutality. Blow up the cameras so the world won’t see as many pictures of the atrocities."

The Israeli authorities will keep the journalists arrested in Sheikh Jarrah last night in jail for 5 more days before trial.

This is a clear message: attempt to document & expose Israel’s colonial violence, you will be punished with incarceration & silencing.

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As Alan MacLeod wrote in Mintpress News, the Overton window has shifted on Palestine. During 2014's far more deadly Israeli attack on Gaza we saw a low-level local Democratic official sparking outrage and scandal by merely posting “Palestine <3” on Facebook, now you have words like "apartheid" being routinely used by mainstream media outlets and national US political figures to describe Israeli abuses of the Palestinian people.

People are simply becoming too conscious of the Palestine issue to tolerate its existence as a taboo subject anymore, even in the most mainstream circles of discussion. The old tactics of silencing and marginalizing Palestinian rights advocates simply do not work anymore, and politicians and pundits can no longer get away with painting themselves as progressive-minded humanists without acknowledging the brutal and unjust nature of Israeli occupation.

Palestine is simply not a third rail anymore, and it's been this way for a while now. By the time I started doing commentary in late 2016 people were still saying you'll be smeared as an antisemite and dragged through the mud if you criticize Israel, but my experience this entire time has been that I get a lot more vitriol and attacks coming my way by criticizing US imperialist agendas toward nations like Russia, China, Syria and Venezuela than by criticizing the Israeli government. There's pushback to be sure, but it's not nearly as vituperative as what I'm used to.

The Israel Narrative Is Crumbling Because Of Phone Cameras And The Internet

There are only so many viral videos of unconscionable acts that can be dismissed with "Actually this is way more complicated than it looks." 

The Israel Narrative Is Crumbling Because Of Phone Cameras And The Internet

Listen to this article: "Twenty-four people, including nine children, were killed in Gaza overnight, most of them in Israeli strikes," reads a new report from AP. Nine children, killed with the help...

829 people are talking about this

This last attack on Gaza was just the ignition of a powder keg in shifting public sentiment that had been building for several years, and it hasn't been due to any top-down effort at perception steering by the establishment narrative managers, but by ordinary people sharing ideas and information and moving the Overton window of acceptable debate through sheer force of will.

The fact that this can be done makes one wonder in what other ways we can collectively move the narrative in a way that benefits ordinary people instead of the oligarchic empire of the US and its allies. This is an exciting time to be alive.


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Caitlin Johnstone | May 29, 2021 at 12:21 pm | Tags: Gaza, israel, narrative, Palestine, Sheikh Jarrah | Categories: Article, News | URL:

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* Administratieve hechtenis: het vasthouden van mensen zonder enige rechtsgang en zonder dat men hiertegen in verzet kan gaan middels een advocaat >> men houdt deze mensen vast op basis van geheime informatie, die nocht de arrestant, noch diens advocaat mogen inzien.... Israel houdt zo zelfs kinderen vast..... 

Zie voor een constante stroom aan berichten uit Israël (eigenlijk: Palestina) en zaken die te maken hebben met de ongelijke strijd daar ook het Twitteraccount van Sarah Wilkinson.

Zie ook: 'Israël vermoordde doelbewust journalisten' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Israël schiet alweer doelbewust op journalisten, westerse collega's onverschillig' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'De verkoop van dood en verderf: de VS is alweer dominant in de verkoop van wapens'

'Biden administratie heeft verkoop van $ 735 miljard aan wapens voor Israël goedgekeurd, net na de zoveelste massamoord op Palestijnen'

'Israël heeft 2 Palestijnse topartsen vermoord, de toegangswegen naar ziekenhuizen gebombardeerd en een kinderkliniek deels vernield'

'Het bombarderen van steden, ook in de Gazastrook, is verboden onder de Martens Clausule'

'Rondje Palestijnen schoppen op de landelijke radiozenders van Nederland, Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië'

'Israël massamoordt door en Palestijnen zijn een niet gelijkwaardige partij'

'Instagram moet stoppen met censuur op berichten over huisuitzettingen in een wijk van Oost-Jeruzalem waar Palestijnen al vele generaties wonen'

'De pogroms van fascisten tegen Palestijnse burgers is het gevolg van decennia wegkijken door westerse staten en de VS in het bijzonder'

'Palestijnse familie wordt uit huis gezet: heeft eerder familie van Joodse professor geholpen'

'Zionisten houden pogrom in Oost-Jeruzalem'

'Racistisch-fascistische aanvallen op Palestijnen in Israëlisch-Palestijnse stad Kafr Qasim'

'Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Are Its Latest Neo-fascist Thugs' (een opiniestruk van Gideon Levy)

'Israëlische 'rechter' wijst directeur Human Rights Watch het totaal absurde 'democratische' land uit' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

zaterdag 29 mei 2021

De verkoop van dood en verderf: de VS is alweer dominant in de verkoop van wapens

April dit jaar heeft het Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) haar jaarlijkse rapport gepubliceerd over de wereldwijde wapenhandel en weer (zoals altijd) is de VS de grote winnaar....... Tussen 2016 en 2020 heeft de VS 37% van de totale wapenleveringen over de wereld voor haar rekening genomen, bijna 2 keer zoveel dan Rusland, haar concurrent op dit gebied en meer dan 6 keer zoveel dan China, de door de VS gebombardeerde vijand 'van de dag'.

Voor de 28ste keer in de laatste 30 jaar is de VS dus de winnaar in de verkoop van dood en verderf, dit onder elke administratie of die nu Republikeins dan wel Democratisch* was, er is dan ook geen analist van de wapenhandel die opkijkt van de conclusie die het SIPRI heeft getrokken.....

Met de grootschalige verkoop van wapens houdt de VS ook conflicten elders in stand en bevordert zelfs conflicten (als de VS daar al niet zelf mee bezig was.....) Neem Israël, de VS heeft sinds de illegale oprichting van die staat maar liefst 236 miljard dollar (in 2018 herberekend met medeneming van inflatie) aan economische en wapenhulp geboden...... Ook het laatste platgooien van de Gazastrook is mede te danken aan wapenleveranties van de VS aan dat gestolen land....... 

Wapenleveranties aan dictaturen als die van Saoedi-Arabië (S-A), Egypte, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE) en de Filipijnen dragen bij aan enorme ellende die met VS wapens worden aangericht, zoals de genocide op de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen..... De Saoedische terreurcoalitie, bestaande uit o.a. S-A, de VAE zijn zeker wat betreft deze 2 verantwoordelijk voor het bewapenen van terreurgroepen als Al Qaida en ISIS, die overigens ook meermaals direct zijn bevoorraad door de VS zelf....... 

De genoemde landen zijn nog maar een paar voorbeelden, zo houdt de VS ook foute regeringen in Latijns-Amerika in het zadel met grote wapenleveranties, zoals die in Honduras, dat een waar terreurbewind voert tegen de arme oorspronkelijke bewoners en andere armen in dat land........ Deze mensen vluchten dan ook in grote getale naar de VS, terwijl de VS hen niet wenst op te nemen, waar deze grootste terreurentiteit ter wereld zelf de voorwaarden heeft geschapen waarom men daar op de vlucht slaat...... De VS geeft zelfs technische en wapenhulp hulp aan landen als Mexico om de zuidgrenzen te controleren en dicht te houden voor vluchtelingen (om nog maar te zwijgen over de schandelijke behandeling van vluchtelingen in de VS, zoals het scheiden van ouders en kinderen, wat overigens ook al gebeurde onder Obama en het opsluiten van mensen en kinderen in gevangenissen die alles weg hebben van concentratiekampen......) 

Biden beloofde voor en kort na zijn aantreden de VS wapenexport aan banden te leggen, echter van die beloften is niets terechtgekomen, niet vreemd overigens als je bedenkt dat Biden al mede verantwoordelijk was voor VS wapenexport toen hij fungeerde als vicepresident onder Obama....... Nee, onder Biden zal er ook op dit gebied niets veranderen.......

William Hartung heeft op geschreven (door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House >> ICH) waarin hij dieper ingaat op de wapenhandel van de VS, wat dit veroorzaakt aan ellende en wie er van profiteert, zoals je begrijpt vooral wapenfabrikanten van de VS en de spuugrijke figuren met aandelenpakketten in die doodsindustrie. 

Selling Death: America Dominant Again (in Arms Sales)

And Again… and Again… and Again

By William Hartung

May 28, 2021 "Information Clearing House" - 56562.htm


In April of this year, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published its annual analysis of trends in global arms sales and the winner — as always — was the U.S. of A. Between 2016 and 2020, this country accounted for 37 percent of total international weapons deliveries, nearly twice the level of its closest rival, Russia, and more than six times that of Washington’s threat du jour, China. 

Sadly, this was no surprise to arms-trade analysts.  The U.S. has held that top spot for 28 of the past 30 years, posting massive sales numbers regardless of which party held power in the White House or Congress. 

This is, of course, the definition of good news for weapons contractors like Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, even if it’s bad news for so many of the rest of us, especially those who suffer from the use of those arms by militaries in places like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates.  The recent bombing and leveling of Gaza by the U.S.-financed and supplied Israeli military is just the latest example of the devastating toll exacted by American weapons transfers in these years.

While it is well known that the United States provides substantial aid to Israel, the degree to which the Israeli military relies on U.S. planes, bombs, and missiles is not fully appreciated. According to statistics compiled by the Center for International Policy’s Security Assistance Monitor, the United States has provided Israel with $63 billion in security assistance over the past two decades, more than 90 percent of it through the State Department’s Foreign Military Financing, which provides funds to buy U.S. weaponry.  But Washington’s support for the Israeli state goes back much further. Total U.S. military and economic aid to Israel exceeds $236 billion (in inflation-adjusted 2018 dollars) since its founding — nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars.

King of the Arms Dealers

Donald Trump, sometimes referred to by President Joe Biden as “the other guy,” warmly embraced the role of arms-dealer-in-chief and not just by sustaining massive U.S. arms aid for Israel, but throughout the Middle East and beyond.  In a May 2017 visit to Saudi Arabia — his first foreign trip — Trump would tout a mammoth (if, as it turned out, highly exaggerated) $110-billion arms deal with that kingdom. 

On one level, the Saudi deal was a publicity stunt meant to show that President Trump could, in his own words, negotiate agreements that would benefit the U.S. economy. His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a pal of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), the architect of Saudi Arabia’s devastating intervention in Yemen, even put in a call to then-Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson. His desire: to get a better deal for the Saudi regime on a multibillion-dollar missile defense system that Lockheed was planning to sell it. The point of the call was to put together the biggest arms package imaginable in advance of his father-in-law’s trip to Riyadh.

When Trump arrived in Saudi Arabia to immense local fanfare, he milked the deal for all it was worth. Calling the future Saudi sales “tremendous,” he assured the world that they would create “jobs, jobs, jobs” in the United States.

That arms package, however, did far more than burnish Trump’s reputation as a deal maker and jobs creator.  It represented an endorsement of the Saudi-led coalition’s brutal war in Yemen, which has now resulted in the deaths of nearly a quarter of a million people and put millions of others on the brink of famine. 

And don’t for a second think that Trump was alone in enabling that intervention. The kingdom had received a record $115 billion in arms offers — notifications to Congress that don’t always result in final sales — over the eight years of the Obama administration, including for combat aircraft, bombs, missiles, tanks, and attack helicopters, many of which have since been used in Yemen. 

After repeated Saudi air strikes on civilian targets, the Obama foreign-policy team finally decided to slow Washington’s support for that war effort, moving in December 2016 to stop a multibillion-dollar bomb sale. Upon taking office, however, Trump reversed course and pushed that deal forward, despite Saudi actions that Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) said “look like war crimes to me.”

Trump made it abundantly clear, in fact, that his reasons for arming Saudi Arabia were anything but strategic.  In an infamous March 2018 White House meeting with Mohammed bin Salman, he even brandished a map of the United States to show which places were likely to benefit most from those Saudi arms deals, including election swing states Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. 

He doubled down on that economic argument after the October 2018 murder and dismemberment of Saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi at that country’s consulate in Istanbul, even as calls to cut off sales to the regime mounted in Congress.  The president made it clear then that jobs and profits, not human rights, were paramount to him, stating:

“$110 billion will be spent on the purchase of military equipment from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and many other great U.S. defense contractors. If we foolishly cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the enormous beneficiaries — and very happy to acquire all of this newfound business. It would be a wonderful gift to them directly from the United States!”

And so it went.  In the summer of 2019 Trump vetoed an effort by Congress to block an $8.1-billion arms package that included bombs and support for the Royal Saudi Air Force and he continued to back the kingdom even in his final weeks in office. In December 2020, he offered more than $500 million worth of bombs to that regime on the heels of a $23-billion package to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), its partner-in-crime in the Yemen war.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE weren’t the only beneficiaries of Trump’s penchant for selling weapons.  According to a report by the Security Assistance Monitor at the Center for International Policy, his administration made arms sales offers of more than $110 billion to customers all over the world in 2020, a 75 percent increase over the yearly averages reached during the Obama administration, as well as in the first three years of his tenure. 

Will Biden Be Different?

Advocates of reining in U.S. weapons trafficking took note of Joe Biden’s campaign-trail pledge that, if elected, he would not “check our values at the door” in deciding whether to continue arming the Saudi regime. Hopes were further raised when, in his first foreign policy speech as president, he announced that his administration would end “support for offensive operations in Yemen” along with “relevant arms sales.” 

That statement, of course, left a potentially giant loophole on the question of which weapons would be considered in support of “offensive operations,” but it did at least appear to mark a sharp departure from the Trump era.  In the wake of Biden’s statement, arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE were indeed put on hold, pending a review of their potential consequences.

Three months into Biden’s term, however, the president’s early pledge to rein in damaging arms deals are already eroding. The first blow was the news that the administration would indeed move forward with a $23-billion arms package to the UAE, including F-35 combat aircraft, armed drones and a staggering $10 billion worth of bombs and missiles.

The decision was ill-advised on several fronts, most notably because of that country’s role in Yemen’s brutal civil war. There, despite scaling back its troops on the ground, it continues to arm, train and finance 90,000 militia members, including extremist groups with links to the Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. 

The UAE has also backed armed opposition forces in Libya in violation of a United Nations embargo, launched drone strikes there that killed scores of civilians and cracked down on dissidents at home and abroad. It regularly makes arbitrary arrests and uses torture.  If arming the UAE isn’t a case of “checking our values at the door,” it’s not clear what is.

To its credit, the Biden administration committed to suspending two Trump bomb deals with Saudi Arabia.  Otherwise, it’s not clear what (if any) other pending Saudi sales will be deemed “offensive” and blocked. Certainly, the new administration has allowed U.S. government personnel and contractors to help maintain the effectiveness of the Saudi Air Force and so has continued to enable ongoing air strikes in Yemen that are notorious for killing civilians. 

The Biden team has also failed to forcefully pressure the Saudis to end their blockade of that country, which United Nations agencies have determined could put 400,000 Yemeni children at risk of death by starvation in the next year.

In addition, the Biden administration has cleared a sale of anti-ship missiles to the Egyptian regime of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the most repressive government in that nation’s history, helmed by the man Donald Trump referred to as “my favorite dictator.”  The missiles themselves are in no way useful for either internal repression or that country’s scorched-earth anti-terror campaign against rebels in its part of the Sinai peninsula — where civilians have been tortured and killed, and tens of thousands displaced from their homes — but the sale does represent a tacit endorsement of the regime’s repressive activities.

Guns, Anyone?

While Biden’s early actions have undermined promises to take a different approach to arms sales, the story isn’t over. Key members of Congress are planning to closely monitor the UAE sale and perhaps intervene to prevent the delivery of the weapons. Questions have been raised about what arms should go to Saudi Arabia and reforms that would strengthen Congress’s role in blocking objectionable arms transfers are being pressed by at least some members of the House and the Senate.  

One area where Biden could readily begin to fulfill his campaign pledge to reduce the harm to civilians from U.S. arms sales would be firearms exports. The Trump administration significantly loosened restrictions and regulations on the export of a wide range of guns, including semi-automatic firearms and sniper rifles. As a result, such exports surged in 2020, with record sales of more than 175,000 military rifles and shotguns.

In a distinctly deregulatory mood, Trump’s team moved sales of deadly firearms from the jurisdiction of the State Department, which had a mandate to vet any such deals for possible human-rights abuses, to the Commerce Department, whose main mission was simply to promote the export of just about anything.  Trump’s “reforms” also eliminated the need to pre-notify Congress on any major firearms sales, making it far harder to stop deals with repressive regimes. 

As he pledged to do during his presidential campaign, Biden could reverse Trump’s approach without even seeking congressional approval. The time to do so is now, given the damage such gun exports cause in places like the Philippines and Mexico, where U.S.-supplied firearms have been used to kill thousands of civilians, while repressing democratic movements and human-rights defenders.

Who Benefits?

Beyond the slightest doubt, a major — or perhaps even the major — obstacle to reforming arms sales policies and practices is the weapons industry itself. That includes major contractors like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies and General Dynamics that produce fighter planes, bombs, armored vehicles, and other major weapons systems, as well as firearms makers like Sig Sauer

Raytheon stands out in this crowd because of its determined efforts to push through bomb sales to Saudi Arabia and the deep involvement of its former (or future) employees with the U.S. government.  A former Raytheon lobbyist, Charles Faulkner, worked in the Trump State Department’s Office of Legal Counsel and was involved in deciding that Saudi Arabia was not — it was! — intentionally bombing civilians in Yemen. He then supported declaring a bogus “emergency” to ram through the sale of bombs and of aircraft support to Saudi Arabia. 

Raytheon has indeed insinuated itself in the halls of government in a fashion that should be deeply troubling even by the minimalist standards of the twenty-first-century military-industrial complex. Former Trump Defense Secretary Mark Esper was Raytheon’s chief in-house lobbyist before joining the administration, while current Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin served on Raytheon’s board of directors.  While Austin has pledged to recuse himself from decisions involving the company, it’s a pledge that will prove difficult to verify.

Arms sales are Big Business — the caps are a must! — for the top weapons makers.  Lockheed Martin gets roughly one-quarter of its sales from foreign governments and Raytheon five percent of its revenue from Saudi sales.  American jobs allegedly tied to weapons exports are always the selling point for such dealings, but in reality, they’ve been greatly exaggerated. 

At most, arms sales account for just more than one-tenth of one percent of U.S. employment. Many such sales, in fact, involve outsourcing production, in whole or in part, to recipient nations, reducing the jobs impact here significantly. Though it’s seldom noted, virtually any other form of spending creates more jobs than weapons production. In addition, exporting green-technology products would create far largerglobal markets for U.S. goods, should the government ever decide to support them in anything like the way it supports the arms industry.

Given what’s at stake for them economically, Raytheon and its cohorts spend vast sums attempting to influence both parties in Congress and any administration.  In the past two decades, defense companies, led by the major arms exporting firms, spent $285 million in campaign contributions alone and $2.5 billion on lobbying, according to statistics gathered by the Center for Responsive Politics.  Any changes in arms export policy will mean forcefully taking on the arms lobby and generating enough citizen pressure to overcome its considerable influence in Washington.

Given the political will to do so, there are many steps the Biden administration and Congress could take to rein in runaway arms exports, especially since such deals are uniquely unpopular with the public.  A September 2019 poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, for example, found that 70 percent of Americans think arms sales make the country less safe. 

The question is: Can such public sentiment be mobilized in favor of actions to stop at least the most egregious cases of U.S. weapons trafficking, even as the global arms trade rolls on?  Selling death should be no joy for any country, so halting it is a goal well worth fighting for. Still, it remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will ever limit weapons sales or if it will simply continue to promote this country as the world’s top arms exporter of all time.

William D. Hartung, a TomDispatch regular, is the director of the Arms and Security Program at the Center for International Policy and the author, with Elias Yousif, of U.S. Arms Sales Trends 2020 and Beyond: From Trump to Biden.

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* Ook onder Nobelprijs voor de Vrede winnaar Obama was de VS de grootste leverancier van dood en verderf, niet dat dit een verrassing is, immers Obama (en zijn vicepresident Biden) is minstens 2 illegale oorlogen begonnen en verantwoordelijk voor de oorlog die de door de VS geïnstalleerde Porosjenko junta in Oekraïne begon tegen haar burgers in Oost-Oekraïne en dat weer naast het organiseren en regisseren van staatsgrepen tegen andere democratisch gekozen regeringen/presidenten, zoals die in Honduras (2009)....... (uiteraard ook een paar mislukte coups zoals die in Venezuela)

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