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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label A. Cuomo. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label A. Cuomo. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 26 maart 2021

Chris Cuomo (CNN presentator) en Andrew Cuomo (gouverneur) maken zich schuldig aan corruptie en machtsmisbruik

Zal maar weer beginnen met te zeggen dat het er niet toe doet of je wel of niet gelooft in de Coronavaccinaties, daar het volgende artikel van Glenn Greenwald alles heeft te maken met die vaccinatie gecombineerd met corruptie en machtsmisbruik.

Greenwald vertelt eerst over andere gevallen waarin bestuurders hun macht misbruikten t.b.v. het virus, zoals in Brazilië waar een aantal hoge hufters uit het bedrijfsleven het bij de hoogst corrupte fascistische regering Bolsonaro voor elkaar kreeg dat ze hun eigen privé hoeveelheid aan vaccins kregen, dus ook voor hun gezinsleden en verdere familie, een schandaal dat nu fiks de aandacht zou trekken in dat land.... (overigens zoals je wellicht weet: ook hier schandalen genoeg betreffende de Coronacrisis en ook dat 'op hoog niveau!')

In de VS is onlangs naar buiten gekomen dat een groep jonge congresleden, terwijl er schaarste was, zich vaccins hebben laten toedienen (belangrijk als je erin gelooft, wat ik niet zou doen). Uiteraard een schandaal van jewelste als je nagaat dat er ook in de VS schaarste is aan vaccins..... (immers jongeren met een goede gezondheid hebben nauwelijks last van het virus.....)

Maar zo bont als de gouverneur van New York: Andrew Cuomo en zijn broer, CNN presentator Chris Cuomo het hebben gemaakt is echt helemaal van de gekke....... (al moet ik zeggen dat ik er fiks om heb moeten lachen, de brutaliteit waarmee deze hypocriete schoften hebben gehandeld kan je niet bedenken.......)

Hoge figuren van het departement (ministerie) van gezondheid werden door dr. Howard Zucker, het hoofd van het New York State Department of Health (NYSDH), aan het werk gezet: een deel van de familie, inclusief z'n broer Chris en vrienden van Cuomo werden getest en sommigen zelfs meerdere keren, zo ook Cuomo, terwijl er zoals gezegd een schaarste aan Coronatests was..... Het ging zover dat deze test zelfs een paar keer onder politiebegeleiding naar het laboratorium moesten worden gebracht, waar de medewerkers, die al overwerkt waren, zelfs een keer moesten overwerken...... ha! ha! ha! ha!

Dit was het nog lang niet, Greenwald noemt nog een paar 'mooie voorbeelden' van ronduit corrupt en ander misdadig gedrag...... De VS ten voeten uit!!!

Het meest lullige is wel dat de 'beide heren', dus de broers Cuomo al de hele crisis het volk voorhouden zich aan de regels te houden en er zelfs schande van te spreken als anderen zich er niet aanhielden, zelfs op CNN.... Terwijl dezelfde Chris Cuomo er NB een aantal keren zelf op is betrapt dat hij waar het verplicht was, geen mondmasker droeg.......

Ook toppunt van lulligheid was het commentaar van de top van CNN (vrij vertaald dus alvast mijn excuus):

'We bemoeien ons normaal gesproken niet met de medische beslissingen van ons personeel, echter het is niet verrassend dat in de eerste dagen van een eens in de eeuw plaatsvindende (wereldwijd >> maar dat is dubbelop) pandemie, toen Chris symptomen van het virus vertoonde en bezorgd was voor mogelijke verspreiding, hij zich tot iedereen die hij kende richtte voor advies en hulp, zoals ieder ander mens zou doen.......' (ha! ha! ha! ha)

Wat een zootje, en dan zou de VS het land van de vrijen en het huis van de moedigen zijn....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Mensen er valt nog veel meer te lachen, lees het artikel van Glenn Greenwald!!

Glenn Greenwald <>

CNN's Defense of Chris Cuomo's Special COVID Privileges is Grotesque

How can a media outlet credibly claim to denounce abuse of power by political officials when they defend and glorify their own anchor's participation in it?

CNN host Chris Cuomo (l) “interviews” his brother, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), on CNN, May 6, 2021

Ever since the COVID pandemic subsumed most countries on the planet, there have been numerous scandals and controversies relating to those who corruptly obtain medical privileges and other exemptions unavailable to ordinary citizens. These scandals typically arise when someone uses their wealth, power or connections to jump in front of others for access to potentially life-saving procedures or medications or grant themselves and their friends license to ignore what everyone else must endure.

Right now in Brazil, for instance, there is a burgeoning scandal from reports that a group of businesspeople with ties to the government arranged to purchase their own private stash of vaccines for use for themselves, families and friends in violation of the law. In the U.S., people were outraged when very young members of Congress were among the first to receive the vaccine (though the law permitted them to do so); those young Congressmembers justified their line-jumping on the ground that they were doing so selflessly to encourage others. Meanwhile, other members of Congress refused this privilege on the ground, as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) put it, that it is “shameful” for young lawmakers to believe they “are more important” than workers. Repeatedly in the U.S., politicians were caught exempting themselves from lockdown orders they were imposing on everyone else.

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But those pale in comparison to the abuse of power by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and his brother, CNN host Chris Cuomo, as reported on Wednesday by The Albany-Times Union and The Washington Post. “High-level members of the state Department of Health were directed last year by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker to conduct prioritized coronavirus testing on the governor's relatives as well as influential people with ties to the administration,” reported the Times-Union. “Members of Cuomo's family including his brother, his mother and at least one of his sisters were also tested by top health department officials — some several times,” it added.

In particular, Gov. Cuomo abused state resources to ensure that his then-49-year-old brother, Chris, received fast COVID testing at a time when tests were very scarce. “The CNN anchor was swabbed by a top New York Department of Health doctor, who visited his Hamptons home to collect samples from him and his family,” The Post reported. The article also contains these damning details:

The same doctor who tested Chris Cuomo, Eleanor Adams, now a top adviser to the state health commissioner, also was enlisted to test multiple other Cuomo family members….The coronavirus test specimens were then rushed — at times driven by state police troopers — to the Wadsworth Center, a state public health lab in Albany, where they were processed immediately, the people said. At times, employees in the state health laboratory were kept past their shifts until late into the night to process results of those close to Cuomo, two people said.

All of this commandeering of state resources to provide the CNN host with very specialized medical attention occurred while “media reports were full of accounts from New Yorkers desperate to get tested — including some with symptoms and recent travel history who were turned away because of scarcity.”

For more than a year now, CNN’s promotion of “interviews” conducted by Chris Cuomo of his own brother — in which the CNN host repeatedly heaped lavish praise on Gov. Cuomo and even hyped him as a presidential contender while the Governor was corruptly and possibly criminally covering up COVID deaths — was one of the most glaring breaches of journalistic ethics imaginable. It was not cute or charming. It was corrupt. And it aggressively deceived CNN’s audience. That they knew it was corrupt was evidenced by the CNN host’s recent announcement that he would not cover his brother’s recent scandals: what conceivable framework makes it journalistically permissible for a news host to shower his own brother with praise, but then not cover his scandals?

But now Chris Cuomo is directly involved in a serious abuse of power scandal by his brother: in fact, he’s the prime beneficiary of that scandal. He sought special medical favors from his brother, depriving other sick people more in need of it than he, by exploiting the fact that his brother is Governor and thus rules the state. That’s a scandal by any measure — one involving not only the Governor but also the CNN host.

What’s even more remarkable is that on May 6 — just weeks after Gov. Cuomo provided special COVID testing and treatment for him — Chris Cuomo “interviewed” his brother and began the interviewing by noting that New York State lacks the resources to provide COVID testing to the public at large. So not only did they conceal that they had both just used state resources to get Chris that scarce testing, but they both acknowledged that there was a resource shortage to serve the general public, even as Gov. Cuomo was lavishing those resources on his own family. Just watch the first minute here:

Even worse, Cuomo spoke openly on CNN about his COVID diagnosis and what he was doing for it. But he concealed from the public the fact that the Governor of New York arranged for him to have special treatment and state-funded access to tests that were unavailable to most of the public. Indeed, Cuomo has been repeatedly caught lying over CNN’s airwaves about his COVID condition — such as when he was caught outside arguing with a cyclist while he claimed he was in quarantine with COVID, and another time when he was shaming people on air for not using masks while he was being warned by his own building that he would be fined if he continued to circulate there without a mask. But now something far worse is revealed: that he was the beneficiary of exactly the kind of abuse of power that journalists (at least in theory) exist to expose.

And yet CNN — which has spent the year relentlessly shaming anyone who is even slightly off-key when it comes to COVID — is defending and even glorifying what their host did in corruptly obtaining for himself medical care unavailable to the broader public. This is the statement the cable network provided to media outlets through its spokesman Matt Dornic:

We generally do not get involved in the medical decisions of our employees. However, it is not surprising that in the earliest days of a once-in-a-century global pandemic, when Chris was showing symptoms and was concerned about possible spread, he turned to anyone he could for advice and assistance, as any human being would.

Ponder what they are saying. It is unsurprising that someone in Chris Cuomo’s position would want special privileges. Of course it’s unsurprising: everyone has a motive for wanting special privileges for themselves. The same exact defense CNN offered here could be made if Chris Cuomo had instead bribed state officials to provide him special medical treatment unavailable to the general public, or if he had broken into the home of another sick person to steal their medication that he could not obtain for himself. It would be understandable that a person with COVID would want to do this, in the sense that it is a rational motive. But the fact that Cuomo had a rational motive for doing this does not make it less corrupt, unethical or amoral. There are all sorts of things that it may be “understandable” for us to want for ourselves that the law, morality and/or ethics nonetheless prevents us from obtaining.

CNN’s attempt to cast this as an invasion of Cuomo’s private medical decisions is insultingly dishonest. Nobody cares about this because they are interested in what took place in the intimate setting between Cuomo and his physician. The issue — obviously — is that this person who CNN presents as a “journalist” clearly abused his influence and power, along with his brother, by using state resources for his own benefit and jumping in front of a line that almost certainly deprived people more in need of getting COVID tests at a time when they were scarce. The issue is not Cuomo’s medical privacy but the abuse of power in which he participated with his brother, the Governor of New York.

The hubris here on the part of the Cuomos is tawdry but, for them, completely unsurprising. This entitlement complex is what one might expect from two boys who grew up as the children of a popular and powerful governor whose wealth and fame are due to their last name: a good reason for the taboo against nepotism and dynastic politics, which so often produces abuse of power. But CNN’s behavior is something else entirely.

How can a news outlet credibly claim to denounce and expose abuse of power by political officials when they defend the participation in such corruption by their own on-air talent? CNN is telling the public that they see nothing wrong with their rich and well-connected anchors exploiting public resources or connections to powerful politicians to corruptly obtain medical treatment at the expense of everyone else. That is as grotesque as it is damaging to CNN’s brand.


Voor meer berichten over Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, corruptie, machtsmisbruik, Coronavirus  en/of vaccinatie, klik op het desbetrteffende label, direct onder dit bericht, hetzelfde geldt voor Glenn Greenwald, Bolsonaro en Ilan Omar. (Chris Cuomo komt niet veel terug in de labels, daar de ruimte beperkt is, als je alle artikelen wilt lezen waarin deze plork word genoemd, vul dan zijn naam in op het zoekvlak rechtsboven aan deze pagina, daarna kan je nog klikken voor de chronologische volgorde van de artikelen die je te zien krijgt)

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.

dinsdag 16 juni 2020

Rayshard Brooks: weer een gekleurde VS burger die om niets werd vermoord door de politie

Afgelopen vrijdag werd Rayshard Brooks terwijl hij wegrende van een politieagent, in de rug geschoten, hij zou een direct gevaar vormen voor de 2 agenten die hem aan een ademtest wilden onderwerpen, puur en alleen omdat hij 's morgens vroeg slapend werd aangetroffen op een parkeerterrein van een Wendy's filiaal.....

De agenten beweerden dat hij een direct gevaar vormde daar hij een taser van één van de agenten afnam en die tijdens zijn vlucht 'op hen richtte'. Weet niet hoe het met jou zit, maar als ik wegren en probeer een wapen te richten op degenen die achter me loopt, terwijl ik mijn ogen gericht moet houden op het vluchtpad en eventuele obstakels, is het praktisch onmogelijk iemand te treffen, althans met een pistool.... Een taser is bovendien een korte afstandswapen en anders dan bij een pistool moet je dan dichtbij iemand zijn om deze te kunnen raken, echter uit beelden blijkt dat Brooks te ver van de agenten verwijderd was om van een echte bedreiging te kunnen spreken..... Volgens de politie kon men Brooks niet laten lopen met een wapen (de taser) van de politie, terwijl je in de VS als particulier ook zo'n wapen kan en mag kopen......

Kortom de agent die Brooks vermoordde heeft dat doelbewust gedaan en heeft daarna geprobeerd om de taser als excuus te gebruiken voor het vermoorden van een gekleurde burger....... Kortom alweer een gekleurde burger om niets vermoord door de politie.......

Intussen is ten overvloede gebleken dat tijdens recente verkiezingen in de VS het de gekleurde burgers uitermate moeilijk werd gemaakt om te stemmen en velen daadwerkelijk hun stem niet konden uitbrengen.... 

Het hieronder opgenomen schrijven is een vraag om geld van Voter Suppression Alert, een onderdeel van Demand, waarin wordt uitgelegd hoe de laatste verkiezing in Georgia is verlopen. Daarna een artikel van Caitlin Johnstone over de moord op Rayshard Brooks, waarin ook zij wijst op andere staten waar men het gekleurde mensen moeilijk, zo niet onmogelijk maakt om te stemmen (vergeet wat het stemmen betreft niet dat Trump een paar maanden geleden heeft gesteld dat wanneer iedere burger in de VS die mag stemmen en dat zou doen, de Republikeinen nooit weer aan de macht zullen komen....):

This is how Trump wins

Voter Suppression Alert <>

Georgia's primary election on Tuesday was an absolute disaster.
Four-hour-long lines. Malfunctioning voting machines. Tens of thousands of absentee ballots “lost” in the mail.1,2 It was so bad that there have been calls for United Nations elections monitors to step in.3

And as usual, these problems were worse in majority Black precincts.4
Georgia's voting disaster is being called a “giant warning siren” for what could happen in November.5 If Congress doesn't act now, millions of voters could be disenfranchised or forced to choose between their health and their civic duty.

Congress must pass national vote-by-mail IMMEDIATELY. Will you donate $5 to help Demand Progress rally grassroots pressure to pass a national vote-by-mail law?


Once the coronavirus pandemic began, Georgia’s election officials asked voters repeatedly to request absentee ballots in order to alleviate pressure on understaffed polling places. The
voters complied with more than 1.5 million requests for mail-in ballots.6

But the state didn't hold up its end of the bargain. More than 60,000 people hadn't received their ballots by the last days before the day of the primary, and those who did were told to return the ballots in envelopes that didn't exist, along with other confusing instructions.7,8

On the day of the election, the state implemented new voting machines in some districts—machines that experts said were not ready to be deployed—which immediately malfunctioned.9 Polling places in the Atlanta metro area—a section of Georgia that is predominantly people of color—were understaffed and unprepared for the people needing to vote in person, while polling places in whiter, richer areas had fewer problems.10 Social media was flooded with pictures of hours-long lines in the Atlanta area, while other places had no lines at all.11

As former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said, “It is a disaster that was very preventable, emblematic of the deeply systemic issues” Georgia has.12 But it's clear that Georgia's leadership has no interest in preventing these failures.

It's not just Georgia whose election suffered during the primary. In Pennsylvania, thousands of voters were sent the wrong ballot. Maryland had outdated registration lists. Washington, DC, wasn’t able to fulfill many absentee ballot requests and had fewer than 15% of its polling places open due to the coronavirus.13

Experts are predicting a second wave of the coronavirus in the fall, right around the general election.14 If we want every state to have the mandate and the resources for a successful vote-by-mail program and give everyone a chance to have their voices heard in November, Congress must pass a nationwide vote-by-mail law with the next coronavirus bill. More than 100,000 Demand Progress members have emailed Congress asking for a vote-by-mail law, and now we’re going to step up our campaign.

Will you donate to help pass vote-by-mail legislation and protect our civic rights in November?

Thanks for standing with us.
Robert Cruickshank,
Demand Progress

1. CNN, "'A giant warning siren': Concerns about November's election grow after Georgia's disastrous primary," June 11, 2020
2. 11 Alive, "What if you never got your absentee ballot? You've got options," June 8, 2020
Esquire, "Georgia Is Screaming Out for U.N. Election Monitors," June 9, 2020
4. NBC News, "Georgia election 'catastrophe' in largely minority areas sparks investigation," June 9, 2020
5. CNN, "'A giant warning siren': Concerns about November's election grow after Georgia's disastrous primary," June 11, 2020
The New York Times, "Beyond Georgia: A Warning for November as States Scramble to Expand Vote-by-Mail" June 11, 2020
7. Ibid.
Atlanta Journal Constitution, "Georgia absentee voting instructions to be corrected," April 28, 2020
The New York Times, "‘I Refuse Not to Be Heard’: Georgia in Uproar Over Voting Meltdown," June 11, 2020
10. Ibid.
11. Tweet by Brent Peabody, June 9, 2020
The New York Times, "‘I Refuse Not to Be Heard’: Georgia in Uproar Over Voting Meltdown," June 11, 2020
The New York Times, "Beyond Georgia: A Warning for November as States Scramble to Expand Vote-by-Mail" June 11, 2020
14. CNN, "Another wave of coronavirus will likely hit the US in the fall. Here's why and what we can do to stop it," May 2, 2020

Terug naar de laatste politiemoord op Rayshard Brooks, een gekleurd VS burger (althans de laatste moord voor zover nu bekend is, voor hetzelfde geld heeft er alweer zo'n moord plaatsgevonden): één en ander geeft ook aan dat er opnieuw een reden is om verder over tasergebruik te spreken, blijkbaar vinden een groot aantal agenten in de VS dat de taser een dodelijk wapen is, dit vanwege negatieve ervaringen bij gebruik door de politie van dit martelwerktuig, alleen daarom al zou tasergebruik, ook in Nederland verboden moeten worden!!! (de politietop van New York heeft de taser jaren geleden al verboden!!)

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Caitlin Johnstone:

The Killing Of Rayshard Brooks Shows How Police “Reform” Is A Joke

by Caitlin Johnstone

A black man named Rayshard Brooks was recently killed by an Atlanta police officer who shot him in the back while he was attempting to run away.
Video footage from the police bodycam and a nearby witness makes it clear that Brooks resisted arrest after failing a breathalyzer test when police approached him sleeping in his car at a Wendy's parking lot, punching an officer and taking a taser the police had attempted to use on him before trying to flee the scene. Video footage from the parking lot makes it clear that Brooks was running away, and, without ceasing to run, pointed the taser at police behind him, at which point he was shot twice in the back by an officer named Garrett Rolfe.

New video released by the GBI shows the moment police shot and killed in the parking lot of a Wendy’s. Police say Rayshard Brooks grabbed a taser and pointed it at police before an officer fired shots.
Embedded video

See Courtney Bryant's other Tweets
(voor het zien van de video in dit bericht klik hier voor het origineel

There is no rational defense of this shooting. If someone is running away from you with a short-range weapon, it is literally impossible for them to pose an imminent threat to you. Just allowing Brooks to run out of the range of the taser, as he was already trying to do, would have nullified any potential threat to either of the two officers on the scene, because it would have been literally impossible for Brooks to tase them while continuing to run in the direction he was running.

This indisputable and self-evident fact hasn't stopped people from bleating moronic police apologia in my social media notifications since the shooting occurred.
  • They claim Brooks could have tased an officer and taken his gun (again, let Brooks take himself out of taser range and there's exactly zero risk of this happening).
  • They claim they couldn't just let a "dangerous" criminal run around with a police weapon (it's a taser; you can buy them at Walmart. What's he going to do? Go on a mass tasing rampage?).
  • They claim the cop had to execute Brooks because he posed a "danger to society" (it is not a cop's job to act as judge, jury and executioner in determining whether someone poses a general threat to society; that's what the courts are for).
  • They claim if you punch a cop you deserve whatever you get (believing, because they are authority-worshipping bootlickers, that a cop being punched is worse than a civilian being killed by gunfire).
  • They claim if you don't follow police instructions then of course you're at risk of being killed (yes, police doing inexcusably brutal things is the problem that people are trying to address here).
Even leaving aside any debate about policing as it exists in America today, there was absolutely no excuse for Rolfe's behavior. They had all of Brooks' information. They had his car. They knew where he lives. They could have followed him in their car and called for backup. They could have gone in with backup to arrest him later.

But Rolfe decided to kill. After watching all these protests against police brutality raging throughout his country since the murder of George Floyd, after being confronted with with all the public outrage about police killing black men day after day in news headline after news headline, after his society forced him to contemplate police violence and his role in it, Garrett Rolfe still decided to kill. After all that, he watched a black man running away from him, posing no threat to him whatsoever, and he decided to kill.

The fact that cops are so thoroughly inoculated against public demand that they change their behavior makes a complete farce of the decoy police "reform" agenda that establishment narrative managers have been actively trying to corral the current protest movement into to kill their support for police abolishment.

Let me pick up on what @staceyabrams just said. slogan is being used to divide us. She called for transformation of police, that's much stronger than just reform but not distracting like defunding. is appealing to most people & sounds strong.

There's a feud going on in America's new protest movement right now between those who wish to abolish, defund, dismantle, and/or disarm the police, and those who want to "reform" or "transform" the police. The former are actually pushing for a revolutionary change which actually pushes back against abusive power structures and calls for the creation of a radically different social paradigm, while the latter wants to keep policing institutions in their irredeemably corrupt state and add more funding for "de-escalation" training seminars where grown adults are told not to commit gratuitous acts of violence.

Training seminars which, it turns out, Officer Garrett Rolfe had just completed.

"According to the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, Rolfe had recently received use of force training," reports Atlanta news outlet AJC. "On April 24, he took a nine-hour course on de-escalation options, his record shows. And on Jan. 9, Rolfe was trained on the use of deadly force at the DeKalb County police academy."

And yet you've got fauxgressive establishment narrative managers like Cenk Uygur promoting the reform agenda and calling calls to defund the police "distracting".

I wrote the other day that "if these protests end it won’t be because tyrants in the Republican Party like Donald Trump and Tom Cotton succeeded in making the case for beating them into silence with the US military. It will be because liberal manipulators succeeded in co-opting and stagnating its momentum." This is exactly the sort of thing I was talking about.

.@NYGovCuomo suggests protesters pack it up, in light of new reforms: "People are still out protesting. You don’t need to protest. You won. You won. You accomplished your goal. Society says, you’re right. The police need systemic reform.”

People who claim these protests are the result of some kind of psyop often cite the fact that they're being supported by establishment liberals, mainstream media, and giant corporations, but this misses a very important distinction in the dynamic that is at play here. While it is true that these institutions have been expressing general support for the demonstrations and the idea that black lives matter, what absolutely none of them have been doing is supporting the defunding or abolishment of America's police force.  None of the empire's ruling elites support this.

The reason you are seeing manipulation and attempts at co-option in this new movement is because that is exactly what's happening. But it isn't what's driving the enthusiasm behind the demonstrations. Rather, you are seeing an attempted hijacking of an actual revolutionary agenda that actually challenges actual power institutions (including increasingly common attempts to manipulate the narrative by claiming demands to defund and abolish are actually just calls for reform).

The widespread call to abolish America's police state, an integral part of the glue which holds the US-centralized empire together, is revolutionary. It is not an exaggeration to say it's as interesting and exciting as seeing a mainstream call to end US imperialism, and it is just as threatening to establishment power structures. The call for "reform", in contrast, is just more milquetoast, Obamaesque fauxgressive verbiage designed to stagnate a real revolutionary change movement. It is as interesting and as threatening to establishment power structures as saying the US should push regime change in Syria rather than Iran.

Police abolishment advocates are pushing for something which would require the complete reconfiguration of power in society to accomplish, where the prison industrial complex and the war on drugs are ended and what we think of as policing can for example be mostly replaced by something more akin to social work. Police "reform" proponents are advancing a decoy agenda which people have been distracted by for generations while the police force has become increasingly militarized behind a veil of meaningless verbiage about community outreach and training programs.

It's not just that Biden doesn't want to defund the police, per his spox, its that he believes cops just don't have enough resources for reform. Would be laughable if it wasn't so dire. 
View image on Twitter
The Hill @thehill

JUST IN: Biden campaign opposes calls to "defund the police"
View image on Twitter

This is where the real revolutionary energy is at in America right now, so it's no wonder establishment manipulators are doing everything they can to co-opt it into something innocuous which won't disturb actual power structures in the slightest. Obama made a whole political career out of telling leftwardly inclined Americans that they're getting what they want without actually giving it to them, and now we've got Democratic Party princeling Andrew Cuomo telling New York protesters "You don’t need to protest. You won. You won. 
You accomplished your goal. Society says, you’re right. The police need systemic reform.”
It's textbook liberal manipulation used to steer the revolutionary zeitgeist into an impotent conceptual tar pit for another few years while the prison bars are reinforced.

As I explained a while back in my article "How To Tell Real News From Useless Narrative Fluff", you can tell what's really going on by watching where the money is going, where the weapons are going, where the resources are going and where the people are going. You can see in these demands for dismantling the police state a bunch of people moving around demanding to drastically change all four of these things, and you can see from the liberal narrative managers an agenda to prevent any of those four things from actually changing. 
And if they win out, you will be able to watch the people, police, weapons and resources continue moving in more or less the exact same way they've been moving.

They're trying to replace a real revolutionary impulse with useless narrative fluff. They have learned that it is much easier to neuter such impulses with empty agreement and a bunch of insubstantial words than to tell them no and stomp them down. Hopefully, the people have learned this too.
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Caitlin Johnstone | June 15, 2020 at 2:57 am | Tags: abolish, defund, police, Rayshard Brooks, reform, revolution | Categories: Article, News | URL:
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'Leopold II en wit geweld in Congo: Geert Jan Hahn (BNR) weer eens uit de bocht: een beeld van 150 jaar geleden is het oudste beeld in België

'Vriendschappelijke en handelsrelaties met landen die minderheden vervolgen moeten worden gekapt'

'Militairen op de straten van Washington: VS op weg naar een burgeroorlog

'Obama en 'change' n.a.v. de moord op George Floyd: een ongelofelijke hypocriet aan het woord'  

'Brekend nieuws: militairen op straat in Washington!!' (minder brekend dan het aanvankelijk leek te zijn)

'Donald Trump geeft gekleurde burgers een schop na, mensen die al extra worden getroffen door COVID-19'

'VS politiegeweld tegen demonstranten is illegaal volgens internationale wetten: VN veroordeel dit geweld!!

'Black Lives Matter: een cartoon'

'Trump poseert met bijbel, waarvoor hij een vreedzame demonstratie met grof geweld middels traangas en rubberkogels uit elkaar heeft laten jagen'

'Politiemoord op George Floyd: de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen, waar tevens sociale achterstand een motivering is, zoals in Frankrijk, Chili en andere landen

'Anti-racisme demonstratie in Amsterdam reden voor hysterische ophef'

'Uitrusting Politie VS versus die van medisch hulpverleners

'Politie VS infiltreert protesten n.a.v. de dood van George Floyd en zet aan tot geweld

'George Floyd: de voortdurende politiemoorden op gekleurden in de VS: de witte overheersing met vervolging van gekleurden.....'

'Trump wil sociale media ontdoen van factcheckers die de Republikeinen de bel aanbinden vanwege nepnieuws en andere bagger'

Het label BLM (direct onder dit bericht) staat voor Black Lives Matter.