Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Georgia. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Georgia. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 16 juni 2020

Rayshard Brooks: weer een gekleurde VS burger die om niets werd vermoord door de politie

Afgelopen vrijdag werd Rayshard Brooks terwijl hij wegrende van een politieagent, in de rug geschoten, hij zou een direct gevaar vormen voor de 2 agenten die hem aan een ademtest wilden onderwerpen, puur en alleen omdat hij 's morgens vroeg slapend werd aangetroffen op een parkeerterrein van een Wendy's filiaal.....

De agenten beweerden dat hij een direct gevaar vormde daar hij een taser van één van de agenten afnam en die tijdens zijn vlucht 'op hen richtte'. Weet niet hoe het met jou zit, maar als ik wegren en probeer een wapen te richten op degenen die achter me loopt, terwijl ik mijn ogen gericht moet houden op het vluchtpad en eventuele obstakels, is het praktisch onmogelijk iemand te treffen, althans met een pistool.... Een taser is bovendien een korte afstandswapen en anders dan bij een pistool moet je dan dichtbij iemand zijn om deze te kunnen raken, echter uit beelden blijkt dat Brooks te ver van de agenten verwijderd was om van een echte bedreiging te kunnen spreken..... Volgens de politie kon men Brooks niet laten lopen met een wapen (de taser) van de politie, terwijl je in de VS als particulier ook zo'n wapen kan en mag kopen......

Kortom de agent die Brooks vermoordde heeft dat doelbewust gedaan en heeft daarna geprobeerd om de taser als excuus te gebruiken voor het vermoorden van een gekleurde burger....... Kortom alweer een gekleurde burger om niets vermoord door de politie.......

Intussen is ten overvloede gebleken dat tijdens recente verkiezingen in de VS het de gekleurde burgers uitermate moeilijk werd gemaakt om te stemmen en velen daadwerkelijk hun stem niet konden uitbrengen.... 

Het hieronder opgenomen schrijven is een vraag om geld van Voter Suppression Alert, een onderdeel van Demand, waarin wordt uitgelegd hoe de laatste verkiezing in Georgia is verlopen. Daarna een artikel van Caitlin Johnstone over de moord op Rayshard Brooks, waarin ook zij wijst op andere staten waar men het gekleurde mensen moeilijk, zo niet onmogelijk maakt om te stemmen (vergeet wat het stemmen betreft niet dat Trump een paar maanden geleden heeft gesteld dat wanneer iedere burger in de VS die mag stemmen en dat zou doen, de Republikeinen nooit weer aan de macht zullen komen....):

This is how Trump wins

Voter Suppression Alert <>

Georgia's primary election on Tuesday was an absolute disaster.
Four-hour-long lines. Malfunctioning voting machines. Tens of thousands of absentee ballots “lost” in the mail.1,2 It was so bad that there have been calls for United Nations elections monitors to step in.3

And as usual, these problems were worse in majority Black precincts.4
Georgia's voting disaster is being called a “giant warning siren” for what could happen in November.5 If Congress doesn't act now, millions of voters could be disenfranchised or forced to choose between their health and their civic duty.

Congress must pass national vote-by-mail IMMEDIATELY. Will you donate $5 to help Demand Progress rally grassroots pressure to pass a national vote-by-mail law?


Once the coronavirus pandemic began, Georgia’s election officials asked voters repeatedly to request absentee ballots in order to alleviate pressure on understaffed polling places. The
voters complied with more than 1.5 million requests for mail-in ballots.6

But the state didn't hold up its end of the bargain. More than 60,000 people hadn't received their ballots by the last days before the day of the primary, and those who did were told to return the ballots in envelopes that didn't exist, along with other confusing instructions.7,8

On the day of the election, the state implemented new voting machines in some districts—machines that experts said were not ready to be deployed—which immediately malfunctioned.9 Polling places in the Atlanta metro area—a section of Georgia that is predominantly people of color—were understaffed and unprepared for the people needing to vote in person, while polling places in whiter, richer areas had fewer problems.10 Social media was flooded with pictures of hours-long lines in the Atlanta area, while other places had no lines at all.11

As former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said, “It is a disaster that was very preventable, emblematic of the deeply systemic issues” Georgia has.12 But it's clear that Georgia's leadership has no interest in preventing these failures.

It's not just Georgia whose election suffered during the primary. In Pennsylvania, thousands of voters were sent the wrong ballot. Maryland had outdated registration lists. Washington, DC, wasn’t able to fulfill many absentee ballot requests and had fewer than 15% of its polling places open due to the coronavirus.13

Experts are predicting a second wave of the coronavirus in the fall, right around the general election.14 If we want every state to have the mandate and the resources for a successful vote-by-mail program and give everyone a chance to have their voices heard in November, Congress must pass a nationwide vote-by-mail law with the next coronavirus bill. More than 100,000 Demand Progress members have emailed Congress asking for a vote-by-mail law, and now we’re going to step up our campaign.

Will you donate to help pass vote-by-mail legislation and protect our civic rights in November?

Thanks for standing with us.
Robert Cruickshank,
Demand Progress

1. CNN, "'A giant warning siren': Concerns about November's election grow after Georgia's disastrous primary," June 11, 2020
2. 11 Alive, "What if you never got your absentee ballot? You've got options," June 8, 2020
Esquire, "Georgia Is Screaming Out for U.N. Election Monitors," June 9, 2020
4. NBC News, "Georgia election 'catastrophe' in largely minority areas sparks investigation," June 9, 2020
5. CNN, "'A giant warning siren': Concerns about November's election grow after Georgia's disastrous primary," June 11, 2020
The New York Times, "Beyond Georgia: A Warning for November as States Scramble to Expand Vote-by-Mail" June 11, 2020
7. Ibid.
Atlanta Journal Constitution, "Georgia absentee voting instructions to be corrected," April 28, 2020
The New York Times, "‘I Refuse Not to Be Heard’: Georgia in Uproar Over Voting Meltdown," June 11, 2020
10. Ibid.
11. Tweet by Brent Peabody, June 9, 2020
The New York Times, "‘I Refuse Not to Be Heard’: Georgia in Uproar Over Voting Meltdown," June 11, 2020
The New York Times, "Beyond Georgia: A Warning for November as States Scramble to Expand Vote-by-Mail" June 11, 2020
14. CNN, "Another wave of coronavirus will likely hit the US in the fall. Here's why and what we can do to stop it," May 2, 2020

Terug naar de laatste politiemoord op Rayshard Brooks, een gekleurd VS burger (althans de laatste moord voor zover nu bekend is, voor hetzelfde geld heeft er alweer zo'n moord plaatsgevonden): één en ander geeft ook aan dat er opnieuw een reden is om verder over tasergebruik te spreken, blijkbaar vinden een groot aantal agenten in de VS dat de taser een dodelijk wapen is, dit vanwege negatieve ervaringen bij gebruik door de politie van dit martelwerktuig, alleen daarom al zou tasergebruik, ook in Nederland verboden moeten worden!!! (de politietop van New York heeft de taser jaren geleden al verboden!!)

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Caitlin Johnstone:

The Killing Of Rayshard Brooks Shows How Police “Reform” Is A Joke

by Caitlin Johnstone

A black man named Rayshard Brooks was recently killed by an Atlanta police officer who shot him in the back while he was attempting to run away.
Video footage from the police bodycam and a nearby witness makes it clear that Brooks resisted arrest after failing a breathalyzer test when police approached him sleeping in his car at a Wendy's parking lot, punching an officer and taking a taser the police had attempted to use on him before trying to flee the scene. Video footage from the parking lot makes it clear that Brooks was running away, and, without ceasing to run, pointed the taser at police behind him, at which point he was shot twice in the back by an officer named Garrett Rolfe.

New video released by the GBI shows the moment police shot and killed in the parking lot of a Wendy’s. Police say Rayshard Brooks grabbed a taser and pointed it at police before an officer fired shots.
Embedded video

See Courtney Bryant's other Tweets
(voor het zien van de video in dit bericht klik hier voor het origineel

There is no rational defense of this shooting. If someone is running away from you with a short-range weapon, it is literally impossible for them to pose an imminent threat to you. Just allowing Brooks to run out of the range of the taser, as he was already trying to do, would have nullified any potential threat to either of the two officers on the scene, because it would have been literally impossible for Brooks to tase them while continuing to run in the direction he was running.

This indisputable and self-evident fact hasn't stopped people from bleating moronic police apologia in my social media notifications since the shooting occurred.
  • They claim Brooks could have tased an officer and taken his gun (again, let Brooks take himself out of taser range and there's exactly zero risk of this happening).
  • They claim they couldn't just let a "dangerous" criminal run around with a police weapon (it's a taser; you can buy them at Walmart. What's he going to do? Go on a mass tasing rampage?).
  • They claim the cop had to execute Brooks because he posed a "danger to society" (it is not a cop's job to act as judge, jury and executioner in determining whether someone poses a general threat to society; that's what the courts are for).
  • They claim if you punch a cop you deserve whatever you get (believing, because they are authority-worshipping bootlickers, that a cop being punched is worse than a civilian being killed by gunfire).
  • They claim if you don't follow police instructions then of course you're at risk of being killed (yes, police doing inexcusably brutal things is the problem that people are trying to address here).
Even leaving aside any debate about policing as it exists in America today, there was absolutely no excuse for Rolfe's behavior. They had all of Brooks' information. They had his car. They knew where he lives. They could have followed him in their car and called for backup. They could have gone in with backup to arrest him later.

But Rolfe decided to kill. After watching all these protests against police brutality raging throughout his country since the murder of George Floyd, after being confronted with with all the public outrage about police killing black men day after day in news headline after news headline, after his society forced him to contemplate police violence and his role in it, Garrett Rolfe still decided to kill. After all that, he watched a black man running away from him, posing no threat to him whatsoever, and he decided to kill.

The fact that cops are so thoroughly inoculated against public demand that they change their behavior makes a complete farce of the decoy police "reform" agenda that establishment narrative managers have been actively trying to corral the current protest movement into to kill their support for police abolishment.

Let me pick up on what @staceyabrams just said. slogan is being used to divide us. She called for transformation of police, that's much stronger than just reform but not distracting like defunding. is appealing to most people & sounds strong.

There's a feud going on in America's new protest movement right now between those who wish to abolish, defund, dismantle, and/or disarm the police, and those who want to "reform" or "transform" the police. The former are actually pushing for a revolutionary change which actually pushes back against abusive power structures and calls for the creation of a radically different social paradigm, while the latter wants to keep policing institutions in their irredeemably corrupt state and add more funding for "de-escalation" training seminars where grown adults are told not to commit gratuitous acts of violence.

Training seminars which, it turns out, Officer Garrett Rolfe had just completed.

"According to the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, Rolfe had recently received use of force training," reports Atlanta news outlet AJC. "On April 24, he took a nine-hour course on de-escalation options, his record shows. And on Jan. 9, Rolfe was trained on the use of deadly force at the DeKalb County police academy."

And yet you've got fauxgressive establishment narrative managers like Cenk Uygur promoting the reform agenda and calling calls to defund the police "distracting".

I wrote the other day that "if these protests end it won’t be because tyrants in the Republican Party like Donald Trump and Tom Cotton succeeded in making the case for beating them into silence with the US military. It will be because liberal manipulators succeeded in co-opting and stagnating its momentum." This is exactly the sort of thing I was talking about.

.@NYGovCuomo suggests protesters pack it up, in light of new reforms: "People are still out protesting. You don’t need to protest. You won. You won. You accomplished your goal. Society says, you’re right. The police need systemic reform.”

People who claim these protests are the result of some kind of psyop often cite the fact that they're being supported by establishment liberals, mainstream media, and giant corporations, but this misses a very important distinction in the dynamic that is at play here. While it is true that these institutions have been expressing general support for the demonstrations and the idea that black lives matter, what absolutely none of them have been doing is supporting the defunding or abolishment of America's police force.  None of the empire's ruling elites support this.

The reason you are seeing manipulation and attempts at co-option in this new movement is because that is exactly what's happening. But it isn't what's driving the enthusiasm behind the demonstrations. Rather, you are seeing an attempted hijacking of an actual revolutionary agenda that actually challenges actual power institutions (including increasingly common attempts to manipulate the narrative by claiming demands to defund and abolish are actually just calls for reform).

The widespread call to abolish America's police state, an integral part of the glue which holds the US-centralized empire together, is revolutionary. It is not an exaggeration to say it's as interesting and exciting as seeing a mainstream call to end US imperialism, and it is just as threatening to establishment power structures. The call for "reform", in contrast, is just more milquetoast, Obamaesque fauxgressive verbiage designed to stagnate a real revolutionary change movement. It is as interesting and as threatening to establishment power structures as saying the US should push regime change in Syria rather than Iran.

Police abolishment advocates are pushing for something which would require the complete reconfiguration of power in society to accomplish, where the prison industrial complex and the war on drugs are ended and what we think of as policing can for example be mostly replaced by something more akin to social work. Police "reform" proponents are advancing a decoy agenda which people have been distracted by for generations while the police force has become increasingly militarized behind a veil of meaningless verbiage about community outreach and training programs.

It's not just that Biden doesn't want to defund the police, per his spox, its that he believes cops just don't have enough resources for reform. Would be laughable if it wasn't so dire. 
View image on Twitter
The Hill @thehill

JUST IN: Biden campaign opposes calls to "defund the police"
View image on Twitter

This is where the real revolutionary energy is at in America right now, so it's no wonder establishment manipulators are doing everything they can to co-opt it into something innocuous which won't disturb actual power structures in the slightest. Obama made a whole political career out of telling leftwardly inclined Americans that they're getting what they want without actually giving it to them, and now we've got Democratic Party princeling Andrew Cuomo telling New York protesters "You don’t need to protest. You won. You won. 
You accomplished your goal. Society says, you’re right. The police need systemic reform.”
It's textbook liberal manipulation used to steer the revolutionary zeitgeist into an impotent conceptual tar pit for another few years while the prison bars are reinforced.

As I explained a while back in my article "How To Tell Real News From Useless Narrative Fluff", you can tell what's really going on by watching where the money is going, where the weapons are going, where the resources are going and where the people are going. You can see in these demands for dismantling the police state a bunch of people moving around demanding to drastically change all four of these things, and you can see from the liberal narrative managers an agenda to prevent any of those four things from actually changing. 
And if they win out, you will be able to watch the people, police, weapons and resources continue moving in more or less the exact same way they've been moving.

They're trying to replace a real revolutionary impulse with useless narrative fluff. They have learned that it is much easier to neuter such impulses with empty agreement and a bunch of insubstantial words than to tell them no and stomp them down. Hopefully, the people have learned this too.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics onTwitter, checking out my podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following me on Steemit, throwing some money into my tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my books Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.
Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2
Caitlin Johnstone | June 15, 2020 at 2:57 am | Tags: abolish, defund, police, Rayshard Brooks, reform, revolution | Categories: Article, News | URL:
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woensdag 29 mei 2019

29 mei 1830 'The Indian Removal Act', de zoveelste stap in de genocide op de oorspronkelijke bevolking van de VS

Het is vandaag 189 jaar geleden dat de The Indian Removal Act werd goedgekeurd in het VS Congres. Met deze wet was het toegestaan om de oorspronkelijke bewoners in het Zuidoosten van de VS met geweld te verjagen uit hun huizen, dorpen en hun boerderijen.....

Een paar jaar later werden duizenden mensen van het Cherokee volk en andere volkeren verdreven uit hun huizen en boerderijen in de staat Georgia, men hield ze gevangen in gevangenkampen, ofwel concentratiekampen en werden vandaar op een voettocht gedwongen richting Oklahoma, waarbij minstens 2.000 van deze mensen in feite werden vermoord...... (zie de vergelijking met de Armeense Genocide......) Deze tocht noemt men 'The Trail of Tears', ofwel de 'Tocht der Tranen'.

Deze oorspronkelijke bewoners werden gedwongen om een eenzijdig verdrag te tekenen, waarbij ze hun prima bewerkte gronden 'vrijwillig ruilden' voor gebied in Oklahoma..... Ondanks dat een rechter gehakt maakte van dit verdrag, drukte de president, destijds de psychopaat Andrew Jackson, de gedwongen verhuizingen door.......

Niet toevallig ook dat de huidige psychopathische VS president Trump een groot bewonderaar is van Jackson en zelfs een portret van deze bloedige schoft heeft opgehangen in z'n werkkamer in het Witte Huis.......

Ongelofelijk als je deze geschiedenis voor je ziet en intussen weet dat het grootste deel van de oorspronkelijke bewoners, van wie Noord-Amerika in feite was, middels een genocide werden uitgemoord door moorddadige, psychopathische Europeanen...... Ongelofelijk ook als je in ogenschouw neemt dat de oorspronkelijke volkeren van de VS en Canada nog steeds moeten 'vechten' (figuurlijk) voor hun rechten en keer op keer worden geschoffeerd, zie het Dakota Acces Pipeline (DAPL) en Keystone XL drama van een paar jaar geleden......

De VS is gebouwd op het bloed en de skeletten van de oorspronkelijke volkeren, dezelfde VS die nu vooral buiten haar grenzen vreselijke massamoorden begaat, waarbij sinds het eind van WOII maar liefst meer dan 22,5 miljoen mensen werden vermoord.......

Hoe is het mogelijk dat men hier de middels een genocide gestolen VS nog steeds als voorbeeld ziet....???? (alsof je het Derde Rijk van Hitler als groot voorbeeld neemt, een vergelijking die meer en meer op de plaats valt, gezien alle fascistische maatregelen die de VS neemt, zoals de omgang met vluchtelingen en waaraan de privacy van de bewoners in de VS al lang is opgeofferd....)

De VS is als een agressieve kanker die zich over de aarde verspreidt, tijd om deze terreurentiteit terug te sturen naar de VS..... Yankee go home and for god's sake take care of your native people! 




On this day in 1830, Congress passed “The Indian Removal Act” which permitted the forceful and sometimes violent removal of Native Americans from their homes, towns, villages and farms in the Southeastern United States.

A few years later, thousands of Cherokee landowners and landowners of other nations were removed from their homes and farms by the State of Georgia, held in prison camps and then sent on an 800 mile forced march to Oklahoma which left at least 2,000 dead.

The land was theirs.

A fraudulent treaty had been foisted on them “agreeing” to a one-sided deal in which they “traded” their prime agricultural land – which they were farming expertly – for a reservation in Oklahoma.

The Cherokee people appealed to the Supreme Court which struck down the bogus treaty as fraudulent.

Andrew Jackson’s response: “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”
15,000 militia descended on the region removing native people from their homes at gunpoint and under threat of violence.

Speculators pounced on the stolen land and turned it into an empire of slavery-fueled plantations.

Andrew Jackson’s doing. The President Donald Trump says he most admires. (Jackson’s portrait hangs in Trump’s office.)

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woensdag 31 januari 2018

Massamedium CBS (VS) tegen reality check. Logisch wel, gezien de hoeveelheid fake news op die zender.....

CBS, een van de grootste commerciële radio en tv zenders (het best bekeken tv kanaal) in de VS, heeft haar 'nieuwsanker' voor Georgia (CBS46), de gelauwerde journalist Ben Swann 'op zwart' gezet, daar hij zijn eerdere 'Reality Check' op de alternatieve media opnieuw leven wilde inblazen........

Zoals in de kop gesteld, CBS zit allesbehalve op een gedegen, echte 'fact checker' te wachten. CBS tamboereert al precies zo hard tegen 'fake news' op de sociale of alternatieve media, als de rest van de reguliere westerse (massa-) media...... 'Controle' op haar eigen nieuws en dat van de andere reguliere media gebeurt 'uiteraard' alleen met 'deskundigen', die geen vraagtekens zetten bij de enorme hoeveelheid fake news gepubliceerd door diezelfde reguliere (massa-) media..........

Nee men wenst geen kritiek op de eigen nieuwsgaring bij CBS en de andere massamedia...... Massamedia die het fake news van elkaar overnemen, om zo het publiek te hersenspoelen met de gewenste leugens en verzwijging over/van (echt) nieuws..........

Onafhankelijke journalistiek is alleen nog te vinden op de sociale media, daar de reguliere nieuwskanalen ofwel in handen zijn van miljonairs en investeerders, dan wel zijn deze media afhankelijk van overheidssubsidie, zoals de BBC en de publieke omroep in ons land. En je weet 't: wiens brood men eet, diens woord men spreekt!

Het zoveelste bewijs dat de reguliere westerse media schijt hebben aan de waarheid!

CBS Suspends Ben Swann Immediately After He Announces Return of ‘Reality Check’

January 29, 2018 at 10:33 am
Written by Derrick Broze

Award-winning journalist and news anchor Ben Swann was suspended by CBS Atlanta after announcing the return of his Reality Check segment.

(AP) — On Friday, award-winning journalist Ben Swann was suspended as the evening anchor for CBS46 in Atlanta. Only hours before the suspension Swann had released a new video – his first independent video since January 2017 – announcing his impending return to the independent/alternative news arena. Rodney Ho of was the first to report on the news.
CBS46 evening anchor Ben Swann has been taken off the air after his efforts to revive his independent investigative operation he called Reality Check came to light today,” Ho wrote. “On Thursday night, Swann posted a video on Vimeo teasing about an upcoming new project he planned to announce next Tuesday. He only identified himself as an “investigative journalist” and did not reference his ties to CBS46.”

Exciting news fans! has just released this video to make a special annoucement! Get ready for Tuesday Jan 30th! 📽️🙂🚀

Ho goes on to state that once CBS46 learned of Swann’s extracurricular activity he was suspended and his video was removed from Vimeo. A copy of the video is still available on Twitter and has been seen more than 16,000 times as of Monday morning. Activist Post confirmed the suspension with CBS46 Atlanta. When pressed for more information regarding the cause of the suspension, CBS46 News Director Steve Doerr told Activist Post via email, “We don’t have a comment at this time.” Doerr only became news director in July 2017 and was not the News Director at the time of Swann’s initial blackout in February 2017. Sources close to the situation tell Activist Post that Doerr was aware of Swann’s attempts to bring back his popular Reality Check segment.

Swann “went dark” on February 1, 2017 as his social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere were suddenly deactivated. Swann is a well-known local journalist at CBS46 in Atlanta, as well as a viral Internet sensation for his Reality Check investigative reports. Swann’s Reality Checkreports began to garner attention around the 2012 U.S. election and have continued to gain millions of views while questioning the mainstream narrative.

Prior to his disappearance, Swann had been under attack by much of the corporate media for his now notorious Reality Check segment on the controversial Pizzagate theory. During the segment, Swann draws attention to what he sees as curious aspects of the theory which warrant further attention. Swann was immediately attacked by The Daily Beast (going so far as to place a tin-foil hat on the journalist), the Inquisitr, and many other publications. CBS46 initially defended Ben Swann’s reporting, but later appeared to take the blame for allowing the report to air.

In mid-December 2017, Ben Swann began posting in the forums of the cryptocurrency, DASH. While an increasing amount of public attention is given to the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, many people in the privacy focused crypto community are placing their support behind DASH.  Originally released under the name “Darkcoin” back in 2014, the crypto would later be rebranded as DASH, or digital cash.

The biggest feature that sets DASH apart from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is the use of self-governing, self-funding protocol. This allows users to submit proposals to the treasury which help grow the DASH community and potentially receive funding. Users submit proposals via forums in the DASH community. It is in these forums where Ben Swann successfully sought funding for reviving Reality Check and his Truth In Media website. After the proposal was approved by the DASH community Ben Swann’s team began working on fulfilling their end of the arrangement, promising new episodes of Reality Check every Tuesday and Thursday throughout February, March and April.  Swann also confirmed that he will begin appearing publicly starting with the Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico in late February.

However, Swann’s suspension could spell trouble for his arrangement with the DASH community. The intrepid journalist obviously has enough support to completely sever ties with the mainstream and go independent, but he is likely contractually obligated to CBS46 Atlanta. Activist Post will continue to follow the situation and provide updates as they come.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter and the founder of the Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2 and Manifesto of the Free Humans.

By Derrick Broze / Republished with permission / Activist Post / Report a typo

Let wel: bij het bovenstaand Twitterbericht hoort een video (van Vimeo), die ik niet weet over te nemen, hier de link naar het originele bericht. (als je weet hoe ik deze video's kan overnemen, meld dat dan ajb, je gaat dan op voor de vierdehands koelkast met exotische schimmels van dr. Pisser; voor muzikale recepten van dr. Pisser, klik op het label 'recept', direct onder dit bericht, recepten met een grote hoeveelheid links naar besproken albums van bands. Na een aantal berichten, ziet je het eerste muzikale recept en na een hoeveelheid van die recepten wordt het laatst bekeken recept telkens weer herhaald, dan even opnieuw op het label 'recept' klikken onder dat laatst bekeken recept.)

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       en: 'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........

       en: 'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'

       en: ''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

       en: 'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

       en: 'Fake News van CNN: 'American Sniper gedood in Syrie....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

       en: 'Massamedium CBS (VS) tegen reality check. Logisch wel, gezien de hoeveelheid fake news op die zender.....'

       en: 'Vandalisme na Super Bowl door massamedia o.a. afgedaan als pure poëzie, waar protesten van gekleurden na zoveelste moord door politie worden afgedaan als terreur.........'

      en: 'Massamedia VS vergeven van CIA 'veteranen', alsof die media nog niet genoeg 'fake news' ofwel leugens brengen........'