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Posts tonen met het label B. Swann. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 28 februari 2018

Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!

De VS minister van defensie, James Mattis moest onlangs bekend maken dat het Syrische bewind geen Sarin gifgas heeft gebruikt tegen haar bevolking. Niet echt nieuws voor degenen die kritisch het nieuws volgen, echter dit zou wel een enorme aandachtstrekker moeten zijn voor de westerse reguliere media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici, daar men bij die media en politici Assad nog steeds verantwoordelijk houdt voor deze gifgasaanvallen.... Zoals je al begrepen had: ook voor deze vaststelling van Mattis is geen belangstelling bij die media en politici........

Uiteraard hadden de politici en media kunnen weten dat de beweringen over gifgasgebruik door Assad, niet op bewijzen waren gebaseerd en men in feite genoeg had aan VN rapportages en de mening van echte deskundigen (zo zag je hulpverleners die 'Sarin slachtoffers' hielpen zonder enige bescherming >> als het Sarin gas betrof, waren die hulpverleners heel snel zelf doodziek geworden...)

Ook de gifgasaanval op Ghouta in 2013 werd niet uitgevoerd door het Syrische bewind, maar door IS of Al Qaida Syrië (de laatste is vorig jaar door de VS van de terreurlijst gehaald.....). Carla del Ponte zou destijds onderzoek voor de VN doen naar deze gifgasaanval, maar mocht van de VS (onder 'vredesduif' Obama en hufter Kerry) geen onderzoek doen naar verantwoordelijkheid voor die aanval door het Vrije Syrische Leger (bestaande uit IS en Al Qaida terroristen)....... Terwijl bekend was dat zij beschikten over dit gifgas...... Overigens wilde de VS ook na de gifgasaanval op Khan Sheikhoun geen onafhankelijk onderzoek toestaan........

Dit alles terwijl als voorafgaand aan de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003, VN wapeninspecteurs het reguliere Iraakse leger 'gifgasvrij' verklaarden....... Precies als nu, herhaalden de reguliere westerse (massa-) media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici, de leugens van de VS als zou Saddam Hoessein beschikken over 'massavernietigingswapens...' Moet je nagaan en dan durven diezelfde media en politici bijna dagelijks de vuilbek open te trekken over 'fake news' (of nepnieuws) op de sociale media.......

Kortom Assad heeft geen gifgas ingezet tegen zijn eigen bevolking, het zoveelste bewijs, waar het westen doof voor is.... De VS en de rest van haar hielenlikkende westerse oorlogshonden willen dat Assad verdwijnt en daarvoor is blijkbaar alles geoorloofd, zelfs 'false flag' operaties door terreurgroepen..... 

Overigens maakte het BBC World Service radionieuws vannacht om 1.00 u. (CET) bekend dat de VN rapporten heeft vrijgegeven waaruit zou blijken dat leveringen voor laboratoriumbenodigdheden vanuit Noord-Korea naar Syrië waren verscheept..... De BBC nieuwsredactie stelde meteen dat dit weer een bewijs is dat Assad gifgas fabriceert, ook al is daar tot nu toe niet één keer bewijs voor gevonden...... Intussen rept men met geen woord over de enorme voorraden gifgas in Israël en Egypte, van waaruit hoeveelheden zijn geleverd aan de terreurgroepen ('gematigde rebellen') in Syrië...... 

Vanmorgen vertelde lulkoek praatjesmaker Remco Breuker op BNR (rond 8.37 u.) dat Noord-Korea ook wapens, militaire adviseurs en helikopterpiloten levert aan Syrië, waarbij hij o.a. de woorden 'geloven en vertrouwen' gebruikte....... Ofwel: twee vliegen die het westen wil vernietigen in één klap...... Alsof het Syrische leger niet genoeg militaire adviseurs en helikopterpiloten heeft uit Rusland en Iran...... Bovendien is Syrië nog steeds een soeverein land (ook al wordt die soevereiniteit continu illegaal geschonden, o.a. door de VS, GB en Turkije)..... Syrië moet buitenlandse terreurgroepen en legers van niet genode landen van haar grondgebied zien te krijgen, een zaak waar Syrië het volste (internationale) recht toe heeft en wie het land daarbij te hulp roept is haar zaak!!

Did Assad Use Chemical Weapons in Syria on His Own People?

February 27, 2018 at 1:38 pm
Written by Truth In Media

(TIM) — It was a stunning announcement, stunning because of what was said and maybe equally as stunning because it was honest.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis says there is no evidence that the Syrian government used sarin gas on its own people.

It is a narrative we have been pushing back on for years. So what does this mean for U.S. policy in Syria?

And will President Trump continue to push for war in Syria, or will he return to the positions of candidate Trump who said the U.S. should stay out of it?

Let’s give it a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else.

The statement is getting very little media coverage but it is a very big deal.

According to Defense Secretary James Mattis, there is no evidence that the Syrian government has used sarin gas on its own people.

Here is exactly what Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon:

“We have other reports from the battlefield from people who claim it’s been used.”

We do not have evidence of it.”

We’re looking for evidence of it, since clearly we are dealing with the Assad regime that has used denial and deceit to hide their outlaw actions.”

Mattis insists that he wasn’t refuting the claims. But in a sense, he did.

According to Newsweek, in 2017 a White House memorandum was quickly produced and then declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.

The justification used was that Assad had used chemical weapons on his own people. Then President Trump himself insisted that there was no doubt that Syrian President Assad had killed his own people with banned chemical weapons.

But Mattis also didn’t qualify the statement to just the Syrian airbase strike. That means that the 2013 gas attack in Ghouta also was not proven to be Assad.

At that time, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were demanding congress approve use of force against Assad. Obama said this from the rose garden as he said American destroyers armed with Tomahawk missiles were on standby in the Mediterranean Sea.

I’m prepared to give that order, but having made my decision as commander in chief based on what I am convinced is our national security interests, I’m also mindful that I’m the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.”

Congress did not approve that use of force, but then applauded Trump for his use.

For his part, in this latest statement, Mattis says that aid groups and others” had provided evidence of the Syrian government using sarin.

But as I have extensively reported over the past few years, there is much evidence that the so called Syrian freedom fighters are actually ISIS and Al Qaeda fighters. And there is evidence that they have used chemical weapons.

Other problems with the claims of Assad using sarin: in the 2013 Ghouta event, the sarin came from home-made rockets, which were favored by insurgents.

Also, according to Newsweek:

In the 2013 event, the White House memorandum seemed to rely heavily on testimony from the Syrian white helmets who were filmed at the scene having contact with supposed sarin-tainted casualties and not suffering any ill effects.

Carla del Ponte was unable to fulfill her U.N. joint investigative mechanism mandate in Syria and withdrew in protest over the United States refusing to fully investigate allegations of chemical weapons use by ‘rebels’ who are actually jihadis, allied with the American effort to oust President Assad (including the use of sarin by anti-Assad rebels).”

According to the Times of London:

“Carla del Ponte, head of the independent UN commission investigating reports of chemical weapons use in Syria, told a Swiss-Italian television station that UN investigators gleaned testimony from victims of Syria’s civil war and medical staff which indicated that rebel forces used sarin gas – a deadly nerve agent.

“‘Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated,’ del Ponte said in the interview, translated by Reuters.

This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities,’ she added.”

It was the involvement of those jihadis posing as Syrian rebels that made then-candidate Trump state emphatically that he wouldn’t intervene and help oust Assad as Hillary Clinton wanted to do.

Candidate Trump pushed back heavily against intervention. He warned that ISIS was likely to take over Syria if Assad were ousted, just as they have in Iraq and Libya.

And yet the U.S. is only escalating fighting.

Four Russian nationals, and perhaps dozens more, were killed in fighting between pro-government forces in eastern Syria and members of the United States-led coalition fighting the Islamic State, according to Russian and Syrian officials—that according to the New York Times.

Russia says that no members of the Russian armed forces were killed and that any Russians fighting alongside the Syrians were mercenaries.

So what you need to know is that candidate Trump was clear when he pointed to the bush policy in Iraq and the Obama/Clinton policies in Libya and Syria that have only strengthened the creation and spread of ISIS and jihadism.

Candidate Trump rightly pointed out that these policies had failed and that it was insanity to keep pursuing those policies and expecting a different outcome.

So why is President Trump now embracing those insane policies that if continued will undoubtedly leave another power vacuum in the Middle East which will be filled with jihadis?

By Ben Swann / Republished with permission / / Report a typo

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'Van Kappen (VVD) noemt 'stapelaanwijzingen' het bewijs en is blij met raketaanval VS op Syrische basis,  een aanval zonder enig echt bewijs voor Syrische schuld.......'

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woensdag 31 januari 2018

Massamedium CBS (VS) tegen reality check. Logisch wel, gezien de hoeveelheid fake news op die zender.....

CBS, een van de grootste commerciële radio en tv zenders (het best bekeken tv kanaal) in de VS, heeft haar 'nieuwsanker' voor Georgia (CBS46), de gelauwerde journalist Ben Swann 'op zwart' gezet, daar hij zijn eerdere 'Reality Check' op de alternatieve media opnieuw leven wilde inblazen........

Zoals in de kop gesteld, CBS zit allesbehalve op een gedegen, echte 'fact checker' te wachten. CBS tamboereert al precies zo hard tegen 'fake news' op de sociale of alternatieve media, als de rest van de reguliere westerse (massa-) media...... 'Controle' op haar eigen nieuws en dat van de andere reguliere media gebeurt 'uiteraard' alleen met 'deskundigen', die geen vraagtekens zetten bij de enorme hoeveelheid fake news gepubliceerd door diezelfde reguliere (massa-) media..........

Nee men wenst geen kritiek op de eigen nieuwsgaring bij CBS en de andere massamedia...... Massamedia die het fake news van elkaar overnemen, om zo het publiek te hersenspoelen met de gewenste leugens en verzwijging over/van (echt) nieuws..........

Onafhankelijke journalistiek is alleen nog te vinden op de sociale media, daar de reguliere nieuwskanalen ofwel in handen zijn van miljonairs en investeerders, dan wel zijn deze media afhankelijk van overheidssubsidie, zoals de BBC en de publieke omroep in ons land. En je weet 't: wiens brood men eet, diens woord men spreekt!

Het zoveelste bewijs dat de reguliere westerse media schijt hebben aan de waarheid!

CBS Suspends Ben Swann Immediately After He Announces Return of ‘Reality Check’

January 29, 2018 at 10:33 am
Written by Derrick Broze

Award-winning journalist and news anchor Ben Swann was suspended by CBS Atlanta after announcing the return of his Reality Check segment.

(AP) — On Friday, award-winning journalist Ben Swann was suspended as the evening anchor for CBS46 in Atlanta. Only hours before the suspension Swann had released a new video – his first independent video since January 2017 – announcing his impending return to the independent/alternative news arena. Rodney Ho of was the first to report on the news.
CBS46 evening anchor Ben Swann has been taken off the air after his efforts to revive his independent investigative operation he called Reality Check came to light today,” Ho wrote. “On Thursday night, Swann posted a video on Vimeo teasing about an upcoming new project he planned to announce next Tuesday. He only identified himself as an “investigative journalist” and did not reference his ties to CBS46.”

Exciting news fans! has just released this video to make a special annoucement! Get ready for Tuesday Jan 30th! 📽️🙂🚀

Ho goes on to state that once CBS46 learned of Swann’s extracurricular activity he was suspended and his video was removed from Vimeo. A copy of the video is still available on Twitter and has been seen more than 16,000 times as of Monday morning. Activist Post confirmed the suspension with CBS46 Atlanta. When pressed for more information regarding the cause of the suspension, CBS46 News Director Steve Doerr told Activist Post via email, “We don’t have a comment at this time.” Doerr only became news director in July 2017 and was not the News Director at the time of Swann’s initial blackout in February 2017. Sources close to the situation tell Activist Post that Doerr was aware of Swann’s attempts to bring back his popular Reality Check segment.

Swann “went dark” on February 1, 2017 as his social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere were suddenly deactivated. Swann is a well-known local journalist at CBS46 in Atlanta, as well as a viral Internet sensation for his Reality Check investigative reports. Swann’s Reality Checkreports began to garner attention around the 2012 U.S. election and have continued to gain millions of views while questioning the mainstream narrative.

Prior to his disappearance, Swann had been under attack by much of the corporate media for his now notorious Reality Check segment on the controversial Pizzagate theory. During the segment, Swann draws attention to what he sees as curious aspects of the theory which warrant further attention. Swann was immediately attacked by The Daily Beast (going so far as to place a tin-foil hat on the journalist), the Inquisitr, and many other publications. CBS46 initially defended Ben Swann’s reporting, but later appeared to take the blame for allowing the report to air.

In mid-December 2017, Ben Swann began posting in the forums of the cryptocurrency, DASH. While an increasing amount of public attention is given to the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, many people in the privacy focused crypto community are placing their support behind DASH.  Originally released under the name “Darkcoin” back in 2014, the crypto would later be rebranded as DASH, or digital cash.

The biggest feature that sets DASH apart from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is the use of self-governing, self-funding protocol. This allows users to submit proposals to the treasury which help grow the DASH community and potentially receive funding. Users submit proposals via forums in the DASH community. It is in these forums where Ben Swann successfully sought funding for reviving Reality Check and his Truth In Media website. After the proposal was approved by the DASH community Ben Swann’s team began working on fulfilling their end of the arrangement, promising new episodes of Reality Check every Tuesday and Thursday throughout February, March and April.  Swann also confirmed that he will begin appearing publicly starting with the Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico in late February.

However, Swann’s suspension could spell trouble for his arrangement with the DASH community. The intrepid journalist obviously has enough support to completely sever ties with the mainstream and go independent, but he is likely contractually obligated to CBS46 Atlanta. Activist Post will continue to follow the situation and provide updates as they come.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter and the founder of the Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2 and Manifesto of the Free Humans.

By Derrick Broze / Republished with permission / Activist Post / Report a typo

Let wel: bij het bovenstaand Twitterbericht hoort een video (van Vimeo), die ik niet weet over te nemen, hier de link naar het originele bericht. (als je weet hoe ik deze video's kan overnemen, meld dat dan ajb, je gaat dan op voor de vierdehands koelkast met exotische schimmels van dr. Pisser; voor muzikale recepten van dr. Pisser, klik op het label 'recept', direct onder dit bericht, recepten met een grote hoeveelheid links naar besproken albums van bands. Na een aantal berichten, ziet je het eerste muzikale recept en na een hoeveelheid van die recepten wordt het laatst bekeken recept telkens weer herhaald, dan even opnieuw op het label 'recept' klikken onder dat laatst bekeken recept.)

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       en: 'Massamedium CBS (VS) tegen reality check. Logisch wel, gezien de hoeveelheid fake news op die zender.....'

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