Een OPCW medewerker heeft de klok geluid door een groot aantal documenten en mails in de openbaarheid te brengen ('te lekken')..... In deze documenten en mails valt ten overvloede te zien dat de berichtgeving en reacties over/op de gifgasaanval in Douma er volledig (en expres) 'naast zaten......'*
Johnstone is verder ingegaan op die 'lekkage' bij de OPCW waarin wordt aangegeven dat het Syrische bewind geen gifgasaanval heeft uitgevoerd
op de bewoners van Douma, zoals de reguliere westerse media en politici ons halsstarrig blijven voorliegen,
als zou het 'de weg de waarheid en het leven zijn'.
hoeveelheden chlorine die de OPCW vond kunnen overal ter wereld
gevonden worden althans als het gaat om behuizing waar men
bijvoorbeeld schoonmaakt met chloor (en dat gebeurt lullig genoeg
over de hele wereld >> slecht voor het milieu, maar dat is een heel ander verhaal)..... Er is gedokterd aan het concept rapport en de
VS heeft ongelofelijk genoeg de OPCW onder druk gezet, de rapportage
dusdanig aan te passen dat Assad hoe dan ook de schuld zou krijgen en
er dus inderdaad een gifgasaanval heeft plaatsgevonden.......
In het
uiteindelijke rapport wordt niet gesproken hoeveel chlorine deeltjes men
vond op de plak van 'de aanval' en alleen daarmee kan je concluderen
of het om een gifgasaanval gaat..... Bij de lekken zat gelukkig een
mailbericht waaruit duidelijk werd dat de gevonden hoeveelheden
inderdaad in huis gevonden kunnen worden als je chloor gebruikt voor de
Het was
overigens al duidelijk uit getuigenverklaringen van medisch
hulpverleners dat de slachtoffers niet werden aangevallen met
gifgas..... Leden van de White Helmets of een andere
'hulporganisatie' van terreurgroepen behandelden de patiënten in een
ziekenhuis door ze met water af te sproeien als waren ze aangevallen met gifgas..... De slachtoffers
zaten ten tijde van een bombardement in schuilkelders waar de
stofontwikkeling hen bijna letterlijk de adem benam en geloof me dat
kan ongelofelijk benauwd zijn....
westen onder aanvoering van de VS waren de laatste jaren aan één
stuk door bezig stokken te zoeken om Assad mee te slaan, Assad en
zijn democratisch gekozen regering moest en moet weg, daar hij
weigert pijpleidingen toe te staan, die vanaf de Golfstaten over
Syrisch grondgebied richting Europa moeten gaan..... Intussen heeft
de VS nog een nieuwe reden gevonden om in Syrië te blijven: 'de
oliebronnen beschermen tegen IS'**, zodat deze o.a. door de VS opgezette
terreurgroep geen olie aan Turkije of andere staten kan verkopen.....
ha! ha! ha! ha! De Trump administratie is overigens zo brutaal om te
zeggen dat deze oliebronnen ook de VS moeten dienen......
hoogste tijd dat het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) een onderzoek
start naar de aanloop van de oorlog tegen Syrië. Al in 2006 was de VS
bezig met de voorbereidingen van een opstand in Syrië, die Assad wel
tot aftreden zou dwingen, lullig voor die administratie maar een
heel groot deel van het Syrische volk (en van alle 'gezindten') staat
achter haar president en diens regering......
voor niets ook dat velen teruggekeerd zijn naar hun steden als die
weer geheel onder officiële Syrische controle staan en gelukkig
verwijten de verschillende geloven elkaar niet aan de verkeerde
kant te hebben gestaan, ofwel moslims wonen weer naast christenen, alevieten en ga nog maar even door, samen bouwt men de steden weer
op, althans zoveel mogelijk, daar de illegale sancties van de
westerse wereld de herbouw bemoeilijken, veel grondstoffen zijn
eenvoudigweg niet voorradig........ Een schande van enorme
proporties!!! Zeker als je bedenkt dat de VS (met de andere
NAVO-lidstaten in haar kielzog) de oorlog in Syrië is begonnen...... (de opstand in Syrië werd al vanaf 2006 voorbereid door de VS)
hebben met ons allen de illegale oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië mogelijk gemaakt, dit via de belastingen, zoals we ook
jaren hebben betaald voor de ellende die het westen Libië heeft
aangedaan, daar de bedoeïenen die Khadaffi ter zijde stonden naar
Noord-Mali zijn getrokken en daar fiks wat ellende hebben aangericht
(dus ook daar is het westen verantwoordelijk voor). Zoals bekend had Nederland een missie in Mali, die als ik het goed heb 'al' is afgelopen
Hier het
artikel van Caitlin Johnstone:
New OPCW Leak Further Vindicates Skeptics Of Establishment Syria Narrative
the sixth of July last year, the Organisation for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (OPCW) released
its interim report on
its findings regarding an alleged poison gas attack in Douma, Syria
in April 2018. The incident, which resulted in dozens of civilian
casualties, was blamed on the Syrian government by the US, UK and
France, who launched retaliatory airstrikes on multiple targets in
that nation.
interim report claimed that "various chlorinated organic
chemicals were found" in different locations on the scene, but
strangely said nothing about the levels at
which those chemicals were found.
The Moon
of Alabama blog highlighted
this suspicious exclusion on
the day the report came out, noting that levels are absolutely
essential in determining chemical weapons use when you're talking
about compounds which are found virtually everywhere at some level in
any industrialized region.
preliminary OPCW report says nothing about the concentrations in
which these substances were found," MoA observed. "Without
knowing the concentrations, which may be extremely low, one can not
come to further conclusion."
'various chlorinated organic chemicals' are unsurprising," MoA
wrote. "Chlorine is widely used for water purification and
cleaning and 'chlorinated organic chemicals' will be found in any
A new
addition to
the body
of leaks which have been hemorrhaging from the OPCW shows
that such skepticism was indeed entirely warranted. A leaked email
sent shortly before the interim report was published reveals that the
chlorinated organic chemicals which OPCW investigators found on the
scene were as low as one or two parts-per-billion,
meaning, just as Moon
of Alabama speculated
last year, that they were found at trace quantities you'd expect to
find in any industrialized area.
RELEASE: Secret internal e-mail from OPCW whistleblower, a member of the fact-finding mission sent to Douma, Syria, after the alleged chemical attack in April last year, accusing OPCW management of doctoring report on the incident and distorting facts.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 24, 2019
leaked email, which has been published
by WikiLeaks and
several other outlets, was sent by an unnamed OPCW investigator to
the OPCW's then-cabinet chief Bob Fairweather, outright accusing OPCW
leadership of misleading the public with the information it was
omitting from the report it was drafting. Those who've been following
this scandal closely may remember Fairweather as the man who
journalist Jonathan Steele recently
reported was
responsible for calling investigators into his office to be
intimidated by unknown officials from the United States government.
email was sent to Fairweather on June 22nd, laden with pointed words
and phrases like "misrepresents the facts",
"selectively omitting", "highly misleading",
"disingenuous", "inaccurate", and "a major
deviation from the original report." Less than two weeks
later, on July the fourth, the investigators were reportedly called
into Fairweather's office for a disturbing meeting with US officials
which deeply rattled them.
July 4 there was another intervention," Steele's report reads.
"Fairweather, the chef de cabinet, invited several members of
the drafting team to his office. There they found three US officials
who were cursorily introduced without making clear which US agencies
they represented. The Americans told them emphatically that the
Syrian regime had conducted a gas attack, and that the two cylinders
found on the roof and upper floor of the building contained 170
kilograms of chlorine. The inspectors left Fairweather’s office,
feeling that the invitation to the Americans to address them was
unacceptable pressure and a violation of the OPCW’s declared
principles of independence and impartiality."
worth noting at this time that the US government already has a known
and established history of
leveraging the ostensibly neutral and international OPCW to conform
to its preexisting military agendas.
intimidation ploy appears to have been a response to comments made in
the email, and probably other similar internal objections made by
other investigators at that time. The email reads as follows
(transcript and parenthetical annotations made
by Daily
wish to express, as a member of the FFM (Fact Finding Mission) team
that conducted the investigation into the alleged chemical attack in
Douma on 7 April, my gravest concern at the redacted version of the
FFM report, which I understand was at the behest of the ODG. (Office
of the Director General). After reading this modified report, which
incidentally no other team member who deployed into Douma has had the
opportunity to do, I was struck by how much it misrepresents the
facts. Many of the facts and observations outlined in the full
version are inextricably interconnected and, by selectively
omitting certain ones, an unintended bias has been
introduced into the report, undermining its credibility. In
other cases, some crucial facts that have remained in the
redacted version have morphed into something quite different to
what was initially drafted. If I may, I will outline some specific
aspects to the redacted report that are particularly worrisome.
statement in paragraph 8.3 of the final conclusions 'The team has
sufficient evidence at this time to determine that chlorine, or
another reactive chlorine-containing chemical, was likely released
from cylinders', is highly misleading and not supported by
the facts. The only evidence available at this moment is that some
samples collected at Locations 2 and 4 were in contact with one or
more chemicals that contain a reactive chlorine atom. Such chemicals
could include molecular chlorine, phosgene, cyanogen chloride,
hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride or sodium hypochlorite (the
major ingredient of household chlorine-based bleach). Purposely
singling out chlorine gas as one of the possibilities
is disingenuous. It is also worth noting that the term 'reactive
chlorine-containing chemical' used in the redacted report is, in
fact, inaccurate. It actually describes a reactive chemical that
contains chlorine which itself (the chlorine) is not necessarily
reactive e.g. chlorophenol. The original report uses the more
accurate term 'a chemical containing reactive chlorine'.
redacted report states that the gas was likely released from the
cylinders (in Locations 2 and 4). The original report purposely
emphasised the fact that, although the cylinders might have been
the source of the suspected chemical release, there was insufficient
evidence to affirm this. It is possible the error was simply a
typo. This is a major deviation from the original report.
8.2 states that 'based on the high levels of various chlorinated
organic derivatives, [...] detected in environmental samples'.
Describing the levels as 'high' likely overstates the
extent of levels of chlorinated organic derivatives detected. They
were, in most cases, present only in parts per billion range, as low
as 1-2 ppb, which is essentially trace quantities.
original report discusses in detail the inconsistency between the
victims' symptoms, as reported by witnesses and seen in video
recordings. Omitting this section of the report (including the
Epidemiology which has been removed in its entirety) has a serious
negative impact on the report as this section is inextricably
linked to the chemical agent identified. It either supports or
detracts from the confidence in the identity of any possible
chemical. In this case the confidence in the identity of chlorine or
any choking agent is drawn into question precisely because of the
inconsistency with the reported and observed symptoms. The
inconsistency was not only noted by the FFM team but strongly noted
by three toxicologists with expertise in exposure to CW (Chemical
Weapons) agents.
original report has extensive sections regarding the placement of the
cylinders at both locations as well as the relative damage caused to
the impact points, compared to that caused to the cylinders suspected
of being the sources of the toxic chemical. These sections are
essentially absent from the redacted report. This information was
important in assessing the likelihood of the 'presence' of toxic
chemicals versus the 'use' of toxic chemicals.
feature of this investigation and report was the robust and extensive
scientific basis for sampling plans and analysing the data collected.
A comprehensive bibliography of peer-reviewed scientific literature
was attached to support and enhance the credibility of the work of
the mission. This has unfortunately been omitted from the redacted
singling out chlorine above other equally plausible substances
containing reactive chlorine and presenting it as a fact in isolation
creates, I believe, a level of partiality that would
negatively impact on the perceived credibility of the report, and by
extension that of the Organisation. I am requesting that the
fact-finding report be released in its entirety as I fear that this
redacted version no longer reflects the work of the team. The
original report contains facts and observations that are all equally
valid. The fact that inconsistencies are highlighted or observations
not fully understood does not justify their omission.
inconsistencies and observations are based on the evidence and data
collected. Further information in the future may help resolve them
but the facts as they stand at present will not alter and need to be
the redacted version is to be released, I respectfully request to
attach my differing observations, in accordance with the spirit of
paragraph 62 of part II of the Verification Annex of the CWC.
Today’s @OPCW final report on 7 April 2018 attack in Douma confirms chemical weapons used, demonstrating the vital importance of @OPCW’s work. This confirmed chlorine attack was only the latest example of Asad regime’s CW attacks on its own population. …
See UK Delegation OPCW's other Tweets
The OPCW’s final report published March of this year continued the pattern of crucial omissions even more egregiously than the interim report.
“Regarding the alleged use of toxic chemicals as a weapon in Douma, the evaluation and analysis of all the above-referenced information gathered by the FFM provide reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon has taken place on 7 April 2018,” the final report claims. “This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine.”
Again, the information complained about in the leaked email remained omitted.
This is really important. Why aren’t we talking about it?
"We may have just discovered a major piece of the puzzle explaining how seemingly independent international organizations help deceive us into consenting to wars and regime change interventionism around the world." …
when I published
an article about
the first OPCW whistleblower this past May it was shared
by actress Susan Sarandon on
Twitter, who captioned it with the question, "This is really
important. Why aren’t we talking about it?" Click on the tweet
and read through the comments if you want to see the platoon of
blue-checkmarked narrative managers who converged on her post telling
her I'm a crazed conspiracy theorist who mustn't be listened to. I
got this story right, and everyone who's been ignoring it or
dismissing it has made an ass of themselves.
congratulations to me. Congratulations to Moon
of Alabama for
getting this story right from day one. Congratulations to Piers
Robinson, Tim Hayward, and the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and
who published
the first OPCW leak back
in May of this year in the face of numerous
pieces from
the mainstream
Congratulations to Jimmy Dore, Aaron Maté and the handful of other
alternative media figures who've been keeping this story alive while
all the "reputable" mainstream news outlets tried to let it
were right, they were wrong. Maybe going forward people should listen
to us a bit more and listen to them a bit less.
for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make
sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list
for my website,
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Johnstone |
November 24, 2019 at 3:22 am |
Tags: Douma, email, Fairweather, media, OPCW, scandal, Syria, wikileaks |
Categories: Article, News |
========================================* Zie: 'OPCW valt door de mand, klokkenluider: Douma gifgasaanval werd niet uitgevoerd door Syrische leger'
** 'De oliebronnen beschermen', lees: controle over de oliebronnen te krijgen zodat de regering Assad er geen beschikking over heeft en het land niet kan wederopbouwen....
Zie ook:
'White Helmets oprichter 'vermoord door' vredesactivisten en kritische alternatieve media'
'Douma, OPCW lek wordt door massamedia toegeschreven aan Rusland, waarbij men blijft volhouden dat de gifgasaanval plaatsvond'
'White Helmets oprichter 'vermoord door' vredesactivisten en kritische alternatieve media'
'Douma, OPCW lek wordt door massamedia toegeschreven aan Rusland, waarbij men blijft volhouden dat de gifgasaanval plaatsvond'
'Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist'
'Gifgasaanval Douma: OPCW rapport maakt korte metten met de westerse beschuldiging aan adres Syrië, waar de NOS een meer dan levensgrote bok schoot' (later gaf de OPCW Syrië alsnog de schuld....)
'Bernard Hammelburg (BNR): Assad is een monster waar we mee moeten samenwerken.........'
''Gematigde' terreurgroepen in Syrië kregen Nederlands belastinggeld om te moorden, verkrachten, martelen en om te roven.......'
'Arrestatie Rutte, Koenders, Zijlstra en Blok wegens hulp aan terreurgroepen in Syrië van hoogste belang'
''Gematigde' terreurgroepen in Syrië kregen Nederlands belastinggeld om te moorden, verkrachten, martelen en om te roven.......'
'Arrestatie Rutte, Koenders, Zijlstra en Blok wegens hulp aan terreurgroepen in Syrië van hoogste belang'
'Van Baalen (VVD) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
'VS bereid tot militair ingrijpen tegen de regering Assad >> aanleiding: gifgas leugens van o.a. de VS zelf.......'
'Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....'
'Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi'
'Tulsi Gabbard (VS congres Hawaï): Trump is de beschermende Big Brother van Al Qaida'
'VS bereid tot militair ingrijpen tegen de regering Assad >> aanleiding: gifgas leugens van o.a. de VS zelf.......'
'Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....'
Voor wapenleveranties e.d. aan terreurgroepen in Syrië, zie de berichten onder de volgende links (opvallend nogmaals dat de VS ISIS van wapens voorzag, zie de hysterie n.a.v. de moord op al-Baghdadi, voor berichten over die moord, klik op het label met zijn naam, direct onder dit bericht..):
US weapons supplied to Syrian rebels ended up with Islamic State: report
Tracing ISIS’ Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US
Tracing ISIS’ Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US
'Made in America: US-Trained 'Moderate' Rebels, With Blessing Of Americans, Seling US Weapons to ISIS'
'Tulsi Gabbard (VS congres Hawaï): Trump is de beschermende Big Brother van Al Qaida'
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