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Posts tonen met het label A. Harb. Alle posts tonen

maandag 28 mei 2018

VS overweegt kritiek op Israël aan te pakken als antisemitisme........

Met een wetsvoorstel van het Congres in de VS wil men kritiek op de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël gelijk stellen aan antisemitisme........

Bijvoorbeeld het vergelijken van de Israëlische politiek met nazi-politiek wordt dan antisemitisme genoemd en zou middels beroepsverboden of wegzending van universiteiten kunnen leiden....... Ook zal kritiek worden geweerd in de reguliere media en de sociale media....* Je kan dan niet meer wijzen op een groep Israëlische officieren die begin 90er jaren aan de bel trokken en stelden dat zij werden onderwezen uit SS handboeken.....

Uiteraard zal deze wet worden aangenomen, het huidige politieke klimaat in de VS is er rijp voor...... Lullig genoeg volgt een groot deel van de EU de VS in dit soort zaken, dat bleek een tijd geleden met het verzet tegen de BDS beweging, die een boycot van Israël bepleit zolang Israël doorgaat met de enorme terreur tegen de Palestijnse bevolking en haar niet al haar rechten teruggeeft, inclusief land en een plaats voor de met veel geweld verjaagde Palestijnen. De BDS werd vrijwel onmiddellijk onder druk van Israël als antisemitisch afgeschilderd....... 

Te vrezen valt dan ook, wanneer deze nieuwe wet in de VS wordt aangenomen, de EU zal volgen...... Daarmee zal de vrijheid van meningsuiting geslachtofferd worden en om een cliché aan te halen: als er één schaap over de dam is volgen er meer, ofwel als dit recht op een dergelijke ordinaire manier wordt aangetast, zal het niet lang duren voordat men dit soort zaken zelfs strafbaar zal stellen, zoals het brengen van 'fake news' (nepnieuws) in de sociale media..... (het liefst noemt men alles nepnieuws wat niet overeenkomt met wat je in de reguliere media wordt voorgelogen....)

Ongelofelijk dit alles, zeker als je ziet dat neonazi's gewoon mogen demonstreren in de VS, met swastika's en al, dit nog naast het mogen organiseren van (militaire-) trainingen door dit psychopathische geteisem........

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor neonazi's in VS

New US Congress Bill Conflates Criticism of Israel With Anti-Semitism

The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018, was introduced by lawmakers from both major parties (AFP/file photo)

 Ali Harb's picture    Ali Harb
               Last update: 
Thursday 24 May 2018 18:18 UTC

(MEE— A US Congress bill proposed on Wednesday conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, free-speech advocates say.

The measure aims to provide the Department of Education with a legal definition of anti-Semitism to handle discrimination claims.

It adopts a 2010 report by a special US State Department envoy to combat anti-Semitism.

The document provides a list of examples where anti-Semitism “manifests itself with regard to the state of Israel”. They include applying double-standards for Israel, attempting to delegitimise it and comparing Israeli policies to Nazi Germany.

It’s ridiculous; it’s unconstitutional; it’s against free speech,” Ahmad Abuznaid, director of the National Network of Arab American Communities (NAAC), told Middle East Eye.

The bill, dubbed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018, was introduced by lawmakers from both US major parties.

US college campuses, where activists attempt to pass student council resolutions to boycott Israel for its mistreatment of Palestinians, have become a major arena for debate over the conflict.

Activists say the bill would censor the exchange of ideas and censor Israel’s critics.
The Arab American Institute, a Washington-based think tank, said the bill focuses on suppressing speech critical of Israel, but it fails to address the real problem of anti-Semitism.

At a time when hate crimes against targeted and vulnerable communities have increased, including against the American Jewish community, it is imperative that our elected officials do not conflate criticisms of policies and political opposition with instances of hate,” the group said in a statement.

Abuznaid compared the bill with measures to outlaw the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, “but this is a more vicious attack on the freedom of speech in the US.”

Last year, lawmakers proposed a bill that would legally restrict US citizens and companies from boycotting Israel. The measure failed to progress after an outcry from free speech watchdogs, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

This bill is unconstitutional because it seeks to impose the government’s political views on Americans who choose to express themselves through boycotts,” Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, said in a statement in March after the anti-boycott bill was amended.

In January, a federal judge blocked a Kansas law that required state contractors to certify that they do not boycott Israel.

JVP calls on Congress to oppose the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

“It's not an ‘anti-Semitism awareness act’ – it’s the Silencing Students Act,” says JVP's Rabbi Joseph Berman 

The ACLU also rejected Wednesday’s anti-Semitism bill, saying that it “risks chilling the free speech of students on college campuses, and is unnecessary to enforce federal law’s prohibition on harassment in education.”

We worry that the law will lead colleges to suppress speech, especially if the Department of Education launches investigations simply because students have engaged in speech critical of Israel,” ACLU executive director Anthony Romero said in a statement.

College campuses should be havens for free expression, and students must be free to express their opinions and viewpoints, so long as they avoid harassment. We urge Congress to reject this dangerous and unnecessary bill.”

Abuznaid said Wednesday’s bill targets students who are developing a sense of activism.

He added that the bill would play to the advantage of Kenneth Marcus, President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the civil rights office of the Department of Education. Marcus has led civil rights lawsuits against academic institutions that adopted BDS measures.

It’s just another avenue to stifle the debate on Israel and Palestine,” Abuznaid said of the bill.
Proponents of the bill say its objective is to protect Jewish students from discrimination.

Jewish students, like students of any religion, should not live in fear of attacks because of their religion,” Congressman Ted Deutch, a Democrat from Florida who co-sponsored the measure, said in a statement.

They shouldn’t have to fear wearing Judaic symbols or expressing their support for Israel.”

By Ali Harb Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

US may soon recognise Israel's sovereignty over Golan: Israeli minister#Occupation

US ambassador poses with poster showing Jewish Third Temple replacing Al-Aqsa#Occupation

Californian Muslim woman stands up to Islamophobia#Islamophobia


* Zo weert Facebook nu al langere tijd kritische Palestijnen van haar medium.......... Zie wat dat betreft ook: 'Facebook wil samen met door Saoedi-Arabië gesubsidieerde denktank censureren.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

maandag 29 januari 2018

Israëls tentakels reiken nu tot in steden als New Orleans.......

Niet alleen kan Israël haar macht doen gelden in westerse landelijke overheden, maar sinds de BDS beweging heeft de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël haar tentakels zelfs tot in steden uitgerold. Zoals New Orleans dat eerder na druk van de BDS beweging besloot geen zaken meer te doen met bedrijven die mensenrechtenschendingen mogelijk maken dan wel veroorzaken, zoals bedrijven die werken in de door Israël illegaal bezette West Bank, dan wel bedrijven die samenwerken met de fascistische staat Israël....... Dit was echter van korte duur, Israël wist via een paar extreem rechtse pro-Israëlische groepen, de eerder door New Orleans aangenomen resolutie ingetrokken te krijgen..........

Zo bepaalt deze uitermate gevaarlijke terreurentiteit, bekend als Israël, meer en meer de binnen en buitelandpolitiek van de meeste westerse landen en zelfs de politiek in steden...... Door ook maar één letter van kritiek op Israël te uiten in de openbaarheid, krijg je onmiddellijk het stempel antisemiet en ten tweede de toevoeging fascist of nazi opgeplakt......... (tot semieten behoren overigens ook de arabische volkeren!)

Overigens waren het Israëlische officieren die begin negentiger jaren de klok luidden over hun militaire opleiding, waar het handboek van de SS als leidraad werd gebruikt voor o.a. het beheersen van een mensenmassa (tot hele huizenblokken en zelfs tot complete getto's....).....

Under Pressure From Pro-Israel Groups, New Orleans Repeals BDS Resolution

January 27, 2018 at 9:23 am
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE) — The New Orleans City Council rescinded a human rights resolution backed by Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) advocates after pressure from pro-Israel politicians and groups.

The short-lived resolution, which was withdrawn on Thursday, recommended removing corporations that violate human rights from the city’s list of contractual partners, but it did not specifically mention Israel or Palestine.

The New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee (NOPSC) had pushed the measure, known as R-18-5, which drew the ire of Israel’s supporters immediately after its passage.

Max Geller, a member of the New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee, said city officials had been “cowardly” in succumbing to pressure from the Israeli lobby.

Still, opponents of the measure had called the resolution bigoted and unjustified.

The BDS movement, which has inherently anti-Semitic components, is designed to challenge Israel’s economic viability and very right to exist,” the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans (JFGNO) said in a statement on 12 January, a day after the measure was passed.

In a joint statement, JFGNO and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) welcomed scrapping the resolution, saying that BDS “does not advance the discussion towards meaningful resolution and peace between Israelis and Palestinians, or a workable two state solution.”

The BDS movement started as a call by Palestinian civil society activists for a peaceful means to resist the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. They liken their movement to boycott calls against the apartheid government in South Africa in the 1960s.

BDS critics accuse it of anti-Semitism because it targets Israel.

Geller told MEE that Israel’s supporters are only interested in maintaining the “apartheid practices” of the Israeli government.

There’s nothing anti-Semitic about non-violently resisting state violence,” Geller said in defense of BDS.

There’s nothing anti-Semitic about putting an end to ethnic cleansing and allowing people to stay on their own land.”

Council members felt a backlash from pro-Israeli groups “immediately” after the resolution was passed.

Almost immediately, my fellow council members and I received sharp criticism for the manner in which the resolution was passed, as well as the unintended, but serious consequences of its passage,” Mayor-elect  LaToya Cantrell said in a statement.

Although she authored and introduced the measure, Cantrell added that its “unintended impact does not reflect my commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and respect and support for civil rights, human rights and freedoms of all New Orleanians.”

New Orleans-based Republican State Senator Conrad Appel‏ had called the pro-BDS resolution “absurd.”

This is beyond absurd! Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and a true friend. So the City Council votes to support those who want to destroy Israel! I am am speechless. 

Outgoing Mayor Mitch Landrieu also said in a statement that the resolution does not represent the policy of the city, calling the measure “gratuitous.”

Even outside New Orleans, pro-Israel politicians slammed the resolution, with South Carolina State Representative Alan Clemmons calling for a boycott against the southern city.

One after another, council members started distancing themselves from the pro-BDS measure that they had approved.

Council President Jason Williams, who co-sponsored the resolution, said he had to educate himself about BDS and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after R-18-5 was passed.

Let me be very clear to citizens of New Orleans and citizens of the world; this city council is not anti-Israel,” Williams said in a statement. “That sentiment is inconsistent with the council’s actions and certainly mine personally.”

However, BDS activists say city officials knew exactly what they were voting on, and Williams had cited the boycott against apartheid in South Africa while discussing the resolution.

The council president did not return MEE’s request for comment.

Geller said council members are acting like they did not know the aim of R-18-5, which “doesn’t jive with reality”.

He said Palestinian rights activists had had dozens of interactions with council members before 11 January and every single time, they introduced themselves as the New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee.

Despite the disappointment, Tabitha Mustafa, an organiser for the Solidarity Committee, said the repeal of the resolution is not a loss for BDS.

She explained that the affair has put Palestinian suffering and Israeli abuses in the public eye.

We haven’t lost anything. This is a victory. I would like to say thank you to the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans for getting out the word about Palestinian human rights and Israeli apartheid violations of human rights.”

By Ali Harb / Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo