was al zo dat Israëlische arabieren (lees: Palestijnen die in 1948 niet werden verjaagd van hun grond en/of uit hun huis) in veel steden en
dorpen niet welkom waren, met deze wet is deze apartheidsmaatregel in
feite geïnstitutionaliseerd........
de officiële taal is vanaf nu Hebreeuws....... Voorts mogen
straks ook LGBT personen geweigerd worden in dorpen waar
uitspuitend zionistische (ofwel: fascistische) joden wonen.....
werd gisteren internationaal veel gesproken over deze wetgeving en
lullig genoeg had niemand in de reguliere media het lef te zeggen waar het op staat: Israël
is nu officieel een fascistische apartheidsstaat..... Veel gedraai
rond de pispot, maar te laf om de mond open te trekken en deze
fascistische wetgeving keihard te veroordelen.......
zal de Israëlische regering met deze wetgeving het stichten van joodse nederzettingen
(in illegaal bezet gebied op de West Bank) promoten en
steunen........ En dan durven de westerse politici te zeggen dat men
geen commentaar wil leveren op Israël om de 'vredesonderhandelingen' niet te
frustreren......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
Op Radio1 was gisteren een vertegenwoordiger van Human Rights Watch (HRW) te horen, deze Jan Kooy* stelde in feite dat je nog niet kan spreken van apartheid in Israël en er zelfs nog sprake is van democratie...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Wat een ongelofelijk slappe zak, als je niet van apartheid kan spreken in Israël, wanneer kan je daar dan wel over spreken????? (niet meer doneren aan deze waardeloze organisatie mensen!)
Op Radio1 was gisteren een vertegenwoordiger van Human Rights Watch (HRW) te horen, deze Jan Kooy* stelde in feite dat je nog niet kan spreken van apartheid in Israël en er zelfs nog sprake is van democratie...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Wat een ongelofelijk slappe zak, als je niet van apartheid kan spreken in Israël, wanneer kan je daar dan wel over spreken????? (niet meer doneren aan deze waardeloze organisatie mensen!)
Beste bezoeker,
van onze politieke partijen moeten we het niet hebben, de meeste vertegenwoordigers daarvan zullen Israël zelfs
nog steunen als ze voor de Palestijnen concentratiekampen zouden inrichten....... Laten we daarom bewegingen als BDS** steunen en alle producten uit Israël boycotten en
producten waar de oorsprong niet op terug te vinden is, niet langer kopen!!
hebben intussen al te veel fascistische staten (beter: 'nazi-staten') gehad en lullig genoeg hebben we die nog steeds, tijd voor het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) haar werk een
keer te doen en de leiders van Israël veroordeelt waarvoor ze
- massamoorden
- martelingen,
- oorlogsmisdaden
- het stelen van land
- het vasthouden van volwassenen en kinderen, zonder een vorm van berechting (al stelt de rechtspraak in Israël niets voor...)
- discriminatie van Palestijnen en Druzen
- grootschender van mensen- en kinderrechten
- het illegaal bezet houden van land, het vernietigen van enorm veel onroerend goed, zelfs als het betreffende pand bijvoorbeeld nog wordt bewoond
- het collectief straffen van Palestijnse families, als een wanhopige familielid bijvoorbeeld een Israëlische psychopathische soldaat aanvalt dan wel vermoord, een manier van straffen die NB door de SS werd vervolmaakt tijdens WOII........
Israel Passes ‘Nation State’ Law Enshrining Jewish Supremacy
19, 2018 at 9:00 am
by Middle
East Eye
(MEE) — Israel passed
a law on Thursday giving Jews supremacy over all non-Jewish Israeli
citizens, which critics and members of the state’s Palestinian
minority called racist, likening the legislation to apartheid.
“Nation State” law passed by a vote of 62-55 and two abstentions
in the 120-member parliament after months of political argument.
Following the vote Palestinian lawmakers shouted and tore up papers.
Speaker Yuli-Yoel Edelstein called on security to eject the
Palestinian MPs, who were led out crying “You are racist”.
is a defining moment in the annals of Zionism and the history of the
state of Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the
Knesset, Israel’s parliament, after the vote.
Jabareen, general director of Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab
Minority Rights in Israel (LCAMRI) , said the law features key elements of
apartheid, which he said “is not only immoral but also absolutely
prohibited under international law”.
new law constitutionally enshrines the identity of Israel as the
nation-state of the Jewish people only – despite the 1.5 million
Palestinian citizens of the state and residents of East Jerusalem and
the Golan Heights – and guarantees the exclusive ethnic-religious
character of Israel as Jewish,” he said.
defining sovereignty and democratic self-rule as belonging solely to
the Jewish people – wherever they live around the world – Israel
has made discrimination a constitutional value and has professed its
commitment to favoring Jewish supremacy as the bedrock of its

Qumsiyya, a writer and activist, told Middle East Eye that Israel was
moving down a dark path.
settler states like Israel move towards more and more extremism
before they arrive at one of the three known outcomes of colonialism:
the Algerian outcome (a two-tiered ethnic system), the Australian/USA
outcome (genocide of natives), or the rest of the world model
(coexistance in one pluralistic state),” he said.
Nation State law is written mostly for self-validation by racists who
know the third outcome is inevitably arriving soon.”
Two Tiers
than 500 words long, the Nation State law accords exclusive “national
self-determination” rights – the right to decide Israel’s
national priorities, of both symbolic and practical importance – to
Jewish people, wherever they may live, in Israel or abroad, and
whether or not they even hold Israeli citizenship.
law does not, notably, say that Palestinian and other non-Jewish
citizens of Israel are entitled to equal treatment under the law.
law also gives Hebrew superior status over Arabic, making the former
the state’s only official language and demoting the latter to
merely a language with a “special status”.
effect, the Nation State law, which as a basic law holds
constitutional power, means Israel’s ethno-religious character
supersedes its democratic one.
bill has been criticised by Palestinian citizens of Israel, liberal
Jewish Israelis, Israel’s president and rights groups, some of whom
have said the law would amount to apartheid.
percent of the citizens will be discriminated against, by definition.
What is that if not apartheid? This is racist and unprecedented
legislation from a government that has lost all shame,” tweeted
Joint List party chair Ayman Odeh earlier in the week, anticipating
the law’s passage.
is a mortal wound for Arab citizens [of Israel], and for democracy,
no less.”
Joint List lawmaker, Aida Touma-Suleiman, slammed the bill, saying it
would “establish Jewish supremacy” and “wipe the word
‘equality’ from the political lexicon in the State of Israel.”
Palestinian members of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, were
joined by Jewish liberal lawmakers and about 2,500 demonstrators
on Saturday night, in a march through the main streets of downtown
Tel Aviv to protest the bill.
groups say Israel has been discriminating against its non-Jewish
citizens ever since the state was founded in 1948, pointing to dozens
of Israeli laws that mandate preferential treatment to Jews.
the law will have greater, more lasting impact as it enshrines a
two-tiered system of rights in a basic law.
Coalition Concessions
Netanyahu’s government has ignored the protests of Palestinian
parliamentarians and left-leaning Zionist lawmakers, it altered the
law’s language in recent weeks in order to secure common ground
between the centre-right and far-right factions of the cabinet.
far-right religious bloc insisted on altering a clause committing the
government to “strengthen the affinity between the state and the
Jewish people,” ensuring that it would only apply to foreign Jews.
The religious parties feared that if, as in its original language,
the bill applied to Israeli Jews as well, it would legitimate liberal
streams of the Jewish religion, and weaken their own monopoly on
issues of synagogue and state.
centre-right members of Netanyahu’s coalition government worried
that, were the law to include language which could be easily
understood as enshrining racial discrimination into law, it could
further sour Israel’s relations with the world’s western
democracies, who are still its most important international allies
and largest trading partners.
clause in particluar, 7b, had attracted much concern from Israel’s
allies and even its presidnet, Reuven Rivlin.
7b would have allowed Jewish-only communities, and said the
“state can allow a community composed of people of the same faith
or nationality to maintain an exclusive community”.
condemned the clause, saying it would “allow any community to
establish residential communities that exclude Sephardic Jews,
Ultra-Orthodox people, Druze, LGBT people”.
such pressure and encouraged by the centre right, 7b was removed,
with the article concerning Jewish settlement changed to: “The
state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value
and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and
consolidation” – mandating state support for Jewish-only
MK Dov Khenin from the Joint List indicated that the new wording,
which was drafted by ultra-nationalist Naftali Bennet, is even worse
than the original.
the earlier wording pretended to be neutral, stating that separate
communities were possible for each group, now the cat is out of the
bag and it’s stating explicitly that only Jewish communities will
get priority,” he said.
is a model of undisguised racism, suited only to corrupt rulers who
have lost all shame.”
to the law’s passing, over 900 locales in Israel – approximately
three-quarters of all townships in the country – already forbade
non-Jews from living within their municipal borders.
the state to diminish the property rights of Palestinian citizens of
Israel is seemingly backed by widespread popular support. An Israel
Democracy Institute poll published in
November found that two-thirds of Israeli Jews believe that the right
of Palestinian citizens of Israel to buy land in the country should
be curtailed, while a quarter of Israeli Jews said any such purchases
should be forbidden altogether.
recent weeks, a family of Palestinian citizens of Israel who
purchased a home in the northern city of Afula was protested by
hundreds of locals, including the former mayor, who told local
“’the residents of Afula don’t want a mixed city, but rather a
Jewish city, and it’s their right. This is not racism.”
Adalah has panned the Nation-State law, saying it “discriminates against
the Arabs in the fields of citizenship, property and land, language
and culture, and justifies their inferiority in all spheres of life
by excluding them from the political community that constitutes the
sovereign in their homeland”.
country in the world today is defined as a democratic state where the
constitutional identity is determined by ethnic affiliation that
overrides the principle of equal citizenship,” the group said in a
* Jan Kooy is senior press officer Europe voor HRW, zo weet je meteen waar je geld naartoe gaat, althans als je geld doneert aan deze organisatie......
** BDS: Boycot, Divestment, Sanctions, is een door Palestijnen geleide organisatie die zich inzet voor vrijheid, gerechtigheid en gelijkheid t.b.v. Palestijnen.
Zie ook:
'Israël: gevangenschap voor slaan van militair en vrijspraak voor doelbewust levend verbranden van een Palestijnse baby.......' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)
'Palestijnen: beelden van vernederingen die dit volk zich op dagelijkse basis moet laten welgevallen door Israëlische militairen'
'Ceremoniële beloning voor 'heldhaftige' Israëlische scherpschutters die ongewapende Palestijnse demonstranten vermoordden'
'TUI met reizen naar Israël: "Discover apartheid and the mass murders on Palestinians and smile...."'
'Israël blokkeert toegang tot dorp Ahed al-Tamimi......'