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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label R. Rivlin. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label R. Rivlin. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 20 juli 2018

Israël nu officieel fascistische apartheidsstaat: natiestaat wet aangenomen.........

Israël is al jaren een fascistische apartheidsstaat (en nog een uiterst gewelddadige ook), e.e.a. is nu vervat in wetgeving, met het aannemen van een natiestaat wet....... 

Het was al zo dat Israëlische arabieren (lees: Palestijnen die in 1948 niet werden verjaagd van hun grond en/of uit hun huis) in veel steden en dorpen niet welkom waren, met deze wet is deze apartheidsmaatregel in feite geïnstitutionaliseerd........

Ook de officiële taal is vanaf nu Hebreeuws....... Voorts mogen straks ook LGBT personen geweigerd worden in dorpen waar uitspuitend zionistische (ofwel: fascistische) joden wonen.....

Er werd gisteren internationaal veel gesproken over deze wetgeving en lullig genoeg had niemand in de reguliere media het lef te zeggen waar het op staat: Israël is nu officieel een fascistische apartheidsstaat..... Veel gedraai rond de pispot, maar te laf om de mond open te trekken en deze fascistische wetgeving keihard te veroordelen.......

Voorts zal de Israëlische regering met deze wetgeving het stichten van joodse nederzettingen (in illegaal bezet gebied op de West Bank) promoten en steunen........ En dan durven de westerse politici te zeggen dat men geen commentaar wil leveren op Israël om de 'vredesonderhandelingen' niet te frustreren......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Op Radio1 was gisteren een vertegenwoordiger van Human Rights Watch (HRW) te horen, deze Jan Kooy* stelde in feite dat je nog niet kan spreken van apartheid in Israël en er zelfs nog sprake is van democratie...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Wat een ongelofelijk slappe zak, als je niet van apartheid kan spreken in Israël, wanneer kan je daar dan wel over spreken????? (niet meer doneren aan deze waardeloze organisatie mensen!)

Beste bezoeker, van onze politieke partijen moeten we het niet hebben, de meeste vertegenwoordigers daarvan zullen Israël zelfs nog steunen als ze voor de Palestijnen concentratiekampen zouden inrichten....... Laten we daarom bewegingen als BDS** steunen en alle producten uit Israël boycotten en producten waar de oorsprong niet op terug te vinden is, niet langer kopen!! 

We hebben intussen al te veel fascistische staten (beter: 'nazi-staten') gehad en lullig genoeg hebben we die nog steeds, tijd voor het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) haar werk een keer te doen en de leiders van Israël veroordeelt waarvoor ze staan: 

  • massamoorden 
  • martelingen, 
  • oorlogsmisdaden
  • het stelen van land
  • het vasthouden van volwassenen en kinderen, zonder een vorm van berechting (al stelt de rechtspraak in Israël niets voor...)
  • discriminatie van Palestijnen en Druzen
  • grootschender van mensen- en kinderrechten
  • het illegaal bezet houden van land, het vernietigen van enorm veel onroerend goed, zelfs als het betreffende pand bijvoorbeeld nog wordt bewoond
  • het collectief straffen van Palestijnse families, als een wanhopige familielid bijvoorbeeld een Israëlische psychopathische soldaat aanvalt dan wel vermoord, een manier van straffen die NB door de SS werd vervolmaakt tijdens WOII........

Israel Passes ‘Nation State’ Law Enshrining Jewish Supremacy

July 19, 2018 at 9:00 am
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— Israel passed a law on Thursday giving Jews supremacy over all non-Jewish Israeli citizens, which critics and members of the state’s Palestinian minority called racist, likening the legislation to apartheid.

The “Nation State” law passed by a vote of 62-55 and two abstentions in the 120-member parliament after months of political argument. Following the vote Palestinian lawmakers shouted and tore up papers.

Parliament Speaker Yuli-Yoel Edelstein called on security to eject the Palestinian MPs, who were led out crying “You are racist”.

This is a defining moment in the annals of Zionism and the history of the state of Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, after the vote.

Hassan Jabareen, general director of Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (LCAMRI) , said the law features key elements of apartheid, which he said “is not only immoral but also absolutely prohibited under international law”.

The new law constitutionally enshrines the identity of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people only – despite the 1.5 million Palestinian citizens of the state and residents of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights – and guarantees the exclusive ethnic-religious character of Israel as Jewish,” he said.

By defining sovereignty and democratic self-rule as belonging solely to the Jewish people – wherever they live around the world – Israel has made discrimination a constitutional value and has professed its commitment to favoring Jewish supremacy as the bedrock of its institutions.”

Mazin Qumsiyya, a writer and activist, told Middle East Eye that Israel was moving down a dark path.

Colonial settler states like Israel move towards more and more extremism before they arrive at one of the three known outcomes of colonialism: the Algerian outcome (a two-tiered ethnic system), the Australian/USA outcome (genocide of natives), or the rest of the world model (coexistance in one pluralistic state),” he said.

The Nation State law is written mostly for self-validation by racists who know the third outcome is inevitably arriving soon.”

Two Tiers

Less than 500 words long, the Nation State law accords exclusive “national self-determination” rights – the right to decide Israel’s national priorities, of both symbolic and practical importance – to Jewish people, wherever they may live, in Israel or abroad, and whether or not they even hold Israeli citizenship.

The law does not, notably, say that Palestinian and other non-Jewish citizens of Israel are entitled to equal treatment under the law.

The law also gives Hebrew superior status over Arabic, making the former the state’s only official language and demoting the latter to merely a language with a “special status”.
In effect, the Nation State law, which as a basic law holds constitutional power, means Israel’s ethno-religious character supersedes its democratic one.

The bill has been criticised by Palestinian citizens of Israel, liberal Jewish Israelis, Israel’s president and rights groups, some of whom have said the law would amount to apartheid.

Twenty percent of the citizens will be discriminated against, by definition. What is that if not apartheid? This is racist and unprecedented legislation from a government that has lost all shame,” tweeted Joint List party chair Ayman Odeh earlier in the week, anticipating the law’s passage.

This is a mortal wound for Arab citizens [of Israel], and for democracy, no less.”
Fellow Joint List lawmaker, Aida Touma-Suleiman, slammed the bill, saying it would “establish Jewish supremacy” and “wipe the word ‘equality’ from the political lexicon in the State of Israel.”

The Palestinian members of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, were joined by Jewish liberal lawmakers and about 2,500 demonstrators on Saturday night, in a march through the main streets of downtown Tel Aviv to protest the bill.

Rights groups say Israel has been discriminating against its non-Jewish citizens ever since the state was founded in 1948, pointing to dozens of Israeli laws that mandate preferential treatment to Jews.

However, the law will have greater, more lasting impact as it enshrines a two-tiered system of rights in a basic law.

Coalition Concessions

While Netanyahu’s government has ignored the protests of Palestinian parliamentarians and left-leaning Zionist lawmakers, it altered the law’s language in recent weeks in order to secure common ground between the centre-right and far-right factions of the cabinet.

The far-right religious bloc insisted on altering a clause committing the government to “strengthen the affinity between the state and the Jewish people,” ensuring that it would only apply to foreign Jews. The religious parties feared that if, as in its original language, the bill applied to Israeli Jews as well, it would legitimate liberal streams of the Jewish religion, and weaken their own monopoly on issues of synagogue and state.

The centre-right members of Netanyahu’s coalition government worried that, were the law to include language which could be easily understood as enshrining racial discrimination into law, it could further sour Israel’s relations with the world’s western democracies, who are still its most important international allies and largest trading partners.

One clause in particluar, 7b, had attracted much concern from Israel’s allies and even its presidnet, Reuven Rivlin.

Clause 7b would have allowed Jewish-only communities, and said the “state can allow a community composed of people of the same faith or nationality to maintain an exclusive community”.

Rivlin condemned the clause, saying it would “allow any community to establish residential communities that exclude Sephardic Jews, Ultra-Orthodox people, Druze, LGBT people”.

Under such pressure and encouraged by the centre right, 7b was removed, with the article concerning Jewish settlement changed to: “The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation” – mandating state support for Jewish-only communities.

However, MK Dov Khenin from the Joint List indicated that the new wording, which was drafted by ultra-nationalist Naftali Bennet, is even worse than the original.

While the earlier wording pretended to be neutral, stating that separate communities were possible for each group, now the cat is out of the bag and it’s stating explicitly that only Jewish communities will get priority,” he said.

This is a model of undisguised racism, suited only to corrupt rulers who have lost all shame.”

Prior to the law’s passing, over 900 locales in Israel – approximately three-quarters of all townships in the country – already forbade non-Jews from living within their municipal borders.

Sanctioning the state to diminish the property rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel is seemingly backed by widespread popular support. An Israel Democracy Institute poll published in November found that two-thirds of Israeli Jews believe that the right of Palestinian citizens of Israel to buy land in the country should be curtailed, while a quarter of Israeli Jews said any such purchases should be forbidden altogether.

In recent weeks, a family of Palestinian citizens of Israel who purchased a home in the northern city of Afula was protested by hundreds of locals, including the former mayor, who told local press, “’the residents of Afula don’t want a mixed city, but rather a Jewish city, and it’s their right. This is not racism.”

Adalah has panned the Nation-State law, saying it “discriminates against the Arabs in the fields of citizenship, property and land, language and culture, and justifies their inferiority in all spheres of life by excluding them from the political community that constitutes the sovereign in their homeland”.

No country in the world today is defined as a democratic state where the constitutional identity is determined by ethnic affiliation that overrides the principle of equal citizenship,” the group said in a statement.

By MEE staff Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo
Jan Kooy is senior press officer Europe voor HRW, zo weet je meteen waar je geld naartoe gaat, althans als je geld doneert aan deze organisatie......

** BDS: Boycot, Divestment, Sanctions, is een door Palestijnen geleide organisatie die zich inzet voor vrijheid, gerechtigheid en gelijkheid t.b.v. Palestijnen.

Zie ook: 
'Israël: gevangenschap voor slaan van militair en vrijspraak voor doelbewust levend verbranden van een Palestijnse baby.......' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'Palestijnen: beelden van vernederingen die dit volk zich op dagelijkse basis moet laten welgevallen door Israëlische militairen'

'Ceremoniële beloning voor 'heldhaftige' Israëlische scherpschutters die ongewapende Palestijnse demonstranten vermoordden'

'TUI met reizen naar Israël: "Discover apartheid and the mass murders on Palestinians and smile...."'

'Israël blokkeert toegang tot dorp Ahed al-Tamimi......'

woensdag 18 juli 2018

Israël wil officieel een fascistische staat worden.......

Als de psychopathische regering van Israël haar zin krijgt, zal Israël discriminatie tegen de Palestijnen legaliseren, ofwel apartheid tot officieel beleid maken.......* Daarmee geeft deze regering onder leiding van Palestijnenslachter Netanyahu, toe een fascistische regering te zijn en maakt het van Israël officieel een fascistische apartheidsstaat........

De hoogste tijd dat Nederland en alle andere westerse landen die deze fascistische staat steunen, daar eindelijk een eind aanmaken, alsof je godverdomme het nazi-Duitsland van 1935 steunt in haar haat en vervolging tegen/van de joden......

Hoe is het mogelijk dat het Israëlische volk dat zo is vervolgd, steeds meer de kenmerken overneemt van haar eerdere massamoordenaars....???**

How Israel Makes Apartheid Against Palestinians “Legal”

July 17, 2018 at 12:31 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

Jewish nation state’ bill is only the latest attempt to legislate discrimination against Palestinians.

(MEEThis week, if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gets his way, the Israeli government will formally pass into law the “Jewish nation state” bill. The precise final text remained unclear at the time of writing, with compromises and amendments still being discussed among coalition partners.

With the Knesset’s summer recess on the horizon, and Netanyahu seemingly determined to pass the law ahead of the break, the initiative has risen to the top of the news agenda in Israel, with high-profile interventions from opponents and supporters.

Last Tuesday, President Reuven Rivlin warned in a public letter of what he believes are the dangers inherent in the law – especially an article designed to protect and promote the existence of Jewish-only communities.

Lobbying efforts

Meanwhile, a number of Jewish American leaders have been strongly urging Netanyahu to reconsider, intensifying their lobbying efforts to prevent the bill’s passage.

These responses have, regrettably but predictably, been characterised by a failure to understand or take sufficiently into account how Israel’s status as a “Jewish state” has always been reflected in legislation and practice, and, crucially, how this has impacted on Palestinians since 1948.

Many discriminatory laws are already on the books, and legal ways to create segregated communities in Israel already exist. There is no right to equality, and Israel is not a state of all its citizens. The much-heralded Declaration of Independence is not a constitutional law, and the Basic Law already privileges the protection of a “Jewish state” over equality for non-Jewish citizens.

As a UN special rapporteur put it in 2012, Israeli authorities already pursue “a land development model that excludes, discriminates against and displaces minorities.” The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has similarly noted “the enactment of a number of discriminatory laws on land issues which disproportionately affect non-Jewish communities.”

Indeed, the issue of Jewish-only communities, which has dominated recent criticism over the proposed bill, is often debated without reference to the fact that Israel already has hundreds of such segregated communities, thanks to the role of “admission committees.”

Traced back to the Nakba

A decade ago, Human Rights Watch reported on how these committees “are made up of government and community representatives as well as a senior official in the Jewish Agency or the Zionist Organisation, and have notoriously been used to exclude Arabs from living in rural Jewish communities.”

Such decades-old institutionalised discrimination, which can be traced all the way back to the Nakba, makes a mockery of the claim by the Israel Democracy Institute’s Mordechai Kremnitzer that the new law would somehow constitute “the end of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”

The new law does, however, represent an innovation, both legally and politically, as analysed by legal rights centre Adalah in a new position paper published on Sunday; enjoying the status of a Basic Law, the Jewish nation state bill would anchor racist practices in the constitution.

Coverage by Western media has, on the whole, reproduced the lacuna of the bill’s Israeli critics. Yet, the omission of the experience of Palestinian citizens in this “Jewish and democratic” state is compounded by an analysis that fails to look deeper into why this legislation is being proposed at all.

The “Jewish nation state” bill is not the product of a right-wing tussle between Likud and Jewish Home, or Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett. Rather, tracing the origins of this proposed legislation reveals that it is, in essence, pushback against the efforts by Palestinian citizens over the last two decades to affirm their national identity and demand a state of all its citizens.

Doubling down

Not long after former Shin Bet head Avi Dichter began efforts to pass a “Jewish nation state” bill in 2011, Israeli journalist Lahav Harkov – now news editor of the Jerusalem Post – praised the initiative by citing “campaigns to delegitimize Israel on the rise both inside and outside the country.”

Thus, the response from the Israeli political establishment to a mobilised Palestinian citizenry demanding genuine equality has been to double-down on discrimination, and to defiantly and ever-more explicitly assert and legally protect the existence of a “Jewish state.”

But this is not without its advantages, as highlighted by the furore over the new bill. For what the draft legislation threatens is not the existence of a “democratic” Israel, but rather critics’ idea of a “Jewish and democratic” state (or at least the plausibility of maintaining this idea).

Through its crudeness, the bill threatens Israel’s ability to continue long-standing, institutionalised discrimination with no international cost, a prospect flagged through the warnings of Israel’s attorney general and Jewish American leader Rabbi Rick Jacobs.

Demographic war

The true face of Zionism in Israel,” wrote Orly Noy in +972 magazine last week, is “an inherent, perpetual demographic war against its Palestinian citizens. If Israel seeks to be Jewish and democratic, it needs to actively ensure a Jewish majority.”

The “Jewish nation state” bill, whatever its final fate, is part of this historic and ongoing demographic war – one that is testimony to the activism of Palestinian citizens and an effort to stifle it.

As Israel consolidates the de facto single state between the river and the sea, this won’t be the last attempt to see the apartheid reality on the ground further reflected in legislation.

By Ben White Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

*  In feite is discriminatie van Palestijnen en daarmee apartheid al staand beleid in Israël, e.e.a. blijkt onder andere uit gerechtelijke uitspraken, waar Israëlische Palestijnenmoordenaars worden vrijgesproken en bijvoorbeeld een Palestijns meisje van 17 jaar, Ahed al-Tamimi, voor godbetert het slaan van een zwaar bewapende Israëlische militair werd veroordeeld tot een fikse gevangenisstraf.......

** Het overnemen van misdadig gedrag door mensen die hier eerder het slachtoffer van waren, is een bekend psychologisch fenomeen....... Al moet daar onmiddellijk aan worden toegevoegd dat zionisme niets anders is dan een vorm van fascisme.

maandag 12 februari 2018

Griekse samenwerking met Israël.........

Nadat de enorme oplichter Tsipras en het overgrote deel in de top van zijn Syriza partij toegaf aan de eisen van de 'trojka', bestaande uit de Europese Commissie, de ECB* en het IMF en daarmee zijn land heeft verraden, werd Griekenland in feite onder curatele gesteld van de EU...... Griekse staatseigendommen staan voor 99 jaar onder het beheer van het Europees Stabiliteitsmechanisme (ESM), een niet democratisch gekozen EU orgaan dat naar goeddunken deze staatseigendommen kan verkopen......

Verkopen uit een failliete boedel leveren geen drol op, ook in dit geval, zo werden de havens en regionale vliegvelden voor een appel en ei verkocht aan buitenlandse investeerders...... De vliegvelden zijn voor een groot deel in handen van een Duitse miljardair en het Griekse telecom bedrijf is nu voor een groot deel in handen van Deutsche Telekom.........

Volgens C.J. Polychroniou, een deskundige op politiek economisch gebied, ontbreekt er voor het ESM kantoor in Athene alleen nog een bord met 'Te Koop Griekenland.........'

Uit het volgende artikel van CounterPunch blijkt dat Griekenland toenadering heeft gezocht tot Israël........ Blijkbaar is niets verrader en 'socialist' (ha! ha!) Tsipras heilig en gaat het hem en zijn 'extreem linkse partij' alleen nog om de macht, als hij daarvoor z'n moeder zou moeten verkopen, had hij dit al gedaan...... Op militair gebied gaan de beide landen samenwerken en er is zelfs al getraind met het Israëlische leger, waar meer trainingen gepland staan.......

Dit terwijl Syriza voorheen altijd kritisch was op Israël en partij koos voor de zwaar onderdrukte Palestijnse bevolking.......

Eén van de redenen voor de toenadering tussen de twee landen zijn de gasvelden voor de kust van de Gazastrook en Israël. Men wil een pijpleiding aanleggen van Israël richting Griekenland (prettige wedstrijd met alle aardbevingen...), voor export naar de rest van de EU. Zelfs een groot deel van de Griekse reguliere media hebben zich achter de samenwerking met Israël geschaard....... 'Onafhankelijke journalistiek....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Intussen zijn de Grieken door PvdA opperhufter Dijsselbloem voor een groot deel aan de bedelstaf geraakt en zijn er zelfs kankerpatiënten die geen chemotherapie kunnen betalen en het maar moeten uitzoeken...... Situaties die bekend zijn uit de VS, waar je als je geen geld hebt, bent overgeleverd aan de hulp van kerkelijke organisaties of NGO's, die deze mensen proberen te helpen.......

Niet vreemd dus dat de neonazi's van de Gouden Dageraad steeds meer aanhang verwerven, zeker nadat de eerder als uiterst links bekend staande Syriza  het gewone volk heeft verkocht aan de EU en het IMF......

Je kan dan ook gerust stellen, dat Griekenland een proeftuin is voor de rest van de toekomstige EU: geen soevereiniteit meer en doen wat de EU of haar vele ondemocratische organen je opdragen..... Reken maar niet dat er veel verzet is binnen de EU tegen de innige samenwerking van Griekenland met de zionistische (ofwel: fascistische) apartheidsstaat Israël, al zeker niet tegen de import van gas uit dit van de Palestijnen gestolen land........

FEBRUARY 9, 2018

Foreign Policy for Sale: Greece’s Dangerous Alliance with Israel

For a brief historical moment, Alexis Tsipras and his political party, Syriza, ignited hope that Greece could resurrect a long-dormant Leftist tide in Europe.
A new Greece was being born out of the pangs of pain of economic austerity, imposed by the European Union and its overpowering economic institutions – a troika so ruthless, it cared little while the Greek economy collapsed and millions of people experienced the bitterness of poverty, unemployment and despair.
The Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) came to power in January 2015 as a direct outcome of popular discontent with the EU. It was a time where ordinary people took a stance to fend for whatever semblance of sovereignty that was not wrestled away from them by politicians, bankers and powerful bureaucratic institutions.
The result, however, was quite disappointing. Tsipras, now a Prime Minister, transformed his political discourse, and gradually adopted one that that is more consistent with the very neoliberal policies that pushed his country to its knees in the first place.
Syriza sold out, not only politically and ideologically, but in an actual physical sense as well.
In exchange for bailout loans that Greece received from European banks within the period 2010 to 2015 (estimated at $262 billion), the country is being dismembered. Greece’s regional airports are now operated by German companies and the country’s main telecommunication firm has been privatized, with sizable shares of it owned by Deutsche Telekom.
The only thing missing outside the office of Greece’s privatization agency is a sign that reads: ‘A Nation for Sale’,” wrote Greek political economist, C. J. Polychroniou.
Unsurprisingly, economic subservience is often a prelude to political bondage as well. Not only did Syriza betray the aspirations of the Greek people who voted against austerity and bailouts, it also betrayed the country’s long legacy of maintaining amicable relationships with its neighbors.
Since his arrival at the helm of Greek politics, Tsipras has moved his country further into the Israeli camp, forging unwise regional alliances aimed at exploiting new gas finds in the Mediterranean and participating in multiple Israeli-led military drills.
While Israel sees an opportunity to advance its political agenda in Greece’s economic woes, the Greek government is playing along without fully assessing the possible repercussions of engaging with a country that is regionally viewed as a pariah, while internationally becoming condemned for its military occupation and terrible human rights record.
Israel moved to pull Athens into its own camp in 2010, shortly after the Turkish-Israeli spat over the ‘Mavi Marmara’ attack ensued. Israeli commandos attacked the Turkish Gaza-bound boat, killing nine Turkish nationals and injuring many more.
Although Turkey and Israel have, since then, reached a diplomatic understanding, Tel Aviv has moved forward to create alternative allies among Balkan countries, exploiting historical conflicts between some of these countries and Turkey.
Bilateral agreements were signed, high diplomatic visits exchanged and military exercises conducted in the name of deterring ‘international Jihad’ and fighting terrorism.
Greece and Cyprus received greater Israeli attention since they, on the one hand, were seen as political counterweight to Turkey and, on the other, because of the great economic potential that they offered.
Just one month after the ‘Mavi Marmara’ attack, the then Greek Prime Minister, George Papandrous, visited Israel, followed by an official visit by Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to Greece – the first of its kind. That was the start of a love-affair that is growing deeper.
The main motivation behind the closeness in relations is the Leviathan and Tamar gas fields, located in the territorial waters of several countries, including Lebanon. If Israel continues with its plans to extract gas from an energy source located off the coast of Lebanon, it will increase the chances of yet another regional war.
When Tsipras came to power on the shoulders of a populous political movement, Palestinians too hoped that he would be different.
It was not exactly wishful thinking, either. Syriza was openly critical of Israel and had “vowed to cut military ties with Israel upon coming to office,” wrote Patrick Strickland, reporting from Athens. Instead the “ties have, nonetheless, been deepened.”
Indeed, soon after taking power, the ‘radical left’-led Greek government signed a major military agreement with Israel, the ‘status of forces’ accord, followed by yet more military exercises.
All of this was reinforced by a propaganda campaign in Israel hailing the new alliance, coupled with a changing narrative in Greek media regarding Israel and Palestine.
One George N. Tzogopoulos has been particularity buoyant about the Israel-Greek friendship. Writing a series of articles in various media, including the rightwing Israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, Tzogopoulos suggests that, unlike the older generation of Greeks who have sided with Palestinians in the past, the young generation is likely to be pro-Israel.
This process (of converting Greeks to loving Israel) will take time, of course, because it is principally related to school education,” he wrote in Algemeiner. “But the change in coverage of Israel by Greek journalists is a good omen.”
That ‘change of coverage’ was also notable in the recent official visit by Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, and his meeting with Tsipras and other Greek officials.
In the meetings, Rivlin complained of Palestinian obstinacy and refusal to return to the ‘peace process’, thus causing a ‘serious crisis.’
The ‘radical left’ leader said little to challenge Rivlin’s falsehoods.
Greece was not always this way, of course. Who could forget Andreas Papandreou, the late Greek leader who gave the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) diplomatic status in 1981, and stood by Palestinians despite American and Israeli threats?
It is that generation that Tzogopoulos and his likes would like to be gone forever, and replaced by morally-flexible leaders like Tsipras.
However, signing off to join an Israel-led economic and military alliance in an area replete with conflict, is a terribly irresponsible move, even for politically inexperienced and opportunistic politicians.
For Greece to be the “strong arm of imperialism in the region” – as described by the leader of the Socialist Workers Revolutionary Party in Greece – is “completely stupid” as it will, in the long run, bring “catastrophic results for (the) Greek people.”
But Tsipras seems incapable of looking that far ahead.
More articles by:RAMZY BAROUD

Dr. Ramzy Baroud has been writing about the Middle East for over 20 years. He is an internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author of several books and the founder of His latest book is My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story (Pluto Press, London). His website is:


* De Europese Commissie en de ECB, de 'Europese' Centrale Bank, waren NB zelfs mede hoofdverantwoordelijk voor de enorme ellende in Griekenland.... Zij hadden net als de centrale banken van de nationale overheden aan de bel moeten trekken, toen ze zagen dat er enorme bedragen op de pof aan Griekenland werden geleend....... Zoals we weten is dat niet gebeurt, ook CDA kakzever Wellink van De Nederlandse Bank, onze centrale bank, was niet thuis en voerde zijn taak als toezichthouder niet uit..... Lullig genoeg heeft China dit leeghoofd aangesteld, NB als 'toezichthouder' bij de centrale bank van China........ Hoe is 't mogelijk en wie heeft daarvoor gelobbyd?? De banken en andere financiële instellingen uit ons deel van de EU zijn niet gestraft voor hun onverantwoordelijke gedrag (het op de pof lenen van geld), nee daar mogen de gewone Grieken voor bloeden....... Eén van de hoofdverantwoordelijken daarvoor: PvdA hufter Dijsselbloem...... (dezelfde Dijsselbloem die als minister van Financiën niets wenste te doen tegen belastingontduiking door grote Griekse bedrijven in Nederland....)

Zie ook: 'Novartis kocht Griekse politici en artsen om.........'