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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Awamiya. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Awamiya. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 5 augustus 2017

Koenders nog steeds stil: Saoedi-Arabië bezig met etnische zuivering op eigen bodem en nog steeds levert het westen wapens aan terreurstaat S-A.....

De wereld kijkt weg van de vreselijke genocide die Saoedi-Arabië in buurland Jemen op de sjiitische bevolking uitvoert, 'logisch' dus dat er al helemaal geen aandacht is voor de etnische zuivering van sjiieten die S-A in eigen land uitvoert......... Terwijl deze uitgevoerd wordt met westerse wapens, o.a. uit Groot-Brittannië en Canada........

Van onze disfunctionerende PvdA minister van Buitenlandse Zaken hoven we niets te verwachten, zoals hij hooguit z'n grote bek opentrekt als er weer een leugen over Rusland en/of Syrië wordt gepubliceerd in de reguliere media..........

Dat Saoedi-Arabië Jemen in een hongersnood heeft gestort en daar een cholera uitbraak heeft veroorzaakt, waardoor je intussen ronduit over een genocide tegen de sjiitische bevolking kan spreken (alles met feiten onderbouwt), interesseert Koenders en de rest  van het inhumane, ijskoude neoliberale kabinet Rutte 2 geen barst....... Geld verdienen in het geval van S-A staat op nummer 1, genocide en mensenrechten komen ergens na nummer 20........ (kijk als het om Rusland zou gaan, waren de rapen gaar geweest.....)

Hier een artikel van Middle East Eye, gisteren op Anti-Media gepubliceerd:

Saudi Bulldozers Flatten Populated Town as Residents Flee Carnage

August 4, 2017 at 8:47 am
Written by Middle East Eye

Hundreds of Shia Muslims in Awamiya are forced from their homes amid fighting and compulsory evictions.

(MEE) — The Saudi government has been forcibly relocating residents of the restive city of Awamiya as clashes continue between soldiers and militant groups in the old city.

Hundreds of people have fled or been evacuated from Awamiya since the beginning of the current troubles which have killed at least seven people, including two police officers. According to al-Hayat newspaper, the government received requests from residents and farmers around Awamiya to help them flee the violence.

However, activists say that residents have been driven out of their homes and their properties seized by private development companies, primarily in and around the historic Almosara district.

An image sent to Middle East Eye by an Awamiya activist showed a requisition order pinned to a house in the district of al-Shweikah, about 6km south of Almosara.

The order is apparently issued by the Albarahim private property developer, but it also contains a stamp from the National Joint Counterterrorism Command (NJCC), a body formed in 2003 following attacks by al-Qaeda militants in the country.

The document shows a list of requirements that residents can bring to the local authorities in order to be relocated.

Awamiya has long been a flashpoint for protests by Saudi’s Shia minority – the influential cleric Nimr al-Nimr, who was executed by the Saudi government in 2016, came from the town and demonstrations and unrest has been frequent.

Al-Hayat quoted Falah al-Khalidi, the governor of Qatif province, as saying contracts had been signed “for a number of furnished apartments in the city of Dammam to shelter those interested in leaving neighbourhoods near Almosara”.

However, according to social media reports and activists, many of those displaced have yet to be rehoused.

What I see from the first day there is a collective punishment… there is a plan for forced displacement,” said Ameen Nemer, a Saudi activist originally from Awamiya. It doesn’t matter where these people will end up.”

He told MEE that the depopulation and destruction of the town was ultimately politically motivated, rather than driven by development or terrorism.

It has nothing to do with Almosara and development, it has to do with punishing this town for being vocal for calling for rights, calling for reforms since 2011.”

Firing randomly

Confirming precise details about the situation in Qatif has long been difficult due to tight controls over media scrutiny imposed by the Saudi authorities.

Reuters reported earlier this year that foreign media could visit the area only if they accompanied by government officials, purportedly for safety reasons.

Information has largely come from either Saudi government press releases, local activists, or Shia-focused news sites.

Local activists accuse security forces of driving residents out of Awamiya by firing randomly towards homes and cars as they confront armed men in the area, charges Saudi Arabia denies.
They said several houses and shops have been burned or damaged by the fighting.

Much of the city has been left without electricity, water, rubbish collection or fire services. Private generators have been badly damaged by shooting and those remaining in the city face intense summer heat without air conditioning.

Although local committees have been set up to try to maintain some services, it is becoming increasing difficult for many residents to stay in the city.

Andrew Hammond, a consultant on Middle East politics, said that the emptying of Awamiya could be part of a strategy to enact demographic change in the disruptive Shia region of Saudi Arabia.

It fits that pattern,” he told MEE. “It’s something that’s happened in the Gulf, in Bahrain, it’s something that’s happened outside the Gulf in Israel-Palestine.
I think it would make sense to analyse it in that way.”

He added that the fighting also worked as a “useful diversion” from the political unrest in the Saudi palace following the supplanting of former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef with the current king’s youthful son Mohammed bin Salman.

That’s been more complex  than I think they would have hoped for – I think there’s been some resistance to it, there’s nervousness about how much irritation there is with what happened to the extent that [bin Nayef] didn’t leave the country in recent weeks when he was meant to leave the country,” he explained.

So I think there’s this political tension in the country at the moment, and it’s always this fight with the Shia that functions usefully for them in that sense.”

Foreign arms controversy

Last week, Canada announced it would be investigating possible use of its equipment in the operations in Qatif, following a report in the Globe and Mail that light armoured vehicles sold by Canada to Saudi Arabia had been involved in the clashes.

A spokesman indicated that the Canadian foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, was “deeply concerned about this situation and has asked officials to review it immediately”.

If it is found that Canadian exports have been used to commit serious violations of human rights, the minister will take action,” said spokesman John Babcock.

The controversial $13bn contract to supply Riyadh with light armoured vehicles was struck by the previous Conservative government in Canada.

Trudeau’s Liberal government has had to defend this contract against criticism that it may have violated Canada’s export control rules that bar arms exports to countries with a poor human rights record and that prohibit using these weapons against civilians.

Other governments, including the UK and US, have yet to comment on the situation in Qatif.

The UK government, one of Saudi’s closest allies, has approved at least 194 export licences for arms and related equipment to Saudi Arabia since March 2015, worth more than $4.3bn. Among the products bought are guns, crowd control and anti-riot equipment.

The British Foreign Office refused to answer questions about the situation in Awamiya and whether there was any investigation into the use of British equipment.

A spokesman said: “The UK operates one of the most robust export control regimes in the world and we keep our defence exports to Saudi Arabia under careful and continual review.” (ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! GB levert zelfs clusterbommen aan S-A!!)
MEE and Agencies / Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

Image credit: @AngryQatifi

In dit bericht nog een video, die ik niet kan overnemen, hier de link 'naar het origineel'

Zie ook: ''Een lofzang op de grootsheid van gods eigen VS, haar wapens en het goddelijk ingrijpen van S-A in Jemen!''

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       en: 'Media Silent As Saudi Arabia Devastates Yemen Into Famine'

       en: 'Giro 555: honger en oorlog in Jemen: waarom worden Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en GB niet aan de paal genageld wegens enorme oorlogsmisdaden??'

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        en: 'Ploumen acht het mogelijk dat Nederlandse wapensystemen worden gebruikt door S.A. in Jemen........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
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        en: (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling in 'Dutch'): 'U.S. and U.K. Continue to Participate in War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians'

        en: 'VS heeft reden gefabriceerd om de Houthi rebellen in Jemen te bombarderen.......'

        en: 'Ali Al Shihabi: Saoedi-Arabië begaat geen oorlogsmisdaden in Jemen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

        en: 'Merkel verrader van haar seksegenoten in S-A en ondersteuner grootschalige Saoedische terreur in Jemen...... Voorwaar een prestatie van formaat!!'

       en: 'Saoedi-Arabië moordt eigen sjiitische burgers uit..... Tijd voor een handelsdelegatie met Koenders, Rutte en W.A.!!'

       en: 'Saoedi-Arabië probeert tevergeefs de executie van 14 demonstranten te verdedigen, een zaak waar we Koenders alweer niet over horen......'  

       en: 'Saoedi-Arabië pakt een enorm aantal mensen op.......'

dinsdag 11 juli 2017

Saoedi-Arabië moordt eigen sjiitische burgers uit..... Tijd voor een handelsdelegatie met Koenders, Rutte en W.A.!!

Al 2 maanden is de Saoedische overheid bezig met een bloedige belegering van de Saoedisch stad Awamiya. Ja u leest het goed, een Saoedische stad. De meerderheid van de bevolking is sjiitisch en deze mensen roeit het reli-fascistsche bewind in Riyad het liefst helemaal uit, zie de genocide die dit terreurbewind uitvoert op de sjiieten in buurland Jemen........

Zoals gewoonlijk berichten de reguliere westerse media niet over deze smerige oorlog van S-A tegen haar eigen burgers, een oorlog die ook elders in S-A plaatsvindt..... De westerse reguliere media die nog een paar letters aan deze poging tot genocide hebben besteed, spreken over een gewapende opstand van sjiitische burgers tegen het bewind in Riyad. Een leugen van formaat, ingegeven door de Saoedische overheid en de media in S-A (de mediaorganen in dat land worden gecontroleerd door het smerige bewind).........

Al sinds het ontstaan van Saoedi-Arabië als koninkrijk wordt de sjiitische bevolking behandeld als tweede klasse burgers en is er sprake van bloedige onderdrukking........ Het leger van S-A gebruikt o.a. VS en Britse wapens in het uitoefenen van haar binnen- en buitenlandse (Jemen) terreur.......

Gisteren wees het hooggerechtshof in Engeland een claim van mensenrechtenorganisaties af, dat deze wapens door S-A worden gebruikt in de strijd tegen het sjiitische deel van het Jemenitische volk......... Volgens het hof is het niet bewezen, dat het gewelddadige fascistische bewind in Riyad deze wapens expres inzet tegen de sjiieten in Jemen...... (!!!)  Waar wetgeving krom is, kan geen recht gesproken worden, schande!!

Zoals de reguliere westerse media en (het grootste deel van de westerse) politiek (zoals PvdA wanprestatie Koenders en de grijnzende VVD hufter Rutte) schijt hebben aan de genocide die S-A op de sjiitische burgers van Jemen uitvoert, wordt ook aan deze smerige oorlog tegen de eigen bevolking geen energie 'verspild.........'

Hier het Anti-Media bericht, mede waarop het bovenstaande is gebaseerd:

Media Silent as US Ally Saudi Arabia Massacres Its Own People

July 8, 2017 at 2:26 pm
Written by Anti-Media News Desk
(GPA) Qatif – For the past 60 days, Saudi Arabia imposed a devastating siege on the Shiite town of Awamiya. And of course, mainstream western media remains silent.

saudi arabia

saudi arabia

These photos aren’t from Yemen, they’re from the Saudi Arabian eastern town of Awamiya. Where Saudi forces are waging war against an oppressed shia minority. Saudi Arabia adheres to the extreme fundamentalist and intolerant sect of Wahhabism. Making it the country’s religious majority. This ideology is also enforced through state tactics. Which make it illegal to publicly carry out any religious practice or teaching that conflicts with Wahhabism. Even other Muslims (especially Shiites) are considered infidels by the Saudi government. And thus, all religious minorities in Saudi Arabia remain an extremely oppressed group; often lacking the same health care, public services, and wages granted to their Wahhabi counterparts; if not facing death.

While the majority of Saudi citizens adhere to Wahhabi principles, many towns in the eastern province of Qatif– like Awamiya– hold a Shia majority. Where they’ve been essentially doomed to live in “ghettos” as second class citizens. But the Saudi oppression of Shiites and other religious minorities goes way beyond just economic devastation. In fact for the past two months Saudi forces have held Awamiya under siege, destroyed buildings with bombs and shelling, and set up barricades to control free movement. This is likely a response to Shia citizens calling for basic human rights.

In videos posted to social media, it looks like Saudi security forces are using white phosphorus to drive-out citizens from their homes. Residents also report that Saudi forces are shelling homes and buildings with .50 caliber weapons. In one instance, a building was set on fire and Saudi police refused to allow firetrucks to pass through the barricades.

It’s been confirmed that a number of people have died as a result of gunfire. But it’s unclear exactly what the death toll could be since Saudi Arabia severely restricts media access. When the Saudi-run state media are reporting the numbers, they surely can’t be trusted.

Of course, instead of reporting on the Saudis brutal repression, mainstream media has framed the story (in the few articles available) as though the Saudi security forces are simply clashing with an armed Shiite “militant” uprising. Which ultimately places the Saudi security forces in the “good guy” category just simply trying to keep order.

This however completely whitewashes the fact that the Shiite population in Saudi Arabia has been brutally repressed since the Kingdom’s formation. It also completely ignores the fact that the Saudis are using American-supplied weapons to kill their own people. Which if we look at Syria, this was supposedly the west’s entire reason for their intervention against Bashar al-Assad. “Assad is bombing his own people” the headlines still read to this day.

The happenings in Qatif only further demonstrate not only the Saudis’ intolerant disregard for human life, but also their genocidal tendencies as they move further towards an apartheid state within their own borders.

By Randi Nord / Republished with permission / Geopolitics Alert / Report a typo