wordt ook door Care2 gesteld dat de politie met geweld begon tegen
vreedzame demonstranten, iets dat fascisten als zakkenwasser Bres en een figuur als Baudet niet eens willen horen, nee de zwarten roepen het over
zichzelf af, aldus dit geteisem dat elke humaniteit ontbeert.......*
Het was hier in feite nog erger: de Haagse agenten die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de moord op Henriquez werden niet bij naam genoemd en waren zelfs onherkenbaar aanwezig in de rechtbank.... De straf voor het in feite wurgen van Henriquez: 1 agent kreeg 6 maanden voorwaardelijk en een ontzegging zijn beroep uit te oefenen voor de periode van 1 jaar..... In de VS had dit zonder meer tot grote rellen geleid......
Terecht merkt Care2 op dat politiegeweld tegen (gekleurde) mensen die vreedzaam demonstreren, een schending is van de mensenrechten (waar de moord op Floyd en andere gekleurden m.i. zelfs valt onder misdaden tegen de menselijkheid......)
Lees en
teken de petitie ajb (zo gebeurd, de petitietekst vind je onder
het schrijven van Lauren W.) en geeft het door!
U.S. Police Brutality Is Illegal Under International Laws. Demand the U.N. Take Action to Condemn These Murders!

Sign Now
International human rights laws protect the right to protest, and the right to be safe from excessive and unnecessary force by police. These are laws that the majority of nations around the entire world have agreed upon — including the United States. There is only one way to understand this: government leaders in the United States are breaking international law when they allow law "enforcement" officers to beat, taze, tear gas, shoot, and brutalize protesters, members of the Black community, and even journalists. Sign the petition to demand that the United Nations decry racist police violence as a violation of human rights!
Thank you,
The Care2 Petitions Team
The Care2 Petitions Team
P.S. The
United States police are waging war on those who they are sworn to
serve and protect. Please
sign the petition today.
Hier de
tekst bij de petitie:
shouldn't take a global body of lawmakers to tell us that killing
unarmed civilians is WRONG. But apparently that is what we need here
in the United States.
International human rights laws protect the right to protest, and the right to be safe from excessive and unnecessary force by police. These are laws that the majority of nations around the entire world have agreed upon — including the United States. There is only one way to understand this: government leaders in the United States are breaking international law when they allow law "enforcement" officers to beat, taze, tear gas, shoot, and brutalize protesters, members of the Black community, and even multiple journalists.
Sign the petition to demand that the United Nations decry racist police violence as a violation of human rights!
In fact, rather than respecting and safeguarding civilians' rights, the U.S. has gone the opposite direction. Our leaders have militarized local police forces, outfitting them in combat-level riot gear, providing military-grade weapons, and giving them literal tanks. This level of escalation has given those who've sworn to "serve and protect" the misguided notion that they're a paramilitary unit of their own, and encouraged the idea that they're at war — with the people.
And when the people took to the streets at the end of May 2020 to peacefully protest the murder of George Floyd — an unarmed Black man who was murdered by officers in broad daylight — police initiated the violence at many, if not all, protests across the country that eventually turned into full blown riots. There are countless videos documenting police brutality during demonstrations in cities across the nation, including police ramming and even running over crowds with their cars, shooting and injuring journalists with rubber bullets, beating peaceful protestors with batons, and using teargas — a chemical weapon that impairs respiratory functioning in the midst of a pandemic — on peaceful protestors.
Major human rights organizations from Amnesty International to the NAACP are condemning these state-sponsored slayings of unarmed Black folks and ruthlessness towards protesters and urging the United Nations to recognize these racist atrocities as inherently unjust.
Support our First Amendment rights! Call on the United Nations to intervene and call this what it is: a violation of international human rights!
=======================================International human rights laws protect the right to protest, and the right to be safe from excessive and unnecessary force by police. These are laws that the majority of nations around the entire world have agreed upon — including the United States. There is only one way to understand this: government leaders in the United States are breaking international law when they allow law "enforcement" officers to beat, taze, tear gas, shoot, and brutalize protesters, members of the Black community, and even multiple journalists.
Sign the petition to demand that the United Nations decry racist police violence as a violation of human rights!
In fact, rather than respecting and safeguarding civilians' rights, the U.S. has gone the opposite direction. Our leaders have militarized local police forces, outfitting them in combat-level riot gear, providing military-grade weapons, and giving them literal tanks. This level of escalation has given those who've sworn to "serve and protect" the misguided notion that they're a paramilitary unit of their own, and encouraged the idea that they're at war — with the people.
And when the people took to the streets at the end of May 2020 to peacefully protest the murder of George Floyd — an unarmed Black man who was murdered by officers in broad daylight — police initiated the violence at many, if not all, protests across the country that eventually turned into full blown riots. There are countless videos documenting police brutality during demonstrations in cities across the nation, including police ramming and even running over crowds with their cars, shooting and injuring journalists with rubber bullets, beating peaceful protestors with batons, and using teargas — a chemical weapon that impairs respiratory functioning in the midst of a pandemic — on peaceful protestors.
Major human rights organizations from Amnesty International to the NAACP are condemning these state-sponsored slayings of unarmed Black folks and ruthlessness towards protesters and urging the United Nations to recognize these racist atrocities as inherently unjust.
Support our First Amendment rights! Call on the United Nations to intervene and call this what it is: a violation of international human rights!
* In het verlengde van e.e.a.: alsof fascisten Bres en Baudet zelf gekleurd zijn en weten wat het betekent om vanwege je kleur minstens 30% minder te verdienen dan je witte collega's, of om dagelijks etnisch te worden geprofileerd, of zelfs om zonder reden te worden neergeschoten door de politie, om over verwurging door agenten nog maar te zwijgen, zoals George Floyd en in ons land Mitch Henriquez werden vermoord (middels de 'nekklem', die hier niet eens werd verboden na de moord op Henriquez, in New York is het de politie wel verboden de nekklem te gebruiken.....)
Zie ook:
'Militairen op de straten van Washington: VS op weg naar een burgeroorlog'
'Obama en 'change' n.a.v. de moord op George Floyd: een ongelofelijke hypocriet aan het woord'
'Brekend nieuws: militairen op straat in Washington!!'
'Trump poseert met bijbel, waarvoor hij een vreedzame demonstratie met grof geweld middels traangas en rubberkogels uit elkaar heeft laten jagen'
'Politiemoord op George Floyd: de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen, waar tevens sociale achterstand een motivering is, zoals in Frankrijk, Chili en andere landen'
'Anti-racisme demonstratie in Amsterdam reden voor hysterische ophef'
'Uitrusting Politie VS versus die van medisch hulpverleners'
'Politie VS infiltreert protesten n.a.v. de dood van George Floyd en zet aan tot geweld'
'George Floyd: de voortdurende politiemoorden op gekleurden in de VS: de witte overheersing met vervolging van gekleurden.....'
'Trump wil sociale media ontdoen van factcheckers die de Republikeinen de bel aanbinden vanwege nepnieuws en andere bagger'