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Posts tonen met het label Crowdstrike. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Crowdstrike. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 14 januari 2020

Nieuwe Russische hack samenzweringstheorie t.a.v. Joe Biden 'schokt' VS Democraten

Joe Biden en zijn zoon Hunter hebben een smerig spel gespeeld met het Oekraïense bedrijf Burisma, waar Hunter Biden een godsvermogen verdiende en zich schuldig maakte aan corruptie en witwassen....... Joe Biden heeft dit NB zelf toegegeven daar hij de Oekraïense regering liet weten dat het een openbaar aanklager moest ontslaan, daar men anders een miljard aan wapensteun van de VS kon vergeten..... En waarom deed Biden dit? Juist, omdat die openbaar aanklager zijn zoon vervolgde voor corruptie en witwassen... Met andere woorden: als er niets aan de hand was geweest had een dergelijk onderzoek immers niets opgeleverd, dus waarom een land dan onder druk zetten?? 

In de VS is nu een nieuwe samenzweringstheorie gelanceerd waarbij de Russische geheime dienst GROe de schuld in de schoenen geschoven krijgt voor het besmeuren van Democratisch presidentskandidaat Joe Biden (en zijn zoon Hunter) en hen beschuldigt van corruptie en witwassen, dit zou zijn gebeurd na een 'phishing aanval' van de Russen op Burisma, de firma waar topgraaier Biden zich zoals gezegd schuldig maakte aan corruptie en witwassen...... Zoals je kon lezen, is Hunter Biden wel degelijk een corrupte misdadiger.....

Een herhaling van zetten in 2016, toen Hillary Clinton geheel misdadig de Democratische voorverkiezingen won ten koste van Bernie Sanders.... Toen e.e.a. op straat belandde doordat Seth Rich*, een lid van Clintons campagne team, goed pissig was over het gedrag van Clinton en alles in de openbaarheid gooide, leidde dit tot de belachelijke claim dat de Russen de servers van het campagne team hadden gehackt en de boel naar de pers hadden gelekt...... Clinton ging vrijuit en als een waanzinnige gingen de reguliere westerse media in de Koude Oorlog modus met hun belachelijke beschuldigingen aan het adres van Rusland...... Nog steeds houden deze media en de meeste westerse politici de leugen vol dat Rusland de verkiezingen in de VS manipuleerde ten gunste van Trump....

Niet een flinter aan bewijs voor deze claim, hetzelfde geldt voor de claim dat Rusland de boel op scherp zou hebben gezet, maar er is wel bewijs voor Bidens misdadig gedrag en ondanks dat dit duidelijk is, wordt deze nu vrijgepleit van corruptie en witwasserij, daar deze claim 'weer' een streek van de Russische staat zou zijn..... Uiteraard springen dezelfde westerse reguliere media hier weer bovenop, immers als men Rusland kan besmeuren staat men kwijlend vooraan......

Caitlin Johnstone schreef een artikel over deze zaak:

Establishment Pundits Go Nuts Over New Russian Hacking Conspiracy

The New York Times reports that GRU operatives launched a successful "phishing attack" on the Ukrainian gas company at the heart of scandalous allegations about Joe Biden, and establishment pundits are falling all over themselves to tweet the hottest take on this exciting new Russia conspiracy.

The story itself fails the smell test on a number of fronts. It falsely claims that allegations of Biden's corrupt dealings with Ukrainian officials as vice president have been "discredited", and its only named source is a cybersecurity firm with foundational ties to the NSA and to Crowdstrike, which you may remember as the extremely shady Atlantic Council-tied company at the heart of the plot hole-riddled 2016 Russia hacking narrative (whose founder is now a billionaire).

The article also of course lacks any hard evidence for its claims, and is of course completely silent on any details as to how the security firm knows that the alleged hackers were both (A) Russian and (B) tied to the Russian government. This is par for course with mass media news reporting on anything negative about Russia, where all journalistic standards have gone out the window and nobody suffers any professional consequences for even the most egregious misreporting on that nation.

And, naturally, liberal pundits are guzzling it down like Mike Pompeo left alone at the table with the gravy boat.

Thanks to editor of another establishment “news” organization for being so mindblowingly & transparently corrupt that even I can see through you.

Here our establishment errand boy warns that any true information about Joe & Hunter Biden’s corruption is Russian Disinformation 

I don't know if you've ever seen a man trying to run with an erection, but FYI** it's the most ridiculous-looking thing you can possibly ever witness. And the mad scramble of conservative Democrats to say something viral about this new angle on an entirely exhausted theme puts one in the mind of a whole platoon of men running completely tumescent at full sprint.

"I hope my fellow editors will think hard — really hard, a lot harder than they did in 2016 — before publishing any material hacked by the Russians," tweeted editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast Noah Shachtman in response to the NYT report.

It is very revealing that the head of a major mainstream publication believes news outlets should sit on a story exposing the corruption of a leading presidential candidate--no matter how newsworthy--if it's believed to have come from "the Russians". How many major stories are being spiked for no other reason than a loyalty to the US government's geopolitical agendas against noncompliant nations, exactly?

Yet sentiments identical to Shachtman's are currently being bleated by like-minded pundits throughout the Twitterverse right now.

"Me and Oliver Darcy took at look at this a year ago... newsrooms hadn’t a lot to say about it. Not a lot of self-reflection, it seems," tweeted CNN's Donie O'Sullivan in response to Shachtman's post. "Hackers could target the 2020 election. How will newsrooms respond if they release stolen data?"

"Russians working hard for President Trump's reelection: mainstream media do not need to collaborate with the Russians again and breathlessly promote their non-newsworthy findings, as they did in 2016," economist David Rothschild tweeted, without specifying his peculiar definition of "non-newsworthy".

"Will the media run info from national security hacks as blockbuster stories like in 2016? That's the million-dollar question," tweeted Michigan Advance editor-in-chief Susan Demas.

This might be the most important news of the day. Russia could leak Burisma emails, and slip in some doctored emails, to harm Biden later on, if he is the Democratic nominee. The 2016 playbook all over again. 
Offices in Kiev of a subsidiary of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Security experts suggest the hackers may have been looking for damaging information on Joe Biden.

A CNN reporter took it up even further, preemptively speculating based on literally nothing that any evidence of Biden's corruption which emerges from the phishing campaign will have been "doctored" by Russia.

"Russia could leak Burisma emails, and slip in some doctored emails, to harm Biden later on, if he is the Democratic nominee," tweeted CNN's Marshall Cohen. "The 2016 playbook all over again."

This insanity was seconded and then ratcheted up even further by MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance, whose main job seems to be to push the Overton window of Russia hysteria toward the craziest end of the spectrum.

DNC 2.0,” Nance wrote. “To protect Trump the GRU will manufacture and insert Black propaganda, fake emails in a data base Burisma emails to implicate Biden and support Trump. They don’t care if you believe it … it’s all to get Trump to believe it. He’ll destroy America to win.”

MSNBC analyst and former Obama administration official Richard Stengel, who has openly stated that he endorses the US government propagandizing its citizens, seized on the opportunity offered by this lawless feeding frenzy to advance a completely baseless Russiagate theory, because why the hell not?

"'Russia, if you're listening, hack Burisma.' GRU has done same thing to this Ukrainian firm that they did to DNC," tweeted Stengel. "If Trump asked Zelensky on a public call to investigate the Bidens, what do you suppose he asked Putin on a private call? Vlad, do me a favor."

"More evidence that Putin fears Biden and is actively trying to help Trump," added the Obama administration's Michael McFaul. "Not good. All who believe in American sovereignty should denounce, Democrats and Republicans alike."

"I'll say it now: I don't care WHAT the emails say. If he's the guy, he's got my vote. PERIOD," tweeted popular #Resistance pundit Brooklyn Dad Defiant in what could generously be described as a very odd confession.

Here we go again, a Russian hacking playbook right out of 2016.

Russians hacked Burisma, and they'll leak doctored emails on Biden if he's the nominee.

I'll say it now: I don't care WHAT the emails say. If he's the guy, he's got my vote. PERIOD. 
Offices in Kiev of a subsidiary of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Security experts suggest the hackers may have been looking for damaging information on Joe Biden.

There is at this time no legitimate reason to believe that the GRU was involved in any kind of cyberattack on Burisma, let alone that it found anything worth publishing. At the moment the only information we've gleaned from this incident is more insight into the fact that the news media environment of the most powerful nation on earth is deeply, profoundly unhealthy, and so are the individuals operating within it.

These are the people who shape the dominant narrative. These are the thought leaders, who really do lead the way a very large sector of the population thinks. We need to bring more consciousness to how wildly dysfunctional this is.

2020 has been wild already. And all signs indicate that it's only going to get a whole lot crazier.
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Caitlin Johnstone | January 14, 2020 at 4:58 am | Tags: biden, Burisma, GRU, hacking, journalism, media, news, Russia | Categories: Article, News | URL:
Seth Rich werd kort na zijn klokkenluiden vermoord op straat gevonden, volgens de politie een roofoverval, terwijl hij nog in het bezit was van zijn opzichtige sieraden en geld........

** FYI: ter kennis name (t.k.n.), of :ter informatie

Zie ook:
'VS burgers zijn gewaarschuwd: Rusland kan hun hersenen hacken en laten geloven dat Joe Biden niet geschikt is als president' 

'Hunter Biden zit in de Oekraïense 'witwas val''

'Joe Biden heeft al lang toegegeven dat hij Oekraïne onder druk zette een openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die zijn zoon vervolgde'

'Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden''

'Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten'

'Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........' (o.a. met aandacht voor Biden en zijn zoon)

'VS stelt Duitsland een ultimatum (chantage): geen Russisch gas via NS2 anders volgt een handelsoorlog.....' Chantage o.a. ten behoeve van het Oekraïense bedrijf Burisma waar Hunter Biden voor werkt. Intussen heeft Trump aangekondigd dat de bedrijven, o.a. een deels Nederlands bedrijf, die blijven meewerken aan Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gesanctioneerd zullen worden..... Zie voorts: 'Donald 'Darth Vader' Trump verklaart ruimte tot oorlogsgebied en laat Duitsland en haar bedrijven weten dat men zich heeft te schikken naar de VS wensen'

zaterdag 9 juni 2018

Russische hack DNC: na 2 jaar nog geen flinter van bewijs......

Ray McGovern, een ex-CIA agent, die zoals je gerust kan stellen tot inkeer kwam, schreef een artikel op Consortium News over het 'Russische hack' verhaal.

Volkomen terecht stelt McGovern dat er na 2 jaar nog steeds geen schijn van bewijs is voor Russische hack van het DNC, het comité dat zwaar op de hand van Hillary Clinton was en dat er voor zorgde dat haar tegenkandidaat Bernie Sanders de voorverkiezingen verloor...... Het DNC wist van Julian Assange dat hij zou komen met uitgelekte documenten waaruit e.e.a. zou blijken. Om Assange voor te zijn werd rap naar de Russen gewezen als de dader die deze documenten middels een hack zou hebben bemachtigd en deze Wikileaks zou hebben doen toekomen........

Intussen is uit en te na bewezen dat deze documenten door een lid van het DNC zijn gelekt, waarschijnlijk uit frustratie over het meer dan smerige spel van het DNC tijdens de democratische voorverkiezingen. Deze klokkenluider is naar grote waarschijnlijkheid Seth Rich, die niet lang nadat de ellende begon werd vermoord tijdens een 'straatroof' terwijl er niets van hem werd gestolen zelfs zijn geld niet........

Onterecht merkt McGovern op dat dit hele hackverhaal niet meer terug komt in de media, echter dat is onzin, zoals de al evenzeer niet bewezen manipulaties door de Russen van de presidentsverkiezing regelmatig in de media worden genoemd, het enige verschil is dat men niet verder spreekt over deze belachelijke beschuldiging, maar deze eenvoudig aanhaalt als bewijs voor de smerige rol die Rusland zou hebben gespeeld en speelt..... Ofwel: het demoniseren van Rusland op grond van leugens, terwijl de ware demon de VS zelf is, de grootste terreurentiteit op onze aarde......... 

De NSA en de andere geheime diensten van de VS hebben een enorm scala aan mogelijkheden om de schuld voor bepaalde door de VS begane zaken op het internet, in de schoenen van een ander land kan schuiven en dat ook daadwerkelijk heeft gedaan, zie de Vault 7 en 8 documenten op Wikileaks........

McGovern heeft de zaak nog eens netjes op een rij gezet en dat werkt uiterst verhelderend na een paar jaar middels leugens haat en angstzaaien tegen/voor de Russen.

Still Waiting for Evidence of a Russian Hack

June 7, 2018 at 8:14 pm
Written by Ray McGovern

More than two years after the allegation of a Russian hack of the 2016 U.S. presidential election was first made, conclusive proof is still lacking and may never be produced.

(CN Op-ed) — If you are wondering why so little is heard these days of accusations that Russia hacked into the U.S. election in 2016, it could be because those charges could not withstand close scrutiny. It could also be because special counsel Robert Mueller appears to have never bothered to investigate what was once the central alleged crime in Russia-gate as no one associated with WikiLeaks has ever been questioned by his team.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity — including two “alumni” who were former National Security Agency (NSA) technical directors — have long since concluded that Julian Assange did not acquire what he called the “emails related to Hillary Clinton” via a “hack” by the Russians or anyone else. They found, rather, that he got them from someone with physical access to Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers who copied the material onto an external storage device — probably a thumb drive. In December 2016 VIPS explained this in some detail in an open Memorandum to President Barack Obama.

On January 18, 2017 President Obama admitted that the “conclusions” of U.S. intelligence regarding how the alleged Russian hacking got to WikiLeaks were “inconclusive.” Even the vapid FBI/CIA/NSA “Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections” of January 6, 2017, which tried to blame Russian

President Vladimir Putin for election interference, contained no direct evidence of Russian involvement.  That did not prevent the “handpicked” authors of that poor excuse for intelligence analysis from expressing “high confidence” that Russian intelligence “relayed material it acquired from the Democratic National Committee … to WikiLeaks.” 

Handpicked analysts, of course, say what they are handpicked to say.

Never mind. The FBI/CIA/NSA “assessment” became bible truth for partisans like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, who was among the first off the blocks to blame Russia for interfering to help Trump.  It simply could not have been that Hillary Clinton was quite capable of snatching defeat out of victory all by herself.  No, it had to have been the Russians.

Five days into the Trump presidency, I had a chance to challenge Schiff personally on the gaping disconnect between the Russians and WikiLeaks. Schiff still “can’t share the evidence” with me … or with anyone else, because it does not exist.


It was on June 12, 2016, just six weeks before the Democratic National Convention, that Assange announced the pending publication of “emails related to Hillary Clinton,” throwing the Clinton campaign into panic mode, since the emails would document strong bias in favor of Clinton and successful attempts to sabotage the campaign of Bernie Sanders. 

When the emails were published on July 22, just three days before the convention began, the campaign decided to create what I call a Magnificent Diversion, drawing attention away from the substance of the emails by blaming Russia for their release.

Clinton’s PR chief Jennifer Palmieri later admitted that she golf-carted around to various media outlets at the convention with instructions “to get the press to focus on something even we found difficult to process: the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.”  The diversion worked like a charm.  Mainstream media kept shouting “The Russians did it,” and gave little, if any, play to the DNC skullduggery revealed in the emails themselves. And like Brer’ Fox, Bernie didn’t say nothin’.

Meanwhile, highly sophisticated technical experts, were hard at work fabricating “forensic facts” to “prove” the Russians did it.  Here’s how it played out:

June 12, 2016: Assange announces that WikiLeaks is about to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton.”

June 14, 2016: DNC contractor CrowdStrike, (with a dubious professional record and multiple conflicts of interest) announces that malware has been found on the DNC server and claims there is evidence it was injected by Russians.

June 15, 2016: “Guccifer 2.0” affirms the DNC statement; claims responsibility for the “hack;” claims to be a WikiLeaks source; and posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with “Russian fingerprints.”

The June 12, 14, & 15 timing was hardly coincidence. Rather, it was the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

Enter Independent Investigators

A year ago independent cyber-investigators completed the kind of forensic work that, for reasons best known to then-FBI Director James Comey, neither he nor the “handpicked analysts” who wrote the Jan. 6, 2017 assessment bothered to do.  The independent investigators found verifiable evidence from metadata found in the record of an alleged Russian hack of July 5, 2016 showing that the “hack” that day of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 was not a hack, by Russia or anyone else.

Rather it originated with a copy (onto an external storage device – a thumb drive, for example) by an insider — the same process used by the DNC insider/leaker before June 12, 2016 for an altogether different purpose. (Once the metadata was found and the “fluid dynamics” principle of physics applied, this was not difficult to disprove the validity of the claim that Russia was responsible.)

One of these independent investigators publishing under the name of The Forensicator on May 31 published new evidence that the Guccifer 2.0 persona uploaded a document from the West Coast of the United States, and not from Russia.

In our July 24, 2017 Memorandum to President Donald Trump we stated, “We do not know who or what the murky Guccifer 2.0 is. You may wish to ask the FBI.”

Our July 24 Memorandum continued: “Mr. President, the disclosure described below may be related. Even if it is not, it is something we think you should be made aware of in this general connection. On March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks began to publish a trove of original CIA documents that WikiLeaks labeled ‘Vault 7.’ WikiLeaks said it got the trove from a current or former CIA contractor and described it as comparable in scale and significance to the information Edward Snowden gave to reporters in 2013.

No one has challenged the authenticity of the original documents of Vault 7, which disclosed a vast array of cyber warfare tools developed, probably with help from NSA, by CIA’s Engineering Development Group. That Group was part of the sprawling CIA Directorate of Digital Innovation – a growth industry established by John Brennan in 2015. [ (VIPSwarned President Obama of some of the dangers of that basic CIA reorganization at the time.]


Scarcely imaginable digital tools – that can take control of your car and make it race over 100 mph, for example, or can enable remote spying through a TV – were described and duly reported in the New York Times and other media throughout March. But the Vault 7, part 3 release on March 31 that exposed the “Marble Framework” program apparently was judged too delicate to qualify as ‘news fit to print’ and was kept out of the Times at the time, and has never been mentioned since.

The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima, it seems, ‘did not get the memo’ in time. Her March 31 article bore the catching (and accurate) headline: ‘WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations.’

The WikiLeaks release indicated that Marble was designed for flexible and easy-to-use ‘obfuscation,’ and that Marble source code includes a “de-obfuscator” to reverse CIA text obfuscation.

More important, the CIA reportedly used Marble during 2016. In her Washington Post report, Nakashima left that out, but did include another significant point made by WikiLeaks; namely, that the obfuscation tool could be used to conduct a ‘forensic attribution double game’ or false-flag operation because it included test samples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi.”

A few weeks later William Binney, a former NSA technical director, and I commented on Vault 7 Marble, and were able to get a shortened op-ed version published in The Baltimore Sun.

The CIA’s reaction to the WikiLeaks disclosure of the Marble Framework tool was neuralgic.

Then Director Mike Pompeo lashed out two weeks later, calling Assange and his associates “demons,” and insisting; “It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is, a non-state hostile intelligence service, often abetted by state actors like Russia.”

Our July 24 Memorandum continued:  “Mr. President, we do not know if CIA’s Marble Framework, or tools like it, played some kind of role in the campaign to blame Russia for hacking the DNC. Nor do we know how candid the denizens of CIA’s Digital Innovation Directorate have been with you and with Director Pompeo. These are areas that might profit from early White House review.  [ President Trump then directed Pompeo to invite Binney, one of the authors of the July 24, 2017 VIPS Memorandum to the President, to discuss all this.  Binney and Pompeo spent an hour together at CIA Headquarters on October 24, 2017, during which Binney briefed Pompeo with his customary straightforwardness. ]

We also do not know if you have discussed cyber issues in any detail with President Putin. In his interview with NBC’s Megyn Kelly he seemed quite willing – perhaps even eager – to address issues related to the kind of cyber tools revealed in the Vault 7 disclosures, if only to indicate he has been briefed on them. Putin pointed out that today’s technology enables hacking to be ‘masked and camouflaged to an extent that no one can understand the origin’ [of the hack] … And, vice versa, it is possible to set up any entity or any individual that everyone will think that they are the exact source of that attack.

“‘Hackers may be anywhere,’ he said. ‘There may be hackers, by the way, in the United States who very craftily and professionally passed the buck to Russia. Can’t you imagine such a scenario? … I can.’

New attention has been drawn to these issues after I discussed them in a widely published 16-minute interview last Friday.

In view of the highly politicized environment surrounding these issues, I believe I must append here the same notice that VIPS felt compelled to add to our key Memorandum of July 24, 2017:

Full Disclosure: Over recent decades the ethos of our intelligence profession has eroded in the public mind to the point that agenda-free analysis is deemed well nigh impossible. Thus, we add this disclaimer, which applies to everything we in VIPS say and do: We have no political agenda; our sole purpose is to spread truth around and, when necessary, hold to account our former intelligence colleagues.

We speak and write without fear or favor. Consequently, any resemblance between what we say and what presidents, politicians and pundits say is purely coincidental.” The fact we find it is necessary to include that reminder speaks volumes about these highly politicized times.

Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst for 27 years and co-founded Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Op-ed by Ray McGovern / Republished with permission / Consortium News / Report a typo