Op 24 oktober is er een bijeenkomst van de grote banken in Brazilië, waar men zal spreken over de Equator Principles, principes waaraan de aangesloten banken zich dienen te houden en waarbij ze beloven geen schade of zo min mogelijk schade aan te richten op het gebied van milieu en klimaat, daarnaast zou e.e.a. niet ten koste mogen gaan van de arbeiders en het leefgebied van oorspronkelijke bevolkingsgroepen (neem de Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
Na alle berichtgeving over oorspronkelijke bewoners van het Braziliaanse Amazonewoud, die worden verjaagd en vermoord, t.b.v. grond om soja te verbouwen, of voor het winnen van mineralen en andere grondstoffen, is het duidelijk dat de grote banken lak hebben aan deze Equator Principles...... Ook bij het eerdere voorbeeld, de DAPL, waren grote banken de financiers, waaronder zelfs het Nederlandse ING (dat zich pas na heel veel druk terugtrok uit dit onzalige project....)....
Lees de volgende oproep van RAN, teken de petitie ajb en geeft het door!!
big banks to stop financing climate disasters and respect Indigenous

30 days, more than 90 of the world’s largest banks will meet in
Brazil to recommit to the Equator Principles, a set of rules guiding
which big infrastructure projects they will and won't
“Equator Banks” have promised to avoid or minimize the social, environmental and climate impacts of such projects, and to respect the rights and interests of Indigenous communities affected by them.2 But they haven't kept their word.
“Equator Banks” have promised to avoid or minimize the social, environmental and climate impacts of such projects, and to respect the rights and interests of Indigenous communities affected by them.2 But they haven't kept their word.
- The Dakota Access Pipeline was financed by banks signed on to the Equator Principles even though it was built to pump tar sands, the dirtiest oil on earth, and was fiercely opposed by the Standing Rock Sioux and Cheyenne River Lakota Tribes for threatening their water sources.3
are just a couple examples of projects financed by banks under the
Equator Principles that are resisted by Indigenous communities. All
over the world, Equator banks also continue to finance new coal power
plants that will further add to climate disruption.
Sign here to tell the banks to stop funding climate devastation and respect Indigenous rights.
The October 24 meeting in São Paulo, Brazil is a clear opportunity for Equator Banks to revisit their Principles and commit to a higher standard of practice. Advocates will be on the ground in Brazil, and local activists around the world are planning related actions around the same time to increase the pressure.5
a powerful coalition of human rights, environmental and
Indigenous-led organizations, we’re demanding that the big banks
stop financing climate disasters and respect Indigenous peoples’
rights and land.We
need you to sign on and show these banks that every customer on every
continent sees what they’re up to and demands that they commit to
making changes.
Vanessa Green, Director, DivestInvest Individual
Vanessa Green, Director, DivestInvest Individual

- https://www.equatorbanksact.org/
2 - Coal power plants, coal mines, tar sands exploration and transport, oil pipelines, fracked gas plants, deepwater oil rigs, oil exploration in the Arctic, and more have all qualified as ‘responsible’ projects under the Equator Principles, as have projects that violate international Indigenous rights. From the Americas to Australia, Indigenous peoples find themselves on the front line of struggles against fossil fuel extraction and transport projects, and also large hydro and other infrastructure projects that threaten their lands and way of life.
3 - https://www.banktrack.org/search#category=dodgydeals
4 - https://www.banktrack.org/search#category=dodgydeals
5 - https://mazaskatalks.org/divesttheglobe
2 - Coal power plants, coal mines, tar sands exploration and transport, oil pipelines, fracked gas plants, deepwater oil rigs, oil exploration in the Arctic, and more have all qualified as ‘responsible’ projects under the Equator Principles, as have projects that violate international Indigenous rights. From the Americas to Australia, Indigenous peoples find themselves on the front line of struggles against fossil fuel extraction and transport projects, and also large hydro and other infrastructure projects that threaten their lands and way of life.
3 - https://www.banktrack.org/search#category=dodgydeals
4 - https://www.banktrack.org/search#category=dodgydeals
5 - https://mazaskatalks.org/divesttheglobe
Further Resources
** Klimaatrampen als de sterke orkanen van de laatste weken, orkanen die steeds sneller groeien en steeds sterker worden......
Zie ook: 'Keystone XL pijpleiding heeft grote hoeveelheid olie gelekt, terwijl vreedzame demonstranten tegen de aanleg worden weggezet als terroristen......'
en: 'The Dakota Access Pipeline Is Already Leaking'
en: 'VS overheden behandelden demonstranten tegen de DAPL als terroristen, zo blijkt uit gelekte documenten.....'
en: List of pipeline accidents in the United States in the 21st century' (stuitend!!)