Derrick Green in actie
de video en geef deze door aan familie en vrienden, de hoogste tijd
dat het westen sancties treft tegen de psychopathische fascist
Bolsonaro, die het liefst het hele Amazonewoud zou platgooien voor
geldelijk gewin..... Hoe is het mogelijk dat het westen zich zo druk
maakt om een schertsfiguur als Navalny (en dat met 0,0 bewijs dat Rusland hem zou hebben vergiftigd), maar tegelijk stekeblind is voor de
voortdurende genocide op de oorspronkelijke volkeren van het
Amazonewoud, terwijl het platbranden van het leefgebied van deze volkeren (het Amazonewoud) ook nog eens de
klimaatverandering extra hard en snel aanjaagt......
What Does Heavy Metal Have to do with Saving the Amazon?
Frontlines <>
not every day that the singer of a famous band contacts us to team up
on a music video, but that’s exactly what happened this month, and
we are excited to share the fruits of our collaboration with
Brazilian metal band, Sepultura, with you!
Today, Sepultura released a new music video for ‘Guardians of Earth’, a song inspired by Amazon Frontlines’ Instagram page. Lead singer, Derrick Green, said the lyrics were written to honor Indigenous peoples in the Amazon, whose struggles and victories he has been following on social media. The song is intense, as metal songs can be, and expresses all the rage and angst of an ecosystem and Indigenous cultures under extreme threat.
Today, Sepultura released a new music video for ‘Guardians of Earth’, a song inspired by Amazon Frontlines’ Instagram page. Lead singer, Derrick Green, said the lyrics were written to honor Indigenous peoples in the Amazon, whose struggles and victories he has been following on social media. The song is intense, as metal songs can be, and expresses all the rage and angst of an ecosystem and Indigenous cultures under extreme threat.
images of the fight and struggle of various Indigenous tribes, whose
existence is under threat as they defend one of the world's most
biodiverse ecosystems, were very touching and upsetting. Not only are
Indigenous peoples being murdered, but their rainforest territories
are being burned and polluted at an alarming rate. The movement is
inspirational and we felt that their voices needed to be heard
loudly," said Green.
Storytelling through art and music are critical to raising global consciousness and fighting for justice. An essential part of our work at Amazon Frontlines is the documentation and amplification of the struggles and triumphs of Indigenous peoples through photography and video, and we support Indigenous storytellers in creating and sharing their own narratives.
video was directed by Brazilian director Raul Machado and was created
with unique footage provided by Amazon Frontlines of Indigenous
peoples, Amazon landscapes and wildlife under threat from extractive
activities, government indifference, and deforestation. The song
‘Guardians of Earth’
is on Sepultura’s latest album, Quadra, which launched earlier this
With this song and video, Sepultura is using their platform to shine a light on rainforest destruction and the resilience of Indigenous peoples. By sharing these stories with the world through their music, Sepultura is doing their part to support Indigenous communities, the true Guardians of Earth, as they lead the fight to protect the Amazon Rainforest and the planet.
Enjoy the video!
Amazon Frontlines Team
Sepultura is asking fans to donate
to Amazon Frontlines because
they understand how important it is to direct resources to rainforest
defenders on the frontlines. Please
consider becoming a monthly sustainer of our organization as well!
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