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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Kimberley. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Kimberley. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 25 juli 2020

Trump verklaart de oorlog aan Venezuela, reguliere media doodstil

Hoewel de reguliere media in de VS en elders in het westen met veel hysterie hebben gewezen op: -Rusland dat huurmoordenaars in zou hebben gezet tegen VS militairen in Afghanistan, -China dat wordt beschuldigd van spionage op de ontwikkeling van een COVID-19 vaccin en -de leugens als zouden Rusland en China de boel manipuleren in de VS en de rest van het westen, zijn diezelfde media doodstil als de grootste terrorist die de wereld kent, Donald Trump de dictator-president van de VS, de oorlog verklaart aan Venezuela......

Maragaret Kimberley schreef haar Freedom Rider column op Black Agenda Report (dat ik overnam van Information Clearinhg House) over dit onderwerp, waarin ze wijst op een interview van Noticias Telemundo met Trump, dit n.a.v. een bezoek van Trump aan US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM). In dat interview zei Trump o.a.: “Something will happen with Venezuela. That’s all I can tell you. Something will be happening with Venezuela.” Dat kan niet anders betekenen dan de VS is doende met de voorbereiding van een oorlog tegen Venezuela......

Daarvoor wijst Kimberley terecht op alle mislukte pogingen van de Trump administratie om Maduro, de president van Venezuela,tot aftreden te dwingen o.a door: -het aanstellen van een marionet die de werkelijke president van Venezuela zou zijn, terwijl Maduro in door internationale waarnemers als eerlijk beoordeelde verkiezingen het presidentschap won, -sancties opgelegd aan het land die intussen aan meer dan 50.000 mensen het leven hebben gekost (het gaat hier om een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid en deze mensen zijn feite vermoord door de VS, Canada en de EU, daar de laatste 2 de sancties van de VS steunen), -een door de CIA georganiseerde uiterst gewelddadige 'opstand' (inclusief het bewapenen van de ultra-rechtse oppositie en huurmoordenaars van buiten Venezuela, wapens o.a. het land binnengesmokkeld tussen 'humanitaire hulp' van USAID), een opstand die snel doodbloedde daar Maduro simpelweg een veel te grote aanhang heeft, -het beslag leggen op tegoeden van Venezuela in de VS en Groot-Brittannië met een totale waarde van 24 miljard dollar, o.a. tegoeden voor de aankoop van medicijnen en medische apparatuur in de VS.... en uiteraard -met een hele berg aan (bewezen) leugens over het bewind Maduro, met grote graagte herhaald door de westerse reguliere media....

Freedom Rider: Media Silent as Trump Declares Wars

Hetzelfde geldt voor Syrië, met een ongelofelijk aantal leugens werd en wordt dit land zwart gemaakt door de Trump administratie en dat uiteraard met de welwillende hulp van alweer de reguliere westerse media, die weliswaar met veel tamtam berichten over de verzwaarde sancties van de VS, maar er het zwijgen toedoen als het gaat om de ellende onder het Syrische volk veroorzaakt door diezelfde sancties..... Nou niet helemaal: immers als het gaat om de terreurgroepen die met hun familie in Idlib zitten (voor het overgrote deel van buitenlandse komaf, zoals uit Nederland), schreeuwen dezelfde media moord en brand en stellen dat er een ramp dreigt als er niet snel humanitaire hulp komt en dat het Syrische leger moet stoppen met haar aanvallen op Idlib, aanvallen om deze provincie vrij te maken van de ongebreidelde terreur van o.a. ISIS en Al Qaida (al-Nusra)......(terwijl er continu humanitaire hulp en wapens via de Turkse grens worden geleverd aan de terreurgroepen in Idlib....)

Laat ik er verder het zwijgen toe doen, lees het schrijven van Kimberley en geeft het door, de hoogste tijd dat de westerse bevolkingen uit hun coma ontwaken waarin ze zijn gebracht door 'politieagent' (lees: terreurentiteit) VS, door hun afzonderlijke regeringen en door de media in handen van spuugrijke figuren, of clubs van deze figuren (die belang hebben bij het bewaren van de huidige inhumane en agressieve neoliberale ideologie, die wordt aangehangen door praktisch alle westerse landen...)... Vergeet niet dat de VS bezig is met de voorbereiding van niet alleen een oorlog tegen Venezuela, maar ook tegen China...... De woorden van Trump over dat laatste land laten niets aan de verbeelding over..... Vergeet niet wat Kimeberley zegt over Russiagate en alle andere 'gates' waarover de reguliere westerse media zich druk maken, die in feite dienstdoen als een rookgordijn voor de ongebreidelde agressie van de VS....

Media Silent as Trump Declares Wars
By Margaret Kimberley

July 24, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - Donald Trump’s attacks on Venezuela, Syria and Iran are criminal, but Joe Biden vows to be even worse.

There is no congressional opposition to Trump’s acts of aggression which are literally killing people around the world.”

The corporate media in this country can endlessly repeat lies about Russia paying Taliban bounties, but ignore important information that is public and easily provable. A recent example is President Donald Trump’s announcement of some sort of an attack against Venezuela. 

While visiting the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in Florida, Trump gave an interview to Noticias Telemundo  and said the following, “Something will happen with Venezuela. That’s all I can tell you. Something will be happening with Venezuela.” 

The United States chose a puppet president to replace the elected president Nicolas Maduro, increased sanctions, attempted to send mercenaries to destabilize the country, and charged Maduro and his wife with drug trafficking. The U.S. puppet state known as the United Kingdom ruled that it will keep more than $1 billion worth of Venezuelan gold instead of turning it over to its rightful owners. The heist against Venezuela totals $24 billion in stolen and frozen assets. The wall that Trump said Mexico would pay for was actually paid for with ill gotten gains from Venezuela.

The heist against Venezuela totals $24 billion in stolen and frozen assets.”

Venezuela has been under constant attack from the United States and its allies for years with the Trump administration making the most blatant regime change efforts. But the media who ordinarily pillory Trump are either silent or support these attacks. Trump’s remarks should have made headlines. The president of the United States once again declared some sort of hostilities against Venezuela but his words garnered hardly any attention.

Trump has placed the United States on the precipice of war in a variety of ways. He has withdrawn the U.S. from nuclear treaties with Russia that were ratified decades ago. His war of words against China is not merely rhetorical. Uttering slurs about the “Wuhan virus” and always adding the word communist along with the word China are not just stunts. Inciting violence in Hong Kong was part of a larger scheme to weaken an economic and political rival.

The U.S. is waging war by other means all over the world. The war against Syria is lost. 
There will be no regime change there by military means, so Trump resorts to stealing oil, burning wheat crops and increasing sanctions that restrict access to food and medicine. Israel, the U.S. partner in crime, bombs Iranian defense facilities in hopes that they can finally see their war fantasy come to reality. 

Waging war by other means all over the world.”

But none of these incidents receive sufficient coverage. If they are commented upon at all, the news relies on the ubiquitous anonymous intelligence source, or others who will parrot the official line. One must know where to look to find decent analysis.

The new devastation wrought upon Syria is either unreported or celebrated  by the corporate media. There has been no critique of the policy, no one pointing out that a war crime is being committed in the name of the American people. In fact, the Washington Post applauded the fact that the aptly named Caesar Act* has “helped crash the Syrian currency.” They could have added that it helped increase suffering too. 

Shrieking about Russiagate, Ukrainegate, Bountygate or any other gate that will be cooked up is smoke and mirrors for the masses and propaganda for the duopoly. There is no congressional opposition to Trump’s acts of aggression which are literally killing people around the world.

War crimes are being committed in the name of the American people.”

Sadly, neither these policies nor the corporate media response will be different if Joe Biden becomes president. Biden’s Venezuela policy is the same as Trump’s. His attacks have in fact been further to the right. When Trump expressed a willingness to talk to Maduro, he backtracked after Biden condemned any effort to talk. “Trump talks tough on Venezuela, but admires thugs and dictators like Nicolas Maduro,” was Biden’s twitter rejoinder.

The end result of these machinations is that Russia and China are closer than ever, as both countries seek protection from U.S. imperialism. They try to keep the U.S. and its puppet state allies from interfering in their countries or destroying Syria or Iran or Venezuela and thereby making themselves impotent. Iran and China recently reached an agreement which will build Iran’s infrastructure and supply China with discounted oil for the next 25 years. While the media here keep Americans ignorant with ridiculous stories about Russian bounties, the targeted nations work together for their own benefit. 

Only people with the interest and wherewithal to seek out independent media know how their country threatens the world. After all, Trump issued a public threat against Venezuela and it hardly registered as a blip on a screen. When the U.S. goes too far and the world faces a hot war, ignorant Americans will not know what hit them. They may babble about the latest fake scandal or cry out “They hate us for our freedoms,” but the rest of the world won’t care and ignorance will be no defense.

Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well at and she regularly posts on Twitter @freedomrideblog. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)  - "Source" -

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* Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, let wel: deze link verwijst naar wat Wikipedia zegt over deze act, echter totaal vals gekleurd naar VS propaganda.......

Zie ook:
'EU sancties tegen Venezuela aangescherpt, waar Nederland de voormalige Antilliaanse slaveneilanden, slachtoffers van die sancties, tijdens de anti-racistische demonstraties durft te chanteren'

Voor meer berichten over Venezuela, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Syrië, Iran, spionage, Rusland en/of China, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.  

maandag 14 november 2016

Ruslandfobie: anti-Russische propaganda, waarvoor Goebbels zich niet zou hebben geschaamd!

Op 7 november jl. werd het volgende artikel op Information Clearing House geplaatst. Hierin een vrij korte en uiterst scherpe analyse van de leugens die ons dagelijks door de strot worden geduwd, onder verantwoording van de westerse politiek en de westerse reguliere (afhankelijke) media.

Leugens die er zo dik bovenop liggen, dat je je werkelijk afvraagt, wie dat nog gelooft....... Neem ook de keuze voor de tweede keer, Saoedi-Arabië te benoemen tot voorzitter van de VN mensenrechtenorganisatie UNHRC.....* Saoedi-Arabië, de dictatuur waar de 'Oranjes' mee bevriend zijn......** S-A u weet wel de totaal losgeslagen reli-psychopaten, die van onthoofdingen 'een openbaar feest' maken, een regime dat schijt heeft aan alle mensenrechten, waar arbeiders uit arme landen op een vreselijke manier worden misbruikt en uitgenomen (waarvoor maar één woord past: slavernij), het land dat in buurland Jemen, de ene grote oorlogsmisdaad na de andere begaat........

Zoals op deze plek al vaker aangehaald, ook de leugens over 'de enorme agressie van Rusland', waarvoor u dagelijks wordt gewaarschuwd door politiek en reguliere media, wordt in dit artikel besproken en vergeleken met het: 'vredelievende' VS..... De VS dat de ene illegale oorlog na de andere begint en het niet laten kan VS niet welgevallige (democratisch geregeerde) regimes als Venezuela omver te werpen, eerst met economische maatregelen als boycots en als dat niet lukt middels het organiseren van een opstand, alweer zoals in het geval van Venezuela, maar ook Oekraïne en een land als Honduras...... Als dat niet lukt, gaat men over tot totale oorlogsvoering tegen zo'n land.......

Hier het artikel:

Russophobia: War Party Propaganda
The world’s most reactionary regime, the head-chopping, terror-sponsoring Saudi Arabian kleptocracy, was awarded the chair of the UN Human Rights Council, while Russia has been kicked out. The travesty was engineered by the Superpower of Lies to punish Moscow for resisting the U.S.-led war of sectarian massacre and regime change in Syria. The War Party is on the march, to the cheers of corporate media – and Hillary hasn’t even been elected yet.

By Margaret Kimberley
All attempts to stop the fighting were rejected by the U.S. and NATO and sealed the fate of the Syrian people.”
November 06, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "BAR" - Did Russia invade Iraq and kill one million people? Does Russia have a greater percentage of its population behind bars than any other country in the world? Did Russia occupy Haiti after kidnapping its president? Are Russian police allowed to shoot children to death without fear of repercussion? Is Russia entering its 20th year of a terror war against the people of Somalia? All of these crimes take place in or at the direction of the United States. Yet the full force of propaganda and influence on world opinion is directed against Russia, which whatever its shortcomings cannot hold a candle to America in violating human rights.

The dangers presented by a Hillary Clinton presidency cannot be overstated. She and the war party have been steadily working towards a goal that defies logic and risks all life on earth. Regime change is once again their modus operandi and they hope to make it a reality against Russia.

Nearly every claim of Russian evil doing is a lie, a ruse meant to put Americans in a fighting mood and lose their fear of nuclear conflagration. It isn’t clear if Clinton and the rest of the would-be warriors actually realize they are risking mushroom clouds. Perhaps they believe that Vladimir Putin will be easily pushed around when all evidence points to the contrary.

The unproven allegations of interference in the presidential election and casting blame on Russia as the sole cause of suffering in Syria are meant to desensitize the public. It is an age old ploy which makes war not just acceptable but deemed a necessity. The usual suspects are helping out eagerly. The corporate media, led by newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post (WP), are front and center in pushing tales of Russian villainy. Human Rights Watch and other organizations who care nothing about abuses committed by the United States and its allies are also playing their usual role of choosing the next regime change victim.

Russia lost its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council in part because of American pressure and public relations assistance from the human rights industrial complex. The UNHRC is now chaired by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy that funds the jihadist terrorist groups who caused 500,000 Syrian deaths. The Saudis are causing dislocation, death and starvation in Yemen, too, but they are American allies, so there is little opposition to their misdeeds.

The openly bigoted Donald Trump has been the perfect foil for Hillary Clinton. That is why she and the rest of the Democratic Party leadership preferred him as their rival. He made the case for the discredited lesser evilism argument and his sensible statements about avoiding enmity with Russia made him even more useful.

The United States and its allies are the cause of Syria’s destruction. Their effort to overthrow president Assad created a humanitarian disaster complete with ISIS and al Nusra fighters who love to chop off heads for entertainment. Far from being the cause of the catastrophe Russia left its ally to fight alone for four years. They even made overtures to negotiate Assad’s fate with the United States. All attempts to stop the fighting were rejected by the U.S. and NATO and sealed the fate of the Syrian people. The people of east Aleppo are being shelled by American allies but one wouldn’t know that by reading what passes for journalism in newspapers and on television. The American role in the slaughter is barely mentioned or is excused as an effort to protect the civilian population. The bloodshed was made in the U.S. and could end if this government wanted it to.

The anti-Russian propaganda effort has worked to perfection. NATO is massing troops on Russia’s borders in a clear provocation yet Putin is labeled the bad guy. He is said to be menacing the countries that join in threatening his nation. The United States makes phony claims of Russian war crimes despite having blood on its hands. The latest Human Rights Watch canards about prosecuting Assad come straight from the White House and State Department and have nothing to do with concern for Syrians living in their fifth year of hell.

There is no lesser evil between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. She is fully supported by the war party in her desire for a more “muscular” foreign policy. That bizarre term means death and starvation for millions more people if Clinton wins in a landslide. She must be denied a victory of that magnitude and any opportunity to claim a mandate. Peace loving people must give their votes to the Green Party ticket of Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka. They are alone in rejecting the premise of an imperialist country and its endless wars.

The United States is the most dangerous country in the world. If it has a reckless and war loving president the threat becomes existential. That is the prospect we face with a Hillary Clinton presidency. If the role of villain is cast on the world stage she is the star of the show.
Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)

** Zoals bij de dood van de oude koning van S-A, waarvoor niet alleen Rutte afreisde, maar ook Willem Alexander.....

Zie ook: 'Nep-nieuws de norm bij NOS en Volkskrant'

       en: 'Aleppo: Sander van Hoorn met ongezouten anti-Russische propaganda, gebaseerd op 'van horen en zeggen.......''

       en: 'Aleppo, de BBC krijgt de deksel op de propaganda neus!!'

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