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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Koch brothers. Alle posts tonen

maandag 12 augustus 2019

Jeffrey Epstein, beheerder van een kindermisbruiknetwerk 'is gesuïcideerd' ofwel vermoord

Totaal ongelofelijk, het verhaal dat Jeffrey Epstein zich afgelopen zaterdag zou hebben gesuïcideerd in zijn cel. Epstein heeft een pedofielennetwerk georganiseerd waar een fiks aantal hooggeplaatsten gebruik van hebben gemaakt. Onder de velen die gebruikmaakten van de 'Lolita Express', het privévliegtuig van deze miljardair waarmee hij hooggeplaatsten of anderszins bekende figuren naar seksfeesten vervoerde, bevonden zich o.a. Bill Clinton, David Koch, prins Andrew, Tony Blair en Donald Trump..... Waar de laatste beweert al lang niet meer bevriend te zijn geweest met Epstein, maar ja, wat zijn de woorden van Trump na 3 jaar presidentschap nog waard??

Eerder werd Epstein al flink gewond in zijn cel gevonden, waarover de autoriteiten in de VS stelden dat de wonden te wijten waren aan een suïcide poging, terwijl volgens anonieme getuigen een aantal van de verwondingen onmogelijk door Epstein zelf konden zijn veroorzaakt.......

Maar laten we uitgaan dat de autoriteiten gelijk hadden, hoe is het dan mogelijk dat Epstein ook maar de tijd had om nog een suïcide poging uit te voeren, zeker nadat er een golf van kritiek kwam na 'de eerste poging', waar critici stelden dat Epstein de rechtszaal nooit zou bereiken, daar er eenvoudigweg veel te veel hooggeplaatste figuren betrokken waren bij het seksnetwerk van Epstein........

Epstein was in het bezit van een groot aantal video's waarop de bobo's hun smerige lusten botvierden op minderjarige meisjes en jongens........ Je gelooft toch niet dat deze video's nog bestaan..??

Zoals betoogd in een eerder bericht: het overgrote deel van hooggeplaatste politici, ambtenaren en CEO's, die gebruik maakten van Epsteins netwerk, zijn psychopaten, of zo je wilt sociopaten, deze figuren denken werkelijk dat ze uit hoofde van hun functie het recht hebben op zaken die zonder enige twijfel tot de zware misdaden behoren, zoals kindermisbruik..... Uiteraard zitten daar figuren tussen die alles op alles hebben gezet om Epstein de mond te snoeren en zoals we nu weten is dat gelukt......

Epstein is zonder meer vermoord!!! (ook al zou blijken dat hij zichzelf heeft gesuïcideerd)

Zie ook:
'Jeffrey Epstein en Ghislaine Maxwell werkten mede voor de militaire geheime dienst van Israël'

'Kindermisbruikers beschermd door overheden'

'Donald Trump - Jeffey Epstein: you've got to grab them by the pussy'

´Russiagate, 'couppoging tegen Trump' en kindermisbruik netwerk Epstein zijn gekoppeld´

'Prince Andrew ontkent kennis kindermisbruiknetwerk Epstein, maar........'

'Jeffrey Epstein waarschijnlijk op 'loonlijst' Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst

'Jeffrey Epstein (exploitant kindermisbruik netwerk) 'overleden aan suïcide''

'Jeffrey Epstein: seksueel wangedrag van welgestelden veelal onder de pet gehouden

'Jeffrey Epsteins kleine zwarte pedo-boek met namen als Bill Clinton, David Koch, Courtney Love, prins Andrew en Tony Blair

Hier nog wat berichten over hooggeplaatste psychopaten:

'Psychopathic Behavior and Leaders By James G. Long'

'The Disturbing Link Between Psychopathy And Leadership By Victor Lipman'

dinsdag 16 juli 2019

Jeffrey Epstein waarschijnlijk op 'loonlijst' Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst

In de VS lopen regelmatig Israëlische spionnen tegen de lamp, zelfs tijdens de aanvallen van 9/11 op het WTC....*, echter in tegenstelling tot andere spionnen worden zij met zijden handschoenen aangepakt, als ze al worden aangepakt en niet direct op het vliegtuig worden gezet, althans als men de zaak ernstig genoeg acht.........

Berichten over dit soort zaken bereiken de reguliere massamedia niet eens, laat staan dat de (onderzoeks-) journalisten van die media deze zaken uitpluizen, dit in tegenstelling tot de alternatieve media die wel over dergelijke zaken berichten (en met meestal 'enige mate van ontevredenheid', om het maar zacht te zeggen....)

Lees het volgende artikel van Philip Giraldi, eerder geplaatst op de American Herald Tribune en verbaas je over alle figuren die gebruik hebben gemaakt van de smerige diensten die Epstein aanbood en waarbij gasten stiekem werden gefilmd terwijl ze minderjarigen misbruikten, materiaal waar geheime diensten als de Mossad van kwijlen (chantage >> doen wat in het belang is van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël)....... Zo valt op dat Bill Clinton wel erg vaak gebruik heeft gemaakt van de Lolita Expres, zoals het privé vliegtuig van Epstein wordt genoemd....... Een woordvoerder van Clinton liet vorige week weten dat Clinton van niets wist, maar dat soort ontkenningen hebben we eerder al gehoord uit de mond van deze oorlogsmisdadiger en viespeuk....... Ook de claim van een woordvoerder van Trump dat deze niets van kindermisbruik wist, wordt in het volgende artikel onderuitgehaald......

Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?

JULY 11 ,2019

Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell Trump Clinton 5f2fd

The extent of Israeli spying directed against the United States is a huge story that is only rarely addressed in the mainstream media. The Jewish state regularly tops the list for ostensibly friendly countries that aggressively conduct espionage against the U.S. and Jewish American Jonathan Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for spying for Israel, is now regarded as the most damaging spy in the history of the United States.
Last week I wrote about how Israeli spies operating more-or-less freely in the U.S. are rarely interfered with, much less arrested and prosecuted, because there is an unwillingness on the part of upper echelons of government to do so. I cited the case of Arnon Milchan, a billionaire Hollywood movie producer who had a secret life that included stealing restricted technology in the United States to enable development of Israel’s nuclear weapons program, something that was very much against U.S. interests. Milchan was involved in a number of other thefts as well as arms sales on behalf of the Jewish state, so much so that his work as a movie producer was actually reported to be less lucrative than his work as a spy and black-market arms merchant, for which he operated on a commission basis.
That Milchan has never been arrested by the United States government or even questioned about his illegal activity, which was well known to the authorities, is just one more manifestation of the effectiveness of Jewish power in Washington, but a far more compelling case involving possible espionage with major political manifestations has just re-surfaced. I am referring to Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire Wall Street “financier” who has been arrested and charged with operating a “vast” network of underage girls for sex, operating out of his mansions in New York City and Florida as well as his private island in the Caribbean, referred to by visitors as “Orgy Island.” Among other high-value associates, it is claimed that Epstein was particularly close to Bill Clinton, who flew dozens of times on Epstein’s private 727.
alex acosta jeffrey epstein 0b056
*(Alex Acosta (L) Jeffrey Epstein (R))
Epstein was arrested on July 8th after indictment by a federal grand jury in New York. It was more than a decade after Alexander Acosta, the top federal prosecutor in Miami, who is now President Trump’s secretary of labor, accepted a plea bargain involving similar allegations regarding pedophilia that was not shared with the accusers prior to being finalized in court. There were reportedly hundreds of victims, some 35 of whom were identified, but Acosta deliberately denied the two actual plaintiffs their day in court to testify before sentencing.
Acosta’s intervention meant that Epstein avoided both a public trial and a possible federal prison sentence, instead serving only 13 months of an 18-month sentence in the almost-no-security Palm Beach County Jail on charges of soliciting prostitution in Florida. While in custody, he was permitted to leave jail for sixteen hours six days a week to work in his office.
Epstein’s crimes were carried out in his $56 million Manhattan mansion and in his oceanside villa in Palm Beach Florida. Both residences were equipped with hidden cameras and microphones in the bedrooms, which Epstein reportedly used to record sexual encounters between his high-profile guests and his underage girls, many of whom came from poor backgrounds, who were recruited by procurers to engage in what was euphemistically described as “massages” for money. Epstein apparently hardly made any effort to conceal what he was up to: his airplane was called the “Lolita Express.”
The Democrats are calling for an investigation of the Epstein affair, as well as the resignation of Acosta, but they might well wind up regretting their demands. Trump, the real target of the Acosta fury, apparently did not know about the details of the plea bargain that ended the Epstein court case. Bill and Hillary Clinton were, however, very close associates of Epstein. Bill, who flew on the “Lolita Express” at least 26 times, could plausibly be implicated in the pedophilia given his track record and relative lack of conventional morals. On many of the trips, Bill refused Secret Service escorts, who would have been witnesses of any misbehavior. On one lengthy trip to Africa in 2002, Bill and Jeffrey were accompanied by accused pedophile actor Kevin Spacey and a number of young girls, scantily clad “employees” identified only as “massage.” Epstein was also a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and was present at the wedding of Chelsea Clinton in 2010.
With an election year coming up, the Democrats would hardly want the public to be reminded of Bill’s exploits, but one has to wonder where and how deep the investigation might go. There is also a possible Donald Trump angle. Though Donald may not have been a frequent flyer on the “Lolita Express,” he certainly moved in the same circles as the Clintons and Epstein in New York and Palm Beach, plus he is by his own words roughly as amoral as Bill Clinton. In June 2016, one Katie Johnson filed lawsuit in New York claiming she had been repeatedly raped by Trump at an Epstein gathering in 1993 when she was 13 years old. In a 2002 New York Magazine interview Trump said  “I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy… he's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it - Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Selective inquiries into wrongdoing to include intense finger pointing are the name of the game in Washington, and the affaire Epstein also has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel. Unless Epstein is an extremely sick pedophile who enjoys watching films of other men screwing twelve-year-old girls the whole filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures. Those blackmailed would undoubtedly in most cases cooperate with the foreign government involved to avoid a major scandal. It is called recruiting “agents of influence.” That is how intelligence agencies work and it is what they do.
That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta's comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team. He was asked “Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” … “Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had ‘been told’ to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. ‘I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.’”
Questions about Epstein’s wealth also suggest a connection with a secretive government agency with deep pockets. The New York Times reports that “Exactly what his money management operation did was cloaked in secrecy, as were most of the names of whomever he did it for. He claimed to work for a number of billionaires, but the only known major client was Leslie Wexner, the billionaire founder of several retail chains, including The Limited.”
But whose intelligence service? CIA and the Russian FSB services are obvious candidates, but they would have no particular motive to acquire an agent like Epstein. That leaves Israel, which would have been eager to have a stable of high-level agents of influence in Europe and the United States. Epstein’s contact with the Israeli intelligence service may have plausibly come through his associations with Ghislaine Maxwell, who allegedly served as his key procurer of young girls. Ghislaine is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who died or possibly was assassinated in mysterious circumstances in 1991. Maxwell was an Anglo-Jewish businessman, very cosmopolitan in profile, like Epstein, a multi-millionaire who was very controversial with what were regarded as ongoing ties to Mossad. After his death, he was given a state funeral by Israel in which six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence listened while Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogized: “He has done more for Israel than can today be said”
Maxwell and trump 910ce
*(Trump  (left) with Robert Maxwell (right) at an event.)
Epstein kept a black book identifying many of his social contacts, which is now in the hands of investigators. It included fourteen personal phone numbers belonging to Donald Trump, including ex-wife Ivana, daughter Ivanka and current wife Melania. It also included Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, Jon Huntsman, Senator Ted Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, David Koch, Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, George Mitchell, David Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomfield, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Elizabeth, Saudi King Salman and Edward de Rothschild.
Mossad would have exploited Epstein’s contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.
It will be very interesting to see just how far and how deep the investigation into Epstein and his activities goes. One can expect that efforts will be made to protect top politicians like Clinton and Trump and to avoid any examination of a possible Israeli role. That is the normal practice, witness the 9/11 Report and the Mueller investigation, both of which eschewed any inquiry into what Israel might have been up to. But this time, if it was indeed an Israeli operation, it might prove difficult to cover up the story since the pedophile aspect of it has unleashed considerable public anger from all across the political spectrum. Senator Chuck Schumer, self-described as Israel’s “protector” in the Senate, is loudly calling for the resignation of Acosta. He just might change his tune if it turns out that Israel is a major part of the story.
*(Top image: Left photo: Jeffrey Epstein and his partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, with Donald and Melania Trump at Mar-a-Lago in 2000. Right photo: Ghislaine Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Credit: Davidoff Studios/Getty Images)
* Zie: 'De rol van Israël en de VS in de 9/11 aanslagen op het WTC' en: '9/11 Israël nogmaals aangewezen als hulp- bij het neerhalen van de Twin Towers en gebouw 7 van het WTC'

Zie ook:
'Jeffrey Epstein: bewakers die fraudeerden weigerden een 'plea deal''

'Prince Andrew: het voorbeeld dat koningshuizen eindelijk moeten worden opgedoekt'

'Epstein vermoord volgens patholoog-anatoom'

'Jeffrey Epstein en Ghislaine Maxwell werkten mede voor de militaire geheime dienst van Israël'

'Donald Trump - Jeffey Epstein: you've got to grab them by the pussy'

´Russiagate, 'couppoging tegen Trump' en kindermisbruik netwerk Epstein zijn gekoppeld´

'Prince Andrew ontkent kennis kindermisbruiknetwerk Epstein, maar........'

'Jeffrey Epstein (exploitant kindermisbruik netwerk) 'overleden aan suïcide''

'Jeffrey Epstein, beheerder van een kindermisbruiknetwerk 'is gesuïcideerd' ofwel vermoord'

'Jeffrey Epstein: seksueel wangedrag van welgestelden veelal onder de pet gehouden'

'Jeffrey Epsteins kleine zwarte pedo-boek met namen als Bill Clinton, David Koch, Courtney Love, prins Andrew en Tony Blair

Zie ook de volgende berichten over 9/11:
'Spanningen met Iran: VS geschiedenis van false flag operaties en andere manipulaties die tot oorlog hebben geleid'

'9/11: de leugens over smeltend staal van de Twin Towers' (zie ook de andere links naar berichten over 9/11 in dat bericht)

'9/11 getuigen totaal genegeerd door media (en overheid)'

dinsdag 9 juli 2019

Jeffrey Epsteins kleine zwarte pedo-boek met namen als Bill Clinton, David Koch, Courtney Love, prins Andrew en Tony Blair

Miljardair Jeffrey Epstein werd afgelopen zaterdag gearresteerd vanwege het beheren van een pedo-netwerk en het bezit van duizenden naaktfoto's van minderjarige meisjes.

Dit soort zaken komen één of twee keer per jaar voor, echter zelden met zoveel bekende welgestelden als klant. Er zou sprake zijn van een klein zwart boekje waarin de namen te lezen zijn van oorlogsmisdadiger Bill Clinton (....), David Koch (van het Koch Brothers imperium), Courtney Love, de Britse prins Andrew en één van de grootste schoften van de laatste 20 jaar: Tony Blair.

Lees het volgende artikel van Tyler Durden, zoals gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge en zie hoe welgestelden denken werkelijk overal mee weg te kunnen komen:

Before SHTF, Let's Revisit Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book

Mon, 07/08/2019 - 17:45

With the Saturday arrest of Jeffrey Epstein - who is reportedly offering to name elite pedophiles in exchange for leniency, a leaked copy of the billionaire sex predator's "little black book" may provide some insight into some very rich individuals who should be nervous right about now.

The book was smuggled out of Epstein's residence by his former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, who was busted trying to sell it in 2009 for $50,000 - only to get caught, charged with obstruction of justice, and die in prison after 18 months from a 'long illness.' 
According to an FBI affidavit, Rodriguez described the address book and the information contained within it as the "Holy Grail" or "Golden Nugget" to unraveling Epstein's sprawling child-sex network. But despite having been subpoenaed for everything he had on his former boss, Rodriguez didn't share it with the FBI or Palm Beach Police Department detectives investigating Epstein. Instead, he tried to make a $50,000 score by covertly peddling the black book to one of the attorneys launching lawsuits at Epstein on behalf of his victims. -Gawker

According to a 2015 Gawker article, Epstein's little black book contains hundreds of names that a hobnobbing socialite billionaire might keep on hand, however around 50 of the entries were circled by Rodriguez - "including those of many of Epstein's suspected victims and accomplices," according to the report. 

Some of the names in the book include: 

Ralph Fiennes
Alec Baldwin
David Blaine
Jimmy Buffett
Courtney Love
Charlie Rose
Mike Wallace
Barbara Walters
Ehud Barak
Tony Blair
David Koch
John Gutfreund
Prince Andrew
And of course:

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
About 50 of the entries, including those of many of Epstein's suspected victims and accomplices as well as Trump, Love, Barak, Dershowitz, and others, were circled by Rodriguez.
In addition to the names above, as well as scores of apparent underage victims in Florida, New Mexico, California, Paris, and the United Kingdom listed under the rubric of "massage," the circled entries include:
  • Billionaire Leslie Wexner
  • Former New Mexico Governor Bruce King
  • Former New Mexico Governor and Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson
  • Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros
  • Former Miss Sweden and socialite New York City doctor Eva Andersson Dubin
Some of the circled entries include additional notes—one address in New York City, for instance, is marked as an "apt. for models," and two names bear the marking "witness." -Gawker

When asked why his name might have been circled, longtime Epstein associate Alan Dershowitz said in 2015: "I've never seen the book and I have no idea what it means. I was neither a victim nor a material witness—I never witnessed any crimes or participated in any crimes, and I can prove it."

I urge you to back and read @jkbjournalist’s 3-part series “Perversion of Justice” that started all of this. It is a stunning expose on this egregious miscarriage of justice: 

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Jeffrey Epstein avoided a lifetime sentence for underage human and sex trafficking and abuse. Learn how the deal drafted by then prosecutor Alexander Acosta and Epstein’s defense team made the...

If you thought was powerful, just wait for the fallout from this. There is more yet to come. I promise you that.

Dershowitz joined a 2017 motion brought by filmmaker and author Mike Cernovich to unseal records from a 2015 defamation case brought by Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Giuffre says Maxwell helped Epstein traffic herself and other underage girls to sex parties at the billionaire pedophile's many residences.

The full scope of Epstein's international sex trafficking ring.

In a Monday afternoon statement, Bill Clinton's Press Secretary Angel Ureña tweeted that the former president "knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago," and claims that he has only flown on the "Lolita Express" four times, with Secret Service detail "on every leg of every trip."

Statement on Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump, meanwhile, was reportedly the "only one" to help a prosecuting attorney representing one of Epstein's alleged victims. The President is also said to have booted Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago club after he was found trying to recruit underage girls. 
One theory on Epstein's racket is described below by Twitter user @quantian1

So, apologies in advance, but I want to do a quick little THREAD to explain my theory of what the Epstein story really is. I promise this isn't some crazy Pizzagate conspiracy about space lizards, just a neat little explanation that IMO perfectly fits the known facts (0/13):
(1/13) Let's take as our starting points two givens.
(A.) You are a committed, unrepentant pedophile
(B.) Because of your old job in private banking, you are very connected to lots of very, very wealthy people
We'll also assume a goal:
(Z.) You want to become very rich

(2/13) The obvious route is, well, obvious: you could just be a pimp, offering underage prostitute services to very rich people. This has two problems: you're very disposable (see: DC madam), and it's also not super lucrative. You can't charge millions of dollars up front.
(3/13) The second level though follows instantly: You don't need to charge up front, just get them to have underage sex, and then blackmail them afterwards for hush money. Better ROI, but you're still a liability, and producing and receiving big bribe money raises big questions.

(4/13) So, what to do? Well, the second idea has some merits. First, you need to recruit people in. Have lots of massive parties at your spacious home (check), invite top academics, artists, politicians to encourage people to come (check), and supply lots of young women (check)
(5/13) You don't even have to do anything, and most people invited might even be totally unaware of the real purpose of the parties! But, sooner or later, some billionaire will get handsy, she'll escort him to a room with a hidden camera, things happen. Morning after, you strike.

(6/13) You inform him she was really 15, but you offer him a nice, neat way to buy your silence: a large allocation to your hedge fund, which charges 2/20 (check). To ensure nobody else asks questions, you also take the extraordinary step of demanding power of attorney (check)
(7/13) The fund is offshore in a tax haven (check) and nobody will see the client list (check). Of course, you don't really know anything about investing, instead making up some nonsense about currency trading (check), and nobody on Wall Street has ever traded with you (check)

(8/13) The fund itself doesn't need investment personnel (check), only some back office people to process the wires (check). You don't want to money from non-pedophiles, or they'll notice you've just put it in a S&P 500 fund, so you reject all incoming inquiries (check)
(9/13) A $20 million wire from Billionaire X to you with no obvious reason will raise many questions, and the IRS will certainly want to know what you did to warrant it. A $5 million quarterly fee for managing $1 billion in assets? Nobody bats an eye.

(10/13) Because of this structure, you're extraordinarily secretive about client lists (check) because they aren't clients, they're pedophiles paying you bribes, and they also are very secretive, which is why no letters or return streams ever leak (check)
(11/13) Occasionally you may also try this trick on other people: important political figures, mayors, prosecutors, etc. They don't invest in the fund, but it's nice to have them in your pocket. Others (academics, artists, etc.) can just be bought with money as a PR smokescreen.

(12/13) And, of course, the scam can be kept going as long as people are willing to pay, which is forever. If you're ever caught, just lean on some of your other friends in government to lean on the prosecutor to get you a sweetheart deal. There's almost zero risk.
(13/13) And the last piece of the puzzle is the evidence. You'd want it somewhere remote, but accessible: a place the US can't touch but you have an excuse to visit all the time to update. Remember that offshore fund?

I bet there's a *very* interesting safe deposit box there.

Epstein's "little black book" can be seen here: 

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De lettercombinatie SHTF in de kop van het Zero Hedge artikel staat voor: 'Shit Hits the Fan'. (ofwel: before the shit hits the fan >> vóór de stront de ventilator raakt. Normaal is de zegswijze: 'when the shit hits the fan')

Zie ook:
'Epstein vermoord volgens patholoog-anatoom'

'Jeffrey Epstein en Ghislaine Maxwell werkten mede voor de militaire geheime dienst van Israël'

'Kindermisbruikers beschermd door overheden'

'Donald Trump - Jeffey Epstein: you've got to grab them by the pussy'

´Russiagate, 'couppoging tegen Trump' en kindermisbruik netwerk Epstein zijn gekoppeld´

'Prince Andrew ontkent kennis kindermisbruiknetwerk Epstein, maar........'

'Jeffrey Epstein waarschijnlijk op 'loonlijst' Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst

'Jeffrey Epstein (exploitant kindermisbruik netwerk) 'overleden aan suïcide''

'Jeffrey Epstein, beheerder van een kindermisbruiknetwerk 'is gesuïcideerd' ofwel vermoord'

'Jeffrey Epstein: seksueel wangedrag van welgestelden veelal onder de pet gehouden