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Posts tonen met het label M. Trump. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label M. Trump. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 14 juli 2017

Democraten VS kochten informatie over Trump >> Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump

Het volgende artikel komt van Information Clearing House en handelt o.a. over het niet-schandaal van de ontmoeting van Trump jr. met een Russische advocaat. De schrijver Lee Perry, merkte eerder o.a. al op dat het heel normaal is, dat gekozen presidenten voor hun inwijding (inauguratie) tot president, contact hebben met buitenlandse mogendheden, zo is het al decennia de gewoonste zaak van de wereld dat deze gekozen presidenten en/of hun staf contact hebben met de Israëlische regering.

Perry merkt op, dat het verzamelen van stront over Trump door de Democraten, allesbehalve is vergeten, iets dat de Democraten wel graag willen..... Met grote bedragen werd de Britse ex-spion Steele door de Democraten betaald, om in Rusland bagger over Trump te verzamelen. Als er grote bedragen worden geboden, is de kans levensgroot dat de vergaarde informatie op z'n zachtst gezegd onbetrouwbaar is (Ap).

Lees dit onthullende artikel van Perry, daaronder vindt u de link naar het volledige verhaal, op die webpagina kan u ook klikken voor 'een Dutch vertaling':

Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump
By Robert Parry

Exclusive: The new Russia-gate furor is over Donald Trump Jr. meeting a Russian who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton, but the Clinton team’s Russian cash-for-trash search against Trump Sr. is all but forgotten, writes Robert Parry.
Essentially, Trump’s oldest son is being accused of taking a meeting with a foreign national who claimed to have knowledge of potentially illegal activities by Trump’s Democratic rivals, although the promised information apparently turned out to be a dud.

Yet, on Monday, the Times led its newspaper with a story about this meeting – and commentators on MSNBC and elsewhere are labeling Trump Jr. a criminal if not a traitor for hearing out this lawyer.

Yet, no one seems to remember that Hillary Clinton supporters paid large sums of money, reportedly about $1 million, to have ex-British spy Christopher Steele use his Russian connections to dig up dirt on Trump inside Russia, resulting in a salacious dossier that Clinton backers eagerly hawked to the news media.

Also, the two events – Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer and the Clinton camp’s commissioning of Steele’s Russia dossier – both occurred in June 2016, so you might have thought it would be a journalistic imperative to incorporate a reference or two to the dossier.

But the closest the Times came to that was noting: “Political campaigns collect opposition research from many quarters but rarely from sources linked to foreign governments.” That would have been an opportune point to slide in a paragraph about the Steele dossier, but nothing.

But the Steele dossier is a more immediate and direct example of close Hillary Clinton supporters going outside the United States for dirt on Trump and collaborating with foreign nationals to dig it up – allegedly from Kremlin insiders. Although it is still not clear exactly who footed the bill for the Steele dossier and how much money was spread around to the Russian contacts, it is clear that Clinton supporters paid for the opposition research and then flacked the material to American journalists.

As I wrote on March 29, “An irony of the escalating hysteria about the Trump camp’s contacts with Russians is that one presidential campaign in 2016 did exploit political dirt that supposedly came from the Kremlin and other Russian sources. Friends of that political campaign paid for this anonymous hearsay material, shared it with American journalists and urged them to publish it to gain an electoral advantage. But this campaign was not Donald Trump’s; it was Hillary Clinton’s.

And, awareness of this activity doesn’t require you to spin conspiracy theories about what may or may not have been said during some seemingly innocuous conversation. In this case, you have open admissions about how these Russian/Kremlin claims were used.

Indeed, you have the words of Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, in his opening statement at [a] public hearing on so-called ‘Russia-gate.’ Schiff’s seamless 15-minute narrative of the Trump campaign’s alleged collaboration with Russia followed the script prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who was hired as an opposition researcher last June [2016] to dig up derogatory information on Donald Trump.

Steele, who had worked for Britain’s MI-6 in Russia, said he tapped into ex-colleagues and unnamed sources inside Russia, including leadership figures in the Kremlin, to piece together a series of sensational reports that became the basis of the current congressional and FBI investigations into Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow.

Since he was not able to go to Russia himself, Steele based his reports mostly on multiple hearsay from anonymous Russians who claim to have heard some information from their government contacts before passing it on to Steele’s associates who then gave it to Steele who compiled this mix of rumors and alleged inside dope into ‘raw’ intelligence reports.

Besides the anonymous sourcing and the sources’ financial incentives to dig up dirt, Steele’s reports had numerous other problems, including the inability of a variety of investigators to confirm key elements, such as the salacious claim that several years ago Russian intelligence operatives secretly videotaped Trump having prostitutes urinate on him while he lay in the same bed in Moscow’s Ritz-Carlton used by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

That tantalizing tidbit was included in Steele’s opening report to his new clients, dated June 20, 2016. Apparently, it proved irresistible in whetting the appetite of Clinton’s mysterious benefactors who were financing Steele’s dirt digging and who have kept their identities (and the amounts paid) hidden. Also in that first report were the basic outlines of what has become the scandal that is now threatening the survival of Trump’s embattled presidency.

Hier de link naar het volledige verhaal:
Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump

Zie ook: 'Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van aankoop Steele dossier over Trump........' (een vervolg op het bovenstaande bericht)

       en: 'Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump' (artikel in Nederlands)

       en: 'Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election'

       en: 'FBI Director Comey Leaked Trump Memos Containing Classified Information'

       en: 'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'

       en: 'Russia Is Trolling the Shit out of Hillary Clinton and the Mainstream Media'

       en: 'CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

       en: 'Russische 'hacks' door deskundigen nogmaals als fake news doorgeprikt >> Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence'

       en: 'Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

       en: 'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........'

       en: 'Walls Closing in on Russiagate Conspiracy Theorists: Evidence Mounts That DNC Emails Provided to WikiLeaks By Inside Source'

       en: 'WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Drops Russiagate Shell!!!' (video).

       en: ''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

       en:  'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

       en: 'New York Times met schaamteloze anti-Russische propaganda en 'fake news....''

       en: 'BBC World Service: Rusland heeft VS verkiezingen gemanipuleerd....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

       en: 'Hoe Clinton en haar team de wereld op scherp hebben gezet >> Did Hillary Scapegoat Russia to Save Her Campaign?'

       en: 'Brekend nieuws: door Rusland betaalde reclames van Shell, Calvé pindakaas, AH boerenkool en Hema worst >> doel Rutte 3 ten val te brengen!!!'

donderdag 25 mei 2017

Ivanka en Melania Trump prezen de Saoedische omgang met vrouwen en werden daar dik voor beloond...............

Anti-Media bracht afgelopen dinsdag een artikel, waarin het optreden van Ivanka en Melania Trump tijdens het bezoek van het beest Trump aan Saoedi-Arabië werd belicht.

Daar hebben deze neoliberale trutten 'het voortvarende beleid' van Saoedi-Arabië t.a.v. vrouwen geprezen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Als beloning kreeg Ivanka Trump maar liefst 100 miljoen dollar voor het Wereldbank fonds ter stimulering van vrouwelijk ondernemerschap, iets dat zij had voorgesteld. (uiteraard om te laten zien dat de Trumps, ondanks de smerige uitlatingen die het beest Donald Trump t.a.v. vrouwen heeft gedaan, 'best wel' achter meer vrouwenrechten en -emancipatie staan .....)

Om te laten zien hoe 'onafhankelijk' de Wereldbank is, stelde de president, Jim Young Kim van deze bank, dat Ivanka Trump een geweldige prestatie had geleverd en een uitmuntend leider is.......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Ach ja, Kim heeft zijn functie vooral te danken aan de VS, de EU en landen als Saoedi-Arabië, dit o.a. daar hij de huidige neoliberale stratus quo wil bewaren en de dollar als wereldbetaalmiddel wil behouden!

Over de uitlatingen gedaan door Trump t.a.v. vrouwen, haalde Anti-Media nog even wat uitspraken van deze hufter aan, uitspraken gedaan tijdens zijn verkiezingscampagne. Zo verdedigde Trump zich, door met z'n gore vinger te wijzen naar Saoedi-Arabië, waar homo's van daken worden geduwd en waar men vrouwen vermoord en vreselijk behandelt (dit n.a.v. een gift van 25 miljoen dollar van o.a. Saoedi-Arabië aan de Clinton Foundation.......).........

Trump hield tijdens zijn campagne Saoedi-Arabië verantwoordelijk voor de 911 aanvallen in 2001. Afgelopen weekeinde sloot hij met deze in zijn ogen grote terreurstaat, een wapendeal van maar liefst 110 miljard dollar, waarbij wapens zijn verkocht, die zelfs de regering Obama niet wilde leveren aan deze reli-fascistische terreurstaat.......... Wapens die deels zullen worden doorgeleverd aan de 'gematigde rebellen' (lees: psychopathische moordenaars) in Syrië en deels zullen worden gebruikt voor de genocide op de sjiieten in buurland Jemen..........

Hier het artikel van Anti-Media (WTF staat voor: What The Fuck):

WTF? After Praising Saudi Treatment of Women, Ivanka-Backed Fund Receives $100 Million

WTF? After Praising Saudi Treatment of Women, Ivanka-Backed Fund Receives $100 Million
(ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!)
May 22, 2017 at 4:17 pm 
Written by Josie Wales

(ANTIMEDIARiyadh, Saudi Arabia — Ivanka and Melania Trump lauded Saudi Arabia’s progress on women’s rights while visiting the country with the president over the weekend. The first lady praised Saudi Arabia’s “empowerment of women” Sunday during her visit to a General Electric all-female service center and was well-received by the press, which focused on her wardrobe, describing her style choices as “classy and conservative.”

Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump met with prominent businesswomen, civil society leaders, and Saudi elected government officials at a forum where World Bank President Jim Young Kim announced that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will donate a combined $100 million to a World Bank fund for women entrepreneurs, originally proposed by Ivanka.

Kim stated:

We thought it was a fantastic idea, but we had no idea how quickly this would build. This is really a stunning achievement. I’ve never seen anything come together so quickly, and I really have to say that Ivanka’s leadership has been tremendous.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that although the president’s daughter proposed the fund along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, she does not control it or raise money for it.
Ivanka later addressed the roundtable to commend the country’s progress on women’s rights, including allowing women to vote in local elections and reducing the amount of power held by religious police

In every country around the world women and girls continue to face unique systematic, institutional, cultural barriers, which hinder us from fully engaging in and achieving true parity of opportunity within our communities,” she said. “Each of you know this to be true. And yet the stories of Saudi women, such as yourselves, catalyzing change, inspire me to believe in the possibility of global women’s empowerment.”

Media reports were quick to point out how President Trump’s behavior on the trip to Saudi Arabia starkly contrasts that of candidate Trump — from inflammatory remarks about “radical Islam” to frequently criticizing the Clinton Foundation for accepting donations from repressive regimes, specifically Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia giving $25 million, Qatar, all of these countries. You talk about women and women’s rights? So these are people that push gays off business — off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly. And yet you take their money,” he argued at an October debate in Las Vegas.

Trump struck a $110 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia over the weekend despite accusing the country of masterminding the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. After signing the largest arms deal in U.S. history (and ignoring warnings it may make the U.S. complicit in war crimes against Yemen), the president will meet with Israeli leaders on Monday to discuss an Israeli-Palestine peace deal.


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