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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label MEK. Alle posts tonen

maandag 18 februari 2019

VS-anti-Iran conferentie in EU lidstaat Polen, ondanks EU verzet tegen VS sancties.....

De EU wil de Iran-deal overeind houden en is bezig om via een ander betalingssysteem dan SWIFT (in dollars en gecontroleerd door de VS) op te zetten om zo de nieuwe door de VS opgelegde sancties tegen Iran te kunnen omzeilen, waardoor de VS bedrijven uit de EU, die toch zakendoen met Iran, niet kan straffen voor het overtreden van deze totaal overbodige en schunnige VS sancties.

Polen, NB lid van die EU, was vorige week gastheer van een anti-Iran conferentie waar de VS zoveel mogelijk landen probeerde mee te krijgen en een anti-Iran coalitie probeerde te smeden...... Een coalitie waarmee de VS een illegale inval in Iran, dan wel andere militaire acties als bombardementen op Iran, nu alvast een legitiem tintje probeert te geven.....

Uiteraard was Israël naast deelnemer ook onderwerp van gesprek, waar Israël werd afgeschilderd als slachtoffer, ondanks al haar aantoonbare oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, zoals het schieten op ongewapende demonstranten........ Iran zou Israël bedreigen en van de aarde willen vegen, waar Israël NB een atoommacht is met minstens 100 kernraketten... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Intussen verdedigen protestantse evangelisten in de VS niet alleen de vele misdaden van Israël, maar stellen dat Trump door god is aangewezen als president die de terugkomst van jezus moet voorbereiden...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Ja ik lach wel, maar deze gekken, hebben macht over miljoenen VS burgers en een groot aantal politici, zij zorgen er tevens voor dat men in de VS achter de bloedige fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël blijft staan........

Tijdens de conferentie in Warschau werd Iran aangewezen als terreur exporteur, een land dat volgens drie ruiters van de apocalyps, Mike Pence, VS vicepresident, VS (on)veiligheidsadviseur Bolton en de minister van buitenlandse zaken van de VS, Mike Pompeo*, de stabiliteit en vrede op de wereld in gevaar brengt...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Deze drie oorlogsmisdadigers zijn NB politici van de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, de VS dat sinds 1945 intussen al meer dan 22,5 miljoen mensen heeft vermoord en daarbij landen in puin en chaos heeft achtergelaten......

Uitermate cynisch dat juist Iran tijdens deze conferentie werd geconfronteerd met een terreuraanslag die minstens 27 militairen het leven kostte en een ander aantal zwaar verwondde.........

Onbegrijpelijk dat de EU en de andere EU-lidstaten zich met geen woord van kritiek hebben uitgelaten op de stap van Polen deze conferentie toe te laten binnen haar grenzen, nee men was zo dapper om of niemand te sturen, of anders een lage delegatie af te vaardigen...... Het zoveelste teken dat de EU een grote bedreiging vormt voor de democratie, de vrijheid van meningsuiting, voor mensenrechten, voor minderheden en voor volkeren die met illegale oorlogen van het westen te maken zullen krijgen, mochten fascisten (als het bewind in Polen, Hongarije, Roemenië, Italië en Oostenrijk) de grootste fractie binnen de EU worden...... 

Lees het volgende artikel van Eric Margolis, gepubliceerd op Common Dreams en zie het gevaar die dit soort conferenties (en de smerige gedachtegangen die daar werden geventileerd) vormen voor een groot deel van de wereld (het is immers bepaald niet alleen Iran waar de VS haar pijlen op heeft gericht.......)

Published on Sunday, February 17, 2019 by

Hate-Fest in Warsaw

Vice President Pence visited Warsaw, Poland this week. (Photo: ABCWorldNews/Twitter)

While Trump’s people were fulminating in Warsaw against Iranian 'terrorism', it was Iran that was the victim of terrorist attacks.

Warsaw, Poland is not a fun place to visit in darkest February, but that is where the US just staged an anti-Iranian jamboree of 60 client states that brought derision and scorn from Europeans and much of the Mideast.

The point of this cynical exercise was to lay the diplomatic groundwork for an anti-Iranian coalition to act as a fig-leaf for an upcoming attack on Iran planned by President Donald Trump and his close ally, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.

The real question is who is calling the shots in bleak Warsaw, Trump or Bibi Netanyahu? It seems to many that the Israeli tail is again wagging the American dog.

This is thanks to the power of America’s born-again evangelicals, hoodwinked into believing that a Greater Israel is somehow a key part of the Second Coming of Christ.

A Fox News poll this week finds that a quarter of these credulous folks believe that God actually summoned Donald Trump to become president. This may even be more than the number of Americans who believe that Elvis is still alive. More proof that the Republicans have pretty much become a theological party.

The three horseman of the hard right Republican Apocalypse, Vice president Mike Pence, Insecurity advisor John Bolton, and State Secretary Mike Pompeo (who reportedly keeps an open bible on his desk) joined their voices to the Warsaw jamboree to excoriate Iran for being a ‘sponsor of terrorism,’ and a danger to world peace and stability.

The never understated Bibi Netanyahu, whose nation has at least 100 nuclear weapons, claimed Iran, which has no nukes and feeble armed forces, was planning a ‘second Holocaust’ for Israel.

An over-excited Netanyahu even tweeted that the Warsaw meeting was preparing for `war with Iran.’ He was forced to retract his tweet. But he did get to sit next to the delegate from war-torn Yemen, a stooge put into place by the Saudis and Emiratis whose aggression against Yemen has so far cost hundreds of thousands of lives, mass starvation and epidemics.

This week a newly energized US House of Representatives voted for an end to their nation’s support for the Saudi-led war in the Mideast’s poorest nation. The Senate, still controlled by Republican Crusaders, will be likely to vote down the sensible House proposal.

Another participant at Warsaw was the largest Arab nation, Egypt. This nation just extended the rule of its military dictator, Field Marshall al-Sisi, to 2034. It was Sisi, backed by Saudi money, who overthrew Egypt’s first democratic government in history, killing and jailing thousands.
In a slap in the face to Washington, Europe’s leaders, France, Germany and the European Union government, either refused to attend the Warsaw hate-fest against Iran or sent low-level paper-passers.

Ironically, while Trump’s people were fulminating against Iranian ‘terrorism,’ it was Iran that was the victim of terrorist attacks. An attack from a Pakistan-based Sunni Jaish al-Adl extremist group linked to the CIA killed 27 soldiers and wounded a similar number. Iran has been the target of constant attacks since its 1979 revolution by groups linked to the US, and from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other US regional vassals. Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is even a long-term lobbyist for the hyper-violent Marxist Iranian extremist group, the MEK which was even branded a ‘terrorist group’ by the US government.

The Warsaw jamboree was also supposed to set the stage for Trump’s much ballyhooed Mideast ‘peace’ plan. Run by son-in-law Jared Kushner, the full plan is expected to be released in April, right after Israeli elections. It will likely consist of trying to buy off Palestinian land claims with US taxpayer money and some cash from the Saudis. America’s Arab client states in the region will all provide polite applause.

The Warsaw jamboree produced no evident results and left the US even more isolated than 
before. Europe is moving ahead with a financial mechanism to permit trade with Iran that circumvents US sanctions. US intelligence itself reports that Iran is not working in nuclear weapons. Europe wants to trade with Iran.

America’s anti-Iran campaign has just suffered another blow. This after Washington badly damaged relations with China and Canada over the arrest of the daughter in Vancouver of the founder of Huawei over charges it traded with Iran. Most non-Americans view this as an outrage. But the later-day Crusaders around Trump don’t seem to care that they are damaging America’s reputation and making a mess of its foreign policy.

© 2018 Eric Margolis

Eric Margolis
Eric Margolis is a columnist, author and a veteran of many conflicts in the Middle East. Margolis recently was featured in a special appearance on Britain’s Sky News TV as “the man who got it right” in his predictions about the dangerous risks and entanglements the US would face in Iraq. His latest book is American Raj: Liberation or Domination?: Resolving the Conflict Between the West and the Muslim World.

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* Pompeo die volgens zeggen altijd zijn bijbel geopend op z'n bureau heeft liggen, terwijl hij een massamoordenaar en oorlogsmisdadiger is....

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'VS liegt schaamteloos om het westen verder op te zetten tegen Iran........'

'Protesten Iran opgezet door de VS en Israël'

'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

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'Reagan middels manipulaties tot president gekozen; waarom de gijzelaars in Iran moesten wachten op hun vrijheid....'

'Saoedi-Arabië beschuldigt Houthi's en Iran van raketbeschieting en noemt dit een oorlogsverklaring............'

'Iran: moderne oorlogspropaganda ingezet door VS tegen 'ongehoorzaam land...''

Dan nog wat links naar berichten over de werkelijke agressor, of beter gezegd de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde >> de VS: Alleen vanaf 1945 tot het jaar 2000 heeft de VS al 20 miljoen mensen vermoord (deze eeuw al meer dan 2,5 miljoen), zie: 'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........'

Zie wat betreft deze agressie verder:  

donderdag 15 november 2018

VS, Saoedi-Arabië en Israël willen Iraanse bewind verdrijven met terreur, moord, sabotage en manipulatie van het nieuws...

De fascistische Trump administratie, de reli-fascistische dictatuur Saoedi-Arabië en de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël willen het democratisch gekozen Iraanse bewind verdrijven met terreur, moord, sabotage en manipulatie van het nieuws, zo meldde MintPress News gisteren. Jammer dat men nog vergat de sancties van de VS te noemen, waar Pompeo uit de psychopathische kop liet vallen dat een paar miljoen dode Iraniërs door honger, die het Iraanse bewind zou doen vallen (als dit al zou lukken), meer dan de moeite waard is....*

Opvallend dat een aantal van de voorgestelde zaken die deze drie terreurstaten wensen te nemen, precies de zaken zijn waar het westen Rusland van beschuldigt....... Het zijn bovendien ook handelingen die de VS al vele malen eerder heeft gebruikt tegen landen die haar niet welgevallig zijn.... Neem alleen al het gelul en hysterie over 'fake news' ('nepnieuws'), met het voornemen van de drie eerder genoemde terreurstaten, ook het nieuws te manipuleren, laat men daar zien dat men dit middel al eerder heeft ingezet..... Op zich geen nieuws, immers er zijn voorbeelden te over van liegen door bijvoorbeeld de geheime diensten van de VS, al is het erkennen van deze nieuwsmanipulaties elders, door deze drie staten, wel degelijk nieuws!

Lees het volgende artikel van Whitney Webb en zegt het voort, het is de hoogste tijd dat iedereen eindelijk eens gaat inzien dat deze drie staten gestopt moeten worden met de vreselijke terreur die ze verspreiden, wil de wereld eindelijk wat meer vrede zien.........

Saudi Intelligence Met with Trump Admin and Mossad To Discuss Iran Sabotage and Assassinations

A plan to use private intelligence operatives to sabotage Iran was developed by Trump confidant George Nade and Joel Zamel, an Israeli known for his “deep ties” to Israeli intelligence and security agencies.

Donald Trump | Mohammed bin Salman

November 13th, 2018

WASHINGTON – A new report published in The New York Times has revealed that top Saudi intelligence officials with ties to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), in meetings with figures close to the Trump administration and Israel intelligence, expressed interest in using private contractors to “sabotage the Iranian economy” and to assassinate top Iranian officials.

The plan to use private intelligence operatives to sabotage Iran’s economy had been developed by George Nader, an American-Lebanese businessman close to Trump and the United Arab Emirates (Nederlands: VAE) and a convicted sex offender, and Joel Zamel, an Israeli known for his “deep ties” to Israeli intelligence and security agencies. The plan, at the time of the meeting, did not include the assassination component, though the Saudi officials present sought to probe whether such acts could be included in the campaign.
The Times noted that both Nader and Zamel “saw their Iran plan both as a lucrative source of income and as a way to cripple a country that they and the Saudis considered a profound threat.” The plan was said to involve operations like “revealing hidden global assets of the Quds Force; creating fake social media accounts in Farsi to foment unrest in Iran; financing Iranian opposition groups; and publicizing accusations, real or fictitious, against senior Iranian officials to turn them against one another.” The two met with Saudi officials in early January 2017 in order to secure funding for the plan, which they estimated would cost around $2 billion.
Both Nader and Zamel are now witnesses in the investigation led by Robert Mueller into Trump campaign practices and alleged collusion. It is unclear how Nader and Zamel – who are connected to the United Arab Emirates and Israel, respectively – fit into Mueller’s inquiry, which has been publicized as focusing largely on alleged collusion with the Russian government.
Nader and Zamel had enlisted Erik Prince – the former head of the private military company Blackwater (now Academi) and Trump adviser — in their efforts to secure Saudi financing for their plan. In their discussion with Prince, Nader and Zamel were informed of Prince’s “own paramilitary proposals that he planned to try to sell the Saudis,” though the details of Prince’s proposals are unknown.
George Nader | Mohammed bin Salman
George Nader and Mohammed bin Salman in a photograph obtained by The New York Times.

However, during the meeting, Saudi intelligence officials were apparently more interested in using private companies to assassinate “Iranian enemies of the kingdom [Saudi Arabia]” than in sabotaging Iran’s economy.  
During the discussion with Nader and Zamel, Saudi Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Assiri inquired specifically whether the plan could include the assassination of Qassim Suleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force, and other senior Iranian officials. Notably, al-Assiri has been named the man allegedly responsible for the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey in early October. Al-Assiri is also known for being a close confidant of MBS, who was deputy crown prince and defense minister at the time of the meeting.
Al-Assiri’s interest in a privatized assassination scheme was met tepidly by Nader and Zamel, who offered to consult their lawyer on the matter. Although their lawyer promptly rejected the idea, Nader, eager to please the Saudi officials whom they were seeking to win over, nevertheless told al-Assiri and the other Saudi officials present that a London-based company run by former British Special Operations troops might consider the contract for such high-profile assassinations. The Times stated that it was unclear which company Nader had suggested.
Though their ambitions to use private contractors to assassinate top Iranian officials did not receive the response they had hoped, Saudi officials reportedly told Nader and Zamel that – while they were interested in the plan – it was so “provocative and potentially destabilizing” that they wanted the approval of the incoming Trump administration before financing the campaign.

Was part of the plan enacted?

Though it is unclear whether the plan drafted by Nader and Zamel was ever enacted, there is some evidence suggesting that aspects of their plan as well as al-Assiri’s separate, privatized assassination plan were ultimately enacted in some form.
For instance, in early June of last year, the CIA created a “new mission center” in Iran that focused on fomenting domestic dissent and gathering intelligence, as well as on “covert action.” That mission center has been headed by CIA officer Michael D’Andrea, a close associate of former CIA Director John Brennan and a convert to Wahhabi Islam. After D’Andrea was appointed to head the center, former CIA case officer Robert Baer told Al Jazeera that “All I can say is that war with Iran is in the cards,” given that D’Andrea’s aggressive anti-Iran approach was well known within the CIA. Notably, the center’s activities fit with aspects of the Nader/Zamel plan aimed at revealing key Iranian government assets through intelligence gathering and covert ops.
Furthermore, the aspect of the Nader/Zamel plan that sought to create fake social media accounts to foment unrest in Iran was ultimately enacted through the creation of an Albania-based “troll farm” of fake anti-Iranian government accounts that was managed by the Iranian terror group MEK. That “troll farm,” according to an Al Jazeera report, had been used by the MEK to orchestrate what appeared to be a wave of support for the group and its anti-regime message toward the end of last year, when Iranians took to the streets to protest adverse economic conditions largely caused by a mixture of domestic legislation and intense pressure by Washington.
Left to right: Maryam Rajavi, former MEK leader talks with Rudy Giuliani and Senator Joe Lieberman at the Free Iran Gathering, July 1, 2017. Flickr | Maryam Rajavi

As MintPress reported at the time, many of those social media trends had been fueled by fake accounts, or bots, that behaved in an automated fashion and amplified messages through swarm-like behavior such as retweeting, liking, and republishing videos and articles posted alongside hashtags such as #FreeIran and #IranRegimeChange. Many top officials in the Trump administration, including John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani, are close to the MEK and its leader Maryam Rajavi. The MEK has also been supported in the past by Saudi Arabia, Israeli intelligence, and the U.S. military.
In addition to the aspects of the Nader/Zamel plan that appeared to have been implemented, Iran has recently accused “foreign regimes” and U.S. allies in the region, particularly Saudi Arabia, of plotting terror attacks within Iran. For instance, in June of last year, a pair of terror attacks in the Iranian capital of Tehran were blamed on Saudi Arabia by the Iranian government.
In a statement at the time, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps noted:
This terrorist action, coming one week after the meeting of the president of the United States with the leader of one of the region’s reactionary governments (Saudi Arabia) … shows they are involved in this savage action.”
Daesh (ISIS), which Saudi Arabia is known to fund, officially claimed responsibility for the attacks.
More recently, a terror attack in late September targeted an Iranian Veteran’s Day parade in the city of Ahvaz, killing 25 – more than half of whom were civilians. After the attack, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated that “those who give intelligence and propaganda support to these terrorists must answer for it.” Rouhani’s comments were followed by a tweet from Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, who asserted that the attackers were “terrorists recruited, trained, armed and paid by a foreign regime,” but did not elaborate. He blamed regional countries and their “U.S. masters” for the attack, adding that Iran would respond “swiftly and decisively.”

Outsourcing assassination

Furthermore, it seems that some Gulf countries have used private military contractors for assassinations since al-Assiri first suggested the idea in the January 2017 meeting with Nader and Zamel. However, instead of targeting Iranian officials, the tactic has been used in Yemen.
A report published last month by Buzzfeed detailed how Green Beret, Navy SEAL, and CIA paramilitary veterans had been hired by the U.S.-based security company Spear Operations Group to serve as the “private murder squad” for Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), assassinating prominent Yemeni clerics and political figures who had run afoul of the crown prince. At the time MBZ’s “private murder squad” was active, Saudi Arabia’s al-Assiri was overseeing intelligence operations in Yemen in coordination with the UAE.
Whether these tactics were influenced by the January 2017 meeting of al-Assiri, Nader and Zamel is unclear. However, the details of the meeting and the recent efforts by the U.S. government and its Middle Eastern allies to foment regime change in Iran clearly show that these governments are willing to use the dirtiest of tactics in order to topple Iran’s government and clear the way for U.S. hegemony in the Middle East and beyond.
Top Photo | Donald Trump shakes hands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh, May 20, 2017. Evan Vucci | AP
Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News and a contributor to Ben Swann’s Truth in Media. Her work has appeared on Global Research, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has also made radio and TV appearances on RT and Sputnik. She currently lives with her family in southern Chile.
Republish our stories! MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
* Zie: 'Ron Paul maakt gehakt van Pompeo's uitspraak dat sancties een paar miljoen dode Iraniërs waard zijn.....'

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'Trump administratie chanteert en bedreigt de EU over 'schending' onterechte VS-sancties tegen Iran'

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'VS vermoordt Iraniërs met sancties, EU doodstil.......'

'The New Tyranny of the Dollar'

'Saoedi-Arabië vindt zich een baken van licht tegen het duister verspreidende Iran..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Jeremy Bowen (BBC correspondent) vindt Iran een gevaar voor het Midden-Oosten'

'Trump volgt het scenario van deep state: oorlog met Iran 'is onvermijdelijk....''

'Rudy Giuliani viert het sterven van Iraniërs en stelt desondanks dat het Iraanse bewind door de VS geweldloos zal ondergaan.......'

'Iraanse protesten gezien door de propaganda bril van de VS en de rest van het westen........'

'Protesten Iran opgezet door de VS en Israël'

'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

'US Empire Is Running The Same Script With Iran That It Ran With Libya, Syria'

'Nikki Haley (VS ambassadeur in de VN) bedreigt sjiitisch Iran met militair ingrijpen......' (klik ook op de links onder dat bericht)

'VS liegt schaamteloos om het westen verder op te zetten tegen Iran........'

'Reagan middels manipulaties tot president gekozen; waarom de gijzelaars in Iran moesten wachten op hun vrijheid....'

'Saoedi-Arabië beschuldigt Houthi's en Iran van raketbeschieting en noemt dit een oorlogsverklaring............'

Mijn excuus voor het te geringe aantal labels, echter ik mag niet meer dan 200 tekens gebruiken en niet meer dan 20 labels.

zaterdag 29 september 2018

Rudy Giuliani viert het sterven van Iraniërs en stelt desondanks dat het Iraanse bewind door de VS geweldloos zal ondergaan.......

Terecht stelt Caitlin Johnstone in het hieronder opgenomen artikel dat het tegen de verwachtingen in keer op keer nog smeriger kan als je het over VS politici hebt.

Zo schrijft Johnstone over een optreden van VS opperploert Giuliani tijdens een bijeenkomst van de al jaren als terreurorganisatie aangemerkte Iraanse MEK*.

De VS dwingt met de volkomen onterechte hernieuwde sancties het Iraanse bewind geweldloos tot aftreden, aldus Giuliani die uiteraard deze sancties wel terecht vindt, waarbij hij wijst op de wanhoop bij veel Iraniërs, die zelfs hun organen willen verkopen voor dollars (als dat al waar is trouwens...).... Voorts zouden Iraniërs al honger lijden en dat zal ongetwijfeld tot veel sterfgevallen leiden, aldus de verwachting van Giuliani...... 

Door de onvrede zal men de straat opgaan en ondanks dat daarvoor al veel Iraniërs overleden zullen zijn, heeft duivel Giuliani het gore lef te stellen dat het dan om een geweldloze revolutie zal gaan........ Dit nog naast het geweld dat de CIA binnen de Iraanse grenzen gebruikt en stimuleert (de CIA is nog altijd een onderdeel van de VS terreurmachine....), daarover zo meer.

Giuliani is bepaald geen hoogvlieger en deze superschoft begrijpt dan ook niet, dat voordat iets dergelijks werkelijk in gang gezet kan worden, de fundamentalisten de macht zullen grijpen en die krijg je niet weg met door de VS georganiseerde opstanden........ Natuurlijk lult Giuliani daar niet over, echter de CIA is al jaren op Iraans grondgebied bezig zaken op te stoken, waarbij het geweld niet uit de weg gaat, zo moeten dan ook de zogenaamde vredige protesten worden gezien die zich eerder in Iran voordeden, waar deze 'vreedzame demonstranten' gemaskerd en gewapend tekeergingen op de straten van o.a. Teheran...... Kortom als de VS zo doorgaat is het afgelopen met de vrijheden die het Iraanse volk de afgelopen decennia heeft afgedwongen.......

Eén ding is intussen meer dan duidelijk geworden: de VS gebruikt sancties als een vorm van (economische) oorlogsvoering.

Genoeg geluld, lees het artikel van Johnstone en zie de smerige politiek van 's werelds grootste terreurentiteit, de VS:

Trump War Whore Celebrates Starvation Of Iranian Civilians At MEK Rally

Just when you thought this administration couldn’t get more cartoonishly villainous, Trump lawyer and Simon Bar Sinister stunt double Rudy Giuliani takes to the stage and enthuses about how US sanctions are making Iranian citizens so desperate they are offering to sell their internal organs for $500 in order to stay alive. Probably a fortune in Iran today. This is truly pitiful!” he crowed triumphantly to the crowd at the Iran Uprising Summit in New York on Saturday, pleased as punch by the US government’s success in torturing everyday Iranians with starvation.
Giuliani, who is basically what you’d get if necrophilia and racist police shootings had a baby, fumbled his way through a paid speech for the MEK terror cult with all the grace of a drunken creepy uncle MCing his way through a family wedding. In it he not only gloated over the starvation and severe impoverishment of Iranian civilians, but openly proclaimed that regime change was coming to Iran due to the actions of the Trump administration.
I don’t know when we’re going to overthrow them. It could be in a few days, months, a couple of years, but it’s going to happen. They’re going to be overthrown.” Guiliani said definitively. “The people of Iran have obviously now had enough. The sanctions are working. The currency is going to nothing! They’re where Russia was. They’re where Poland was. We see signs of young men and women saying ‘Give me some food!’ We saw a sign of a man trying to sell his internal organs for five hundred American dollars – probably a fortune in Iran today! This is truly pitiful. These are the kinds of conditions that lead to successful revolution, and God willing, non-violent revolution.”

At the MEK regime change cult’s Iran Uprising Summit, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani proclaims in paid address, “They will be overthrown!” He then celebrates reports of desperate Iranians seeking to sell their organs and begging for food due to US sanctions.
(zoals je ziet werkt de video niet vandaar een 10 minuten durende video over dezelfde samenkomst met deze gewelddadige ploert Giuliani:)

Truly pitiful, he reckons. That’s like standing on a patient’s oxygen hose at the hospital and then making fun of them for gasping for air. Sanctions are the only legal act of war that deliberately target innocent civilians, and here is Giuliani mocking people for the suffering he is gleefully supporting inflicting.

Corpse bride Nikki Haley was quick to distance the Trump administration from Giuliani’s regime change rhetoric, as was the US State Department in a statement to Reuters, because as we saw them do with Libya and as we’ve seen them attempt with Syria, the US government has ever since the disastrous Iraq invasion had a standing policy of denying that it is pushing for regime change in key strategic regions while doing exactly that. But Giuliani has been repeatedly appearing at these eventsspouting the exact same regime change rhetoric while retaining employment as Trump’s lawyer, and at no time has the president or anyone else in the administration made him stop. The administration can’t actually have that much of a problem with Giuliani’s schtick; if it did Giuliani would either stop or be fired.

Neither has happened. Giuliani keeps getting these lucrative speaking gigs where he champions regime change again and again, which was also done at another such event by murderous psychopath John Bolton not long before he was hired as Trump’s National Security Advisor. Giuliani’s words have the tacit blessing of the Trump administration.

Giuliani was hired to speak alongside Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), a paramilitary cult that was only recently delisted by Hillary Clinton as a designated terror group at the behest of CIA and FBI insiders and other shadow government stalwarts. The MEK was originally listed as a terrorist group because it has killed Americans and has an extensive history of committing acts of terrorism, and has recently been exposed in operating an extensive social media propaganda campaign to manufacture support for Iranian regime change in the west. Rajavi boasted at the event that her group has organized special “Units of Rebellion” to run riots and interference inside Iran, which was a pretty interesting thing to say on the very same day that there was a terror attack on a military parade in the Iranian city of Ahvaz that slaughtered 24 people and wounded many more.

Speaking to NYC crowd, MEK leader Maryam Rajavi claims her regime change cult has organized special Units of Rebellion to cause riots and mayhem inside Iran.

(deze video vond ik niet op YT, vandaar hier de link naar het originele artikel)

There was no inference that the MEK was responsible for this particular attack, but it’s kind of fascinating that while Nikki Haley was telling Iran to “look in the mirror” with regard to the attack on Ahvaz because in her view, the attack came from organic civil unrest which is the fault of the Iranian government, Giuliani was celebrating that the sanctions applied by the US were working because they were causing the kind of intense suffering on civilians that leads to civil unrest and a “successful revolution”, while Rajavi was saying that her (exiled) group was planning on riots and provocations to stimulate civil unrest. Not to mention the fact that the coup-staging CIA recently escalated covert operations in that nation.
How exactly do they think this works? You can’t be boasting about your success at provoking civil unrest while pretending you’re just an innocent-but-concerned bystander who had his hands in his pockets the whole time, officer. Not a thing. 
They think we’re stupid. They must, or they’d never try to get away with this bullshit. Eyes and ears open, clear-eyed rebels. The veils are being pulled back almost quicker than we can process.
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* Voor de Iraanse revolutie heeft de MEK van destijds zich bijna doodgevochten tegen de Sjah en zijn bloedige geheime dienst. Daarna werd de organisatie vervolgt door de Iraanse fundamentalisten van Khomeini..... Echter sinds een fiks aantal jaren gedraagt deze organisatie zich als terreurorganisatie, die verder bijvoorbeeld de vrouwelijke vrijheid geen hoofddoek te hoeven dragen, naast zich heeft neergelegd en draagt zelfs de voorzitter van de MEK, Rajavi een hoofddoek......

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