Het bericht handelt over het gruwelijke 'gebruik' levende dieren te eten, wellicht heeft u al eens iemand levend 'zeefruit' (de schunnige vergelijking met fruit!) zien eten en bent daar onpasselijk voor weggelopen uit een restaurant.
Lees het bericht en zie de video, wees gewaarschuwd, de beelden zijn gruwelijk:
Restaurants Are Under Fire for Serving Live Animals to Customers

Following the release of a gruesome investigation, animal advocates are working to get live animals off menus at restaurants in California and New York.
This week, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released graphic footageof what happens to live octopuses whose limbs are severed and served to customers for a Korean dish called “sannakji.”
octopus, which you’ve been chopping to pieces, is feeling pain
every time you do it. It’s just as painful as if it were a hog, a
fish, or a rabbit, if you chopped a rabbit’s leg off piece by
piece. So it’s a barbaric thing to do to the animal,” said
cephalopod expert Dr. Jennifer Mather.
Worse is that the cruelty at restaurants in New York and Los Angeles wasn’t limited to the amazing multi-limbed cephalopods.
Lobsters and
shrimp were also prepared for diners by having their tails cut off
and plated next to their still-living bodies, or having their
exoskeletons torn off so diners can bite right into them. According
to PETA,”Some
restaurants steam octopuses, lobsters, and other animals alive in
‘live seafood’ hot pots. Raucous and giggling restaurant-goers
often poke at the struggling animals, and some are ‘tasked’ with
preventing them from escaping.”
Graphic Footage
astonishing and disturbing to think that anyone would partake in
this, or celebrate chefs attempting to normalize such extreme acts of
violence and cruelty towards other beings. It’s been well
established that cephalopods are sensitive, curious and highly
intelligent creatures.
Decapods, or crustaceans,
including lobsters and shrimp, have also long been known to be
capable of feeling pain. Whether we understand exactly how they think
or feel is beside the point when it comes to questioning how other
sentient beings should be treated.
animals intended for human consumption aren’t covered under general
animal cruelty laws, and it’s perfectly legal for restaurants to
keep live seafood.
hopes exposing this will help get people to pressure
lawmakers to
ban serving live animals in New York and California. At least
if it’s illegal, anyone caught doing this can potentially be held
accountable, but hopefully the awareness raised by this investigation
will encourage more people to include animals who become seafood into
their circle of compassion. They might not be as cute and furry as
other animals we advocate for, but they’re no
less deserving of
our consideration or protection.
more on why we should be celebrating marine life and leaving seafood
off our plates, check out Fish
credit: Thinkstock
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