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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label PT. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 1 augustus 2019

Bolsonaro (pres. Brazilië) bedreigt journalist Glenn Greenwald met gevangenisstraf vanwege publiceren gelekte gesprekken

De Braziliaanse president Bolsonaro is flink 'over de rooie' vanwege het 'Lava Jato lek' gepubliceerd op The Intercept, wat duidelijk aangeeft dat hij Brazilië in de richting stuurt van een dictatoriale staat......

Vooral Glenn Greenwald, de belangrijkste journalist van The Intercept, ligt onder het fascistische vuur van Bolsonaro en zijn corrupte ultrarechtse kliek.....

'Car Wash' ofwel 'Lava Jato', een onderzoek naar politieke corruptie begon in 2014 en was bedoeld om deze corruptie openbaar te maken en strafrechtelijk aan te pakken, ongeacht politieke kleur.

In juni 2019 begon The Intercept met publicaties van gesprekken die tijdens het onderzoek werden gevoerd tussen de hoofdrolspelers, de zogenaamde onafhankelijke rechter Sérgio Moro, die overleg voert met openbare aanklagers (als onze officieren van justitie) om Lula da Silva gevangen te zetten en zo de kans te verkleinen dat zijn partij PT (arbeiders partij) de verkiezingen zou kunnen winnen.... Zoals we weten is dat gelukt en heeft zijne fascistische kwaadaardigheid Bolsonaro de verkiezingen gewonnen.......

Als beloning werd rechter Moro benoemd tot minister van justitie....... Niet vreemd dus dat Bolsonaro woedend is over het lekken van de gevoerde gesprekken, bovendien zet e.e.a. grote vraagtekens bij de wettigheid van Bolsonaro's presidentschap...... (immers hij is middels smerige malversaties aan het bewind gekomen)

Begin Juli kwam Moro met een decreet tegen 'gevaarlijke buitenlanders', niet moeilijk te bedenken wie Moro daar mee bedoelt, juist: Glenn Greenwald!! Bolsonaro heeft Greenwald de laatste week bedreigd en verder gesteld dat hij kan worden veroordeeld tot gevangenisstraf.... Om nog wat meer haar tegen Greenwald te zaaien, heeft Bolsonaro gezegd dat Greenwald door een huwelijk deportatie heeft voorkomen, Greenwald woont al meer dan 10 jaar in Brazilië en is nu Braziliaans staatsburger.....

Een journalist die Bolsonaro's perschef vroeg welke misdaad Greenwald dan heeft begaan kreeg geen antwoord, de psychopaat keek na een aantal niet ter zake doende woorden alleen op een intimiderende manier naar de bewuste journalist, Guilherme Mazieiro......

Intussen krijgt het gezin van Greenwald de ene doodsbedreiging na de andere.....

The Intercept heeft geweigerd de bron van de gesprekken weer te geven en stelt dat de berichtgeving van groot publieke belang is en daar is zoals je zal begrijpen geen speld tussen te krijgen!! The Intercept stelt dan ook dat het niet onwettig heeft gehandeld.

Op 30 juli sprak Greenwald een grote groep journalisten, activisten en musici toe, die steun betuigden aan The Intercept en stelde dat hij het niet toe zal staan dat het land van zijn kinderen verandert in een dictatuur..... Groot applaus, echter ik vrees dat Greenwald hier weinig of niets tegen kan doen, vergeet niet dat Brazilië in het verleden meermaals fascistisch is bestuurd....... Zelfs Tucker Carlson van Fox News heeft afwezig zijn steun betuigd aan The Intercept, terwijl hij bepaald geen vriend is van Greenwald.

De tactiek van Bolsonaro's kliek is duidelijk: demoniseer en criminaliseer de boodschapper om zo de berichtgeving weg te houden van het crimineel handelen door Bolsonaro, justitie en de rechterlijke macht....

Journalists threatened with jail in Brazil as president reacts to damning leaks

John McEvoy   
31st July 2019

Links fascist en oorlogsmisdadiger Pompeo naast fascist Bolsonaro

Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro‘s furious response to the Intercept‘s damning ‘Lava Jato‘ leaks has signalled the country’s further descent into authoritarianism. And journalists face the threat of jail time as a result.

The leaks

Brazil’s massive corruption probe – Operation Car Wash (Lava Jato) – began in 2014. The Car Wash team insisted “that their only consideration was to expose and punish political corruption irrespective of party or political faction” in Brazil. But in June 2019, the Intercept began publishing leaked conversations of officials involved in the probe. The messages revealed that the supposedly neutral judge, Sérgio Moro, worked together with various Brazilian prosecutors to jail presidential front-runner Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, and prevent his Workers’ Party (PT) from securing election victory.

After winning the election in October 2018, Bolsonaro employed Moro – the man who jailed Lula – as his justice minister. The latest leaks are thus deeply embarrassing for the Brazilian government. In fact, they call into serious question the legitimacy of Bolsonaro’s presidency.
Furious response
After a brief leave of absence in early July, Moro returned to work to issue a new decree against “dangerous foreigners”. Ominously named ‘decree number 666’, it is understood as a thinly veiled threat against Intercept co-founder and editor Glenn Greenwald – a US citizen who has lived in Brazil for over a decade.

Bolsonaro, not shy of revealing his fascistic tendencies, has also threatened Greenwald over the past week. On 27 July, he said Greenwald could “do jail time” and suggested “that he had married a Brazilian citizen to avoid deportation”.

In a press conference on 30 July, meanwhile, one journalist challenged Bolsonaro’s press secretary General Otávio Rêgo Barros to explain what crime Greenwald was guilty of. His refusal to give any meaningful answer was chilling:

BrianMier@BrianMteleSUR Far Right President Jair Bolsonaro recently accused Glenn Greenwald, from the Intercept, of committing a felony. Yesterday his Press Secretary, General Otávio Rêgo Barros, was unable to explain what the crime was, so he tried to stare down journalist Guilherme Mazieiro instead.
Embedded video
(voor de bovenstaande video van 2 minuten, zie het origineel)

Greenwald, his family, and the Intercept team have also received death threats.
The Brazilian federal police, meanwhile, have arrested four people accused of involvement in the leaks.

Classic public interest journalism”

While refusing to reveal its source/s, the Intercept has responded to the Brazilian government’s threats, defending their reporting as “classic public interest journalism”. Its journalists added:
The public interest in reporting this material has been obvious from the start. These documents revealed serious, systematic, and sustained improprieties and possible illegality”

For this reason, the Intercept claims its reporting is legal under the Brazilian constitution.

On 30 July, Greenwald spoke to a packed crowd of journalists, activists, and musicians gathered in solidarity with the Intercept. To rapturous applause, Greenwald said:
I am not going to let the country of my children turn into a dictatorship”.

Those who couldn’t attend the events in Brazil – including author Naomi Klein and even Fox News‘s Tucker Carlson – also sent messages of support.

The Brazilian government’s strategy in response to the leaks is clear: demonise and criminalise the messenger to shift the focus from the message.

Greenwald and the Intercept deserve international solidarity.

* Dezelfde tactiek die Hillary Clinton volgde, toen uitkwam dat zij en haar campagneteam het kandidaatschap voor president van de VS in 2016 tijdens de Democratische voorverkiezingen heeft gestolen van Bernie Sanders, het begin van de smerige leugen die Russiagate wordt genoemd........

vrijdag 21 december 2018

Mensenrechten- en milieuactivisten worden massaal vermoord in Brazilië en Colombia, waar het laatste land NAVO bases heeft.......

De Colombiaanse verzetsbeweging FARC heeft een paar jaar geleden een vredesverdrag gesloten met de Colombiaanse regering en sinds die tijd is het geweld flink toegenomen tegen de arme bevolking en tegen de ngo's die zich inzetten voor deze vooral oorspronkelijke bevolking, hetzij op het gebied van mensenrechten bescherming dan wel milieubescherming...... (deze 2 zaken zijn verbonden, zoals je begrijpt)

Eric Draitser is de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel dat gisteren werd gepubliceerd op CounterPunch. Hij meldt o.a. de moord afgelopen week op Edwin Dagua Ipia, de gouverneur van de oorspronkelijke bevolking in de provincie ('departement') Cauca ten zuiden van de belangrijke stad Cali dat in de aangrenzende provincie Valle del Cauca ligt........

Kaart van Cauca
De kaart van de Colombiaanse provincie Cauca met hoofdstad Popayán

Het afgelopen jaar werden in Colombia zelfs meer dan 100 moorden gepleegd op mensenrechtenadvocaten en op leden van de gemarginaliseerde en onderdrukte bevolkingsgroepen, zo meldt het Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).......

Het aantal moorden is toegenomen sinds Ivan Duque (Márquez) werd gekozen tot president, een  fascist en vriend van de voormalige rechtse corrupte president en opperploert Álvaro Uribe.......

Er is nu zelfs sprake van misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, aldus WOLA...... Duque laat deze doodseskaders gewoon hun gang gaan, niet zelden worden deze eskaders dan ook bevolkt door militairen en politiepersoneel......

Het is al een schande van formaat dat de NAVO een land als Colombia toelaat tot het bondgenootschap, dezelfde NAVO waarvan Nederland één van de leden is, de NAVO een terreurorganisatie die nu al minstens 2 militaire bases heeft in Colombia..... De aansluiting van Colombia bij de NAVO werd onder Uribe voor elkaar gebokst, ten overvloede het teken dat de NAVO schijt heeft aan mensenrechtenschendingen, terwijl deze terreurorganisatie daar wel mee schermt als het bijvoorbeeld om Rusland of Iran gaat...... 

De NAVO heeft overigens nooit moeite gehad met dictaturen, zie de voormalige dictaturen Spanje, Griekenland en Turkije (de laatste is intussen weer een dictatuur), alle 3 dictaturen die lid waren van de NAVO, terwijl de NAVO top, als de VS (haar feitelijke baas), de vuilbek niet kon en kan houden over het 'bevorderen van democratie in de wereld....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

De hoogste tijd voor de FARC de wapens weer op te nemen, zeker gezien het feit dat de rechtse doodseskaders gewoon doorgaan met hun moorden, verkrachtingen en martelingen van socialisten, mensenrechtenactivisten, milieuactivisten en advocaten die zich inzetten voor het arme deel van de Colombiaanse volk, waaronder zich zoals gezegd ook de oorspronkelijke bevolking bevindt........ Doodseskaders die de deze bevolkingsgroepen ronduit terroriseren.....

Draitser richt zich in zijn artikel ook op de fascistische president Bolsonaro en wat zijn wanbeleid betekent voor het arme deel van de Braziliaanse bevolking........ Zo is het hek nu helemaal van de dam wat betreft de oorspronkelijke volkeren in het Amazone gebied, hun gronden worden met veel geweld overgenomen, zonder dat de verantwoordelijke psychopaten bang hoeven te zijn voor het ingrijpen van de overheid..... 

Bolsonaro liet al weten dat wat hem betreft het Amazonewoud mag worden gebulldozerd....... Je begrijpt dat e.e.a. gepaard zal gaan met een groot aantal moorden, zoals dat nu eigenlijk al praktijk is..... Het werkelijke aantal doden zal wel nooit bekend worden, daar de gebieden waar het over gaat zo uitgestrekt zijn en er amper telefoonverkeer mogelijk is anders dan met satelliettelefoons....

Beste bezoeker, lees het volgende artikel van Eric Daitser en geeft het ajb door:

DECEMBER 20, 2018

Killing Fields of Colombia and Brazil

In Colombia, the last week has been a particularly bloody one for indigenous leaders. In the state of Cauca, just south of the major city of Calí, the indigenous governor Edwin Dagua Ipia was assassinated after having received numerous death threats from paramilitaries in the area. He is one of at least ten indigenous people murdered in the country just in the last week.

In fact, according to the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), more than 100 assassinations of human rights advocates and members of marginalized and oppressed communities have taken place just in 2018. There is a sense among observers that the killings have escalated since the election of Ivan Duque, the young right wing president and close ally of former president and international criminal Alvaro Uribe.

In a damning report published by the Consultancy on Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES), the human rights NGO noted that 35% of the social leaders and activists murdered belonged to ethnic minorities (19% Afro-Colombian, 15% indigenous), a staggering figure which demonstrates just how targeted those groups are, considering the proportion of violence with which they’re targeted versus their total share of the national population. Moreover, CODHES indicated that:
Approximately 50 percent of the victims were authorities or representatives of ethnic territories and organizations. Another 36 percent were community or union leaders, 8 percent land rights claimants and 6 percent are members of the family of women social leaders. The worst affected regions in order of total numbers were Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Antioquia, Chocó, and Córdoba.”
The continued killings have drawn the attention of the United Nations, though little has been done to stem the tide, particularly as the government of Ivan Duque has slithered into power. Luis Guillermo Pérez Casas, a lawyer with the Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR), explained in a report jointly submitted with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, that the killings, and total impunity due to government inaction, rise to the level of crimes against humanity.

He told the Guardian that:
The murders of our colleagues must stop…We hope the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC will warn the Colombian government that if the impunity persists, they will be forced to open an investigation into those responsible, at the highest level… The peace process is failing because there’s a lack of implementation of the agreement. The process that was agreed upon has not been delivered.”
International human rights organizations have also raised the alarm about the violence and assassinations in Colombia. In early 2018, after the killing of 10 human rights activists, Amnesty International issued a report which called on the Colombian government to protect at-risk activists, especially those in remote parts of the country, who face extraordinary risks from paramilitaries and contract killers. Similarly, Human Rights Watch called on the Colombian governmentto do more to protect activists after a very bloody 2016. Sadly, the situation has only gotten worse.

Brazil’s War on Activists

The election of the fascist Jair Bolsonaro, the man who as candidate promised to open up the Amazon to mining and other environmentally harmful, extractive industries, has sent a very dangerous signal to indigenous and peasant groups in Brazil that the impunity that has long existed will only expand further while their rights are curtailed.
Bolsonaro represents a unique threat to activists from all spheres, especially indigenous and peasant communities who stand in the way of the right wing goal of stripping land rights from those groups in the interests of corporate investors and international financiers. And unlike the somewhat more muted (though no less destructive) rhetoric from the traditional neoliberal right, Bolsonaro and his far right, fascist politics will likely escalate the war on oppressed groups from simmering to white hot.
Speaking of the potential impact of Bolsonaro on the already ghastly violence against activists, Brazil-based independent journalist Michael Fox explained to me that:
It’s still very early to tell the effect his election has had. Violence spiked in the lead-up to the second round vote, but there has been a lull since the election while people regroup The recent killing of [two] Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) leaders was very likely a sign of things to come.”
Fox’s analysis, which is no doubt accurate, reflects the general sense of anxiety about the future, especially in the wake of the most recent assassinations which he referenced.
On the night of December 8, 2018 two leaders of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) were assassinated in the state of Paraiba in the Northeast of the country. Their deaths, in an area regarded as a traditional stronghold of the left, have left many asking just what the future holds for activists in Brazil.

The assassinations are certainly not the first high-profile killings of social movement activists in Brazil in recent years, though they have received some added attention given that they come on the heels of the Bolsonaro victory – a worrying signal for some that the horrendous violence is only going to escalate.
To put it in perspective, the Brazilian religious advocacy group Comissão Pastoral da Terra – CPT (Pastoral Land Commission) released a thorough report which found that:
The brutal reality of Brazil’s rural areas has become increasingly harsher since 2013, back when 34 murders were recorded. In four years, these figures have increased by 105%, reaching 70 executions in 2017 –  a 15% increase over 2016.
It should be noted that, of course, this shocking rise in volence cannot be attributed to Bolsonaro himself, but rather to deeper structural and economic factors, in particular corproate privatization. As CPT coordinator Ruben Siqueira explained to Brasil de Fato:

We see this as a new land rush, in which land is a means of production, a store of value, like wood, water, ore, agribusiness, expansion of land-based businesses. This has to do with the financial crisis that started in 2008 with the speculative bubble. Since then, the hegemonic capitalist sector, which is financial capital, is looking for backing, something that can support this international speculative game
Indeed, it seems the escalation of violence against indigenous and peasant activists is directly connected to the growing need for consolidation of land and natural resources resulting from the econmoic downturn of the last ten years. However, it is perhaps even more precise to pinpoint the drop in commodity prices, most conspicuously the collapse of oil prices in 2014-2015, as one of the primary drivers of this renewed push for capital accumulation.
And though this process was jumpstarted during the tenure of Dilma Rousseff and the Workers’ Party (PT), it has picked up momentum under the right wing Temer government. And it’s about to go into overdrivwe with Bolsonaro taking power. For it is Bolsonaro himself who has promised to open up as much protected land as possible to big business.

Indeed, within days of Bolsonaro’s victory, reports began to circulate that indigenous lands were being invaded and/or seized, with all the attendant violence one would expect. As Beto Marubo, a native leader from the Javari Valley Indigenous Land in Brazil’s far west, explainedto National Geographic, “Many brothers tell us there are invasions, people entering the territories with no regard for the rules and no fear of the authorities.” This final point is critical because while impunity has long been the norm in Brazil, the utter disregard for any semblance of governmental or law enforcement oversight will likely increase underr Bolsoanro who has all but given his blessing to displacement and violence against these groups.

Ultimately, the struggle is about land rights, especially for the indigenous peoples who have fought for official demarcation of lands for decades.
Dinamã Tuxá, Coordinator of Brazil’s Association of Indigenous Peoples (APIB) summed it up neatly:
This scenario is totally heartbreaking. Bolsonaro has made clear and consistent declarations about ending the titling of indigenous lands, which are completely opposed to our rights. His racist, homophobic, misogynist, fascist discourse shows how Brazilian politics will be in the coming years… His discourse gives those who live around indigenous lands the right to practice violence without any sort of accountability. Those who invade indigenous lands and kill our people will be esteemed. He represents an institutionalization of genocide in Brazil.
Of course it must be remembered that Afro-Brazilian communities will be targeted as well. Marielle Franco’s assassination in March 2018 was in many ways a watershed moment for the social movements in the country. However, rather than driving positive political change on the national level, Brazil has instead elected a fascist leader who praises the extrajudicial methods historically employed by the dictatorship and its enablers in the country.  It remains to be seen how the left can regroup, respond, and reestablish its political power.
One thing is certain in both Brazil and Colombia: the far right is in power, and that means the war on social movements and activists is only just getting started.
And while it may seem bleak as we read about seemingly daily atrocities visited upon the indigenous and poor of these (and other Latin American) countries, we cannot simply despair. Instead, we must organize and mobilize. For those of us in the Global North, that means doing what we can to be in solidarity with these activists, helping to build power internationally.
Duque, Bolsonaro, and the far right of Latin America may have ascended to power, but they are not omnipotent.
Now is the time for organizing; the time for struggle; the time for resistance.

More articles by: ERIC DRAITSER
Zie ook:
'Bolivia: staatsgreep maakt eind aan succesvol presidentschap Evo Morales' (zie ook de links in dat bericht naar meer artikelen over Bolivia, waar de VS in feite een coup heeft georganiseerd....)

'Amazonegebied in brand, Black Rock verdient daar vele miljoenen mee'

'Braziliaanse natuurbeschermer vermoord door illegale houthakkers'

'Berta Cáceres voorvechter gelijke rechten en milieuactivist vermoord in Honduras'

'Hondurese activiste ontvoerd en vermoord (alweer...), met instemming van de VS.........'

'Hillary Clinton mede verantwoordelijk voor moord op Berta Cáceres...........'

'Door VS gesteunde bewind in Honduras heeft de staat van beleg afgekondigd........'

'9 'ex-FARC rebellen' vermoord door leger Colombia: FARC-EP opgericht'

'Koenders heeft vrijlating gegijzelde Spoorloos makers in Colombia bewerkstelligt....... AUW!!!'

'Paus Franciscus in Colombia om vrede te prediken......'

'People of Brazil: my sincere condolences with 'your' fascistic, psychopathic president Bolsonaro......'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO.........'

'NAVO naar Zuid-Amerika? Weg met dit agressieve, terroristische bondgenootschap, NU!!!'

'Bolton geeft toe dat de VS een fascistisch beleid voert......'

'Bolsonaro, de fascistische nieuwe president van Brazilië, werd volgens Avaaz en fake news brengers als de NYT gekozen door manipulatie via WhatsApp'

'Bolsonaro wint Braziliaanse verkiezingen >> weer zijn we een fascistisch geleid land 'rijker...''

'Braziliaanse verkiezingen: democratie versus (neo-) fascisme, ook een groot gevaar in Europa'

'Katy Sherriff (Radio1 correspondent Z-Amerika) brandt socialistische partij Brazilië af......'

Wat betreft VS terreur in Bolivia:
'NOS met fake news over Bolivia'

'Bolivianen eisen hun president terug'

'Bolivia: staatsgreep maakt eind aan succesvol presidentschap Evo Morales'

'Bolivia: bewijs op tafel dat VS aanstuurt op een coup''

Bolivia’s Remarkable Socialist Success Story: President Evo Morales has transformed his country’s economy with an unapologetically left-wing agenda.

donderdag 11 oktober 2018

Braziliaanse verkiezingen: democratie versus (neo-) fascisme, ook een groot gevaar in Europa

Ben het niet helemaal eens met de kop, daar er in feite geen neo-fascisme bestaat*, het is dezelfde schoftenideologie die eerder zovelen heeft getroffen, zowel in Europa, als in Latijns-Amerika en in de VS (de McCarthy jaren en de toestand zoals die nu is onder Trump, al 'moet' het fascisme daar nog verder groeien).........

Pepe Escobar de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, eerder geplaatst op Consortium News (een onderdeel van Anti-Media), stelt dat de verkiezingen in Brazilië bepalend zijn voor het groeiende fascisme in de rest van het westen, waar ik zojuist de VS al noemde.

Translated from Portuguese by 

Latuff highlights the arm drop between democracy and the extreme Right-brazil 247 via

De linkse partijen in het westen en in Latijns Amerika hebben voor een groot deel hun hand overspeeld met vernieuwingen, die het linkse ideaal de nek hebben omgedraaid, neem de PvdA die onder de exorbitante zelfverrijker Kok de links-ideale veren afschudde.

Veel van deze partijen hebben om mee te kunnen regeren, hun idealen in de koelkast gezet, waar ze de neoliberale ideeën hebben omarmd, of waar ze de grootste regeringspartij waren, zich niet langer hebben ingezet voor de doelgroep die hen ooit groot heeft gemaakt....... Ofwel deze 'linkse partijen' hebben de grote onderlaag en allen die weinig kansen hebben in de maatschappij, zoals invaliden, chronisch zieken en in feite de ouderen, in de steek gelaten......

De onderlaag van wie het grootste deel tegen, op of onder de armoedegrens moet leven (dat is drie keer in armoede leven en dat voor rond de 4 miljoen mensen, inclusief hun kinderen!), veelal werkloos is, of veel te weinig verdient en in te dure huurwoningen leeft...... Wat betreft de ouderen: in tegenstelling tot wat men continu durft te verkondigen, dat ouderen welgestelde uitvreters zijn, leeft een groot aantal van hen in armoede, zo hebben veel van deze ouderen de huishoudelijke hulp afgezegd, daar ze de eigen bijdrage niet meer kunnen betalen, gevolg: ouderen vervuilen of ze zijn intussen al helemaal vervuild en zijn verder vereenzaamd.... De vermaledijde 'participatiemaatschappij' bestaat niet eens voor het overgrote deel van deze groep..... (het hele 'participatiemaatschappij' idee is niet anders dan een smerige bezuiniging, deze maatschappij bestaat dan ook niet en zal nooit bestaan, anders dan mensen die zich altijd al hebben ingezet voor mensen die geen of minder kansen hebben dan anderen)

Het voorgaande, dus wat betreft de linkse partijen, geldt bepaald niet alleen voor Nederland, maar ook voor landen als Australië en voor een groot deel van de EU landen, plus uiteraard een aantal Latijns-Amerikaanse landen...... In de VS bestaat er geen socialistisch of sociaaldemocratisch alternatief op het niveau van de twee grootste partijen, die nog amper verschillen van elkaar....

Zoals al vaker hier gesteld: het fascisme is flink groeiend in de EU, hoewel men het na de meeste verkiezingen uitkraait van genot als men stelt dat de extreem rechtse, ofwel fascistische partijen, niet de grootste partij (of zoals in Nederland: beweging >> PVV) zijn geworden, vergeet men voor het gemak dat deze partijen (behalve Ukip in GB) bij elke verkiezing groter worden..... (terwijl ze al een fiks aantal kiezers hebben......)

De gevoerde neoliberale politiek in westerse landen zorgt ervoor dat de grote onderlaag en allen die weinig of geen kans hebben, zich meer en meer uitspreken voor fascistische partijen of bewegingen....... Uiteraard is dit het gevolg van leugens die figuren als Wilders (en Trump) hen op de mouw spelden, als zouden zij zich wel voor deze vergeten groepen inzetten........

We hebben in de 20er en 30er jaren van de vorige eeuw gezien waar het voorgaande toe kan leiden en toch trapt er niemand op de rem..... Integendeel men probeert de fascisten de wind uit de zeilen te halen door rechtse stokpaarden over te nemen en zich bijvoorbeeld uit te spreken tegen vluchtelingen..... 

Terwijl de oorzaken voor dat vluchten door het westen zijn gecreëerd met economisch afknijpen van ontwikkelingslanden (gesubsidieerde dumping van westerse goederen zoals groente, vis en vlees), echter erger nog zijn de illegale oorlogen die het westen o.l.v. de VS voert in landen waar het niets te zoeken heeft, of door regeringen omver te werpen door de VS middels door de CIA en/of NSA  georganiseerde opstanden...... (het liefst in combinatie met economische oorlogvoering, door blokkades op de invoer van levensmiddelen en medicijnen, zoals we dat nu in Jemen, Venezuela en meer en meer in Iran zien.....) Vooral de illegale oorlogen van de VS zijn de grootste oorzaak van de enorme vluchtelingenstromen..... 

Lees het volgend uitstekende artikel van Escobar en geeft het door, het is de hoogste tijd dat men ontwaakt uit de consumptiecoma en ziet welk duistere gevaar op ons afkomt, een fascistische EU, of zoals Escobar het noemt een Unie van Europese (fascistische) Staten:

Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil

October 9, 2018 at 9:48 pm
Written by Consortium News

Stripped to its essence, the Brazilian presidential elections represent a direct clash between democracy and an early 21st Century neofascism, indeed between civilization and barbarism.

(CN Op-ed) — Nothing less than the future of politics across the West – and across the Global South – is being played out in Brazil.

Stripped to its essence, the Brazilian presidential elections represent a direct clash between democracy and an early 21st Century, neofascism, indeed between civilization and barbarism.

Geopolitical and global economic reverberations will be immense. The Brazilian dilemma illuminates all the contradictions surrounding the Right populist offensive across the West, juxtaposed to the inexorable collapse of the Left. The stakes could not be higher.

Jair Bolsonaro, an outright supporter of Brazilian military dictatorships of last century, who has been normalized as the “extreme-right candidate,” won the first round of the presidential elections on Sunday with more than 49 million votes. That was 46 percent of the total, just shy of a majority needed for an outright win. This in itself is a jaw-dropping development.

His opponent, Fernando Haddad of the Workers’ Party (PT), got only 31 million votes, or 29 percent of the total. He will now face Bolsonaro in a runoff on October 28. A Sisyphean task awaits Haddad: just to reach parity with Bolsonaro, he needs every single vote from those who supported the third and fourth-placed candidates, plus a substantial share of the almost 20 percent of votes considered null and void.

Meanwhile, no less than 69 percent of Brazilians, according to the latest polls, profess their support for democracy. That means 31 percent do not.

No Tropical Trump

Dystopia Central does not even begin to qualify it. Progressive Brazilians are terrified of facing a mutant “Brazil” (the movie) cum Mad Max wasteland ravaged by evangelical fanatics, rapacious neoliberal casino capitalists and a rabid military bent on recreating a Dictatorship 2.0.

           Bolsonaro: Danger for Brazil.
Bolsonaro, a former paratrooper, is being depicted by Western mainstream media essentially as the Tropical Trump. The facts are way more complex.

Bolsonaro, a mediocre member of Congress for 27 years with no highlights on his C.V., indiscriminately demonizes blacks, the LGBT community, the Left as a whole, the environment “scam” and most of all, the poor. He’s avowedly pro-torture. He markets himself as a Messiah – a fatalistic avatar coming to “save” Brazil from all those “sins” above.

The Goddess of the Market, predictably, embraces him. “Investors” – those semi-divine entities – deem him good for “the market”, with his last-minute offensive in the polls mirroring a rally in the Brazilianreal and the Sao Paulo stock exchange.

Bolsonaro may be your classic extreme-right “savior” in the Nazi mould. He may embody Right populism to the core. But he’s definitely not a “sovereignist” – the motto of choice in political debate across the West. His “sovereign” Brazil would be run more like a retro-military dictatorship totally subordinated to Washington’s whims.

Bolsonaro’s ticket is compounded by a barely literate, retired general as his running mate, a man who is ashamed of his mixed race background and is frankly pro-eugenics. General Antonio Hamilton Mourão has even revived the idea of a military coup.

Manipulating the ticket, we find massive economic interests, tied to mineral wealth, agro-business and most of all the Brazilian Bible Belt. It is complete with death squads against Native Brazilians, landless peasants and African-American communities. It is a haven for the weapons industry. Call it the apotheosis of tropical neo-pentecostal, Christian-Zionism.

Praise the Lord

Brazil has 42 million evangelicals – and over 200 representatives in both branches of Parliament. Don’t mess with their jihad. They know how to exercise massive appeal among the beggars at the neoliberal banquet. The Lula Left simply didn’t know how to seduce them.

So even with echoes of Mike Pence, Bolsonaro is the Brazilian Trump only to a certain extent: his communication skills – talking tough, simplistically, is language understandable to a seven-year old. Educated Italians compare him to Matteo Salvini, the Lega leader, now Minister of Interior. But that’s also not exactly the case.

Bolsonaro is a symptom of a much larger disease. He has only reached this level, a head-to-head in the second round against Lula’s candidate Haddad, because of a sophisticated, rolling, multi-stage, judicial/congressional/business/media Hybrid War unleashed on Brazil.

Way more complex than any color revolution, Hybrid War in Brazil featured a law-fare coup under cover of the Car Wash anti-corruption investigation. That led to the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and Lula being thrown in jail on corruption charges with no hard evidence or smoking gun.

In every poll Lula would win these elections hand down. The coup plotters managed to imprison him and prevent him from running. Lula’s right to run was highlighted by everyone from Pope Francis to the UN’s Human Rights Council, as well as Noam Chomsky. Yet in a delightful historical twist, the coup plotters’ scenario blew up in their faces as the front-runner to lead the country is not one of them, but a neofascist.

One of them” would ideally be a faceless bureaucrat affiliated with the former social democrats, the PSDB, turned hardcore neoliberals addicted to posing as Center Left when they are the “acceptable” face of the neoliberal Right. Call them Brazilian Tony Blairs. Specific Brazilian contradictions, plus the advance of Right populism across the West, led to their downfall.

Even Wall Street and the City of London (which endorsed Hybrid War on Brazil after it was unleashed by NSA spying of oil giant Petrobras) have started entertaining second thoughts on supporting Bolsonaro for president of a BRICS nation, which is a leader of the Global South, and until a few years ago, was on its way to becoming the fifth largest economy in the world.
It all hangs on the “vote transfer” mechanism from Lula to Haddad and the creation of a serious, multi-party Progressive Democratic Front on the second round to defeat the rising neofascism.
They have less than three weeks to pull it off.

The Bannon Effect

It’s no secret that Steve Bannon is advising the Bolsonaro campaign in Brazil. One of Bolsonaro’s sons, Eduardo, met with Bannon in New York two months ago after which the Bolsonaro camp decided to profit from Bannon’s supposed “peerless” social engineering insights.

Bannon: Danger for Europe.
Bolsonaro’s son tweeted at the time, “We’re certainly in touch to join forces, especially against Cultural Marxism.” That was followed by an army of bots disgorging an avalanche of fake news up to Election Day.

A specter haunts Europe. Its name is Steve Bannon. The specter has moved on to the tropics.
In Europe, Bannon is now poised to intervene like an angel of doom in a Tintoretto painting heralding the creation of a EU-wide Right Populist coalition.

Bannon is notoriously praised to high heavens by Italian Interior Minister Salvini; Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban; Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders; and scourge of the Paris establishment, Marine Le Pen.

Last month, Bannon set up The Movement; at first sight just a political start-up in Brussels with a very small staff. But talk about Boundless Ambition: their aim is no less than turning the European parliamentary elections in May 2019 upside down.

The European parliament in Strasbourg – a bastion of bureaucratic inefficiency – is not exactly a household name across the EU. The parliament is barred from proposing legislation. Laws and budgets can only be blocked via a majority vote.

Bannon aims at capturing at least one-third of the seats in Strasbourg. He’s bound to apply tested American-style methods such as intensive polling, data analysis, and intensive social media campaigns – much the same as in Bolsonaro’s case. But there’s no guarantee it will work, of course.

The foundation stone of The Movement was arguably laid in two key meetings in early September set up by Bannon and his right-hand man, Mischael Modrikamen, chairman of the quite small Belgian Parti Populaire (PP). The first meeting was in Rome with Salvini and the second in Belgrade with Orban.

Modrikamen defines the concept as a “club” which will “collect funds from donors, in America and Europe, to make sure ‘populist’ ideas can be heard by the citizens of Europe who perceive more and more that Europe is not a democracy anymore.”

Modrikamen insists, “We are all sovereignists.” The Movement will hammer four themes that seem to form a consensus among disparate, EU-wide political parties: against “uncontrolled immigration”; against “Islamism”; favoring “security” across the EU; and supporting “a Europe of sovereign nations, proud of their identity.”

The Movement should really pick up speed after next month’s midterms in the U.S. In theory, it could congregate different parties from the same nation under its umbrella. That could be a very tall order, even taller than the fact key political actors already have divergent agendas.

Wilders wants to blow up the EU. Salvini and Orban want a weak EU but they don’t want to get rid of its institutions. Le Pen wants a EU reform followed by a “Frexit” referendum.

The only themes that unite this mixed Right Populism bag are nationalism, a fuzzy anti-establishment drive and a – quite popular – disgust with the EU’s overwhelming bureaucratic machine.

Here we find some common ground with Bolsonaro, who poses as a nationalist and as against the Brazilian political system – even though he’s been in Parliament for ages.

There’s no rational explanation for Bolsonaro’s last-minute surge among two sections of the Brazilian electorate that deeply despise him: women and the Northeast region, which has always been discriminated against by the wealthier South and Southeast.

Much like Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 U.S. election, Bolsonaro’s campaign targeted undecided voters in Northeastern states, as well as women voters, with a barrage of fake news demonizing Haddad and the Workers’ Party. It worked like a charm.

The Italian Job

I’ve just been to northern Italy checking out how popular Salvini really is. Salvini defines the May 2019 European Parliament elections as “the last chance for Europe.” Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero sees them as the first “real election for the future of Europe.” Bannon also sees the future of Europe being played in Italy.

It’s quite something to seize the conflicting energy in the air in Milan, where Salvini’s Lega is quite popular while at the same time Milan is a globalized city crammed with ultra-progressive pockets.

At a political debate about a book published by the Bruno Leoni Institute regarding exiting the euro, Roberto Maroni, a former governor of the powerful Lombardia region, remarked: “Italexit is outside of the formal agenda of the government, of the Lega and of the center-right.” Maroni should know, after all he was one of the Lega’s founders.

He hinted however that major changes are on the horizon. “To form a group in the European parliament, the numbers are important. This is the moment to show up with a unique symbol among parties of many nations.”

It’s not only Bannon and The Movement’s Modrikamen. Salvini, Le Pen and Orban are convinced they can win the 2019 elections – with the EU transformed into a “Union of European Nations.”
This would include not just a couple of big cities where all the action is, with the rest reduced to fly over status. Right Populism argues that France, Italy, Spain, and Greece are no longer nations – only mere provinces.

Macron: Perfect “progressive” wolf to be released among the sheep.
Right Populism derives immense satisfaction that its main enemy is the self-described “Jupiter” Macron – mocked across France by some as the “Little Sun King.” President Emmanuel Macron must be terrified that Salvini is emerging as the “leading light” of European nationalists.

This is what Europe seems to be coming to: a trashy, Salvini vs. Macron cage match.

Arguably the Salvini vs. Macron fight in Europe might be replicated as Bolsonaro vs. Haddad in Brazil. Some sharp Brazilian minds are convinced Haddad is the Brazilian Macron.

In my view he is not. His has a background in philosophy and he’s a former, competent mayor of Sao Paulo, one of the most complex megalopolises on the planet. Macron is a Rothschild mergers and acquisitions banker. Unlike Macron, who was engineered by the French establishment as the perfect “progressive” wolf to be released among the sheep, Haddad embodies what’s left of really progressive Left.

On top of that – unlike virtually the whole Brazilian political spectrum – Haddad is not corrupt. He’d have to offer the requisite pound of flesh to the usual suspects if he wins of course. But he’s not out to be their puppet.

Compare Bolsonaro’s Trumpism, apparent in his last-minute message before Election Day: “Make Brazil Great Again,” with Trump’s Trumpism.

Bolsonaro’s tools are unmitigated praise of the Motherland; the Armed Forces; and the flag.

But Bolsonaro is not interested in defending Brazilian industry, jobs and culture. On the contrary. A graphic example is what happened in a Brazilian restaurant in Deerfield Beach, Florida, a year ago: Bolsonaro saluted the American flag and chanted “USA! USA!”
That’s undiluted MAGA – without a “B”.

Jason Stanley, professor of philosophy at Yale and author of How Fascism Works, takes us further. Stanley stresses how “the idea in fascism is to destroy economic politics… The corporatists side with politicians who use fascist tactics because they are trying to divert people’s attention from the real forces that cause the genuine anxiety they feel.”

Bolsonaro has mastered these diversionist tactics. And he excels in demonizing so-called Cultural Marxism. Bolsonaro fits Stanley’s description as applied to the U.S.:
Liberalism and Cultural Marxism destroyed our supremacy and destroyed this wonderful past where we ruled and our cultural traditions were the ones that dominated. And then it militarizes the feeling of nostalgia. All the anxiety and loss that people feel in their lives, say from the loss of their healthcare, the loss of their pensions, the loss of their stability, then gets rerouted into a sense that the real enemy is liberalism, which led to the loss of this mythic past.”

In the Brazilian case, the enemy is not liberalism but the Workers’ Party, derided by Bolsonaro as “a bunch of communists.” Celebrating his astonishing first round victory, he said Brazil was on the edge of a corrupt, communist “abyss” and could either choose a path of “prosperity, freedom, family” or “the path of Venezuela”.

The Car Wash investigation enshrined the myth that the Workers’ Party and the whole Left is corrupt (but not the Right). Bolsonaro overextended the myth:  every minority and social class is a target – in his mind they are “communists” and “terrorists.”

Goebbels comes to mind – via his crucial text The Radicalization of Socialism, where he emphasized the necessity of portraying the center-left as Marxists and socialists because, as Stanley notes, “the middle class sees in Marxism not so much the subverter of national will, but mainly the thief of its property.”

That’s at the center of Bolsonaro’s strategy of demonizing the Workers Party – and the Left in general. The strategy of course is drenched in fake news – once again mirroring what Stanley writes about U.S. history: “The whole concept of empire is based on fake news. All of colonization is based on fake news.”

Right Against Left Populism?

As I wrote in a previous column, the Left in the West is like a deer caught in the headlights when it comes to fighting Right populism

          Haddad: Three weeks to head off Bolsonaro.

Sharp minds from Slavoj Zizek to Chantal Mouffe are trying to conceptualize an alternative – without being able to coin the definitive neologism. Left populism? Popularism? Ideally, that should be “democratic socialism” – but no one, in a post-ideology, post-truth environment, would dare utter the dreaded word.

The ascent of Right populism is a direct consequence of the emergence of a profound crisis of political representation all over the West; the politics of identity erected as a new mantra; and the overwhelming power of social media, which allows – in Umberto Eco’s peerless definition – the ascent of “the idiot of the village to the condition of Oracle.”

As we saw earlier, the central motto of Right populism in Europe is anti-immigration – a barely disguised variation of hate towards The Other. In Brazil the main theme, emphasized by Bolsonaro, is urban insecurity. He could be the Brazilian Rodrigo Duterte – or Duterte Harry: “Make my day, punk.”

He portrays himself as the Righteous Defender against a corrupt elite (even though he’s part of the elite); and his hatred of all things politically correct, feminism, homosexuality, multiculturalism – are all unpardonable offenses to his “family values.”

Brazilian historian says the only way to oppose him is to “translate” to each sector of Brazilian society how Bolsonaro’s positions affect them: on “widespread weaponizing, discrimination, jobs, (and) taxes.” And it has to be done in less than three weeks.

Arguably the best book explaining the failure of the Left everywhere to deal with this toxic situation is Jean-Claude Michea’s Le Loup dans la Bergerie – The Wolf Among the Sheep – published in France a few days ago.

Michea shows concisely how the deep contradictions of liberalism since the 18th century – political, economic and cultural – led it to TURN AGAINST ITSELF and be cut off from the initial spirit of tolerance (Adam Smith, David Hume, Montesquieu). That’s why we are deep inside post-democratic capitalism.

Euphemistically called “the international community” by Western mainstream media, the elites, who have been confronted since 2008 with “the growing difficulties faced by the process of globalized accumulation of capital,” now seem ready to do anything to keep its privileges.

Michea is right that the most dangerous enemy of civilization – and even Life on Earth – is the blind dynamics of endless accumulation of capital. We know where this neoliberal Brave New World is taking us.

The only counterpunch is an autonomous, popular movement “that would not be submitted to the ideological and cultural hegemony of ‘progressive’ movements that for over three decades defend only the cultural interests of the new middle classes around the world,” Michae says.

For now, such a movement rests in the realm of Utopia. What’s left is to try to remedy a coming dystopia – such as backing a real Progressive Democratic Front to block a Bolsonaro Brazil.

One of the highlights of my Italian sojourn was a meeting with Rolf Petri, Professor of Contemporary History at the Ca Foscari University in Venice, and author of the absolutely essential A Short History of Western Ideology: A Critical Account.

Ranging from religion, race and colonialism, to the Enlightenment project of “civilization”, Petri weaves a devastating tapestry of how “the imagined geography of a ‘continent’ that was not even a continent offered a platform for the affirmation of European superiority and the civilizing mission of Europe.”

During a long dinner in a small Venetian trattoria away from the galloping selfie hordes, Petri observed how Salvini – a middle-class small entrepreneur – craftily found out how to channel a deep unconscious longing for a mythical harmonious Europe that won’t be coming back, much as petty bourgeois Bolsonaro evokes a mythical return to the “Brazilian miracle” during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship.

Every sentient being knows that the U.S. has been plunged into extreme inequality “supervised” by a ruthless plutocracy. U.S. workers will continue to be royally screwed as are French workers under “liberal” Macron. So would Brazilian workers under Bolsonaro. To borrow then from Yeats, what rough beast, in this darkest hour, slouches towards freedom to be born?

By Pepe Escobar Republished with permission / Consortium News / Report a typo
* Hetzelfde is het geval met de term 'neonazi's', alsof het nieuwe nazisme niet vergeleken kan worden met het nazisme uit de 20er en 30er jaren van de vorige eeuw, terwijl de haat tegen minderheden (waaronder Joden) even fanatiek is als in die tijd voorafgaand aan de machtsovername van de nazi's in 1933.

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