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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Verdrag van Genève. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Verdrag van Genève. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 9 maart 2019

Twee Palestijnse kinderen komen om door brand >> Israëlische militairen blokkeerden brandweer

Het zoveelste staaltje beestachtige wreedheid van het Israëlische leger en zoals zo vaak op de illegaal door Israël bezette West Bank....... In het oude centrum van Hebron raakte een huis in brand, waarin zich nog twee kinderen bevonden...... De brandweer werd de doorgang ontzegt door militairen bij een wegversperring, waardoor 1 van de jongetjes 's nachts overleed en de andere de volgende morgen in het ziekenhuis...... Een derde broertje ligt in het ziekenhuis op de intensive care met brandwonden.......

Israëlische militairen bij de wegversperring werd gesmeekt de brandweerwagen snel doorgang te verlenen, juist vanwege de kinderen.... Tevergeefs.....

Beste bezoeker is het niet om doodziek van te worden?? Als je dacht dat dit wel niet veel zal voorkomen, helaas: sinds 2015 heeft het Israëlisch psychopatenleger 123 keer ambulances gestopt...... Dat was het nog niet beste bezoeker: 386 keer zijn teams van de Rode Halvemaan aangevallen door kolonisten en Israelsiche militairen op de (nogmaals) illegaal door Israël bezette gebieden van de West Bank....... Voorts zijn in diezelfde periode 105 ambulances vernield, dan wel beschadigd.......

Afgelopen december schoten Israëlische psychopaten een kind neer in vluchtelingenkamp Al-Jalazun, waarna ze een toegesnelde ambulance verjaagden, pas een kwartier later werd een ambulance toegelaten, onderweg naar het ziekenhuis overleed het kind.......

Hoe kan de wereld dit aan blijven zien, zonder in te grijpen en dat al dik meer dan 70 jaar.......


Tot slot: ziek, als je bij nazoeken van zaken op een pro-Israëlische site komt genaamd 'Israellycool', waar men bijvoorbeeld stelt dat er aanvankelijk werd gemeld dat de twee kinderen in de brand waren omgekomen, terwijl later bleek dat de ander 'pas' de volgende morgen in het ziekenhuis is overleden en vanwege dat feit de hele zaak afdoen als anti-Israëlische propaganda........ Misselijk makend..... Hier de link naar de site, waarop tevens reclame voor PayPal en P patron wordt gemaakt (via deze betaaldiensten kan je geld overmaken naar deze fascistische psychopaten website....)....

Hier het artikel over de brand in Hebron, eerder gepubliceerd op Middle East Monitor (MEMO):

Two Palestinian Children Killed in Blaze After Israel Blocks Fire Brigade

March 6, 2019 at 9:03 pm
Written by Middle East Monitor

(MEMO— Two Palestinian children have been killed in a blaze at their home in occupied Hebron after the Israeli authorities prevented the fire brigade from reaching them in time.

The two children – one of whom is believed to have been just 18-months old – were burned to death in a fire at their home in the Al-Salaymeh neighbourhood of Hebron’s Old City in the occupied West Bank. One was reported dead late last night, while the second succumbed to the burns received this morning after receiving emergency treatment at the nearby Hebron government hospital. A third child, thought to be the dead children’s brother, also suffered severe burns in the incident and remains in intensive care, according to hospital Director Dr Walid Zalloum.

The names of the three children have not been released formally, but Palestinian news site Palestine Today named the two who were killed as four-year-old Wael Al-Rajabi and his 18-month-old sister Malik. The local police spokesman, Colonel Loai Arziqat, confirmed in a press statement that two children had died, but did not offer further information.

Though the emergency services were called, the fire brigade was prevented from reaching the scene by Israeli soldiers. In a video filmed last night at 21:50 local time (19:50 GMT), the fire engine can be seen trying to drive down a narrow street. The truck comes to a stop at a road block obstructing the way, while local residents implore the Israeli soldiers stationed there to “open the gate quickly, for the children.”

The Israeli soldiers, however, did not yield to the onlookers’ pleas, delaying the emergency services’ response and preventing them from reaching the property. The cause of the fire remains unknown.

Israel is no stranger to restricting emergency services’ access to Palestinians in need. According to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), citing the Palestine Red Crescent Society, since 2015 Israel has prevented ambulances from crossing checkpoints on 123 occasions. In addition, there were 386 attacks against Red Crescent teams across the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) during the same period, as well as 105 ambulances damaged.

In December, Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian child then prevented him from receiving potentially life-saving medical treatment; he died soon thereafter. Seventeen-year-old Mahmoud Nakhle was shot as Israeli forces suppressed protests around Al-Jalazun refugee camp near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank. A few minutes later, the soldiers chased off a Palestinian ambulance, threatening the driver with their rifles and not giving Nakhle first aid themselves.
Only after a quarter of an hour did the soldiers allow an ambulance to be summoned, but Nakhle died en route to hospital.

Palestinian children were killed in a blaze at their home after Israeli forces prevented the fire brigade from reaching them in time in Hebron, West Bank
Palestinian children were killed in a blaze at their home after Israeli forces prevented the fire brigade from reaching them in time in Hebron, West Bank

Under international law, as the occupying power Israel is forbidden from preventing access to medical care and emergency services to the people living under its occupation. According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, “The occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation.” In addition, “Personnel of the International Red Crescent Movement must be allowed to carry out their humanitarian activities.”

Israel, however, continues to breach this and other articles of international laws and conventions with impunity.

Zie ook:
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'De UNHRC concludeert dat Israël met opzet kinderen en journalisten vermoordde over de grens met de Gazastrook'

'Groep gewapende Israëlische kolonisten vermoorden uiterst heldhaftig een ongewapende Palestijnse vader van 4 kinderen.....'

'Israël arresteert op grote schaal kinderen, de beelden liegen er niet om......'

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'Israël schiet alweer doelbewust op journalisten, westerse collega's onverschillig' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

Voor nog meer berichten over de zwaar ongelijke strijd van Israël tegen de machteloze Palestijnen, klik op één van deze twee labels, direct onder dit bericht. Let wel: na een aantal berichten wordt het laatst gelezen bericht telkens herhaald, dan onder het laatst gelezen bericht even opnieuw op het gekozen label klikken, enz. enz.

donderdag 20 december 2018

Texas logopedist werd ontslagen voor weigeren eedaflegging geen boycotacties tegen Israël te steunen....


Weer eens een gevalletje stapelgekke regels in een aantal VS staten: werkgevers kunnen daar van je eisen dat je niet zal deelnemen aan boycotacties tegen terreurstaat Israël, noch bewegingen te steunen die zich verzetten tegen de staatsterreur van Israël......

Een VS-Palestijnse vrouw, Bahia Amawi is al bijna 10 jaar werkzaam als logopedist voor een 'onafhankelijk schooldistrict' in Texas. Bij de verlenging van haar contract moest ze de bewuste eed ondertekenen, wat ze volkomen logisch weigerde, niet alleen omdat dit een volkomen zotte regel is die tegen elk ethisch besef ingaat, maar ook daar ze familie heeft die in de door Israël illegaal bezette gebieden wonen en dus dagelijks op de één of andere manier met Israëlische terreur te maken krijgen, al was het op de West bank 'alleen maar' bij het grote aantal wegblokkades, die het leven van de Palestijnen extra bemoeilijkt..........

Dan te bedenken dat men de VS een rechtstaat durft te noemen...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! (en dan spreek ik niet eens over het aan de beurs genoteerde particuliere gevangenissysteem in de VS dat doorlopend nieuwe gevangenen wil hebben en waar de gekleurde bevolking volkomen onevenredig veel vaker gevangen zit dan de nu nog grote meerderheid van witte burgers......) De VS, het land ook waar plea bargain wordt gebruikt, zodat je beter kan bekennen ook al heb je de misdaad niet begaan, daar de straf anders veel hoger uit kan vallen >> een dergelijke behandeling is ronduit misdadig...... Aan dat land levert ook Nederland desnoods de eigen burgers uit........ (ook dat laatste is wat mij betreft een misdaad van formaat!)

Lees het ongelofelijke verhaal van Bahia Amawi en geeft het door! De hoogste tijd dat Israël echt wordt aangepakt voor haar massamoorden, standrechtelijke executies, andere oorlogsmisdaden, martelingen, gijzeling van verdachten, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en ga nog maar even door..... En nee, dit heeft niets te maken met antisemitisme, maar alles met de zaken die ik juist hiervoor aanhaalde, zaken die geen enkel land zou mogen flikken en waar het bewuste land voor gestraft zou moeten worden met minimaal een boycot!!

Texas Educator Files Lawsuit After She Was Fired for Refusing to Sign an Oath to Israel

Bahia Amawi | Israel Boycott

December 19, 2018 at 8:03 am
Written by Randi Nord

(MPN— A Texas speech pathologist has filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas after she was reportedly fired for refusing to sign an oath that she would not boycott the apartheid state of Israel.

A U.S. citizen born in Austria and of Palestinian descent, Bahia Amawi is a speech specialist in western Texas who works with autistic and developmentally disabled people. The educator charges that the district refused to renew her contract in August after she declined to sign paperwork pledging that she “does not” and “will not” participate in any kind of boycott or “otherwise tak[e] any action that is intended to inflict economic harm” against the Israeli state.
Speaking to Democracy Now!, Amawi explained her firsthand struggle with oppression and the reasoning behind her refusal to sign the oath:
I sent an email immediately, and I stopped even reading the additional codes [referring to the additional paperwork she was asked to sign in regards to Israel].  And I sent the email to my speech coordinator telling her, ‘Listen, I cannot sign this. This is against my principles, against my constitutional rights. And it’s also against my moral and ethical values, considering that I am a Palestinian American and I have family that actually live in the Occupied Territories, so it affects me personally, as well.’ So, it affects me in both ways — as an American citizen and as a Palestinian American, too.”

lawsuit was filed in federal court on Amawi’s behalf this week alleging that the district’s refusal to renew her contract is a direct violation of her First Amendment rights as a U.S. citizen. Amawi, who worked for the Pflugerville Independent School District as a contractor for nearly 10 years, says her renewal contract contained a special document in August asking her to take an oath that she would not boycott or inflict economic harm against Israel in any fashion.

This may constitute the first direct challenge to new legislation aimed at curbing support for the growing Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) movement in the United States, which ultimately aims to end apartheid in Palestinian and Israeli territories.

A wave of anti-BDS laws

Texas became the 20th state of what are now 26 to pass anti-BDS legislation that infringes upon free speech by banning U.S. citizens from participating in boycotts against the Israeli apartheid state in various ways, such as refusing to renew a teacher’s contract. Thirteen additional states have similar legislation pending.

Muslim group challenging Texas' 'No Boycott of Israel' law

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is planning to hold a news conference Monday at noon.

The language in the oath Amawi was asked to sign would prohibit her from refusing to purchase goods from both Israel and the occupied West Bank. Furthermore, it could even ban her from expressing support for boycotts against Israel, if her speech or actions are construed to inflict financial harm on the apartheid state. Amawi explained:
The point of boycotting any product that supports Israel is to put pressure on the Israeli government to change its treatment, the inhumane treatment, of the Palestinian people. Having grown up as a Palestinian, I know firsthand the oppression and the struggle that Palestinians face on a daily basis.”

Amawi refused to sign the oath because her family does not purchase goods made in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank nor in the occupying entity of Israel itself. Amawi was the only Arabic-speaking speech specialist of her kind in the district, which boasts a growing Arab population.

Israel continues to construct illegal settlements in the West Bank and Palestinian territory despite international legislation barring it from doing so. According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, it is illegal for an occupying entity to transfer its people into the occupied territory.

Furthermore, Israel has recently carried out a brutal repression against unarmed protesters in the Gaza Strip, protests that have taken place every Friday since March after U.S. President Donald Trump announced Washington would move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds.

Since the protests began, 204 Palestinians have lost their lives at the hands of Israeli forces and more than 18,000 have sustained injuries.

Dubbed the Great Return March, Palestinians seek to return to their homeland in accordance with UN Resolution 194, which states that refugees have the right to return to their homes at the earliest practical date.

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PS: andere bronnen spreken van meer dan 220 vermoorde Palestijnen, die ongewapend werden neergeschoten door 'heldhaftige' Israëlische militairen bij de protesten i.h.k.v. de Great Return March..... 220 doden waaronder kinderen, invaliden, medische hulpverleners en journalisten (vreemd ook dat het vermoorden van journalisten niet tot grote verontwaardiging leidde bij de reguliere westerse media, waaraan je ten overvloede kan zien dat deze media braaf de westerse pro-Israëlische politiek volgen........)

maandag 8 oktober 2018

VS ontwikkelt nieuw biowapen: genetisch gemanipuleerde insecten

Een team van wetenschappers verbonden aan Science Policy Forum (in de VS) luiden de noodklok over een 'mysterieus' overheidsprogramma om virussen te verspreiden met insecten.......

Pentagons Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) voert het programma uit en is niets anders dan, zoals gezegd, de ontwikkeling van nieuwe biowapens waarmee de VS de oogsten van haar onwelgevallige landen zou kunnen vernietigen en daarmee een verandering van regime ('regime change') zou kunnen afdwingen zonder één schot te lossen....... Dat er door dergelijke terreur een enorm aantal mensen zal overlijden, schijnt niemand in het Pentagon te deren.......... (zoals gewoonlijk....)

Blijkbaar is honger tegenwoordig in de VS een geaccepteerd middel om oorlog te voeren, iets dat uitdrukkelijk als ernstige oorlogsmisdaad is opgenomen in het Verdrag van Genève........ Vandaar ook dat de VS meehelpt aan de genocide die de Saoedische terreurcoalitie uitvoert op de sjiieten in Jemen, een genocide die niet alleen met grootschalige bombardementen op o.a. huizenblokken, ziekenhuizen, scholen (en schoolbussen), energiecentrales en waterbedrijven, gepaard gaat, maar ook met blokkades van de gebieden die de opstandelingen in handen hebben, zodat er maar mondjesmaat voedsel, water, medicijnen en andere humanitaire hulpgoederen de hongerende bevolking bereiken...... De VS helpt op zee mee aan de blokkade van door de Houthi's beheerste gebieden................

Honger die in Jemen wordt aangevuld met een cholera en difterie uitbraak, opgeteld met de smerige terreur van Saoedi-Arabië heeft dit geleid tot de genocide die nu wordt uitgevoerd in Jemen.... Ofwel de VS, GB, Saoedi-Arabië, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, Egypte en Marokko gebruiken naast enorme militaire terreur, honger en ziekte om een volk uit te roeien.........

Terug naar de genetische manipulatie van insecten: deze insecten kunnen ook gebruikt worden om virussen onder de bevolking van andere landen te verspreiden in een tempo dat nooit eerder is gezien........ Helaas gaat Tyler Durden daar in zijn artikel dat eerder op Zero Hedge verscheen niet op in.... 

Scientists Sound Alarm Over Mysterious Gov’t Plan to Spread Viruses Using Bugs

October 5, 2018 at 9:38 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE Op-ed) — A team of scientists sound the alarm in a new Science Policy Forum report about a mysterious US government program that is developing genetically modified viruses that would be dispersed into the environment using insects. The virus-infected or ‘Frankenstein’ insects are being developed as countermeasures against potential natural and engineered threats to the US food supply. The program is operated by the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) could be viewed as an attempt to develop an entirely new class of bioweapons that would prompt other nations to seek similar weapons, they cautioned.

The researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology and the University of Freiburg both in Germany, and the University of Montpellier in France suggest DARPA’s program could likely breach the Biological Weapons Convention, the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the development, production, and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons.

Dubbed the “Insect Allies” program, DARPA began modifying insects in 2017, with the plan to produce more resilient crops to help farmers deal with climate change, drought, frost, floods, salinity, and disease, said Gizmodo. The technology at the center of the program is an entirely new method of genetically modifying crops. Instead of modifying seeds in a lab, farmers would send swarms of insects into their crops, where the genetically modified bugs would infect plants with a virus that passes along the new resilience genes, a process known as horizontal genetic alteration. Hence the technology’s name—Horizontal Environmental Genetic Alteration Agents (HEGAA).

For HEGAA to work, Gizmodo explains that DARPA labs develop a virus that is inserted into the chromosome of a target organism. Scientists would use leafhoppers, whiteflies, and aphids genetically altered in the lab using CRISPR, or a variant of a gene-editing system, to carry the virus into crops. Each plant would then be infected by the insect, triggering the intended effects of protecting crops from natural and or human-made threats.       

However, the lead author of the report, Richard Guy Reeves from the Department of Evolutionary Genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, says DARPA's Insect Allies program is disturbing and an example of dual-use research in which the US government, in addition to aiding farmers' crops, is also developing a biological weapon.     

Insect Allies is reportedly backed by $27 million of funding. According to Gizmodo, there are four academic research teams currently working on the project, including researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute in New York, Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University and the University of Texas at Austin. DARPA maintains that "all work is conducted inside closed laboratories, greenhouses, or other secured facilities," and that the insects have built-in lifespans to limit their spread. By 2020 or 2021, DARPA is planning on testing the virus-infected insects on crops inside greenhouses at undisclosed locations.

Reeves said the use of insects as a vehicle for genetic modification is a horrible idea because they cannot be controlled and indicates that traditional overhead sprays to deliver HEGAAs is the safest bet. DARPA says insects are the only practical solution, as overhead spraying of HEGAAs would require increased farming infrastructure — something that is not available to all farmers.

The report specifies how there is currently no global regulatory framework to support this new way of transporting HEGAAs to crops, which if not supervised correctly, could lead to potential mishaps.

The scientists of the report interpret DARPA’s insect program as “an intention to develop a means of delivery of HEGAAs for offensive purposes,” such as conducting biological warfare.

These genetically modified bugs could be implanted with a dangerous plant-killing disease that the Trump adminstration could unleash over farmland in Venezuela, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and or even China, that would decimate the countries’ food supply.

The introduction of this potentially dangerous technology, the scientists argue, would usher in an entirely new class of biological, insect-dispatched weapons that could be considered weapons of mass destruction. Scientists warn that this technology would spur rival nations to develop similar insect programs.

In response to a Gizmodo question, a spokesperson for DARPA said it welcomes academic dialogue about the Insect Allies program, but criticizes the conclusion of the report, saying it is “misleading and peppered with inaccuracies.”

Blake Bextine, DARPA Program Manager for Insect Allies, rejects many of the claims made by Reeves.

DARPA is not producing biological weapons, and we reject the hypothetical scenario,” Bextine told Gizmodo.

We accept and agree with concerns about potential dual use of technology, an issue that comes up with virtually every new powerful technology. Those concerns are precisely why we structured the Insect Allies program the way we did, as a transparent, university-led, fundamental research effort that benefits from the active participation of regulators and ethicists and proactive communication to policymakers,” said Bextine.

The purpose of Insect Allies program, he states, is to prepare for a new era of emerging threats to US agriculture. Brextine added that DARPA is evaluating the potential environmental impacts of HEGAAs.
DARPA is extraordinarily sensitive to environmental risks and off-target effects, and has structured the Insect Allies program to identify and mitigate them,” he said. “DARPA has mandated multiple levels of biosafety and biosecurity at each stage of the program.”

If DARPA’s program succeeds, they will have developed gain-of-function treatments that can be delivered to the “right plants” and the “right tissue,” he said. In other words, DARPA wants precision guided biological weapon insects.

Jason Delborne, an Associate Professor at North Carolina State University, an expert in genetic engineering, says the concerns seem “appropriate.”
The social, ethical, political, and ecological implications of producing HEGAAs are significant and worthy of the same level of attention as exploring the science underpinning the potential technology,” Delborne told Gizmodo.
The authors argue persuasively that specifying insects as the preferred delivery mechanism for HEGAAs is poorly justified by visions of agricultural applications. The infrastructure and expertise required for spraying agricultural fields—at least in the U.S. context—is well established, and this delivery mechanism would offer greater control over the potential spread of a HEGAA.”

DARPA could be on the cusp of obtaining a new biological weapon that would most certainly be used against Venezuela, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and or even China, to cripple the countries’ food supply and lead to a regime change without firing a signal shot — this the future of warfare.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo

donderdag 17 mei 2018

Israël test nieuwe smerige technologie op demonstrerende Palestijnen

Tijdens de protesten i.h.k.v. The Great Return March in de Gazastrook, maar ook bij 'opstootjes' op de West Bank, maakt Israël, naast het neerschieten van ongewapende Palestijnen, ook gebruik van 3 verschillende soorten drones die traangasgranaten boven mensenmassa's afwerpen......
Traangas is een chemisch wapen >> verboden in oorlogen door de conventie van Genève....

Geen noodzaak om te stellen dat gebruik van traangas op deze manier uiterst gevaarlijk is, niet alleen vanwege de hoge concentraties traangas, maar ook vanwege het neerkomen van deze granaten in mensenmassa's......... (overigens, het gebruik van traangas is altijd gevaarlijk, met drones wordt dit gevaar nog verder vergroot....)

Daarnaast is het maar de vraag of Israël aan het gebruikte traangas andere stoffen hebben toegevoegd, immers Israël is een van de weinige landen die nog steeds chemische wapens ontwikkelt......

Afgelopen maandag overleed een baby van 8 maanden na een aanval met traangas in de Gazastrook aan de grens met Israël, daarnaast zouden er bewijzen zijn dat meerdere Palestijnse mensen zijn overleden na aanvallen met traangas door het Israëlische leger.........

Israël verkoopt haar drones ook aan andere landen, zoals Duitsland, Birma (daar worden ze gebruikt gebruikt in de strijd tegen de Rohingya) en het agressieve Zuid-Soedan, uiteraard wordt ook de truc met traangas (of een nog gevaarlijker gas) desgevraagd meegeleverd.......

Lees het volgende verontrustende relaas van Daniel Hilton, eerder geplaatst op Middle East Eye (MEE):

Drones over Gaza: How Israel tested its latest technology on protesters

Tear gas grenades dropped from above caused injuries, panic and death during this week's Gaza and West Bank's protests

Tear gas descends on Palestinian protesters from above in the Gaza Strip (AFP)

                Daniel Hilton
  Daniel Hilton's picture   Wednesday 16 May 2018 14:51 UTC
                Last update: 
                Wednesday 16 May 2018 17:47 UTC

The mismatch between Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces has often been likened to David and Goliath. Now, Goliath doesn’t even need to enter the field of combat.
In a new innovation, small drones have been used by Israel’s military to drop tear gas on Palestinian protests along the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel and in the occupied West Bank.
First seen in early March, when Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV filmed a group of protesters in Gaza as they were targeted by one, the gas-carrying drones were used heavily in protests in the coastal enclave and the occupied West Bank on Monday and Tuesday.
There appear to be three types of drones being used to disperse the gas.
The first, developed by Israeli company ISPRA and known as the “Cyclone Riot Control Drone System”, is a small drone with rotas that carries a box containing nine light aluminium cartridges which burn up after they are released.

However, two other models appear to have been used, which experts told MEE have never been seen before.
One is a drone that releases gas directly from the craft, like an aerosol, dispersing a cloud on those below.
The other, a potentially far more dangerous device, is a helicopter-style drone which carries rubber bursting grenades with metal tops that disperse gas as they fall.
(onderstaande video is niet behorend bij het twitterbericht daaronder, die ik niet weet over te nemen, wel is praktisch hetzelfde te zien)

VIDEO: Israel has developed drones that deploy tear gas. In mid-March Israeli military officials said they had experimented with them in Gaza. They now seem operational.

As the Great March of Return protests came to a crescendo earlier this week, the third type of drone became by far the most regularly used of the three, according to experts spoken to by MEE.

An Israeli drone drops tear gas canisters during clashes with Palestinian protesters near the border east of Gaza City on May 15, 2018. (AFP)

This drone does not appear to be a sophisticated device.
It’s more sophisticated [than a commercial drone] - it’s not something that you would buy cheaply on Amazon, but I think it’s not far from it,” Itay Mack, an Israeli human rights lawyer and activist who tracks Israel’s military exports, told MEE.
The drone appears to be fitted with a spring-loaded rack, which opens to drop a number of tear gas grenades.
I think the pins are manually pulled from the grenades when they are secured in the rack before takeoff,” James Bevan, executive director of Conflict Armament Research, told MEE.
The rack is then released once the drone is positioned over the area where the controller wishes to disperse the gas.
It may be something as simple as a retracting pin attached to a servomotor, which is wired into the drone's circuits,” Bevan says. "This is what Islamic State [IS] used in Iraq and Syria.”
According to Bevan, IS is the only group for which there is physical evidence of these small, helicopter-type drones’ use in combat situations, mostly seen in Iraq’s Mosul and Syria’s Tal Afar.
We see drone use in other theatres, including by non-state groups, but these have been military fixed-wing drones,” he said.

New range, new danger

Monday’s demonstrations in Gaza coincided with the ceremony marking the official opening of the United States’ new embassy in Jerusalem while Tuesday's protests marked 70 years since the Palestinian Nakba - or Catastrophe - when 750,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes in historic Palestine in 1948.
Over the two days, 62 Palestinians were killed by live fire or tear gas inhalation, as Israeli forces attempted to quell the protests.
At least 980 Palestinians were wounded by tear gas dropped on the protests on Monday, Gaza’s health ministry said, including many minors.
The drones have given the Israeli forces new range. Previously, gas canisters had only been fired into the Gaza Strip from vehicles on the Israeli side of the divide.
The large fence that separates the besieged enclave from Israel restricts the military’s ability to fire gas across the border, unlike in the West Bank where soldiers often fire the canisters from specially equipped rifles.
Israeli forces rarely make ground incursions into the Gaza Strip, which they pulled out of in 2005, while they maintain a significant presence the occupied West Bank.
This new range has allowed the Israelis to target areas far from the flashpoint border area, places more likely to be populated by families, minors and the elderly.

Gas a threat to the vulnerable

The problem with gas grenades is they are especially dangerous to small children and elderly people,” Mack said.
The gas can be fatal in two ways: suffocation and overdosing on the chemicals used.
The deaths of several Palestinians in the West Bank has been linked to tear gas inhalation in recent years. In 2015 an eight-month-old baby in the village of Beit Fajjar died after soldiers fired tear gas into his home
And in 2014, Palestinian minister Ziad Abu Ein died from complications related to tear gas inhalation after attending a protest near the village of Turmusaya.
A report last year described the Aida refugee camp in the southern West Bank as the "community most exposed to tear gas in the world".
Reports emerged on Tuesday that an eight-month-old baby, Leila al-Ghandour, was also killed by tear gas in the Gaza Strip. She is said to have been exposed to the gas while at a protest site far from the Israeli separation fence, though at the time of publication this could not be independently verified by MEE.

Indiscriminate projectiles

Though made of rubber, the gas grenades dropped from the drones are weighty and have a metal top.
The Israeli military has regulations banning firing such projectiles directly at people. Gas canisters fired from specially fitted rifles are particularly dangerous at short range.
The long-range 40mm grenade launchers used by Israel are also considered dangerous because they can be fired with only limited accuracy.

Palestinians run to take cover as an Israeli drone fires tear gas grenades east of Gaza City during clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, on May 15, 2018. (AFP)
A spokesman from Omega Research Foundation (ORF Ltd), which researches the manufacture, trade in and use of, military, security and police technologies, told MEE that drones can be used to increase accuracy when dispersing tear gas.
On a purely technical level, the drones can hover at a safe height to drop the grenades and target individuals that pose a threat,” the spokesman, who wished to remain anonymous, said.
However, video footage of this week's protests appears to show the canisters dropping from a considerable height, reducing accuracy and increasing the risk of head injuries.

Not a threat

Israel has repeatedly accused the protesters in Gaza of attempting to cross the border fence and lay explosives in Israeli territory. It says the use of live fire and tear gas is justified by the threat protesters pose by breaching the barrier.
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told the AFP news agency previously that the drones have “the capability of flying over certain zones and certain areas and then letting go of tear gas in areas that we want to prevent protesters from reaching".
However, MEE reporters in Gaza and the West Bank and videos emerging online suggest Israeli forces targeted areas far from the border area and people who did not appear to pose a threat.
(deze video is dezelfde als die in het daaronder staande twitterbericht wordt getoond)
Watch Israeli drones drop tear gas on journalists who were documenting Israel's massacre in Gaza.

The entire Israeli enterprise is built on a war against truth. It not only spends hundreds of millions of dollars in propaganda (hasbara) but also deliberately targets journalists.

On Monday, an MEE reporter was gassed by a drone along with several other members of the media. The area targeted was clearly populated by many journalists, with vehicles prominently displaying "Press".
Video footage also showed a drone dropping gas on a communal tent full of women and children, apparently more than metres from the border.
(de video behorend bij dit Twitterbericht weet ik niet over te nemen, hier de link naar het originele artikel)
The Israelis keep dropping tear gas with a drone on this communal tent full of women and kids. We’re 500+ yards from the border and I can’t see anyone throwing stones nearby or any other justification.

The deployment of gas grenades from above appears in some situations to have sown confusion and fear among crowds, rather than dispersing them to other locations.
In a demonstration on Tuesday near the illegal Israeli settlement Beit El in the West Bank at least four drones deployed gas directly onto protesters.
A 20-year-old protester there, who wished to remain anonymous, told MEE that "panic ensued" when the drones appeared in the sky.
"People were running in all directions unsure of where to go as the drones hovered above our heads waiting to drop tear gas," the protester told MEE.
"The Israelis have only begun using these drones in the last few weeks. They are indiscriminate, and show no mercy."
According to Gabriel Avner, an Israeli security consultant, Israel’s policy in Gaza is a departure from its usual crowd-control methods.
The situation in Gaza right now is completely different to what is happening anywhere else... they’re thinking of this as a full-on conflict zone,” he told MEE.
There is some cause for concern because the rules of engagement are hard-coded,” he said, adding that the Israeli military needed to make sure soldiers were properly trained to understand the potential consequences when new technology such as this is introduced.

Kite terrorism’

The use of drones is not limited to dispersing tear gas, however.
Some Palestinians have been flying kites across the border, often incendiary ones carrying burning coals with the objective of starting bush fires in Israeli territory.
According to Israeli daily Haaretz, the Israeli military has enlisted amateur racer drones to intercept the kites, using the rotas and fish hooks attached to the crafts to cut their cords and send them off course.
An Israeli army drone flies near a Palestinian kite along the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, east of Gaza City on May 14, 2018. (AFP)
The drones intercepting the kites are operated by hobbyists, and can reach speeds of 110 metres per second, Haaretz reported.
One of the kites that reached the Israeli side of the divide carried a suspected remote-controlled bomb, the paper reported.
While the device did not explode, and police sappers said it may have been a dud or a fake, the paper speculated it could herald a new phase along the border of what it called "kite terrorism".
Many of the kites are harmless, however, with protesters often using them to fly the Palestinian flag.
If not intercepted by drones, these kites are often shot down using live fire.

Technology to sell

Israel is one of the world’s leading countries in drone technology.
It has been using unmanned aerial vehicles since the late 1970s, when they were used by the military for surveillance in south Lebanon, and were widely deployed in Israel’s 1982 invasion of its neighbour to the north.
Mack, the human rights lawyer, noted that Israel has previously used conflicts to showcase its weaponry with the intention of selling it on.
Israel sells its arms and technology to many countries. Last month the German Defence Ministry announced its intention to sign a $1bn contract with Israel Aerospace Industries to lease unmanned aerial vehicles.
Tel Aviv has been criticised for selling weaponry to governments with poor human rights records, most recently Myanmar, which has reportedly bought Israeli military equipment as it conducts an operation against the Rohingya minority. The Myanmar government’s assault against Rohingya communities has been widely described as ethnic cleansing.
Israeli company Global Group also sold surveillance drones to the beleaguered and cash-strapped government of South Sudan for millions of dollars in December.
The South Sudanese government’s forces have been accused by the UN of serious human rights abuses since its civil war broke out in 2013.
The Israeli military’s use of drones to drop gas in Gaza and the West Bank suggests that the models sold to South Sudan could equally be adapted to release tear gas or other payloads.
Larger commercial drones … are designed to carry a range of payloads (large cameras for sports events, crop-spraying attachments), so are designed to operate payload functions remotely. This would be very easy to configure,” Bevan said.
Kaamil Ahmed, Tessa Fox and Hind Khoudary contributed to this report.


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