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Posts tonen met het label al-Tanf. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label al-Tanf. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 19 januari 2018

VS trainingsnetwerk voor terroristen in Syrië.......

Twee Russisch-Syrische journalisten, die embedded werkten, hebben een vernietigend rapport samengesteld waarin de ware bedoeling van de geheime VS operatie in al-Tanf (zuiden van Syrië) wordt uitgelegd. De Russische generale staf beschuldige de VS vorige maand van het trainen van IS terroristen in Al-Tanf........ Aldus een bericht op Information Clearing House van  afgelopen maandag, het origineel is van Sputnik en werd een dag eerder gepubliceerd.

Een Pentagon woordvoerder liet snel weten dat deze beschuldiging vals en absurd zijn, immers de VS zou juist vechten tegen IS en hen juist uitschakelen..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Er zijn intussen zoveel bewijzen voor VS bemoeienis met IS, dat je de verdediging van het Pentagon als vals en absurd kan noemen!

Igor Petrashevich and Roman Martynovich, de twee eerder genoemde journalisten, hebben zich op een onderzoek gestort n.a.v. deze zaak, lees hun ontluisterend verhaal over VS manipulaties waar de honden geen brood van lusten:

Russian Journalists Blow Lid Off Alleged US Terrorist Training Network in Syria

In this photo taken on Tuesday May 23, 2017, provided by the Syrian anti-government activist group, the Hammurabi's Justice News, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a U.S.-backed anti-government Syrian fighter form Maghaweer al-Thawra stands on a vehicle with heavy automatic machine gun, left, next of an American soldier who also stands on his armored vehicle, right, as they take their position at the Syrian-Iraqi crossing border point of Tanf, south Syria

January 15, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Two Russian Syria-embedded journalists have put together a damning firsthand report on the true purpose of the secrecy-laden US military mission at At-Tanf, southern Syria.

The Pentagon was forced to go into full public relations mode late last month amid fresh allegations by the Russian General Staff that US instructors were providing training assistance for some 350 ex-Daesh (ISIS) militants at the US Army's al-Tanf garrison in the southern Syrian province of Homs. Chief of Staff General Valery Gerasimov accused Washington of intending to use the militants to create a so-called 'New Syrian Army', a military formation aimed at further destabilizing the war-torn country after Daesh had been defeated.

A Pentagon spokesperson soon responded, telling Sputnik that Moscow's allegations were "false and absurd," and stressing that the US and its allies engage in capturing and killing Daesh, not training them.

In a special investigative report for Russia's Federal News Agency, embedded Syria correspondents Igor Petrashevich and Roman Martynovich made their way south to try to figure out what was really going on in the US-occupied area with their own eyes.

Al-Tanf, a settlement situated near Syria's border with Iraq and Jordan, is one of three official border crossings between Syria and Iraq, and the main border checkpoint along the Damascus-Baghdad highway. Intense fighting for the area took place in the spring and summer of 2017, as US-allied militia attempted to solidify their foothold in southern Syria. However, a Syrian Army counteroffensive backed by Russian air power stopped the militants' advance, prompting them and their US-led coalition allies to secure a patch of territory running about 55 km deep into Syria.

this is the at tanf border crossing... an important crossing to iraq not mutch more.. the blue pocket are us forces together with thier jihadi buddy's (still) thier mission is fighting isis... as you can see they are surounded by the syrian army... so why are they there?

Late last month, General Gerasimov pointed to al-Tanf as being one of two staging areas for the continuation of an armed struggle against the Syrian government by the jihadists, with the other located at Shaddadi camp, under the control of Kurdish forces operating in Syria's north. According to the general, the al-Tanf militants, many former members of Daesh, were brought into the area by US special forces from Deir ez-Zor province, where Daesh had suffered total defeat.

According to Petrashevich and Martynovich, the presence of these former Daesh fighters made local residents wary of helping them to make their way into the US military-administered enclave. "A young man named Marshod warned our correspondents about this and said that two of his own attempts to make his way to a nearby village beyond the line of demarcation led to threats against his life from militants guarding the enclave's inner perimeter."

Undeterred, the journalists continued their investigation via interviews with eyewitnesses and representatives of the Syrian military stationed in the region.

There May Be Close to Four Times as Many Militants as Previously Estimated

Although the Russian military conservatively estimated the presence of roughly 350 Daesh militants at al-Tanf, Syrian military sources speaking to Patrashevich and Martynovich explained that the number may, in fact, be upwards of 1,200 fighters, some 200 of them Daesh jihadis brought to the area by US special forces, mostly from Deir ez-Zor province. Other forces include the so-called 'New Syrian Army', the Forces of Martyr Ahmad al-Abdo (formally part of the Free Syrian Army), and the Martyrs of Islam Brigade (an Islamist group). According to the Syrian military, these forces' armament includes large-caliber mortars, anti-tank missiles, tanks and other heavy weaponry.

The New Syrian Army, commanded by one Mekhenda Talla, reportedly has a strained relationship with the other formations, who cooperate with his forces only on a for cash basis.

"In general, the relationship between the militants from the individual groups is quite tense, as civilian testimony makes clear," Patrashevich and Martynovich wrote. "One local, a man named Amjad Sahim, who managed to escape the US-controlled territory to neighboring Damascus Governate, told us that he and his brothers witnessed clashes between the NSA forces moving toward the border and former Daesh fighters attempting to leave the area into Jordanian territory. As a result of the clashes, the small group of Daesh terrorists was completely wiped out."

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A new base has been set up by forces and rebels 70km east of At Tanf in southern

Furthermore, the journalists' Syrian Army source said that other members of the US-led coalition were also deployed in the area, with about 400 mercenaries, intelligence operatives and members of the special forces of the UK, France, Jordan, and possibly other countries, operating in the region. These forces' arsenal includes HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, as well as anti-aircraft artillery, tasked with defending the US base.

'Passive Reserve' of 5,000 More Jihadists

Local freelance journalists told Patrashevich and Martynovich that in addition to the so-called 'active reserve' of militants, the US and its allies also has a passive one.

"While the main jihadists are based at the US Armed Forces base and receive a monthly allowance, another 5,000 Islamists reside at the Rukban refugee camp, some still armed and in contact with their field commanders. Last November, militants began voicing their dissatisfaction with the noticeable decline in US funding. As a result, the al-Tanf base's command, fearing military insurrection, decided to pay out a severance payment of several thousand dollars to each fighter, and gave them the right to remain inside the enclave in the tent camp zone."

As for the New Syrian Army, their job, according to a Syrian Army serviceman stationed near the front line, includes guard duty at checkpoints along the makeshift border, and defense of the perimeter of the al-Tanf base and the Rukban camp. Talla's troops maintain discipline over the other units via payments the performance of various duties.

Life in Region a Living Hell for Civilians

Speaking to locals, Patrashevich and Martynovich were told that the jihadists' presence in the region has had a severe impact on civilian life. In the town of Al-Qaryatayn, the correspondents met with Farah Alhamsih, a young woman who had lived outside al-Tanf before managing to escape the area once it fell under US and jihadist control. 

According to Alhamsih, while some militants engaged in "building homes or carried out shooting practice, most of them, left almost without a livelihood, robbed local houses, or trucks passing along the Damascus-Baghdad highway." According to the eyewitness, while US forces first tried to exert pressure on the radicals or even evict them from the Rukban camp, they eventually gave up, closing their eyes to their criminal activities.

Last fall, a group of some 300 Daesh militants carried out an offensive toward Al-Qaryatayn, successfully avoiding the Syrian Army's hidden outposts using coordinates Moscow and Damascus later alleged were obtained through aerial reconnaissance provided by the US. Although the offensive was stopped, the Syrian military has concerns that new attacks may be in the offing. Furthermore, US and jihadi occupation of the area put important roads, including the Homs-Deir ez-Zor and Damascus-Palmyra highways, as well as strategically important oil and gas fields, under threat.

At Tanf is a strategic point on the Baghdad-Damascus highway. The US wants to block this vital artery between Iraq and Syria:

Russian officials have also voiced concerns about the state of the Rukban refugee camp, the Russian Center for Reconciliation describing the situation there as being close to 'catastrophic,' and the US military closing access to the camp to the UN and other humanitarian organizations. Thus far, Patrashevich and Martynovich recalled, "any attempts by Syrian government convoys or pro-Russian forces to come close to the enclave have been met with airstrikes by the US coalition." This includes incidents in May and June 2017.

Sahim, the local man now living in Damascus Governate, confirmed to the journalists that the humanitarian situation in the US-occupied territory is approaching desperate, with basic foodstuffs and other necessities unavailable, while militants have seized local wells, selling water to locals at marked up prices.

"When I was very thirsty, I had to spend a fortune. A bottle of water which could earlier be bought for 50 lira is sold by the terrorists for 500. And people buy it. What else could they do? Many parents tried to save their children. I know several local families who gave away their girls for marriage just to get them out of the area," Sahim recalled.

The eyewitness added that when locals tried to organize to get the attention of US military command about arranging the supply of necessities, their requests fell on deaf ears. This, combined with the lack of any effort to rein in the militants, has given rise to anti-American sentiments, as well as hopes for cooperation with the Syrian government or even representatives of the Russian military.

The Russian Center for Reconciliation has offered to assist refugees from the Rukban camp. Despite the absence of any security guarantees from the US side, and the presence of roaming jihadist militants in the region, last month, Center representatives assisted in the evacuation of a small group of refugees from the camp. The reporters captured the evacuation on video.

For now, Patrashevich and Martynovich noted, the fate of the occupied Syrian enclave is in American hands. So long as the illegal US occupation of the border area continues, Damascus will not be able to rest easy with regard to the security of its southern territories.
This article was originally published by Sputnik -

U.S.-led coalition helps to build new illegal force in Syria, angering TurkeySyria's government decried the "blatant attack" on its sovereignty, and Russia warned it could lead to partition.

Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016
'Tanks stationed at a Turkish army position near the Oncupinar crossing gate close to the town of Kilis, south central Turkey, fire towards the Syria border, on February 16, 2016 Erdogan Pledges to 'Purge Terrorism' in Kurdish Enclave in Northern Syria'

Zie ook:

'The United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia Created and Funded ISIS'

'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'

'VS steunt terreurgroepen als ISIS in Syrië...........'

'Syrië, de prijs van westerse terreur (die onmiddellijk gestopt moet worden >> tijd voor actie!)......'

'Syrië: Vlaamse pater roept op niet langer de westerse anti-Syrië propaganda te geloven!'

'Syrië: nieuwe gifgasaanval als 'false flag' operatie tegen Syrisch bewind in voorbereiding........'

'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'

'Israël bewapent minstens 7 terreurgroepen in Syrië.......'

'VS trainingsnetwerk voor terroristen in Syrië.......'

'Obama wist van bewapenen en ondersteunen terroristen in Syrië.......'

PS: kan niet terugvinden of met al-Tanf en At Tanf dezelfde plaats wordt bedoeld; lijkt me wel, maar ik kan me vergissen. Weet je hoe het zit, meld dit dan ajb.

donderdag 12 oktober 2017

VS steunt terreurgroepen als ISIS in Syrië...........

Hier weer een bericht uit 'de bijna oude doos' komt, maar dat nog steeds zeer actueel is: de steun van de VS voor 'gematigde rebellen' als IS..........

Het artikel van RT spreekt over een gedeserteerde 'rebel' die stelt dat de commandanten van de 'gematigde rebellen' (buiten IS, allen gelieerd aan Al Qaida en Saoedi-Arabië) wapens en ammunitie leverden aan de terroristen van IS.........

Asaad As-Salem, deserteerde met een aantal anderen en hun families uit de troepen van Maghawir al-Thawra, waarbij zij waren aangesloten, dit nadat ze erachter kwamen, dat door de VS geleverde wapens en munitie door hun commandant werden geleverd aan IS........

As-Salem vertelde o.a. getraind te zijn door militaire instructeurs uit de VS en Noorwegen voor de strijd tegen IS, maar stelde dat zij nooit ook maar één keer strijd hebben geleverd met IS....... De militaire instructeur uit de VS was op de hoogte van het doorleveren van wapens en munitie aan IS en kneep een oog dicht voor die wapenleveranties........ Sterker nog: toen As-Salem en zijn collega's de VS commandant van de basis middels een rapport op de hoogte brachten van deze (illegale) wapen en munitie leveringen, werd de schuldige, de commandant van deze 'rebellen', alleen maar verder opgehemeld door de VS commandant.........

Volgens As-Salem is het nooit de bedoeling geweest dat zijn groep IS aan zou vallen, het was de bedoeling van de VS hun invloed in de bewuste regio uit te breiden. Daarbij werden mensen gesteund die dit doel van de VS konden bevorderen en was er totaal geen belangstelling voor de plaatselijke bevolking.......

IS werd niet aangevallen, maar wel reguliere Syrische troepen of groepen die hen steunden.......

Vergeet naast dit alles niet, dat de VS nog steeds volledig illegaal op Syrisch grondgebied opereert en dat de VS de oorlog in Syrië heeft veroorzaakt, daar deze vereniging van terreurstaten al vanaf 2006 bezig was met de omverwerping van de Syrische regering. Een door de VS georganiseerde opstand moest een eind maken aan het bewind Assad, iets dat niet lukte maar wel een oorlog veroorzaakte, daarmee is Syrië hert zoveelste land op rij, waartegen de VS illegaal oorlog voert........

John Wight, journalist en politiek commentator stelt dat de VS nooit geïnteresseerd was in het welzijn van het Syrische volk, maar dit wel als argument gebruikte om haar aanwezigheid in Syrië te rechtvaardigen.......

Lees het hierna volgende ontluisterende verhaal, dat al vanaf 1 september op mijn stapel van concepten ligt, de video in het bericht kan ik niet overnemen, in plaats daarvan vindt u onder het artikel een aantal andere video's waarin aangetoond wordt dat de VS wel een heel smerig spel speelde en speelt..... Oké het zal u wellicht al lang bekend zijn, maar aangezien deze berichtgeving ontbreekt in de reguliere (afhankelijke) media, kan er niet genoeg op gewezen worden hoe smerig de VS bezig is en hoe we dag in dag uit worden belazerd door de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici..... In die zogenaamde onafhankelijke massamedia is de VS de grote held, terwijl deze grootste terreurentiteit op aarde de ene illegale oorlog na de andere begint en een onnoemlijk aantal oorlogsmisdaden heeft begaan en blijft begaan.....

Syrian rebel defector says his US-trained unit sold arms to ISIS

Published time: 1 Sep, 2017 03:58
Edited time: 1 Sep, 2017 11:27

Not only were the US-backed ‘moderate’ militants in southern Syria never meant to fight ISIS, but their commanders actually traded US-made weapons and ammunition to terrorists, a rebel defector claimed in an interview with Rossiya-24

Asaad As-Salem says he defected from the US-backed Maghawir al-Thawra group stationed at the At-Tanf (NL: al-Tanf) base in southern Syria, and surrendered to Syrian government forces. Along with a number of other militants and their families, they escaped At-Tanf and currently reside in a refugee camp near Damascus.

The former militant told Rossiya-24 correspondent Eugeniy Poddubny that he served as a chief security officer at the base, and that he and his men joined the US-backed rebel group to fight Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists.

Their US and Norwegian instructors, stationed at the base, taught the militants to fire US-made weapons, trained mortar squads and conducted courses on accident-free driving on the battlefield.

The reality, however, differed from the proclaimed goal of fighting terrorists, as the unit has never seen action against IS and its commander actually traded the US-supplied weapons with the terrorists – all while the American instructors, deployed at the base, turned a blind eye, the former militant claimed.

When we learned that our unit’s leader was selling weapons to ISIS terrorists, we reported that to American base command, but following our report no action has been taken, the Americans only ramped up the support to the man who was appointed our commander and who was dealing with ISIS,” As-Salem said.

And he was selling all sorts of weapons our unit possessed, US-made small arms, M-16 and M-4 rifles, recoilless rifles, various machine guns and ammunition for them.”

The areas controlled by the US-backed militants along the Syrian-Jordanian border were cut off from IS-held regions by Syrian government forces and its allies in June, rendering their declared goal of “fighting terrorism” entirely obsolete.

The US, the former militant believes, never actually intended to battle IS in the south of Syria, but wanted to create and expand its influence. He said the US advisors supported only those who can be used to fulfill their own goals, showing no interest in helping civilians.

There’s no support for the local populace, the Americans are not interested in anything except pursuing their own goals. There’s a refugee camp, Rukhban, for example, located some 20 kilometers from the American military base…” As-Salem told Rossiya-24.

Some of the people residing in the camp are relatives of those militants, collaborating with Americans, while the others are civilians from At-Tanf. There are no suitable living conditions there, children have nowhere to study, there’s no healthcare, the Americans support only those people who they use to pursue their own goals. All in all, I’ll tell you, they behave like invaders.”

Although the militant’s claims cannot be independently verified, US special forces have indeed, since last year, been based at At-Tanf, located at a strategic Syrian highway border crossing with Iraq.

While the US-led coalition claimed the base was used to fight against Islamic State – they have, on several occasions, opened fire on Syrian government forces approaching the area.

Russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a news briefing Thursday that the information obtained by the Rossia-24 correspondents should be thoroughly examined by international organizations.

Certainly those materials need thorough examination by competent organizations, including international organizations. These materials tell us that the American coalition, the so-called coalition, does not what was proclaimed, i.e. not fighting terrorists in the southern Syria, but pursues its own goals,” Zakharova said.

And it explains the nature of the US airstrikes on the Syrian government and allied forces.
It adds an extra and murkier dimension to US airstrikes, that were conducted against pro-Syrian government forces as they approached At-Tanf back in June this year, suggesting that rather than motivated by a desire to protect so-called moderate rebels that the US was supporting at the time, they were carried out with the desire to conceal the activities that are being described by this Syrian rebel defector regarding providing arms to ISIS and other Salafist jihadi groups,” Wight told RT.

One of the goals is creation of their own sphere of influence in the country, exhausted in the fight against terrorism. In order to achieve that, according to witness reports, various means are being used, including direct transfer of foreign-made weapons to militants, as it happened at the At-Tanf base in the south of the country,” she added.

The information revealed by the rebel defector should not be surprising, as covert and overt support for various rebels worldwide is a usual practice by the US, political commentator and journalist John Wight believes.

The reportedly dire conditions in the refugee camps controlled by the US-backed rebels are not surprising as well, since “the US is not really interested in welfare of the Syrian people,”Wight said.

I can tell they have never been interested in the welfare of the Syrian people,” Wight told RT. “The Syrian people have been used as a proxy and as a justification for the US presence in Syria with its own hegemonic agenda in mind.”

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'Rex Tillerson (VS BuZA) geeft toe dat de VS een staatsgreep wil uitvoeren in Iran........ Het is nog 'iets te rustig' in dat gebied........'

'Iraanse milities die samen met de Koerden ISIS bestreden, moeten Irak verlaten, zo stelt Tillerson (VS BuZa)........'

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'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'

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'Israël ondersteunt IS, aldus de Israëlische ex-minister van Defensie Ya'alon.............'

'Al Qaida de bondgenoot van de VS in de strijd tegen...... terrorisme! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!' (intussen heeft de VS 'Al Qaida Syrië' van de zwarte lijst met terreurorganisaties gehaald!!)