Volgens zeggen zou de VS voor deze 'militaire oefening' honderden mariniers extra hebben vervoerd naar het bewuste gebied....... (het Pentagon hoeft niet langer aan te geven hoeveel militairen het inzet en heeft een 'blanco cheque' ontvangen van het beest Trump om zonder inmenging van de Senaat extra troepen in te zetten......)
Het gebied waar de militaire oefening plaatsvindt, ligt niet in Idlib, maar in het zuiden van Syrië, het gebied waar de grensstad Al-Tanf ligt. Het gaat hier om hetzelfde gebied waar de VS de terroristen uit West-Mosul (Irak) begeleidde, verder Syrië in...... Syrië waar deze terroristen vreselijk hebben huisgehouden onder de Syrische bevolking*, zoals ze dit eerder in Irak hebben gedaan........ De VS hebben een gebied van 50 kilometer rond haar basis in al-Tanf tot beschermd gebied verklaard...... (terwijl de VS illegaal op Syrische bodem aanwezig is, op zich al een enorme terreurdaad.....) In deze zone zouden zich overigens ook IS terroristen bevinden, die zoals je al kan raden door de VS worden beschermd......
lang kan de VS-terreur nog huishouden op de wereld? Wanneer zal men
eindelijk inzien dat de VS de grootste terreurentiteit op de wereld
is en dat er met de VS nooit stabiliteit in het Midden-Oosten te zien zal zijn, of er vrede zal zijn op onze aarde...... De allerhoogste tijd dat deze uiterst agressieve vereniging van staten zich verplicht terugtrekt tot binnen haar eigen grenzen, weg met alle militaire
bases van de VS op onze kleine aarde (meer dan 800!!!)
go home! (and never return!)
US Marines Conduct Major Military Drills With Rebels in Southern Syria
13, 2018 at 10:13 pm
by Middle
East Eye
(MEE) — A
Syrian rebel commander said on Thursday that rare military exercises
with US Marines in southern Syria sent a strong message to Russia and
Iran that the Americans and the rebels intend to stay and confront
any threats to their presence.
Muhanad al Talaa, commander of the Pentagon-backed Maghawir al Thawra
group, told Reuters the eight days of drills that ended this week at
the US military outpost in Tanf were the first such exercises with
live-fire air and ground assault involving hundreds of US troops and
rebel fighters.
exercises have a big importance and have beefed up the defences of
the area and raised the combat capabilities and morale and that of
civilians in the area,” Talaa told Reuters by phone from Tanf, near
Syria’s borders with Jordan and Iraq.
US military spokesman said the exercises were a show of force and
that the Pentagon had notified Moscow through “deconfliction”
channels to prevent “miscommunication or escalate tension”.
exercise was conducted to reinforce our capabilities and ensure we
are ready to respond to any threat to our forces within our area of
operations,” Colonel Sean Ryan told Reuters in an email response to
and the Syrian government have repeatedly called on Washington to
pull out its troops from the Tanf base, where it has declared a
55km-radius “deconfliction zone” off-limits to others.
say hundreds of US Marines arrived this month in Tanf to join special
operations troops already based in the garrison and participate in
the drills, amid heightened US-Russian tensions in Syria and a naval
buildup in the Mediterranean.

“deconfliction zone” has become a safe haven for at least 50,000
civilians who live in the Rukban camp that lies within it. Russia’s
defence ministry in August repeated an accusation that Washington has
been harbouring Islamic State (IS) group militants within the zone.
are staying whether the Russians or Iranians want or not,” the
rebel commander added.
outpost, surrounded by desert, was established during battles against
IS militants who used to control eastern Syria bordering Iraq.
the militants were driven out, US-led coalition warplanes struck
Iranian-backed militias on several occasions to prevent them
advancing, in what Washington has described as self-defence.
lies on the strategic Damascus-Baghdad highway, once a major supply
route for Iranian weapons into Syria.
makes the base a bulwark against Iran and part of a larger campaign
against Iran’s military expansion in the Middle East.
say the US military’s new policy to bolster Tanf’s capabilities
is a big shift.
Tehran does not respond to the demands of the Americans there is a
big likelihood they will be hit. It’s inevitable the Iranians leave
Syria. This should happen quickly and in a decisive way,” Talaa
President Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to pull US troops out of
Syria in spite of apparent opposition from the Pentagon. Still, no
major change has occurred in the US military position in the war-torn
country since he made that pledge earlier this year.
Jordan and Syria held their first technical talks on opening a major
border crossing in southern Syria that was recaptured from the
opposition in July, a Jordanian official said on Thursday.
which took back the crossing from the opposition, hopes to reopen the
Nassib route, which is vital to its hopes of reviving Syria’s
shattered economy and rebuilding in territory now under its control.
also hopes the opening of the border crossing will reactivate
billions of dollars of annual transit trade between Europe and Gulf
markets across Syria.
official told Reuters the meeting that was requested by Syria was
held on Wednesday at the Jaber crossing, on the Jordanian side of the
border, where technical teams began talks on the practical
arrangements from customs to security needed to reopen the crossing.
crossing’s recapture by Syrian forces in July was a main goal of a
Russian-backed military campaign launched in June to regain control
of rebel-held parts of the southwest.
diplomatic sources say Russia had been pressing Amman to open the
crossing as part of a drive to show the war is drawing to a close and
to help rehabilitate President Bashar al-Assad.
* Voor die terreur hebben de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici geen aandacht, het zijn immers 'gematigde rebellen...'
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